недеља, 29. мај 2016.


• 3:10 to Yuma (2007) U 3 I 10 ZA JUMU 
• All Hat (2007) PRAZNE PRIČE
• Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The (2007) KUKAVIČKO UBISTVO DŽESIJA DŽEJMSA OD STRANE ROBERTA FORDA
• Avenging Angel (2007) ANĐEO OSVETNIK
• BloodRayne II: Deliverance [aka BloodRayne: Deliverance] (2007) BLADREJN 2: DELIVERANS 

U 3 I 10 ZA JUMU
3:10 to Yuma (2007)
[Russell Crowe ... Ben Wade, Christian Bale ... Dan Evans, Logan Lerman ... William Evans, Dallas Roberts ... Grayson Butterfield, Ben Foster ... Charlie Prince, Peter Fonda ... Byron McElroy, Vinessa Shaw ... Emma Nelson, Alan Tudyk ... Doc Potter, Luce Rains ... Marshal Weathers, Gretchen Mol ... Alice Evans, Lennie Loftin ... Glen Hollander, Rio Alexander ... Campos, Johnny Whitworth ... Darden, Shawn Howell ... Jackson (as Shawn D. Howell), Pat Ricotti ... Jorgensen]
- A small-time rancher agrees to hold a captured outlaw who's awaiting a train to go to court in Yuma. A battle of wills ensues as the outlaw tries to psych out the rancher. Rancher Dan Evans heads into Bisbee to clear up issues concerning the sale of his land when he witnesses the closing events of a stagecoach robbery led by famed outlaw Ben Wade. Shortly thereafter, Wade is captured by the law in Bisbee and Evans finds himself one of the escorts who will take Wade to the 3:10 to Yuma train in Contention for the reward of $200. Evans's effort to take Wade to the station is in part an effort to save his land but also part of an inner battle to determine whether he can be more than just a naive rancher in the eyes of his impetuous and gunslinging son William Evans. The transport to Contention is hazardous and filled with ambushes by Indians, pursuits by Wade's vengeful gang and Wade's own conniving and surreptitious demeanor that makes the ride all the more intense. [Director: James Mangold] [122 min, 2.35 : 1, Adventure l Crime l Drama, USA]
- U 3 i 10 za Jumu je rimejk legendarnog vesterna u kome su glavne uloge tumačili Glen Ford i Van Heflin. Legendarni razbojnik Ben Vejd (R. Crowe) sa svojom bandom pljačka kočiju koja prevozi veliku količinu novca. Pritom pobiju sve putnike, osim čuvara Bajrona Mek Elroja (P. Fonda), kog Vejd upuca u stomak. Ranjenog Mek Elroja pronalazi siromašni rančer Den Evans (C. Bale) pa ga u potrazi za doktorom vodi u Bizbi, u Arizonu. Tamo se nalazi i Vejd, ali ovog puta bez svoje bande. Evans, koji se jednom već susreo sa Vejdom, gde mu je ovaj ukrao konje ali poštedeo život, odluči da pomogne šerifu da bi uhapsili kriminalca. Šerif predloži da odvedu Vejda do železničke stanice da bi ga ukrcali na voz za Jumu. Zbog problema sa farmom i novcem, Den prihvata da bude među pratnjom. Ipak put do železničke stanice, prepun je opasnosti. U međuvremenu Čarli Prins (B. Foster), okrutni i vešti revolveraš, koji vodi bandu dok Vejd nije tu, saznaje gde će odvesti Vejda i kreće u akciju spasavanja. Grupu napadaju indijanski ratnici, ali i Vejdovi drugovi, koji žele da oslobode svog vođu i osvete se za njegovo hapšenje. Iako dolaze iz potpuno različitih okruženja, Vejd i Evans vremenom jedan prema drugome stiču poštovanje i poverenje, ali dobro znaju da će na kraju njihov međusobni obračun biti neminovan. Voz u 3:10 za Jumu, reditelja Džona Mangolda predstavlja rimejk istoimenog filma Derela Dejvsa iz 1957. godine, a većina kritičara smatra da je u pitanju jedan od retkih slučajeva kada je rimejk bolji od originala…

All Hat (2007)
[Luke Kirby ... Ray Dokes, Keith Carradine ... Pete Culpepper, Noam Jenkins ... Sonny Stanton, Lisa Ray ... Etta Parr, Rachael Leigh Cook ... Chrissie Nugent, David Alpay ... Paulie Stanton, Ernie Hudson ... Jackson Jones, Joel Keller ... Dean Calder, Graham Greene ... Jim Burns, Gary Farmer ... Billy Caan, Stephen McHattie ... Earl Stanton, Michelle Nolden ... Gena Stanton, Lorne Brass ... Dan Rockwell, Michael Mahonen ... Steve Allman, Ellen-Ray Hennessy ... Bonnie (as Elley-Ray Snow)]
- In southwestern Ontario, ex-baseball player Ray Dokes, upon being released from jail, returns to his rural hometown to stay temporarily with his deceased father's Texan friend, small time horse breeder Pete Culpepper, until he has some footing in whatever the next phase of his life. Ray's two year incarceration was for assaulting Sonny Stanton, the arrogant son of the wealthiest stable owner and horse breeder in the area, Earl Stanton. The assault left Sonny needing a cane with which to walk. The general consensus is that Ray got a raw deal in that Sonny was the one who did the provoking by his actions. It is also consensus that Sonny is generally not a nice person, he who is not averse to using violence even against women, and has racked up a mountain of gambling debts, mostly betting against his father's horses purely as an act of defiance. Although Ray begins a sexual relationship with Pete's new spirited jockey, Chrissie Nugent, he wants to make things right with his old... [Director: Leonard Farlinger] [Brad Smith (novel)] [89 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, CAN]
- Zatvorenik se nakon izlaska iz zatvora vraća kući gde se suprotstavlja lokalnom moćniku. Rej Doks (L. Kirby) upravo je izašao iz zatvora. Vraćajući se kući, otkriva da se krajolik njegovog detinjstva promenio. Zgrade niču nasred pastirskih livada poput osipa. Odlučan u nameri da se kloni nevolja, Rej se uputi na farmu svog starog prijatelja Pita (K. Carradine), teksaškog kauboja čiji dugovi rastu brže nego njegov kukuruz. Soni Stenton (N. Jenkins), naslednik dinastije koja se bavi rasnim konjima, odlučio je da kupi sve farme kako bi sagradio teren za golf. Jedna takva farma pripada Eti Par (L. Ray), Rejovoj staroj ljubavi. Čini se da je samo ona dovoljno hrabra da se suprotstavi Soniju. Rej se poveže sa Krisi (R. Leigh Cook), sjajnom džokejkom, i pokuša se rešiti Sonija. Kada iz Stentonovih staja nestane milione dolara vredan konj, Sonija obuzme očaj i on odluči da završi posao sa preostalim farmama. Rej stoga smisli prevaru kojom bi se zauvek trebao rešiti Sonija. Jedan pogrešan potez i Rej će opet završiti u zatvoru... 

Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The (2007) 
[Brad Pitt ... Jesse James, Mary-Louise Parker ... Zee James, Brooklynn Proulx ... Mary James, Dustin Bollinger ... Tim James, Casey Affleck ... Robert Ford, Sam Rockwell ... Charley Ford, Jeremy Renner ... Wood Hite, Sam Shepard ... Frank James, Garret Dillahunt ... Ed Miller, Paul Schneider ... Dick Liddil, Joel McNichol ... Express Messenger, James Defelice ... Baggagemaster (as James DeFelice), J.C. Roberts ... Engineer, Darrell Orydzuk ... Ukranian Train Passenger, Jonathan Erich Drachenberg ... Young Train Passenger]
- Robert Ford, who's idolized Jesse James since childhood, tries hard to join the reforming gang of the Missouri outlaw, but gradually becomes resentful of the bandit leader. The last months of Jesse James's life, from meeting Robert Ford, a 19-year-old who idolizes Jesse, to the day Ford shoots him. Jesse's a wanted man, living under a pseudonym, carrying out a train robbery, disappearing to Kentucky, and reappearing to plan a bank holdup with Robert and Robert's brother as his team. The rest of the gang is dead, arrested, or gone from Missouri. Whenever Jesse's around, there's tension: he's murderous, quixotic, depressed, and cautious. Ford wants to be somebody and wants the reward. On April 3, 1882, things come to a head: Jesse is 34, Robert 20. Ford becomes famous, reenacting the shooting on stage, facing down the label "coward", shot dead in 1892. [Director: Andrew Dominik] [Ron Hansen (novel)] [160 min, 2.35 : 1, Biography l Crime l Drama, USA-CAN-UK]
- Tokom osamdesetih godina 19. veka svi u Americi znaju ko je Džesi Džejms. On je najozloglašeniji kriminalac čitave nacije, koga pripadnici zakona gone u deset država, ali i najveći heroj u celoj zemlji, jer ga javnost doživljava kao Robina Huda. Harizmatičan, sujeveran i hirovit, Džesi Džejms (B. Pitt) je vođa neobuzdane bande odmetnika koji strahuju od njegove preke naravi, a još više od toga što poteže pištolj neverovatnom brzinom. Robert Ford je novajlija u čuvenoj bandi, momak koji od detinjstva obožava Džesija. On će se sprijateljiti sa svojim idolom, jahaće sa njegovom bandom, učestvovaće u pljačkama. Ali kada shvati da mu to neće doneti slavu, pronaći će smrtonosniji način.

Avenging Angel (2007)
[Kevin Sorbo ... Preacher, Nick Chinlund ... Bob Quinn, Cynthia Watros ... Maggie, Richard Lee Jackson ... Billy, Lorin McCraley ... Spencer, Wings Hauser ... Colonel Cusack, Joey King ... Amelia, Jim Haynie ... Elijah, Jack Riley ... Elder, Sam Sorbo ... Sarah, Willow Geer ... Saloon Girl, Dennis Fitzgerald ... Rider #1, Tom O'Keefe ... Fugitive, Brandon Parrish ... Young Male Settler, Van Epperson ... Mayor]
- A preacher (Sorbo) becomes a bounty hunter after a group of refugees seeking shelter in his church is murdered by a gang of ruthless outlaws. [Director: David S. Cass Sr.] [81 min, 1.33 : 1, Drama l Western, USA]
- Kada mu pobiju porodicu miroljubivi sveštenik skida odoru i kreće u krvavu osvetu. Kada lokalni miroljubivi sveštenik (K. Sorbo) pokuša da odbrani grad od pohlepnih vlasnika poseda, oni mu unište crkvu i pobiju porodicu. Željan osvete skida svešteničku odoru i započinje život lovca na glave kako bi se osvetio ubicama...  

BloodRayne II: Deliverance [aka BloodRayne: Deliverance] (2007)

[Natassia Malthe ... Rayne, Zack Ward ... Billy the Kid, Michael Paré ... Pat Garrett, Chris Coppola ... Newton Piles, Chris Spencer ... Bartender Bob, Brendan Fletcher ... Muller, Sarah-Jane Redmond ... Martha, Michael Teigen ... Slime Bag Franson, Michael Eklund ... The Preacher, John Novak ... Sheriff Cobden, Tyron Leitso ... Fleetwood, Jodelle Ferland ... Sally, Mike Dopud ... Flintlock Hogan, Vincent Gale ... Mick, John Tench ... Moffat]
- It's a hundred years later, and the dhampir Rayne has arrived in the town of Deliverance, Montana where a group of vampire cowboys have emerged. Led by Billy the Kid, hell-bent on creating his own kingdom, he slaughters townspeople and rounds up children. He spares the life of Chicago Chronicle reporter Newton Pyles. Rayne aligns herself with Pat Garret, a member of the long-thought-dead Brimstone society, a dishonest preacher, and a lowlife named Franson, to stop Billy the Kid and show the world how the West was really won. [Director: Uwe Boll] [99 min, 1.85 : 1, Action l Fantasy l Western, CAN-GER]
- Rejn (N. Malthe), ratnica polu-čovek, polu-vampir, odlazi na američki Divlji zapad u grad Dilivrens u godinu 1880. da bi zaustavila vampira Bilija Kida (Z. Ward) i njegovu bandu kauboja-vampira. Bili želi da napravi svoje vampirsko carstvo. Da bi to ostvario pobio je stanovnike grada. Poštedeo je samo novinara iz Čikaga. Rejn se udružuje sa Pet Geretom (M. Paré) da bi se zajedno suprotstavili Biliju.

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007)

[Anna Paquin ... Elaine Goodale, Chevez Ezaneh ... Ohiyesa / Young Charles, August Schellenberg ... Sitting Bull, Duane Howard ... Uncle, Aidan Quinn ... Henry Dawes, Colm Feore ... General William Tecumseh Sherman, Fred Dalton Thompson ... President Ulysses S. Grant (as Fred Thompson), Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse ... One Bull (as Nathan Chasing Horse), Wayne Charles Baker ... Jacob, Brian Stollery ... Bishop Whipple, Shaun Johnston ... Col. Nelson Miles, Gordon Tootoosis ... Chief Red Cloud, Billy Merasty ... Young Man Afraid, Morris Birdyellowhead ... American Horse, Eddie Spears ... Chasing Crane]
- A chronicle of how American Indians were displaced as the U.S. expanded west. Based on the book by Dee Brown. In the 1880s, after the U. S. Army's defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, the government continues to push Sioux Indians off their land. In Washington, D.C., Senator Henry Dawes introduces legislation to protect Native Americans rights. In South Dakota, school teacher Elaine Goodale joins Sioux native and Western-educated Dr. Charles Eastman in working with tribe members. Meanwhile, Lakota Chief Sitting Bull refuses to give into mounting government pressures. [Director: Yves Simoneau] [Dee Brown (based on the book by) (as Dee Alexander Brown)] [133 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama l History l Western, USA]
- Počinjući pobedom Sijuksa nad vojskom generala Kastera kod Litl Big Horna, Pokopaj mi srce kod Voundid Knija nas upoznaje sa tri glavna lika: Čarlsom Istmanom (C. Ezaneh), mladim Sijuksom, lekarom, školovanim u Dartmautu, koga drže kao dokaz navodnog uspeha asimilacije; Bikom Koji Sedi (A. Schellenberg), poglavicom Lakota koji se odbija predati američkoj zamisli koja bi njegove ljude lišila identiteta, dostojanstva i svete zemlje i senatorom Dovsom (A. Quinn), jednim od idejnih tvoraca državne politike o Indijancima. Dok Istman i učiteljica Elejn Gudal (A. Paquin) rade kako bi upoboljšali život Sijuksa u rezervatima, senator Dovs lobira kod predsednika Granta (F. Dalton Thompson) za humaniji pristup Indijancima, opirući se ideji generala Vilijama Tekamse Šermana (C. Feore) koji se zauzima za rat. Za Sijukse nada se javlja u vidu proroka Vovoka i Plesa duhova - mesijanskog pokreta koji obećava kraj njihovog trpljenja zbog belog čoveka. Ova je nada potpuno zaboravljena posle ubistva Bika Koji Sjedi i masakra stotine Lakota, muškaraca, žena i dece kod Voundid Knija (Ranjenog Kolena), 29. decembra 1890. godine. Mnogi ovaj masakr smatraju najbrutalnijim zločinom u istoriji SAD-a. Do 1876. godine većina američkih Indijanaca je na silu preseljena u rezervate. Na teritoriji Dakote, Crveni Oblak (G. Tootoosis) se smestio sa svojim narodom, u veliki rezervat za Sijukse postavši tako štićenici države. Ali ostale vođe Sijuksa, Bik Koji Sedi i Ludi Konj, su ovo videli kao poraz i nastavili su da žive na tradicionalan način. Njihov otpor je bio legendaran. Onda je nastala privredna depresija, a na Crnim planinama je nađeno zlato... Na zemlji Sijuksa. Ima jedna indijanska poslovica: "Lako je biti hrabar iz daljine. Lako, a često i prilično sigurno." Nekad nije bilo časti u ubijanju... samo potrebe. Čast ide sa istinskom hrabrošću. Ali tog dana je više odavno nije bilo.

Ghost Town: The Movie (2007)

[Herbert 'Cowboy' Coward ... Harmon Teaster, Bill McKinney ... Victor Burnett, DJ Perry ... Will Burnett, Princess Lucaj ... Violet Teaster, Rance Howard ... Sheriff Tom Parker, Renée O'Connor ... Little Jack, Tony Becker ... Deputy Tuck, Stella Parton ... Betsy Mae, Terence Knox ... Mayor Emerson Rogers, Sammy Kershaw ... Marshall Morgan Duckett, Charles Edwin Powell ... Young Victor Burnett, Terry Jernigan ... Young Harmon Teaster, Charles Matthau ... Doc Morrison, Dean Teaster ... Digger (as Dean West), Anthony Hornus ... Captain Ketner]
- Dean Teaster's Ghost Town "The Movie", is a unique "Eastern" Western. It is N.C. native Dean Teaster's tribute to his father Robert Doyle Teaster and "Ghost Town in the Sky" theme park. The theme park was a large piece of the childhood happiness for Dean's family and many families since its opening in 1961. This story combines actual family facts of the Teaster family fictionalized into a story that encompasses the best elements of the staged gunfights performed by the Legendary "Ghost Town Gunfighters" throughout the years at the park. Many of the original actors have returned for roles in the film. Former "Ghost Town Gunfighters" Robert Bradley once known as "The Apache Kid", Herbert Cowboy Coward "GrandPappy", and Harry Valentine "The Golden Voice of Ghost Town" play pivotal roles in the film as does Alaska Presley who was one of the original park founders. Dean Teaster reprises the role of "Digger" made famous by his father. This movie was created to offset many of the "Hillbilly"... [Directors: Jeff Kennedy and Dean Teaster (as Dean West)] [115 min, Western, USA]
- Američki doseljenici su se borili za kopno i zlato. Odgurali su sve do zapadnog mora ostavljajući za sobom krvavi trag. Na istoku, pioniri doseljenici iz udaljenih keltskih i škotskih zemalja naselili su u Apači rezervate. Život je bio težak za te ponosne ljude. Krv je gušća od vode, i njihovi sukobi su često završavali u komadima mesa gde je oko za oko neizgovorena dužnost prema očuvanju porodične časti. Učinjena je nepravda porodicama koje su tek dolazile. Osećaji prema susednim Čirokijima bili su topli i hladni. Neki ih nazivaju "braćom", a neki ih nazivaju "divljacima". Narodna Apačka legenda o Harmonu Tisteru (H. 'Cowboy' Coward), koji je živeo i hodao ovim planinama. Bio je čovek koji se borio za čast svoje porodice i koji je doneo svoj komadić pravde. To će ga proganjati duboko svake zime godinama. Ove planine su naučile nešto da svako uistinu sluša, ono što oni imaju za reći. Zato slušajte šta govore sada.

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