среда, 1. јун 2011.



 Abilene Town (1946) SUKOB U ABELINU 
 Canyon Passage (1946) PROLAZ U KANJONU   
 Duel in the Sun (1946) DVOBOJ NA SUNCU 
 Lawless Breed [aka Lawless Clan, The] (1946) ODMETNIČKI KLAN
 My Darling Clementine (1946) MOJA DRAGA KLEMENTINA 
 Virginian, The (1946) ČOVEK IZ VIRDŽINIJE
 Yearling, The (1946) PROLEĆE ŽIVOTA

Abilene Town (1946)

[Randolph Scott ... Dan Mitchell, Ann Dvorak ... Rita, Edgar Buchanan ... Sheriff 'Bravo' Trimble, Rhonda Fleming ... Sherry Balder, Lloyd Bridges ... Henry Dreiser, Helen Boyce ... Big Annie, Howard Freeman ... Ed Balder, Richard Hale ... Charlie Fair, Jack Lambert ... Jet Younger, Hank Patterson ... Doug Neil, Dick Curtis ... 'Cap' Ryker, Earl Schenck ... George Hazelhurst, Eddy Waller ... Hannaberry]
- Sheriff tries to stop homesteader conflicts in the West after the Civil War. In the years following the Civil War, the town of Abilene, Kansas is poised on the brink of an explosive confrontation. A line has been drawn down the center of the town where the homesteaders and the cattlemen have come to a very uneasy truce. The delicate peace is inadvertantly shattered when a group of new homesteaders lay down their stakes on the cattlemen's side of town, upsetting the delicate balance that had existed thus far and sparking an all-out war between the farmers, who want the land tamed and property lines drawn, and the cowboys, who want the prairies to be open for their cattle to roam. [Director: Edwin L. Marin] [Ernest Haycox (novel Trail Town)] [89 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Romance, Western, USA]

 Pet godina posle Građanskog rata, 1.600 km duga staza za pogon stoke, prostirala se od ravnica Teksasa do železničke ispostave u Kanzasu. 90 iscrpljujućih dana, kroz prašinu, vrućinu, muve, samoću, kauboji su gonili teksašku stoku na sever duž Abelinskog puta, prosečnom brzinom od 1 km na sat, prema Abelinu, u Kanzasu, gde se južnjačka govedina mogla pretvoriti u istočnjački novac. Abelin je bio kraj tog puta. I za goniče, kraj dosade duge 1.600 km i 90 dana. Iscrpljeni goniči su, nakon 90 dana mukotrpnog rada sa stokom, davali sebi oduška ludim provodom u gradu, izazivajući pri tome nered i uznemirujući građane. Situacija se tolerisala zbog zarade koju je grad imao, međutim naseljavanjem farmera u okolini grada dolazi do otvorenog krvavog sukoba između stočara i farmera u koji se moraju umešati i gradski i okružni šerif...

Canyon Passage (1946)

[Dana Andrews ... Logan Stuart, Brian Donlevy ... George Camrose, Susan Hayward ... Lucy Overmire, Patricia Roc ... Caroline Marsh, Ward Bond ... Honey Bragg, Hoagy Carmichael ... Hi Linnet, Fay Holden ... Mrs. Overmire, Stanley Ridges ... Jonas Overmire, Lloyd Bridges ... Johnny Steele, Andy Devine ... Ben Dance, Victor Cutler ... Vane Blazier, Rose Hobart ... Marta Lestrade, Halliwell Hobbes ... Clenchfield, James Cardwell ... Gray Bartlett, Onslow Stevens ... Jack Lestrade]
- Businessman Logan Stuart is torn between his love of two very different women in 1850's Oregon and his loyalty to a compulsive gambler friend who goes over the line. In 1856, backwoods businessman Logan Stuart escorts Lucy Overmire, his friend's fiancée, back home to remote Jacksonville, Oregon; in the course of the hard journey, Lucy is attracted to Logan, whose heart seems to belong to another. Once arrived in Jacksonville, a welter of subplots involve villains, fair ladies, romantic triangles, gambling fever, murder, a cabin-raising, and vigilantism... culminating with an Indian uprising that threatens all the settlers. No canyon in sight. [Director: Jacques Tourneur] [92 min, 1.37 : 1, Action, Romance, Western, USA]

 Portland, Oregon, 1856. godine. Logan Stjuart (D. Andrews) prati Lusi Overmajer (S. Hayward), zaručnicu svog prijatelja Džordža Kamrozea (B. Donlevy), u udaljeno i izolovano šumsko naselje Džeksonvil. Logan se sviđa Lusi, a i ona njemu, ali njegovo srce kuca za drugu, mladu Karolinu Marš (P. Roc). Po povratku Logan se venča sa Karolinom, a Lusi planira venčanje sa Džordžom, ali dolazi do dramatičnih okolnosti. Nakon što je nasilni belac nasrnuo na mladu i lepu Indijanku, Indijanci se podižu na oružje...

Duel in the Sun (1946)

[Jennifer Jones ... Pearl Chavez, Joseph Cotten ... Jesse McCanles, Gregory Peck ... Lewton 'Lewt' McCanles, Lionel Barrymore ... Sen. Jackson McCanles, Herbert Marshall ... Scott Chavez, Lillian Gish ... Laura Belle McCanles, Walter Huston ... The Sinkiller, Charles Bickford ... Sam Pierce, Harry Carey ... Lem Smoot, Joan Tetzel ... Helen Langford, Tilly Losch ... Mrs. Chavez, Butterfly McQueen ... Vashti, Scott McKay ... Sid, Otto Kruger ... Mr. Langford, Sidney Blackmer ... The Lover]
- Beautiful half-breed Pearl Chavez becomes the ward of her dead father's first love and finds herself torn between her sons, one good and the other bad. When her father is hanged for shooting his wife and her lover, half-breed Pearl Chavez goes to live with distant relatives in Texas. Welcomed by Laura Belle and her elder lawyer son Jesse, she meets with hostility from the ranch-owner himself, wheelchair-bound Senator Jackson McCanles, and with lustful interest from womanising, unruly younger son Lewt. Almost at once, already existing family tensions are exacerbated by her presence and the way she is physically drawn to Lewt. [Directors: King Vidor, Otto Brower (uncredited), William Dieterle (uncredited), Sidney Franklin (uncredited), William Cameron Menzies (uncredited), David O. Selznick and Josef von Sternberg (uncredited)] [129 min, 1.37 : 1, Drama | Romance | Western, USA]

 Perl Čavez (J. Jones) je lepa devojka bez roditelja koja nosi etiketu "loše devojke" predodređene za lošu sudbinu. Njen otac Skot (H. Marshall) ubio je njenu majku (T. Losch) zbog nevere, a pre smaknuća savetovao je ćerki da ne pođe njihovim stopama nego da postane prava dama i poštena devojka. Zato ju je uputio na ranč svoje stare prijateljice Lorabel (L. Gish) koja je primi kao vlastitu ćerku, ali njen džangrizavi suprug, senator Džekson Mek Kanles (L. Barrymore), nije oduševljen što će sa njima živeti "sumnjiva" cura. Posle smrti svog oca, mlada devojka španskog porekla, odlazi da živi kod bogatih rančera. Otac, surovi diktator, ne podnosi devojku, zbog njenog porekla. Majka je žrtva muževljeve ljubomore i tragedije svojih sinova. Mek Kanlesovi imaju dvojicu sinova: dobrog sina, advokata Džesija (J. Cotten), i razmaženog, bahatog i mlađeg Luta (G. Peck). Mlađi sin, Lut, je kockar, ali vrlo sposoban kauboj i revolveraš. Stariji, Džesi, je sklon više umerenom životu i obzirima. Obojici se Perl sviđa. Džesi voli Perl, ali se Lut potrudio da je na silu dobije, da bi je posle mučio svojih odbacivanjem, dok u isto vreme ne dozvoljava da joj se bilo ko približi. Ona se pokušava odupreti Lutu, jednako kao što se pokušava odupreti lošoj strani svoje prirode, ali ne uspeva. Džesi odlazi i više je ne može zaštititi... Kada otac odluči da se suprotstavi vlastima zato što mu oduzimaju zemlju za železničku prugu, Džesi nije uz njega i otac ne želi da ga više vidi. On odlazi saznavši da je Perl pripala Lutu, iako silom. Pošto Lut nema nameru da je ženi, ona se iz prkosa udaje za jednog starijeg čoveka, ali Lut to sprečava, ubija Bena, i postaje odmetnik na čiju je glavu raspisana nagrada. Beži, ali se noću tajno sastaje sa ocem, posećuje Perl, ali odbija da je povede sa sobom preko granice. Ona tada ide sa Džesijem u grad kod njegove devojke. Lut odlazi po nju i ubija brata. Majka slomljena umire, a Perl odluči da mu se sveti. Odlazi u pustaru, na sastanak sa Lutom da bi bežala sa njim preko granice, ali kad joj se približi ona puca i rani ga. On rani nju. Pred samu smrt priznaju jedno drugom da je njihova ljubav, ma kako bila divlja i sirova, ipak bila prava.


Lawless Breed [aka Lawless Clan, The] (1946)

[Kirby Grant ... Ted Everett, Fuzzy Knight ... Tumbleweed, Jane Adams ... Marjorie 'Maggie' Bradley, Dick Curtis ... Bartley Mellon and Captain Isaac Mellon, Claudia Drake ... Cherie, Harry Brown ... Stanford Witherspoon, Charles King ... Tim Carson, Karl Hackett ... Sheriff Dan Bradley, Hank Worden ... The Deputy]
- Government agents Ted Everett (K. Grant) and Tumbleweed (F. Knight) are sent to Spearville, Texas, where the law agencies have failed to stop a series of bank robberies. Arriving incognito, they become involved with the gang, and end up being accused of murdering banker Bartlet Mellon (D. Curtis). They escape a lynch mob and return with evidence that Mellon has faked his death, hoping to gain the insurance, and is also leading the gang under another name. [Director: Wallace Fox (as Wallace W. Fox)] [58 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Western, Crime, Mystery, USA]

 Savezni agenti Ted Everet (K. Grant) i Tamblvid (F. Knight) dolaze u Spervil u Teksasu jer lokalne vlasti ne uspevaju da zaustave učestale pljačke banke. U gradu su inkognito i uspevaju da se ubace među članove bande...

My Darling Clementine (1946)

[Henry Fonda ... Wyatt Earp, Linda Darnell ... Chihuahua, Victor Mature ... Doc Holliday, Cathy Downs ... Clementine Carter, Walter Brennan ... Old Man Clanton, Tim Holt ... Virgil Earp, Ward Bond ... Morgan Earp, Alan Mowbray ... Granville Thorndyke, John Ireland ... Billy Clanton, Roy Roberts ... Mayor, Jane Darwell ... Kate Nelson, Grant Withers ... Ike Clanton, J. Farrell MacDonald ... Mac the Barman, Russell Simpson ... John Simpson]
- A Western retelling the tale of the Shoot-out at the OK Corral. Wyatt Earp and his brothers Morgan and Virgil ride into Tombstone and leave brother James in charge of their cattle herd. On their return they find their cattle stolen and James dead. Wyatt takes on the job of town marshal, making his brothers deputies, and vows to stay in Tombstone until James' killers are found. He soon runs into the brooding, coughing, hard-drinking Doc Holliday as well as the sullen and vicious Clanton clan. Wyatt discovers the owner of a trinket stolen from James' dead body and the stage is set for the Earps' long-awaited revenge. [Director: John Ford] [97 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Drama l Western, USA]

 Braća Vajat (H. Fonda), Morgan (W. Bond), Virdžil (T. Holt) i Džejms Erp, žive usamljeničkim životom goneći stoku i putujući po američkom Zapadu. Pristigavši u Tumston, dolaze u grad u kojem vlada nered i bezakonje. Samo najmlađi brat Džejms ostaje da čuva imovinu. Članovi zloglasne porodice Klenton, koji žive u blizini, opljačkaju ga i ubiju. Zbog toga Vajat odluči da ostane u Tumstonu kao šerif sa braćom kao pomoćnicima, prvenstveno da bi skupio dokaze protiv ubica. Postupno razvija prijateljstvo sa rezigniranim revolverašem i lekarom Dokom Holidejem (V. Mature) koji se propio, a zaintrigira ga i neočekivani dolazak Dokove bivše verenice iz Bostona, Klementine Karter (C. Downs). "Moja draga Klementina" je slavni vestern Džona Forda koji prikazuje priču o jednom od najvećih legenadarnih obračuna Divljeg zapada, kao onog kod OK Korala, koji je bio mnogo puta filmski prikazivan, spomenimo samo "Obračun kod O.K. Korala" (1957), "Tumston" (1993) i "Vajat Erp" (1994). Međutim, za razliku od brojnih ostalih koji su se uglavnom držali mitskog porodičnog obračuna kao okosnice radnje, ovaj film se podjednako usredotočava na karakter dva glavna lika, Vajata Erpa i Doka Holideja, naročito na njihov odnos prema liku Dokove ljubavi Klementine koja figuriše kao lirski antipod glavnom događaju.



Sunset Pass (1946)

[James Warren ... Rocky, Nan Leslie ... Jane Preston, John Laurenz ... Chito Rafferty, Jane Greer ... Lolita Baxter, Robert Barrat ... Rand Curtis, Harry Woods ... Cinnabar, Robert Clarke ... Ash Preston, Steve Brodie ... Slagle, Harry Harvey ... Daab - Banker]
- A young outlaw gets involved with a gang of crooks. When he tells them he is breaking away, they threaten to pin a false murder charge on him. But he is rescued and reformed by his sister, and an undercover agent for the express company. Rocky and Chito have the money they were protecting stolen. Using an unusual hoof print to identify one of the robbers, Rocky arrests Ash Preston. When Rocky is shot, Ash helps him recover. Chito finds the stolen money and Rocky lets Ash, having quit the gang, return it to clear himself. But Ash's ex-partner Cinnabar has a bank robbery planned and to get everyone out of town, he sends then gunning for Ash claiming he is a murderer. [Director: William Berke] [Zane Grey (novel)] [64 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Action l Adventure l Romance, USA]

 Mladi odmetnik se upetljava sa grupom lopova. Kad im kaže da želi da ih napusti, ucenjuju ga da će ga lažno optužiti za ubistvo. Ali, spasavaju ga i vraćaju na pravi put njegova sestra i tajni agent transportne kompanije...

Virginian, The (1946)

[Joel McCrea ... The Virginian, Brian Donlevy ... Trampas, Sonny Tufts ... Steve Andrews, Barbara Britton ... Molly Wood, Fay Bainter ... Mrs. Taylor, Tom Tully ... Nebraska, Henry O'Neill ... Mr. Taylor, Bill Edwards ... Sam Bennett, William Frawley ... Honey Wiggen, Paul Guilfoyle ... Shorty, Marc Lawrence ... Pete, Vince Barnett ... Baldy]
- Arriving at Medicine Bow, eastern schoolteacher Molly Woods meets two cowboys, irresponsible Steve and the "Virginian", who gets off on the wrong foot with her. To add to his troubles, the Virginian finds that his old pal Steve is mixed up with black-hatted Trampas and his rustlers... then finds himself at the head of a posse after said rustlers; and Molly hates the violent side of frontier life. [Director: Stuart Gilmore] [90 min, 1.37 : 1, Romance l Western, USA]

 Virdžinijac (J. McCrea) i njegov prijatelj Stiv (S. Tufts) su suparnici za naklonost učiteljice Moli Vud (B. Britton) koja se doselila sa Istoka i koja se teško privikava na težak život prepun nasilja i kriminala. Film 'Virginian' snimljen po romanu iz 1902. godine Ovena Vistera bio je više puta ekranizovan: 1914. u režiji Sesila B. de Mila, 1929. sa Gari Kuperom i Volterom Hjustonom, 1960. snimljena je raskošna televizijska serija i 2000. godine u režiji Bila Pulmana sa samim rediteljem i Dajen Lejn u glavnim ulogama.





Yearling, The (1946)

[Gregory Peck ... Penny Baxter, Jane Wyman ... Orry Baxter, Claude Jarman Jr. ... Jody, Chill Wills ... Buck Forrester, Clem Bevans ... Pa Forrester, Margaret Wycherly ... Ma Forrester, Henry Travers ... Mr. Boyles, Forrest Tucker ... Lem Forrester, Donn Gift ... Fodderwing]
- A boy persuades his parents to allow him to adopt a young deer, but what will happen if the deer misbehaves? After the American Civil War, a rebel soldier and his wife become pioneer farmers in Florida. Their son Jody is 11 years old; he gets along well with his warm and affectionate pa, but his ma is haunted by the death of her other children, so she's somber, even cold. The boy wants a pet: the dad is sympathetic, the mom obdurate. When a rattler bites pa, pa kills a doe to use its organs to draw out the poison. Jody begs to keep the doe's fawn as a pet. The parents agree, and the boy and the deer are soon inseparable. The fawn grows quickly, and as a yearling tramples tobacco shoots and eats the newly-sprouted corn. This is too much for ma, and Jody has to face harsh, adult realities. [Director: Clarence Brown] [128 min, Color, 1.37 : 1, Drama | Family, USA]

 Godine 1870. na Floridi jedna porodica teško radi kako bi se prehranila i preživela. Ezra Bakster (G. Peck), bivši vojnik, i njegova supruga Ori (J. Wyman), su pioniri poljoprivrednici blizu jezera Džordž. Njihov sin, Džodi (C. Jarman Jr.), mladi dečak, je njihovo jedino preživelo dete. Džodi ima divan odnos sa svojim voljenim ocem. Oru, međutim, i dalje proganja smrt ostala tri deteta. Ona je veoma negativna, i plaši se da će i Džodi umreti ako mu pokaže svoju roditeljsku ljubav. Život je težak, opasan i grub, ne štedi ni ljude, ni životinje, ni dvanaestogodišnjeg Džodija. Sa ocem u lovu Džodi uči kako se bori i preživljava. U lovu na medveda zamalo stradaju i oni i njihov pas, jer je očeva puška stara i neispravna. Zato otac teška srca pristaje da sa susedom Lemom zameni psa za novu pušku. Jednom prilikom u šumi oca ugrize zvečarka. Kako bi preživeo, mora zarezati ranu, isisati otrovnu krv i na ranu staviti svežu životinjsku jetru. Džodi mora prvi put upotrebiti pušku i ubiti srnu koju su primetili u blizini. Plačući, puca, jer zna da će inače njegov otac umreti. Kada se posle nekog vremena u blizini kuće počne pojavljivati srnino mladunče, Džodi ga sav srećan usvoji i brine se o njemu, postaju nerazdvojni. Ali ni tu nije kraj nevoljama, jer lane odrasta i postaje veoma nestašno. Više puta im uništava useve i roditelji odlučuju da ga se otarase...






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