четвртак, 29. новембар 2012.


[SW]Adiós gringo [aka Adios Gringo] (1965) ADIOS GRINGO
• [SW]All'ombra di una colt [aka In a Colt's Shadow] (1965) U SENCI KOLTA 
• Arizona Raiders (1965) PLJAČKAŠI IZ ARIZONE [aka BANDITI ARIZONE] 
• [SW]Bara per lo sceriffo, Una [aka Coffin for the Sheriff, A] (1965) KOVČEG ZA ŠERIFA
• Cat Ballou (1965) KET BALU
• [MW]Charro de los Calaveras, El [aka Rider of the Skulls, The] (1965) JAHAČ LOBANJA
• Convict Stage (1965) KOČIJA OSUĐENIH
• [SW]Dollaro bucato, Un [aka Blood for a Silver Dollar] (1965) PROBUŠENI DOLAR
• Fort Courageous (1965) UTVRĐENJE HRABRIH
• Glory Guys, The (1965) IGRA SUDBINE
• Guns of Diablo (1965) REVOLVERI DIJABLA 
• Hallelujah Trail, The (1965) TRAGOM VELIKOG KARAVANA

Adiós gringo [aka Adios Gringo] (1965)

[Giuliano Gemma ... Brent Landers, Ida Galli ... Lucy Tilson (as Evelyn Stewart), Roberto Camardiel ... Dr. Verne Barfield (as Robert Camardiel), Jesús Puente ... Sheriff Saul Slaughter, Germano Longo ... Stan Clevenger (as Grant Laramy), Gino Marturano ... Murphy (as Jean Martin), Massimo Righi ... Avery Ranchester (as Max Dean), Monique Saint Claire ... Maude Clevenger (as Monique Saint Clare), Antonio Orengo ... (as Sterling Rengel), Juan Cortés ... Magistrate (as Clyde Ceryll), François Pascal ... (as Frank Pascal), Frank Brana ... Ranchester's henchman with red shirt (as Francisco Brama), Ramón Pérez, Pierre Cressoy ... Clayton Ranchester (as Peter Cross), Nello Pazzafini ... Gil Clawson (as Ted Carter)]
- France: Adiós Gringo, Spain: Adiós Gringo. Tricked into buying stolen cattle, Brett Landers narrowly escapes being lynched. Still wanted, he hunts down the real cattle rustlers to clear his name. A gunslinger on the run for a murder he didn't commit goes to New Mexico where he hopes to find a person who can exculpate him. While on his way he finds a girl who has been kidnapped and tortured, sets her free and then takes his revenge at gunpoint. [Director: Giorgio Stegani (as George Finley)] [Harry Whittington (based on the novel "Adios" by)] [100 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-FRA-SPA]
 Dirljiva priča Divljeg zapada. Mladi revolveraš Brent Lenders (G. Gemma) upada u veliku nevolju nakon što na prevaru kupi ukradenu stoku. U samoodbrani ubija pravog vlasnika stoke, ali biva nateran da beži i potraži odmetnika koji ga je prevario kako bi dokazao svoju nevinost. Na tom putu u dolini "Spaljene zemlje" nailazi na neobičan prizor vezane devojke koju spasava...





All'ombra di una colt [aka In a Colt's Shadow] (1965)

[Stephen Forsyth ... Steve Blaine, Conrado San Martín ... Duke Buchanan, Anna Maria Polani ... Susan Buchanan (as Anne Sherman), Helga Liné ... Fabienne, Eugenio Galadini ... Buck (as Graham Sooty), Franco Ressel ... Harold Jackson (as Frank Ressell), Aldo Sambrell ... Ramirez (as Aldo Sambrel), José Calvo ... Sheriff (as Pepe Calvo), Javier de Rivera ... Williams (as Xavier de Rivera), Andrea Scotti ... Oliver (as Andrew Scott), Rafael Albaicín ... Subastador, Hugo Blanco, Xan das Bolas ... Village doctor (as Xan de Bolas), Gino Cassani ... Jim, Leoncito Cayetano]
- Spain: Plazo para morir. A story about two gunfighters, Duke and Steve. Steve is in love with Duke's daughter but Duke disapproves of the match, envisioning a life of hardship and danger for the girl if she marries Steve. [Director: Giovanni Grimaldi] [79 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-SPA]
 Dok jaše sa svojim starijim i iskusnijim partnerom i mentorom Djukom Bjukenenom (C. San Martín), mladi revolveraš Stiv Blejn (S. Forsyth) razmišlja o prekidu karijere i mirnom životu. On je u vezi sa Djukovom privlačnom ćerkom Suzan (A. Sherman), sa kojom se namerava uskoro oženiti i skrasiti na ranču nedaleko od grada u kome glavnu reč vode bogati i moćni zemljoposednici Harold Džekson (F. Ressell) i Barns (F.Liston). Ali, Djuku se ne sviđa zamisao da se njegova ćerka uda za Stiva, pa odluči da pomrsi mladićeve planove.

Arizona Raiders (1965)

[Audie Murphy ... Clint, Michael Dante ... Brady, Ben Cooper ... Willie Martin, Buster Crabbe ... Capt. Andrews, Gloria Talbott ... Martina, Ray Stricklyn ... Danny Bonner, George Keymas ... Montana, Fred Krone ... Matt Edwards, Willard W. Willingham ... Eddie (as Willard Willingham), Boyd 'Red' Morgan ... Tex (as Red Morgan), Fred Graham ... Quantrell]
- When Quantrill's gang is almost destroyed two of the captured members agree to join the Arizona Rangers to help finish the job. Murphy plays an ex-Quantrill's Raider who's released from jail with buddy Cooper to be deputized as Arizona Rangers in order to hunt down the remnant of the gang, rumored to he hiding out in a town "neer dee border" in the words of the loose-lipped saloon dancer. The goons are found hiding in an Indian mission. Murphy and Cooper pretend to want to rejoin the gang, but the bad guys catch on and brutally beat Cooper, who protects Murphy's true sentiments to the death. [Director: William Witney] [97 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, USA]
 Klint (A. Murphy) i njegov prijatelj Vili Martin (B. Cooper), članovi Kvantrilove bande, uhvaćeni su i završili su u zatvoru. Rendžeri im daju samo jednu priliku za slobodu: moraju pristati da postanu randžeri i krenu u poteru za onima koji se još skrivaju.

Bara per lo sceriffo, Una [aka Coffin for the Sheriff, A] (1965)

[Anthony Steffen ... Joe Logan aka Shenandoah, Eduardo Fajardo ... Russell Murdock, Fulvia Franco ... Lulu Belle, George Rigaud ... Wilson (as Jorge Rigaud), Armando Calvo ... Lupe Rojo, Arturo Dominici ... Jerry Krueger (as Arthur Kent), Luciana Gilli ... Jane Wilson, Miguel del Castillo ... Sheriff Gallagher, Jesús Tordesillas ... Slim, the Old Man, Tomás Torres ... Lupe Bandit, María Vico ... Lupe's woman, Frank Brana ... Lupe's Henchman, Luis Barboo ... Sbirro, Francisco R. Alacid ... Banquero, Saturno Cerra ... Piano Player]
- Spain: Una tumba para el Sheriff. A sheriff with a sordid past must rally a town in terror of a town boss to stop a rule of lawlessness but the townspeople side with the town boss out of fear and the sheriff must fight against both. [Director: Mario Caiano (as William Hawkins)] [95 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-SPA]
 Šerif sa prljavom prošlošću. Grad u strahu od gradskog gazde. Treba zaustaviti vladavinu bezakonja. Ali, stanovnici staju na stranu gradskog gazde iz straha, a šerif se mora izboriti sa oboje.







Cat Ballou (1965)

[Jane Fonda ... Cat Ballou, Lee Marvin ... Shelleen--Strawn, Michael Callan ... Clay Boone, Dwayne Hickman ... Jed, Nat 'King' Cole ... Shouter (as Nat King Cole), Stubby Kaye ... Shouter, Tom Nardini ... Jackson Two-Bears, John Marley ... Frankie Ballou, Reginald Denny ... Sir Harry Percival, Jay C. Flippen ... Sheriff Cardigan, Arthur Hunnicutt ... Butch Cassidy, Bruce Cabot ... Sheriff Maledon, Burt Mustin ... Accuser, Paul Gilbert ... Train Messenger]
- A woman seeking revenge for her murdered father hires a famous gunman, but he's very different from what she expects. Cat(herine) Ballou's family farm is being threatened by the Rail Road. She sends for Kid Shelleen, finding him to be the drunkest gunfighter in the west. When her father is killed by the rail road magnate's gunman, she vowes to fight on. Shelleen manages to ride sideways in several scenes, while minstrels sing the ballad of Cat Ballou in between scenes. [Director: Elliot Silverstein] [97 min, 1.37 : 1, Comedy l Western, USA]
 Gledajući vešala i očekujući svoje smaknuće, odmetnica Ketrin 'Ket' Balu (J. Fonda) priseća se razloga koji su je doveli u zatvor. Posle školovanja za učiteljicu, mlada i prelepa Ketrin vozom se vraća u rodno mesto Vulf Siti u posetu ocu Frenkiju (J. Marley). Lakoverna Ketrin u vozu upozna šarmantnog prevaranta Kleja Buna (M. Callan), kome rođak Džed (D. Hickman), maskiran u sveštenika, pomogne da pobegne šerifu. Ketrin otkriva da korumpirani gradski moćnici žele da prisvoje očev ranč. Klej Bun, Džed i mladi Indijanac Džekson (T. Nardini) spremni su da pomognu Ketrin i njenom ocu, ali nisu dorasli opasnom revolverašu Timu Strounu (L. Marvin), koga su moćnici angažovali. Uvidevši da se Strounu može suprotstaviti jedino profesionalac, Ketrin u pomoć zove legendarnog revolveraša Kida Šelena (takođe L. Marvin). Kid ubrzo dolazi na ranč, ali od njega nema nikakve koristi, jer se pretvorio u teškog pijanca... Vestern-komedija "Ket Balu" bila je veliki hit u bioskopima polovinom 1960-ih. Potpuno zasluženo, jer je reč o uzbudljivom, duhovitom i nadahnuto režiranom filmu izvrsne muzike i sjajnih glumačkih ostvarenja. Režiju potpisuje Eliot Silverstajn, autor još jednog čuvenog vesterna "Čovek zvani konj". Dvostruka uloga dobrog i lošeg revolveraša legendarnom Liju Marvinu (Čovek koji je ubio Libertija Valansa, Profesionalci, Svi za Eldorado, Čovek koga je teško ubiti, Jedan voz za dve bitange,...) donela je prvog i jedinog Oskara. 2008. godine, u izboru najboljih filmova Američkog filmskog instituta (AFI), "Ket Balu" je zauzeo deseto mesto na listi najboljih vesterna. Vredi istaći i to da Net King Kol i Stabi Kej pesmama najavljuju i komentarišu radnju.  





Charro de los Calaveras, El [aka Rider of the Skulls, The] (1965)

Mexican Western

[Dagoberto Rodríguez ... El Charro de las Calaveras, David Silva ... Luis Alvatierra, Alicia Caro ... Sra. Alvatierra, Pascual García Pena ... Cléofas, Laura Martínez, Rosario Montes, Carlos del Muro, Jose Luis Cabrera, Gabriel Agrasanchez ... Perico (as Gabriel Agrasánchez), Alfonso Ortiz ... Juanito]
- Film consists of three episodes about a masked charro must face hazards such as a werewolf, a vampire and a headless horseman. 1) Werewolf: A Poor Peasant is attacked and destroyed by a hairy werewolf. El Charro of Skulls, which fails to intervene, follows the trail to a ranch where the poor Perico child (G. Agrasánchez) is convalescing after being scared by the Human Lobo. Memorable dialogue: "I am very macho" says the pawn Cleophas (P. García Pena) but loses his poise when he saw the masked face of Charro through the window. Night the owner of the ranch, Don Luis (D. Silva), turns and attacks the hair Charro. As a result of this adventure, Perico Charro adopt and Cleophas as assistants, revealing his secret identity (D. Rodriguez). 2) Loss Vampire: El Charro, Cleophas and Juanito, they face off against a masked vampire has attacked several farmers. On his first evening meeting Sinister Vampire expiring at Charro until a jiffy. The Vampire declaims, pedagogically, "the aurora, I have to go back to my coffin, sunlight is fatal to me". Imagine as you will find an end... 3) The Headless Horseman: Who is the Headless Horseman? "It is a spirit in pain or who knows what?" says a bartender. In this story there are cars, houses with swimming pool and a rich woman having a housing in which there is an old head who supposedly would be the Headless Horseman. When Rider meets his head, far from desiring to rest in peace, revenge is the granddaughter who stole his head. Two former henchmen, hooded skull-faced, trying to liquidate the Charro but then are split by lightning. The most salvageable is one of the final plans, with Charro espadachineando with Rider with full moon background. [Director: Alfredo Salazar] [79 min, Black and White, Horror l Western, MEX]
 Čudne stvari se dešavaju ovde kada je pun mesec. Zver je oslobođena! Teško je u to poverovati... Moje pravo ime nije bitno. Mogu samo reći da sam ja nesrećan čovek. Moje roditelje su ubili banditi. Zakleo sam se da ću ih osvetiti, i da ću se uvek boriti protiv zla. Tada sam prekrio lice. Moj identitet nije bitan. Ja predstavljam pravdu. Pravda, nema lice.





Convict Stage (1965)

[Harry Lauter ... Ben Lattimore, Don 'Red' Barry ... Marshal Jethro Karnin (as Donald Barry), Jodi Mitchell ... Sally Latttimore, Hanna Landy ... Mrs. Gregory, Joe Patridge ... Jeb Sims (as Joseph Patridge), Eric Matthews ... Johnny Sims, Walter Reed ... Sam Gill, Michael Carr ... Piute, Fred Krone ... Dixon, George Sawaya ... Adam Scott, Karl MacDonald ... Bates]
- When an innocent woman is brutally murdered, her cowboy brother, seeking vengeance, rides out in searh of the outlaws who took her life. But his quest for vigilante justice meets with a challenge that's even greater than his thirst for blood when he meets a wise old lawman who'd like to see the gang put behind bars. Both men want justice, but they want it in very different ways in this thrill-a-minute western that asks the question, "When is justice unjust?" [Director: Lesley Selander] [71 min, Black and White, Western, USA]
 Prolaz između pakla i But Hila. Dželat čeka kočiju osuđenika. Kada je nevina žena brutalno ubijena, njen brat kauboj, tražeći osvetu, kreće u potragu za odmetnicima koji su joj uzeli život. Ali, njegova osvetnička potraga za pravdom susreće se sa izazovom koji je čak i veći od žeđi za krvlju, kada upoznaje mudrog starog čuvara zakona koji takođe želi da bandu stavi iza rešetaka. Obojica žele pravdu, ali oni to žele na različite načine...



Dollaro bucato, Un [aka Blood for a Silver Dollar] (1965)

[Giuliano Gemma ... Gary O'Hara (as Montgomery Wood), Ida Galli ... Judy O'Hara (as Evelyn Stewart), Pierre Cressoy ... McCoy (as Peter Cross), Giuseppe Addobbati ... Donaldson (as John Mac Douglas), Franco Fantasia ... Sheriff Anderson (as Frank Farrel), Tullio Altamura ... Peter (as Tor Altmayer), Massimo Righi ... Brad (as Max Dean), Andrea Scotti ... Hombre de McCoy (as Andrew Scott), Nazzareno Zamperla ... Phil O'Hara (as Nicholas St.John), Benito Stefanelli ... James (as Benny Reeves), Franco Lantieri ... Slim (as Frank Liston), Gino Marturano ... (as John Martin), Nello Pazzafini ... (as Peter Surtess), Bernard Farber ... Hombre de McCoy (as Benny Farber), Luigi Tosi ... Herrero]
- France: Le dollar troué. Giuliano Gemma plays a confederate soldier who returns from the war to fight one at home. Unbeknownst to him, his brother has become the infamous gunfighter "Black Jack" to defeat the local bullies. Gemma agrees to ambush and kill Black Jack, only to discover too late who the outlaw really is. With vengeance in his heart he turns on his employers, who then shoot him. [Director: Giorgio Ferroni (as Calvin Jackson Padget)] [98 min, 2.35 : 1, Action l Romance l Western, ITA-FRA]
 Po završetku Američkog građanskog rata, konfederacijski vojnik Geri O'Hara (G. Gemma) i njegov brat Fil (N. St.John) pušteni su iz zatvora za vojne zarobljenike. Geri se vraća supruzi Džudi (E. Stewart), a Fil kreće dalje prema Zapadu. Uskoro, u potrazi za poslom, i Geri kreće na zapad gde u jednom gradiću od lokalnog bankara Mek Koja (P. Cross) dobije ponudu da za novac ubije kriminalca koji se tu našao. Geri pristaje, ali u poslednjem trenutku otkriva da je kriminalac Fil, njegov brat!



Fort Courageous (1965)

[Fred Beir ... Sgt. Lucas, Don 'Red' Barry ... Capt. Howard (as Donald Barry), Hanna Landy ... The Mother, Harry Lauter ... Joe, Walter Reed ... Doc, Joe Patridge ... Soldier (as Joseph Patridge), Michael Carr ... Indian, Fred Krone ... Soldier, George Sawaya ... Indian, Cheryl MacDonald ... Daughter]
- An ex-cavalry sergeant, being escorted to prison after being convicted of a crime he didn't commit, finds himself leading the remnants of a unit that has been under Indian attack at a fort. The commanding officer has been killed, the Indians vastly outnumber them, and the only bargaining chip they have is the fact that they have captured the Indian chief's son. [Director: Lesley Selander] [72 min, Black and White, Action l Western, USA]
 Bivši konjički narednik, nalazi se u pratnji na zatvorsku kaznu nakon što je osuđen za zločin koji nije počinio. Da bi povratio svoj ugled, on preuzima patrolu koja je upravo izgubila vođu u indijanskom napadu...

Glory Guys, The (1965)

[Tom Tryon ... Capt. Demas Harrod, Harve Presnell ... Sol Rogers, Senta Berger ... Lou Woddard, James Caan ... Pvt. Anthony Dugan, Andrew Duggan ... Gen. Frederick McCabe, Slim Pickens ... Sgt. James Gregory, Peter Breck ... Lt. Bunny Hodges, Jeanne Cooper ... Mrs. Rachael McCabe, Michael Anderson Jr. ... Pvt. Martin Hale, Laurel Goodwin ... Beth Poole, Adam Williams ... Pvt. Lucas Crain, Erik Holland ... Pvt. Clark Gentry, Robert McQueeney ... Maj. Oliver Marcus, Wayne Rogers ... Lt. Mike Moran, William Meigs ... Capt. Rand Treadway]
- What could be worse for two cavalry officers than to battle with native tribes? To battle each other for the same woman. During the Sioux Wars, General Frederick McCabe's 3rd U.S. Cavalry Regiment is recruiting and training men for the upcoming campaign against the Sioux. Captain Demas Harrod is in charge of the D troop. He's also in-love with pretty Lou Woodard who lives in Mule City. Lou is engaged to Sol Rogers, chief of scouts under General McCabe. Lou doesn't seem to make up her mind regarding the man she really wants. She claims to be attracted to both men. This brings the two rivals into conflict that often times ends up into fist fights. At the fort, the training of men intensifies. After the graduation, the troopers get a well-deserved leave which they spend in nearby Mule City drinking heavily and causing disturbances. These disturbances prompt the town Marshal and his deputies to try to arrest the rowdy soldiers. A general fist-fight ensues, bringing Captain Harrod and chief of scouts Rogers together on the same side of the punch-up match. General McCabe participates in a commanders'... [Director: Arnold Laven] [Hoffman Birney (novel)] [112 min, 2.35 : 1, Romance l Western, USA]
 Kapetan Demi Herod (T. Tryon) i njegov izviđač Sol Rodžers (H. Presnell) stižu pod zapovedništvo generala Frederika Mek Kejba (A. Duggan), koji mrzi Indijance gotovo onoliko koliko njegovi vojnici njega mrze. Kada Herod i Rodžers nisu spremni za borbu, oni se bore za ruke lepe Lu (S. Berger).

Guns of Diablo (1965)

[Charles Bronson ... Linc Murdock, Susan Oliver ... Maria Macklin, Kurt Russell ... Jamie McPheeters, Jan Merlin ... Rance Macklin, John Fiedler ... Ives, Douglas Fowley ... Mr. Knudsen, Rayford Barnes ... Dan Macklin, Ron Hagerthy ... Carey Macklin, Robert Carricart ... Mendez, Morris Ankrum ... Ray Macklin, Russ Conway ... Dr. McPheeters, Maurice Wells ... Girard, Mike De Anda ... Bryce - Blacksmith (as Mike de Anda), Susan Flannery ... Molly]
- 14-year-old Kurt Russell plays Jamie, an orphaned boy heading westward with a wagon train. Charles Bronson is a wagon scout Linc Murdock, who runs into difficulties when he meets old flame Maria (S. Oliver), who is now married to corrupt lawman Rance Macklin (J. Merlin). The jealous Macklin has Murdock arrested, but Maria frees him, permitting Murdock and Jamie to embark on a new adventure involving a "lost" gold mine. [Director: Boris Sagal] [Robert Lewis Taylor (novel)] [91 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 14-godišnji Džejmi Mek Fiters (K. Russell) je siroče koje putuje na Zapad sa karavanom kočija. Link Mardok (C. Bronson) je vođa karavana, koji zapada u probleme kada sretne svoju staru ljubav Mariju (S. Oliver). Ona je udata za korumpiranog čuvara reda Rensa Meklina (J. Merlin). Ljubomorni Meklin hapsi Mardoka, ali ga Marija oslobađa i šalje zajedno sa Džejmijem u potragu za izgubljenim rudnikom zlata.

Hallelujah Trail, The (1965)

[Burt Lancaster ... Col. Thaddeus Gearhart, Lee Remick ... Cora Templeton Massingale, Jim Hutton ... Capt. Paul Slater, Pamela Tiffin ... Louise Gearhart, Donald Pleasence ... 'Oracle' Jones, Brian Keith ... Frank Wallingham, Martin Landau ... Chief Walks-Stooped-Over, John Anderson ... Sgt. Buell, Tom Stern ... Kevin O'Flaherty, Robert J. Wilke ... Chief Five Barrels, Dub Taylor ... Clayton Howell, Whit Bissell ... Hobbs, Helen Kleeb ... Henrietta, Val Avery ... Denver bartender, Noam Pitlik ... Interpreter]
- A wagon train heads for Denver with a cargo of whisky for the miners. Chaos ensues as the Temperance League, the US cavalry, the miners and the local Indians all try to take control of the valuable cargo. [Director: John Sturges] [William Gulick (novel) (as Bill Gulick)] [165 min, 2.20 : 1, Comedy l Western, USA]
 Godina je 1867. Građani Denvera shvataju da su iscrpili zalihe viskija i da će lokalni rudari ostati bez tog "dragocenog" pića. Trgovac Frenk Velingem (B. Keith) povede karavan od 40 kola put Denvera i zatraži od konjičkog pukovnika Tadeusa Gerharta (B. Lancaster) da ih štiti na prolazu kroz indijansku teritoriju. Kada za to saznaju gospođica Masingejl (L. Remick) i njeno udruženje za borbu protiv alkohola, zatraže od pukovnika da odbije zahtev za vojnom pratnjom...




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