MOVIES [PREVEDENI] – 1903-1930 [26]
Great Train Robbery, The (1903) VELIKA PLJAČKA VOZA
In the Border States (1910) U GRANIČNIM DRŽAVAMA
Ramona [aka Ramona – A Story of the White Man's Injustice to the Indian] (1910) RAMONA
Battle, The (1911) BITKA
Last Drop of Water, The (1911) POSLEDNJA KAP VODE
At Bear Track Gulch (1913) U BER TRAK KANJONU
Battle at Elderbush Gulch, The (1913) BITKA KOD ELDERBUŠKOG KANJONA
Sheriff of Stone Gulch, The (1913) ŠERIF IZ STON GALČA
Struggle, The (1913) BORBA
By the Sun's Rays (1914) USRED BELA DANA
Massacre, The (1914) POKOLJ
Birth of a Nation, The (1915) RAĐANJE JEDNE NACIJE
Nugget Jim's Pardner (1916) PARTNER DŽIMA NUGETA
Bucking Broadway (1917) ISKUŠAVANJE HRABROSTI
Spinnen, 1. Teil - Der Goldene See, Die [aka Spiders, Part 1: The Golden Lake, The] (1919) PAUCI, PRVI DEO – ZLATNO MORE
Last of the Mohicans, The (1920) POSLEDNJI MOHIKANAC
Woman's Vengeance, A [aka Life for a Life, A] (1921) OSVETNICA
Frozen North, The (1922) NA LEDENOM SEVERU
Paleface, The (1922) BLEDOLIKI
Iron Horse, The (1924) GVOZDENI KONJ
Go West (1925) NA ZAPAD
General, The (1926) GENERAL
Redskin (1929) CRVENOKOŽAC
Big Trail, The (1930) VELIKI PUT
Train Robbery, The (1903)
[Gilbert M. 'Broncho Billy' Anderson ... Bandit / Shot Passenger / Tenderfoot Dancer (uncredited), A.C. Abadie ... Sheriff (uncredited), George Barnes ... (uncredited), Justus D. Barnes ... Bandit Who Fires at Camera (uncredited), Walter Cameron ... Sheriff (uncredited), John Manus Dougherty Sr. ... Fourth Bandit (uncredited), Donald Gallaher ... Little Boy (uncredited), Frank Hanaway ... Bandit (uncredited), Adam Charles Hayman ... Bandit (uncredited), Morgan Jones ... (uncredited), Marie Murray ... Dance-Hall Dancer (uncredited), Mary Snow ... Little Girl (uncredited)]
■ A group of bandits stage a brazen train hold-up, only to find a determined posse hot on their heels. Among the earliest existing films in American cinema - notable as the first film that presented a narrative story to tell - it depicts a group of cowboy outlaws who hold up a train and rob the passengers. They are then pursued by a Sheriff's posse. Several scenes have color included - all hand tinted. [Director: Edwin S. Porter (uncredited)] [14 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
★ "Velika pljačka voza" je američki kratki crno-beli nemi film iz 1903. godine u režiji Edvina Si Portera. Traje 14 minuta i smatra se jednim od najvažnijih naslova u istoriji filma s obzirom da su u njemu prvi put korištene filmske tehnike paralelne montaže i snimanja na lokaciji umesto u studiju. Radnja je smeštena na Divljem Zapadu i prikazuje kako banda razbojnika pljačka voz pre nego što ih uhvati i likvidira potera koju čine dobrovoljci-kauboji. Smatra se jednim od najranijih primera vesterna u istoriji filma. Poznat je i po čuvenom završnom kadru u kome razbojnik ispaljuje hitac iz revolvera na publiku.
In the
Border States (1910)
■ During the Civil War, a father living in a border state leaves to join the Union Army. After he leaves, Confederate troops forage on his property, where a soldier encounters one of his daughters. The father himself is wounded on a hazardous mission and must run for his life, pursued by Confederate soldiers. [Director: D.W. Griffith] [17 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
★ Tokom Američkog građanskog rata, otac koji živi u pograničnom području pridružuje se vojsci Unije. Nakon što je napustio imanje, vojnici Konfederacije mu napadaju jednu od ćerki. Otac, i sam ranjen, kreće u opasnu misiju borbe za sopstveni život i progoni vojnike Konfederacije.
Ramona [aka Ramona – A Story of the White Man's
Injustice to the Indian] (1910)
[Mary Pickford ... Ramona, Henry B. Walthall ... Alessandro, Francis J. Grandon ... Felipe, Kate Bruce ... The Mother, W. Chrystie Miller ... The Priest, Dorothy Bernard, Gertrude Claire ... Woman in West, Robert Harron, Dell Henderson ... Man at Burial, Mae Marsh, Anthony O'Sullivan ... Ranch Hand, Frank Opperman ... Ranch Hand, Jack Pickford ... A Boy, Mack Sennett ... White Exploiter, Charles West ... Man in Chapel]
■ Ramona, a young girl growing up on her adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian lad Alessandro. When Ramona is denied permission to marry Alessandro, the two lovers elope, only to find a life of great hardship and unhappiness amidst the bigotry and greed of the white landowners. [Director: D.W. Griffith] [17 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
★ Ramona (M. Pickford), mlada devojka koja odrasta na ranču svojih usvojitelja u Kaliforniji, zaljubljuje se u indijanskog momka Alesandra (H.B. Walthall). Kada joj je zabranjeno da sklopi brak sa Alesandrom, dvoje zaljubljenih beže, ali pronalaze život sa velikim poteškoćama i nesrećama zbog fanatizma i pohlepe belih zemljoposednika.
Battle, The
[Charles West ... The Boy (as Charles H. West), Blanche Sweet ... The Boy's Sweetheart, Charles Hill Mailes ... The Union Commander, Robert Harron ... A Union Soldier, Donald Crisp ... A Union Soldier, Christy Cabanne ... A Union Soldier (as W. Christy Cabanne), Spottiswoode Aitken ... Secondary Role]
■ Union soldiers march off to battle amid cheering crowds. After the battle turns against the Union Army, one soldier runs away, hiding in his girlfriend's house. Ashamed of his cowardice, he finds his courage and crosses enemy lines to bring help to his trapped comrades. [Director: D.W. Griffith] [19 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
★ Nakon što se bitka okrene protiv vojske Unije, jedan vojnik beži i skriva se u kući svoje devojke. Stideći se svog kukavičluka, on pronalazi hrabrosti i prelazi neprijateljske linije da bi pomogao svojim zarobljenim drugovima.
Last Drop
of Water, The (1911)
[Blanche Sweet ... Mary, Charles West ... Jim, Robert Harron ... In Wagon Train, Dell Henderson ... Undetermined Role, Alfred Paget ... An Indian / In Wagon Train, Francis J. Grandon ... John's Friend / In Wagon Train, W. Chrystie Miller, Jeanie Macpherson ... In Wagon Train, Joseph Graybill ... John]
■ A wagon train heading west across the great desert runs out of water, and is attacked by Indians. One man - their last hope - is sent out to find water. Of her two suitors, Blanche Sweet rejects a good man (R. Harron) and marries drunken lout Charles West just before a wagon train of settlers heads west. In the desert, attacked by Indians and their water nearly gone, West redeems himself by trying to slip past the warring Indians in search of water but loses his life just as the Cavalry arrives. [Director: D.W. Griffith] [18 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
★ Karavanu na zapad preko velike pustinje ponestaje vode, a napadaju ih Indijanci. Jedan čovek je njihova poslednja nada da pronađu vodu...
At Bear
Track Gulch (1913)
[William West ... Old Pete Griffin, Edna Flugrath ... Alice Lorraine, John Sturgeon ... Mr. Lorraine - Alice's Father, Herbert Prior ... Big Slim, George Lessey ... Jack Turner, Bigelow Cooper ... The Stage Driver]
■ No woman has ever visited the mining community of Bear Track Gulch, so it is big news when Old Pete Griffin learns that the invalid Mr. Lorraine and his schoolteacher daughter Alice plan to come and stay there. When the Lorraines arrive, Jack Turner sells them his cabin, and falls in love with Alice. After Mr. Lorraine passes away, the miners ask Alice to start a school for them. But not long afterward, a misunderstanding causes them to think that Alice is not happy living in the West. [Director: Harold M. Shaw] [15 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
★ Ni jedna žena nikada nije posetila rudarsku zajednicu Ber Trak Galč, tako da je velika vest kada Stari Pit Grifin (W. West) saznaje da gospodin Lorejn (J. Sturgeon) i njegova ćerka učiteljica Alis (E. Flugrath) planiraju da dođu i ostanu. Kada Lorejnovi stignu, Džek Tarner (G. Lessey) im proda svoju kolibu i zaljubljuje se u Alis. Kada gospodin Lorejn premine, rudari traže od Alis da pokrene školu za njih. Nedugo nakon toga, dolazi do nesporazuma i oni misle da Alis nije srećna na Zapadu.
Battle at
Elderbush Gulch, The (1913)
[Mae Marsh ... Sally Cameron, Leslie Loveridge ... The Waif, Alfred Paget ... The Waifs' Uncle, Robert Harron ... The Father, Lillian Gish ... Melissa Harlow, Charles Hill Mailes ... Ranch Owner, William A. Carroll ... The Mexican, Frank Opperman ... The Indian Chief, Henry B. Walthall ... The Indian Chief's Son, Joseph McDermott ... The Waifs' Guardian, Jennie Lee ... The Waifs' Guardian]
■ Sally (M. Marsh) and her little sister are sent to visit their three uncles in the west. Among other baggage they bring their two puppies. Melissa (L. Gish) is in the same stagecoach with husband and newborn baby. The uncles find the little girls amusing but tell them that the dogs must stay outside. Meanwhile, a nearby tribe of very very evil looking Indians is having a tribal dance. The puppies, left outside in a basket, run off. Sally, worried about the dogs goes outside and discovers they are gone. She follows their trail and runs into two hungry Indians who have captured them for food. There is a scuffle but her uncles arrive and intervene. Gunfire ensues and one of the Indians is left dead. The other Indian returns to the tribe to inform them and aroused by "savage hatred" they go into a war dance. [Director: D.W. Griffith] [29 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
★ Sali (M. Marsh) i njena mlađa sestra su poslati da posete njihova tri ujaka na zapadu. Među ostalim prtljagom dovode i svojih dvoje štenaca. Melisa (L. Gish) je u istoj kočiji sa mužem i bebom. Stričevima su devojčice zabavne, ali zahtevaju da psi moraju ostati napolju. U međuvremenu, u blizini pleme Indijanaca počinje ritualni ples. Štenci koji su ostavljeni napolju beže. Sali je zabrinuta za pse i odlazi da ih traži. Ona prati njihov trag i otkriva dva gladna Indijanca koji su ih zarobili za hranu. Dolazi do gužve, ali njeni ujaci stižu i intervenišu. Pucnjava sledi, jedan od Indijanaca je ubijen, a drugi se vraća u pleme i "divlja mržnja" prerasta u "ratni ples".
Sheriff of Stone Gulch, The (1913)
[Vincente Howard ... The Sheriff, Ruth Roland ... Helen - the Sheriff's Daughter, Marshall Neilan ... Black McCarty - Desperado, Pat Hartigan ... Dick - A Young Ranchman (as Pat C. Hartigan)]
■ Black McCarty, a desperado, visits a bank and makes away with a package of money. The frightened cashier rushes to the office of the sheriff of Stone Gulch and tells a rather incoherent story because of his excitement. On the highway McCarty meets Dick, a young westerner who is in love with the sheriff's daughter, Helen. McCarthy forces Dick to alight and when the young man's back is turned the outlaw hides the mask and empty money sack under his saddle. Dick is thereupon ordered to turn about and proceed to the village, while McCarthy makes his escape. Dick reaches the sheriff's office while the cashier is endeavoring to explain how the robbery took place. As they are talking the cashier discovers the mask and sack under Dick's saddle and drawing them out he declares that Dick is the robber. Dick's protests are unavailing and, overpowering the sheriff, he bids Helen to bring him a revolver that he may capture the real robber and speeds away. Helen soon follows and delivers a gun to... [Moving Picture World] [Director: Pat Hartigan] [13 min, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, Drama l Short l Western, USA]
★ Razbojnik Blek Mek Karti (M. Neilan), opljačka banku i užasnuti blagajnik odlazi da prijavi šerifu Ston Gulča (V. Howard), pričajući nepovezano zbog uzbuđenja. Prilikom bekstva posle toga razbojnik susreće mladog rančera Dika (P. Hartigan) koji je zaljubljen u šerifovu ćerku, Helenu (R. Roland). Razbojnik mu podmetne masku i praznu vreću od novca ispod sedla i naredi da se okrene i nastavi do sela, dok on pobegne. Dik stiže do šerifove kancelarije i dok blagajnik nastoji da objasni kako se pljačka dogodila otkriva masku i vreću ispod Dikovog sedla. Izvlačeći ih izjavljuje da je Dik pljačkaš. Dikova su objašnjenja nedovoljna i nadvladavajući šerifa, traži od Helene revolver da bi uhvatio pravog razbojnika...
The (1913)
[Richard Stanton, Elmer Morrow ... Bob Worth (as Elmer L. Morrow), E.H. Allen ... The Sheriff]
■ A prospector and his son Bob depart from home in the morning, while the wife, at home, offers food to a passing stranger. His shifting eyes reveal his nature; he assaults her, and although her husband and son return in time to save her, the father is killed in the ensuing fight. The stranger gets away, but five years later Bob, now a government scout, recognizes the stranger just as he is accused of cheating at cards. A series of camera shots reveal that it is this man, rather than Bob, who shoots the stranger, but no one else realizes this and the sheriff accuses Bob. Even when Bob explains the stranger's murder of his father, and how his mother died of grief shortly thereafter, he finds little sympathy. [Director: ] [24 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
★ Kopač zlata i njegov sin Bob odlaze od kuće u jutarnjim satima, dok supruga kod kuće ponudi hranu strancu koji je u prolazu. Verujući da mu se ukazala prilika on je napadne i iako njen suprug i sin uspevaju da se vrate na vreme da je spasu, otac je ubijen u borbi koja je usledila. Stranac pobegne, ali pet godina posle toga Bob, koji je sada vladin izviđač, prepoznaje stranca koga optuži za varanje na kartama. Šerif optužuje Boba. Čak i kada objasni da mu je stranac ubio oca, i da je njegova majka umrla od tuge ubrzo nakon toga, on ne pronalazi ni malo simpatija kod šerifa.
By the
Sun's Rays (1914)
[Murdock MacQuarrie ... John Murdock - the Detective (as M.J. MacQuarrie), Lon Chaney ... Frank Lawler - the Clerk, Seymour Hastings ... John Davis - Supt. of Mines, Agnes Vernon ... Dora Davis - John's Daughter, Richard Rosson ... The Bandit (as Dick Rosson)]
■ A company detective goes undercover to expose a gang that uses inside information to rob gold shipments. Frank Lawler, a clerk for a mining company, colludes with a bandit gang about the timing of gold shipments with a mirror signal system and has designs on Doris Davis, the daughter of the local branch manager. The company's main office dispatches their top detective John Murdock, who goes undercover to expose the scheme and rescue the Doris from the unwanted advances of the dastardly Lawler. [Director: Charles Giblyn] [12 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
★ Detektiv na tajnom zadatku otkrivanja bande koja koristi poverljive informacije za pljačkanje zlatnih pošiljki. Detektiva Džona Mardoka (M. MacQuarrie), rudarska kompanija je poslala da zaustavi bandite sa kojima šuruje pokvareni kompanijin službenik Klerk (L. Chaney).
The (1914)
[Wilfred Lucas ... Stephen, Blanche Sweet ... Stephen's Ward, Charles West ... Stephen's Ward's Husband, Alfred Paget ... Indian Chief, Lionel Barrymore, Charles Craig, Edward Dillon ... John Randolph, In Prologue / In Cavalry, Charles Gorman ... In Cavalry, Robert Harron ... In Cavalry, Dell Henderson ... In Wagon Train, Harry Hyde ... In Wagon Train, J. Jiquel Lanoe ... In Wagon Train, Charles Hill Mailes ... In Wagon Train, Claire McDowell ... Stephen's Belle, In Prologue, W. Chrystie Miller ... In Wagon Train]
■ The story of the massacre of an Indian village, and the ensuing retaliation. An army scout, Stephen, asks a young woman to marry him, only to discover that she loves another man. Stephen rejoins the army, while the other two get married and have a child. Two years later, the young family heads west as part of a wagon train, while the scout takes part in a brutal raid on an Indian village that leaves the survivors thirsting for revenge. As the wagon train including the young family heads into dangerous country, Stephen is part of the military escort that is assigned to protect it. Not long afterward, when the wagons stop to make camp, Indians stage a carefully planned attack on the camp. [Director: D.W. Griffith] [20 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
★ Priča o pokolju u indijanskom selu i indijanskoj osveti. Vojni izviđač, Stiven (W. Lucas), pita mladu ženu (B. Sweet) da se uda za njega, ali otkriva da voli drugog muškarca. Stiven ostaje u vojsci, dok se Blanš udala i ima dete. Dve godine kasnije, mladu porodicu vodi na zapad kao deo karavana. Prolaze pored indijanskog sela u kome su ostali preživeli žedni osvete posle brutalnog napada. Stiven je kao član vojne pratnje zadužen da ih zaštiti prilikom prolaska kroz opasnu teritoriju. Nedugo posle toga, kada su se kola zaustavila i napravila kamp, Indijanci organizuju dugo planirani napad.
Birth of a
Nation, The (1915)
[Lillian Gish ... Elsie - Stoneman's Daughter, Mae Marsh ... Flora Cameron - The Pet Sister, Henry B. Walthall ... Col. Ben Cameron (as Henry Walthall), Miriam Cooper ... Margaret Cameron - Elder Sister, Mary Alden ... Lydia - Stoneman's Mulatto Housekeeper, Ralph Lewis ... Hon. Austin Stoneman - Leader of the House, George Siegmann ... Silas Lynch - Mulatto Lieut. Governor (as George Seigmann), Walter Long ... Gus - A Renegade Negro, Robert Harron ... Tod - Stoneman's Younger Son, Wallace Reid ... Jeff - The Blacksmith (as Wallace Reed), Joseph Henabery ... Abraham Lincoln (as Jos. Henabery), Elmer Clifton ... Phil - Stoneman's Elder Son, Josephine Crowell ... Mrs. Cameron, Spottiswoode Aitken ... Dr. Cameron, George Beranger ... Wade Cameron - Second Son (as J.A. Beringer)]
¢ The Civil War divides friends and destroys families, but that's nothing compared to the anarchy in the black-ruled South after the war. Two brothers, Phil and Ted Stoneman, visit their friends in Piedmont, South Carolina: the family Cameron. This friendship is affected by the Civil War, as the Stonemans and the Camerons must join up opposite armies. The consequences of the War in their lives are shown in connection to major historical events, like the development of the Civil War itself, Lincoln's assassination, and the birth of the Ku Klux Klan. [Director: D.W. Griffith] [165 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
"Rođenje jedne nacije" je slavna, ali i kontroverzna američka crno-bela nema istorijska drama iz 1915. godine koju je režirao Dejvid Levelin Grifit, a koja govori o usponu Kju Kluks Klana u SAD-u u 19. veku. Film je bio jedan od najpopularnijih i komercijalno najuspešnijih tokom nemog razdoblja, ali je još i tada bio na zlom glasu zbog pozitivnog portreta Klana i opravdavanja rasne segregacije. Film je snimljen prema romanu "Čovek iz Klana" ("The Clansman") kog je napisao Tomas Dikson. To je bio prvi film u istoriji kinematografije koji je trajao preko 100 minuta i koji je upotrebio tehnike skokovite montaže i krupnog plana lica, a pri svojoj premijeri 1915. godine u Los Anđelesu zvao se po naslovu iz romana, da bi kasnije bio preimenovan u "Rođenje jedne nacije". Uz to, "Nacija" nema nijednog crnoputog glumca – svi glumci su belci koji su sa šminkom maskirani da su crnci. Kontroverza filma leži u tome što se u njegovoj priči predstavlja da je rasistički Kju Kluks Klan iznikao na jugu SAD-a da bi uspostavio mir i štitio belce od "divljih" i "opasnih" crnaca. Takav stav je u to doba prevladavao kod američkih istoričara, ali se kasnije osporio. Zato je nakon premijere film izazvao proteste i kod crnaca i kod belaca, iako je Grifit izjavio da je bio iznenađen teškim kritikama i da nije znao zbog čega su se odvijale. 1916. godine Kju Kluks Klan je ponovo postao aktivan u državi, a neki su ga povezali sa pojavom filma. Stiven Minc je kritikovao film zbog njegove poruke da se crnci ne mogu integrisati u društvo i da su nasilni činovi Klana opravdani da bi se uspostavila iskrena vlada. SAD, 1861. godine. Američke porodice, Stounmeni na severu, i Kameroni na jugu, žive u slozi. Porodica Stounmen se sastoji od oca Ostina (R. Lewis), dva sina, starijeg Fila (E. Clifton) i mlađeg Toda (R. Harron) i jedne ćerke Elsi (L. Gish). Porodica Kameron se sastoji od dve ćerke, Margarete (M. Cooper) i Flore (M. Marsh), i od tri sina, među kojima je i mladić Ben (H.B. Walthall). Najstariji Ostinov sin, Tod Stounmen, se zaljubi u Margaret, a Ben u Elsi. Ali tada izbije Američki građanski rat i sinovi se pridruže borbi između severa i juga. Crnoputi militanti, koje predvodi belac, upadaju u kuću Kamerona i napadaju žene, ali ih zaustavljaju konfederacijski vojnici dok u ratu ginu dvoje Kameronovih i mlađi Stounmenov sin. Ben biva ranjen i završi u severnjačkoj bolnici kod Elsi koja je postala medicinska sestra. Rat se završi, ali Abraham Linkoln biva ubijen u pozorištu, pa Ostin Stounmen i drugi radikalni kongresmeni odluče da kazne jug i daju crncima slobodu. Ostin i njegov kolega, mulat Silas Linč (G. Siegmann), daju crncima pravo da zavladaju jugom i belcima. Ben zbog toga osnuje Kju Kluks Klan da bi vratio mir i red u to područje, iako se Elsi buni protiv toga. Crnac Gas (W. Long), bivši rob i ubica, zaprosi belkinju Floru, nakon čega ona skoči sa litice, radije birajući smrt nego da je dira crnoputi muškarac. Klan ubije Gasa, a Linč naredi da se ta organizacija iskoreni. Uz to, Linč pokušava naterati Elsi da ga oženi. Ipak, Klan osnaži i dobije nove članove, spasi kuću Kamerona od crnoputih militanata i zabrani crncima da glasaju. Fil i Margaret, i Ben i Elsi se na kraju venčavaju. Većina kritičara hvali film, ističući da je od velike važnosti za istoriju kinematografije iako priznaju da ne barata vešto sa svojim rasističkim ideologijama. Džon Gilkist je branio film od takvih optužbi: "Ovo je film koji bi se trebao koristiti za učenje protiv rasizma, i trebao bi se čuvati, a ne odbacivati. Poklonici ovog filma se često karakterišu ili kao rasisti ili tvrdokorni filmski ljubitelji koji ignorišu kontroverznu prirodu priče... Čak i ako je Grifit imao upitna verovanja, njegov talenat se ne bi mogao poreći... Većina američke mračne istorije se ignoriše. To me zbunjuje. Da li mi skrivamo nacističku propagandu jer je prebolna za gledanje? Mi nikada ne bismo trebali ni pomislili da to učinimo jer gresi počinjeni tada nikada ne bi trebali biti zaboravljeni. Zašto bi onda gresi naše vlastite zemlje bili uopšte drugačiji?" Denis Švarc je rekao: "Uklešten od kontroverze zbog svog očitog rasizma, monstruoznog portreta crnaca, zagovaranja Klana, odobravanja ropstva, poremećenog romantičnog pogleda na stari Jug kao mesto gde su se majstor i rob slagali baš dobro te izjave da su crnci silovatelji belih žena. Ipak, to je svejedno jedan od najuticajnijih filmova zbog veštine na koji je menjao jezik i tehnike kinematografije". Slavni Rodžer Ebert je napisao: "Grifit i "Rođenje jedne nacije" nisu bili ništa više prosvetljeni od Amerike koja ih je stvorila. Film predstavlja u kojoj je meri beli Amerikanac mogao biti rasista, a da nije ni znao da je uopšte rasista. To vredi znati. Crnci su to već znali i iskusili, ali "Nacija" je to demonstrirala u jasnoj perspektivi. On je ogledalo svog vremena i to mu je, na žalost, jedna od njegovih vrlina. Da bismo razumeli "Naciju" moramo prvo razumeti razliku između toga šta mi donosimo filmu i šta film donosi nama. Svi filmski ljubitelji moraju pre ili kasnije doći do tačke gde vide film za ono šta jeste, a ne za ono šta oni osećaju o njemu. "Nacija" nije loš film jer zagovara zlo. Poput i filma Leni Rifenštal "Trijumf volje" ("Triumf des Willens") koji je veliki film iako zagovara zlo. Da razumemo kako to ostvaruje moramo naučiti mnogo o filmu, pa čak i nešto o zlu... Glavna je pretpostavka da umetnost mora služiti lepoti i istini. Ja bi rado mislio da bi to trebala, ali postoji i umetnost koja ne služi nijednom, a opet daje dubok uvid u ljudsku prirodu, pomažući nam da razumemo dobro i zlo".
Nugget Jim's Pardner (1916)
[Frank Borzage ... Hal, Jack Farrell, Dick La Reno ... Nugget Jim Keith, Ann Little ... Madge Keith (as Anna Little)]
¢ A young immature man becomes aware of the drama of humiliation which overcomes a woman "won in a game of cards" (The Pitch o'Chance); a taciturn, misanthropic loner metamorphoses when coming into contact with a woman (The Pilgrim); chased from the paternal home and forced to earn his living, the son of rich parents rubs elbows with the riff-raff of society where he finds friendship and love (Nugget Jim's Pardner). Borzage speaks of the awakening of that love which travels through the mutual taming tactics between the sexes and respect for the other party. He describes a form of psychological regeneration of the lovers, each serving as a catalyst to reveal the profound nature of the other: the entire catalogue of Borzage themes is already contained here, albeit in an embryonic form. [Director: Frank Borzage] [26 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
Mladi nezreli čovek (F. Borzage), sin bogatih roditelja, prinuđen je na drugačiji način života kada je nakon poslednje pijanke, oteran iz očinskog doma i prisiljen da zarađuje za život. On se udružuje sa kopačem zlata (D. La Reno) i njegovom ćerkom (A. Little), pronalazi prijateljstvo i ljubav i razvijaju srećnu porodičnu atmosferu. Film pokazuje da su ljudi, a ne novac, pravo bogatstvo.
Bucking Broadway (1917)
[Harry Carey ... Cheyenne Harry, Molly Malone ...
Helen Clayton, L.M. Wells ... Ben Clayton, Vester Pegg ... Eugene Thornton,
William Steele ... Buck Hoover (as William Gettinger), Gertrude Astor ...
Gladys (uncredited), Martha Mattox ... Shocked Customer in Store (uncredited)]
¢ A ranch foreman battles a rich stockbroker for the affections of a beautiful young woman. [Director: John Ford (as Jack Ford)] [53 min, Silent, Black and White (tinted), 1.33 : 1, Western, USA]
Ponosni kauboji rančeri... I među njima najponosniji od
svih, njihov vođa Bak Huver (W. Steele). Nesputanog duha, baš kao i ostali
kauboji rančeri ipak nije mogao da odoli neodoljivom šarmu Helen Klejton (M.
Malone), koja je bila ćerka vlasnika ranča. Gazda, stari Ben Klejton (L.M.
Wells), vlasnik ranča je bio običan čovek sa dobrim predosećajem...
Out West (1918)
[Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle ... Train Rider - Bartender, Buster Keaton ... Sheriff - Saloon Owner, Al St. John ... Wild Bill Hiccup, Alice Lake ... Salvation Army Woman, Joe Keaton ... Man on Train, Ernie Morrison Sr.]
¢ A satire of western movies. Roscoe comes into town after riding the rails. The saloon has a trap door over a pit where bodies are tossed as they are shot. A black patron is taunted and shot at. Roscoe and Buster do everything they can to keep Al from Alice. [Director: Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle] [25 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, Short | Western | Comedy, USA]
Debeli protagonista (tada popularni Rosko "Buca" Arbakl) igra skitnicu koji putuje skrivajući se u spremniku za vodu voza, ali ga izbacuju nakon što je otkriveno da krade ručak od putnika. Progoni ga i grupa Indijanaca koja ga namerava ubiti. Odlazi do mesta zvanog Kanjon Besnog psa (Mad Dog Gulch) gde sprečava pokušaj pljačke Divljeg Bila Hikapa (El Sent Džon) i njegove bande, nakon čega ga šerif postavlja za novog barmena saluna "Kod poslednje šanse". Baster Kiton glumi šerifa u ovom gradu, gde su borbe i ubijanja uobičajena pojava, pa se čak i u salunu, u sredini dvorane, nalazi otvor u podu za smeštaj ubijenih. Svaki put kad neko ubije nekoga, Kiton jednostavno otvara otvor i ubacuje telo. Međutim, preživeli Divlji Bil Hikap ne odustaje tako lako i kreće u osvetu. Nakon što počinje prisiljavati mladu damu "Vojske spasa" (Alis Lejk), "Buca" i šerif pokušavaju ponovo izbaciti Hikapa. Kada im se pokušaji da ga izbace, razbijanjem boca po glavi i pucanjem po leđima, pokazuju neučinkovitim, uspevaju ga pokoriti tako što mu pronalaze slabu tačku... Naš hrabri junak "Buca" kreće na otmičara i spasava "ukradenu lepotu". Ideja scenarija pripada Nataliji Tolmadž, koja je kasnije postala supruga Bastera Kitona. Snimanje se odvijalo se u kanjonu San Gabrijela, jednom od najlepših mesta u Kaliforniji. Mali grad, prikazan na filmu pravo je naselje, a ne filmski grad, kao što se često praktikovalo tokom snimanja filmova. "Na dalekom zapadu", takođe poznat pod drugim verzijama prevoda naslova: "Naš Divlji zapad", "Divlji zapad", "Debeli barmen" - kratka je komična vestern komedija sa triom glumaca, popularnih u to doba.
Spinnen, 1. Teil - Der
Goldene See, Die [aka Spiders, Part 1: The
Golden Lake, The] (1919)
[Carl de Vogt ... Kay Hoog, Lil Dagover ... Sonnenpriesterin Naela / Sun Priestess Naela, Ressel Orla ... Lio Sha, Georg John ... Dr. Telphas, Rudolf Lettinger ... Diamantenkönig John Terry / Diamond King John Terry, Edgar Pauly (de) ... Vierfinger-John / Fourfinger-John, Paul Morgan ... Diamantenexperte / Diamond Expert, Meinhardt Maur ... Bücherwurm / Book Worm, Friedrich Kühne ... All-Hab-Mah, Paul Biensfeldt]
¢ Kay Hoog finds a message that indicates that some Incas are still alive, but the secret organisation "Die Spinnen" wants the Incas' gold... In San Francisco, the sportsman Kay Hoog tells to the members of a club that he has found a message in a bottle with a map from a Harvard's missing professor telling about a treasure of an Inca lost civilization still alive. He decides to go to Peru to seek the gold. However, members of the secret criminal organization "The Spiders" leaded by Lio Sha break in Kay's mansion during the night and steal the map. Kay Hoog travels to Peru, where he retrieves his map and a document about the Diamond Ship from The Spiders. Later he saves the Priestess of the Sun Naela and brings her to San Francisco. However, The Spiders kill Naela and Kay Hoog promises revenge for the death of his love. Lang completed two episodes before the project was cut short by the films’ producer. Part 1 was released as The Golden Lake (Die Spinnen, 1. Teil: Der Goldene See) and part two as The Diamond Ship (Die Spinnen, 2. Teil: Das Brillantenschiff). Planned, but not produced: Part 3. Um Asiens Kaiserkrone ("To Asia's Imperial Crown") and Part 4. Im Spinnennetz ("In the Spider Web"). [Director: Fritz Lang] [130 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, Adventure, Western, GER]
"Pauci" je nemački crno-beli nemi avanturističi filmski serijal sniman 1919. i 1920. godine u režiji Frica Langa. Protagonista, čiji lik tumači Karl de Fogt, je američki plejboj i pustolov Kaj Hog koji prilikom potrage za blagom drevnih Inka dođe u sukob sa tajnim zločinačkim udruženjem "Pauka". "Die Spinnen" se originalno trebao sastojati od četiri epizode/poglavlja, ali su producenti odustali od projekta nakon što su snimljena samo dva. "Die Spinnen" se dugo vremena smatrao izgubljenim filmom dok nije pronađen početkom 1970-ih i restauriran 1978. godine uz učešće samog Frica Langa. Smatra se da je u mnogo čemu inspirisao Stivena Spilberga za njegov film "Otimači izgubljenog kovčega".
Last of
the Mohicans, The (1920)
[Wallace Beery ... Magua, Barbara Bedford ... Cora Munro, Alan Roscoe ... Uncas (as Albert Roscoe), Lillian Hall ... Alice Munro, Henry Woodward ... Maj. Heyward, James Gordon ... Col. Munro, George Hackathorne ... Capt. Randolph, Nelson McDowell ... David Gamut - A Preacher, Harry Lorraine ... Hawkeye - A Scout, Theodore Lorch ... Chingachgook (as Theodore Lerch), Jack McDonald ... Tamenund (as Jack F. McDonald), Sydney Deane ... Gen. Webb, Joseph Singleton ... Undetermined Role]
¢ As Alice and Cora Munro attempt to find their father, a British officer in the French and Indian War, they are set upon by French soldiers and their cohorts, Huron tribesmen led by the evil Magua. Fighting to rescue the women are Chingachgook and his son Uncas, the last of the Mohican tribe, and their white ally, the frontiersman Natty Bumppo, known as Hawkeye. [Directors: Clarence Brown and Maurice Tourneur] [73 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
"Poslednji Mohikanac" je američki crno-beli nemi avanturistički film snimljen 1920. godine u režiji Morisa Tarnijea i Klarensa Brauna. Predstavlja adaptaciju istoimenog romana Džejmsa Fenimora Kupera. Radnja je smeštena u Severnoj Americi sredinom 18. veka kada indijanski vodič nastoji da zaštiti dve engleske devojke od haosa nastalog anglo-francuskim ratom. Klasična priča o preživljavanju i hrabrosti, o časti i izdaji u ratu između dveju rasa.
Vengeance, A [aka Life for a Life, A] (1921)
[Fritzi Ridgeway, Bob Burns ... (as Robert Burns), T.C. Jack]
¢ When T.C. Jack and his gang jump a mining claim belonging to Fritzi Ridgeway’s father, Fritzi takes the law into her own hands, straps on a gun and goes after the gang. She even manages to rescue her lover, Bob Burns, from the gang’s drowning trap. [Director: Harry Moody] [17 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
Kada Ti Si Džek i njegova banda otmu rudarsku tapiju koja pripada Frici Ridžvejinom ocu, njoj preostaje da sama uzme zakon u svoje ruke, stavi opasač sa pištoljem i krene u obračun sa bandom. Uspeva da spase i svog momka iz zamke u koju ga je uhvatila banda.
¢ When T.C. Jack and his gang jump a mining claim belonging to Fritzi Ridgeway’s father, Fritzi takes the law into her own hands, straps on a gun and goes after the gang. She even manages to rescue her lover, Bob Burns, from the gang’s drowning trap. [Director: Harry Moody] [17 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
Kada Ti Si Džek i njegova banda otmu rudarsku tapiju koja pripada Frici Ridžvejinom ocu, njoj preostaje da sama uzme zakon u svoje ruke, stavi opasač sa pištoljem i krene u obračun sa bandom. Uspeva da spase i svog momka iz zamke u koju ga je uhvatila banda.
North, The (1922)
[Buster Keaton ... The Bad Man, Joe Roberts ... The Driver, Sybil Seely ... The Wife, Bonnie Hill ... The Pretty Neighbor, Freeman Wood ... The Neighbor's Husband, Edward F. Cline ... The Janitor]
¢ The film opens near the "last stop on the subway", a terminal in Alaska, which appears to be emerging from deep snow in the middle of nowhere. A tough-looking cowboy (B. Keaton) emerges. He arrives at a small settlement, finding people gambling in a saloon. He tries to rob them by scaring them with the cutout of a poster of a man holding a gun, which he places at the window, as if it is he is an accomplice. He tells the gamblers to raise their hands in the air. Frightened, they hand over their cash, but soon they find out the truth when a drunk man falls over the cutout. [Directors: Edward F. Cline (as Eddie Cline) and Buster Keaton] [17 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
Satirična parodija pronalazi Bastera na zamrznutom severu. "Kauboj" dolazi u smrznutu pustoš Severne Amerike - Aljasku. On koristi izrezani plakat pljačkaša kao svog pomoćnika da bi izvršio pljačku u salunu. A onda, kad pomisli da je uhvatio ženu u ljubavnom zagrljaju sa drugim muškarcem i puca na njih, shvati da je ušao u pogrešnu kolibu.
The (1922)
[Buster Keaton ... Little Chief Paleface, Virginia Fox ... Indian Maiden (uncredited), Joe Roberts ... The Indian Chief (uncredited)]
¢ Buster helps a Native American tribe save their land from greedy oil barons. Evil oil barons have given the Indians one day to vacate their land. The Indian chief tells his braves to kill the first white man they see. Buster shows up chasing a butterfly. Later he keeps moving the stake to which he is tied and at which he is to be burned. He becomes one of the tribe and helps them with their fight. [Directors: Buster Keaton and Edward F. Cline (uncredited)] [21 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
Baster pomaže Indijanskom plemenu da spasu svoju zemlju od pohlepnog naftnog barona. Zli naftni baron daje Indijancima jedan dan da napuste svoju zemlju. Indijanski poglavica kaže da će njegovi ratnici ubiti prvog belca kojeg vide. Baster postaje jedan od članova plemena i pomaže im u njihovoj borbi.
Horse, The (1924)
[George O'Brien ... Dave Brandon, Madge Bellamy ... Miriam Marsh, Charles Edward Bull ... Lincoln, Cyril Chadwick ... Jesson, Will Walling ... Thomas Marsh, Francis Powers ... Sergeant Slattery, J. Farrell MacDonald ... Corporal Casey (as J. Farrell Macdonald), Jim Welch ... Private Mackay (as James Welch), George Waggner ... Buffalo Bill (as George Wagner), Fred Kohler ... Bauman, James A. Marcus ... Judge Haller (as James Marcus), Gladys Hulette ... Ruby]
¢ Springfield, Illinois. Brandon, a surveyor, dreams of building a railway to the west, but Marsh, a contractor, is sceptical. Abraham Lincoln looks on as their children, Davy Brandon and Miriam Marsh, play together. Brandon sets off with Davy to survey a route. They discover a new pass which will shave 200 miles off the expected distance, but they are set upon by a party of Cheyenne. One of them, a white renegade with only two fingers on his right hand, kills Brandon and scalps him. Davy buries his father... Years pass. It is 1862 and Lincoln signs the bill authorizing construction of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railways. Marsh is principal contractor and Miriam is engaged to Jesson, the chief engineer... Crews of Chinese, Italians, and Irish work to build the railway while resisting Indian attack. When the pay train is delayed by Indian ambush, the Italians go on strike. Miriam persuades them to return to work... Marsh needs to find a shortcut through the Black Hills. [Director: John Ford] [150 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
"Gvozdeni konj" je američki crno-beli nemi vestern film snimljen 1924. godine u režiji Džona Forda. Radnja predstavlja prikaz izgradnje američke Transkontinentalne železnice, odnosno pruge kojom su se 1869. godine spojile Zapadna i Istočna obala SAD. Protagonista je mladi istraživač koji u divljini nastoji da pronađe što kraću i pogodniju trasu, a u čemu ga neće sprečiti ni Indijanci koji su mu ubili oca. "Gvozdeni konj" se smatra jednim od prvih epskih vesterna u Fordovoj karijeri; snimao ga je na svojoj omiljenoj lokaciji u Monumentalnoj dolini u Juti zajedno sa hiljadama statista radi čijeg smeštaja su podignuta privremena naselja. "Gvozdeni konj" je, slično kao i "Pokrivena kola" ("The Covered Wagon") prethodne godine, značajno uticao na kasnije vesterne uspostavivši neslužbeni holivudski "kanon" Divljeg zapada.
Go West
[Buster Keaton ... Friendless, Howard Truesdale ... Owner of the Diamond Bar Ranch, Kathleen Myers ... His Daughter, Ray Thompson ... The Foreman, Brown Eyes ... Herself]
¢ A young man who doesn't find a job in his small hometown, tries his luck in New York, but is overwelmed by the life of the city, so decides to try his luck somewhere else after a only a few minutes in New York. He falls off a train near a ranch, where he tries his luck as a cowbowy, being in his own way very sucessful. But he shows what he can do when the farm has to bring a 100 head of cattle to the slaughterhouses of Los Angeles to avoid going bankrupt, against the will of his neighbour who wants a better price. After a shoot-out with the neighbour's men he's the only person on a Los Angeles bound train with 1000 cows... [Director: Buster Keaton] [68 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
Mladić koji ne pronalazi posao u svom malom rodnom gradu, iskuša sreću u Njujorku, ali ipak odlučuje da je pronađe negde drugo. On dospeva u voz na Zapad...
Gold Rush
[Charles Chaplin ... The Lone Prospector, Mack Swain ... Big Jim McKay, Tom Murray ... Black Larsen, Henry Bergman ... Hank Curtis, Malcolm Waite ... Jack Cameron, Georgia Hale ... Georgia]
¢ A lone prospector ventures into Alaska looking for gold. He gets mixed up with some burly characters and falls in love with the beautiful Georgia. He tries to win her heart with his singular charm. [Director: Charles Chaplin] [95 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
Skitnica (C. Chaplin) putuje na Aljasku kako bi se sa većinom drugih američkih pustolova uključio u potragu za zlatom. Nakon što ga je zadesilo nevreme, završava u zabačenoj kolibi sa tragačem i beguncem. Ipak, konačno stiže u gradić pun tragača za zlatom i i odmah se daje u traganje. Nakon što je prihvatio posao nadgledanja kolibe još jednog tragača, zaljubljuje se u usamljenu devojku iz saluna za koju greškom pomisli da se i ona zaljubila u njega. Ubrzo susreće tragača kog je upoznao ranije, a koji je zadobio amneziju pa mu Skitnica mora pomoći da pronađe svoju parcelu. Jedna od najslavnijih scena je ona u kojoj Skitnica, koji umire od gladi, namerava da pojede vlastitu čizmu; druga prikazuje trošnu kolibu kako se njiše na rubu litice, pre nego što se njeni stanari (uključujući Čaplina) uspevaju izvući. I možda i najslavnija scena iz filma je ona u kojoj Skitnica svojim imaginarnim gostima pokazuje ples dva komada hleba nabodenih na viljuške.
The (1926)
[Buster Keaton ... Johnnie Gray, Marion Mack ... Annabelle Lee, Glen Cavender ... Captain Anderson, Jim Farley ... General Thatcher, Frederick Vroom ... A Southern General, Charles Henry Smith ... Annabelle's Father (as Charles Smith), Frank Barnes ... Annabelle's Brother, Joe Keaton ... Union General, Mike Donlin ... Union General, Tom Nawn ... Union General]
¢ When Union spies steal an engineer's beloved locomotive, he pursues it single handedly and straight through enemy lines. Johnnie loves his train ("The General") and Annabelle Lee. When the Civil War begins he is turned down for service because he's more valuable as an engineer. Annabelle thinks it's because he's a coward. Union spies capture The General with Annabelle on board. Johnnie must rescue both his loves. [Directors: Clyde Bruckman and Buster Keaton] [107 min, Silent, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, USA]
"General" je crno-bela nema komedija iz 1927. godine u režiji Bastera Kitona koji igra i glavnu ulogu. Radnja filma se odigrava u vreme Američkog građanskog rata i zasniva se na otmici lokomotive i tri vagona, jednom stvarnom događaju iz 1862. godine. Mašinovođa Džoni Grej (B. Keaton) sam kreće u poteru za "Generalom", teretnim vozom koji su oteli Severnjaci. Upornošću i kreativnošću uspeva mu i vraćanje voza i ponovo osvajanje srca njegove devojke Anabele Li (M. Mack). 19. vek. Američki građanski rat besni, a svi se muškarci dobrovoljno javljaju da bi se prijavili vojsci i pridružili borbi. Kako bi zadivio svoju devojku Anabelu Li i njenog oca (C.H. Smith), mladi Džoni Grej, vozač lokomotive se takođe odluči da prijavi. Ali biva odbijen od odbora jer je za državu mnogo važniji kao vozač lokomotive, a Anabela mu ne veruje nego pomisli da je kukavica koja je sve to izmislila kako se ne bi prijavila u vojsku. Jednog dana špijun Severnjaka otme Džonijev omiljeni voz "General" u kome se ujedno našla i Anabela. Kako bi ih spasio, Džoni krene za njima u poteru sa drugim vozom, "Teksasom", naoružan samo sa jednim topom. Severnjaci beže jer ne znaju da je Džoni jedini u vozu koji ih progoni, nego misle da se sa njim nalazi cela vojska. To shvate tek nakon što su uzaludno bežali kilometrima od njega, na šta se ovaj sakrije u šumu. Tamo načuje za tajni plan o predstojećem napadu Severnjaka. Džoni oslobodi Anabelu i sa njom pobegne u vozu. Severnjaci ih počnu slediti sa drugim vozom. Ipak izgube, a Džoni čak i uspe da uhvati jednog generala kao taoca, za šta dobija priznanja. Baster Kiton je uvek izjavljivao da mu je ovo najdraži film kog je ikada snimio. Scena u kojoj voz propadne sa mostom na kraju filma je bio najskuplji kadar snimljen u eri nemog filma. Skoro svi kritičari su hvalili "Generala". Rodžer Ebert je u svojoj recenziji napisao: "Kitonovi filmovi imaju takvo dostojanstveno savršenstvo, takvu svežinu spajanja priče, likova i epizoda, da se odvijaju poput muzike", a Tim Dirks: "Maštovito remek-delo komedije komičara "kamenog lica", Bastera Kitona, "General" je nemi epski klasik". Stiven D. Grejdanus je zaključio: "Film počinje sa jednostavnim, briljantno suzdržanim konceptom i pretvori ga u angažovanu priču koja vas drži na ivici stolice zbog svog uzbuđenja i neverovatno koreografisanih kaskaderskih i vizuelnih šala". Bob Blum je samo potvrdio: "Jedna od najboljih komedija svih vremena. To je Kiton u najboljem izdanju". Ovaj film je nastao na vrhuncu Kitonove karijere i važi za jednu od najskupljih komedija iz perioda nemog filma. Neuspeh ovog filma i kod publike i kod kritičara značio je kraj Kitonove umetničke nezavisnosti. Tek krajem 50tih, Kitonovi nemi filmovi se ponovo ocenjuju i postižu uspeh i kod kritike i kod gledalaca. "General" među tim filmovima privlači najviše pažnje. Po ocenama kritičara radi se o jednoj od najboljih nemih komedija ikad snimljenih, prvenstveno zbog dramaturgije i ambiciozne umetničke kompozicije.
Redskin (1929)
Richard Dix ... Wing Foot, Julie Carter ... Corn Blossom (as Gladys Belmont),
Tully Marshall ... Navajo Jim, George Regas ... Notani (as George Rigas), Noble
Johnson ... Pueblo Jim, Jane Novak ... Judith Stearns, Larry Steers ... John
Walton, Augustina López ... Grandmother Yina (as Augustina Lopez), Bernard
Siegel ... Chahi - the Medicine Man, Jack Padjan ... Barrett (as Jack Duane),
Philip Anderson ... Young Wing Foot (uncredited), Andrew J. Callaghan ...
Anderson (uncredited), Pauline Garon ... Party Girl (uncredited), Joseph W.
Girard ... Commissioner (uncredited), Ben Hall ... Student (uncredited), Myra
Kinch ... Laughing Singer (uncredited), Robert Livingston ... Student
(uncredited), Paul Panzer ... Indian (uncredited), Walter Reed ... Indian Boy
(uncredited), Lorraine Rivero ... Young Corn Blossom (uncredited), Lincoln
Stedman ... Student (uncredited), George Walker ... Young Pueblo Jim
¢ After attending preparatory school and college in the Eastern United States, Wing Foot (Richard Dix) returns to his Navajo tribe and renounces their customs and beliefs, becoming an outcast among his own people. He later secretly visits the village of a rival tribe in order to see Corn Blossom (Julie Carter), his sweetheart, who has also been to school in the East. Her people discover his presence, and he is forced to flee into the desert, where he discovers oil. White prospectors also find the oil, and Wing Foot races them to the claim office, filing his claim first. Faced with marriage to a man she does not love, Corn Blossom takes refuge in the Navajo village. Her people come to take her back, and a pitched battle between the tribes is averted only when Wing Foot arrives and tells both tribes of the new good fortune of the Indian nations. He then claims Corn Blossom as his own. [Wikipedia] [Director: Victor Schertzinger] [82 min, Silent, Black and White (reels 2 & 3) (Sepiatone) | Color (2-strip Technicolor), 1.33 : 1, Western l Adventure l Drama, USA]
Vrlo zanimljiv nemi film o sudbini Navaho Indijanca Krilatog Stopala (R. Dix),
koji je kao dete oduzet od porodice i poslat da pohađa belačke škole.
Big Trail,
The (1930)
[John Wayne ... Breck Coleman, Marguerite Churchill ... Ruth Cameron, El Brendel ... Gus, Tully Marshall ... Zeke, Tyrone Power Sr. ... Red Flack (as Tyrone Power), David Rollins ... Dave Cameron, Frederick Burton ... Pa Bascom, Ian Keith ... Bill Thorpe, Charles Stevens ... Lopez, Louise Carver ... Gus's Mother-in-law]
¢ Breck Coleman leads hundreds of settlers in covered wagons from the Mississippi River to their destiny out West. Breck leads a wagon train of pioneers through Indian attack, storms, deserts, swollen rivers, down cliffs and so on while looking for the murder of a trapper and falling in love with Ruth. [Directors: Raoul Walsh and Louis R. Loeffler] [158 min, Mono, Black and White, 1.20 : 1, USA]
Mladi traper pristane da prati karavan na Zapad kako bi pronašao ubice svog prijatelja. Klasični vestern "Veliki put" najpoznatiji je zbog činjenice da je prvu glavnu ulogu u njemu odigrao tada vrlo mladi, 23-godišnji Džon Vejn, kasnije verovatno najveća glumačka zvezda u istoriji američke kinematografije. Amerika, polovinom 19. veka. Gomila ljudi okupila se u Misuriju, kako bi se priključila karavanu koji će krenuti u osvajanje Divljeg zapada. Među ljudima željnim boljeg života zatekne se i mladi traper Brek Koleman (J. Wayne), koji traga za ubicama svog prijatelja, belcima koji su se nastojali prikazati kao Indijanci, ubivši nesrećnika da bi mu oteli kože. Kolonisti ponude Kolemanu da prati njihov konvoj na Zapad ali on odbija, sve dok među putnicima ne uoči dvojicu sumnjivaca - Reda Fleka (T. Power) i Lopeza (C. Stevens). Želeći da im bude što bliže, Koleman prihvati ponudu i sa karavanom krene na veliko putovanje... Reditelj "Velikog puta", holivudski klasik Raul Volš, dao je Vejnu ulogu na preporuku legendarnog Džona Forda. Vejnov put do zvezda ipak nije bio jednostavan - iako je markantni glumac u Volšovom filmu bio dobar, sledeću je deceniju morao protraćiti u anonimnim B produkcijama, pre nego što će ga Ford lansirati u zvezde "Poštanskom kočijom". Osim zbog Vejnove uloge, "Veliki put" je zanimljiv i zbog atraktivne produkcije, sigurne Volšove režije i za ono doba posebno atraktivnih scena poput one u kojoj konvoj prelazi reku.
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