среда, 1. јун 2011.



 Along Came Jones (1945) STIGAO JE DŽONS 
 Dakota (1945) DAKOTA 
 Flame of Barbary Coast (1945) PLAMEN NAD BARBARI KOUSTOM 
 San Antonio (1945) SAN ANTONIO 
 Southerner, The (1945) JUŽNJAK
 Valley of Decision, The (1945) DOLINA ODLUKE
 Wanderer of the Wasteland (1945) PUSTINJSKA LUTALICA
 West of the Pecos (1945) ZAPADNO OD PEKOSA

Along Came Jones (1945)

[Gary Cooper ... Melody Jones, Loretta Young ... Cherry de Longpre, William Demarest ... George Fury, Dan Duryea ... Monte Jarrad, Frank Sully ... Avery de Longpre, Don Costello ... Leo Gledhill, Walter Sande ... Ira Waggoner, Russell Simpson ... Pop de Longpre, Arthur Loft ... Sheriff, Willard Robertson ... Luke Packard, Ray Teal ... Kriendler, Lane Chandler ... Boone]
- A good-natured saddle tramp traveling with his sidekick, is mistaken for a ruthless outlaw with a price on his head. Riding into Payneville, easy-going cowboy Melody Jones is mistaken by the townsfolk for notorious gunman Monte Jarrad. The real Jarrad is hiding out wounded on the ranch of childhood sweetheart Cherry. She has the idea of sending Jones off to decoy the pursuing posse, but once he's met Cherry, Jones has other plans. [Director: Stuart Heisler] [Alan Le May (novel)] [90 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Comedy l Romance l Western, USA]

 Radnja filma prati glavnog glumca, kauboja Melodi Džonsa (G. Cooper), kog u malom gradiću Pejnvilu zamenjuju za zloglasnog revolveraša Monti Džareda (D. Duryea). Kad se u sve to umeša lepa glavna glumica Šeri de Longpri (L. Young), zanimljivi saputnik, zloglasni banditi i drugi zanimljivi događaji, radnja filma fino komponuje vestern obračune, ljubav, smešne zaplete i još mnogo toga. Može se reći da za ljubitelje sva tri žanra koji obuhvata ovaj film ima dovoljno razloga da odgledaju ovu urnebesnu vestern romantičnu komediju.

Dakota (1945)

[John Wayne ... John Devlin, Vera Ralston ... Sandy Poli (Devlin) (as Vera Hruba Ralston), Walter Brennan ... Capt. Bounce, Ward Bond ... Jim Bender, Ona Munson ... 'Jersey' Thomas, Hugo Haas ... Marko Poli, Mike Mazurki ... 'Bigtree' Collins, Olive Blakeney ... Mrs. Stowe, Nick Stewart ... Nicodemus (as Nicodemus Stewart), Paul Fix ... Carp, Grant Withers ... Slagin, Robert Livingston ... Lieutenant, Olin Howland ... Devlin's Driver (as Olin Howlin), Pierre Watkin ... Wexton Geary, Robert Barrat ... Anson Stowe (as Robert H. Barrat)]
- In 1871, professional gambler John Devlin elopes with Sandra "Sandy" Poli, daughter of Marko Poli, an immigrant who has risen to railroad tycoon. Sandy, knowing that the railroad is to be extended into Dakota, plans to use their $20,000 nest egg to buy land options to sell to the railroad at a profit. On the stage trip to Ft. Abercrombie, their fellow passengers are Jim Bender and Bigtree Collins, who practically own the town of Fargo and Devlin is aware that they are prepared to protect the little empire... trying to drive out the farmers by burning their property, destroying their wheat, and blaming the devastation on the Indians. Continuing their journey north on the river aboard the "River Bird', Sandy and John meet Captain Bounce, an irascible old seafarer. Two of Bendender's henchmen, Slagin and Carp, board the boat and relieve John of his $20,000 at gunpoint. Captain Bounce, chasing the robber's dinghy, wrecks his boat on a sandbar. At Fargo, the land wars begin and John teams... [Director: Joseph Kane] [82 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Comedy l Western, USA]

 1871. godine, profesionalni kockar Džon Devlin (J. Wayne) beži sa "Sandi" Poli (V. Ralston), ćerkom Marka Polija (H. Haas), imigranta koji se obogatio na železnicama. Sandi, znajući da pruga treba da se proširi u Dakoti, planira da uloži svojih 20.000 dolara za kupovinu zemljišta da bi bila na dobiti kada pruga počne da se gradi. Ali, novac im biva ukraden, a umešan je Džim Bender (W. Bond) koji pokušava da zagospodari zemljom u tom kraju i već na različite nasilne načine rasteruje farmere.

Flame of Barbary Coast (1945) 

[John Wayne ... Duke Fergus, Ann Dvorak ... 'Flaxen' Tarry, Joseph Schildkraut ... Tito Morell, William Frawley ... 'Smooth' Wylie, Virginia Grey ... Rita Dane, Russell Hicks ... Cyrus Danver, Jack Norton ... 'Byline' Conners, Paul Fix ... Calico Jim, Manart Kippen ... Dr. Gorman, Eve Lynne ... Martha, Marc Lawrence ... Joe Disko, Butterfly McQueen ... Flaxen's Maid, Rex Lease ... Collingswood, Hank Bell ... Hank, Al Murphy ... Horseshoe Brown]
- Duke falls for Flaxen in the Barbary Coast in turn-of-the-century San Francisco. He loses money to crooked gambler Tito, goes home and PL: learns to gamble, and returns. After he makes a fortune he opens his own place with Flaxen as the entertainer. The 1906 quake destroys his place. [Director: Joseph Kane] [91 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Musical l Romance l Western, USA]

 1906. godine Djuk Fergus (J. Wayne) dobrodušan rančer iz Montane dođe u San Francisko i poseti kockarnicu čiji je vlasnik Tito Morel (J. Schildkraut). Očaran lepom zvezdom Flaksen (A. Dvorak), Djuk krene da kocka i izgubi svoj teško zarađeni novac. Tito ga prisili da napusti grad, ali ne zadugo, sledeći put kada dođe, radikalno menja svoju sreću. Sa svojim dobicima Djuk izgradi kazino preko puta Tita i angažuje Flaksen. Čini se da ništa ne može pomutiti Djukovu sreću, ali razoran zemljotres u San Francisku postavi pred naše filmske junake neočekivana iskušenja.

San Antonio (1945)

[Errol Flynn ... Clay Hardin, Alexis Smith ... Jeanne Starr, S.Z. Sakall ... Sacha Bozic (as S.Z. 'Cuddles' Sakall), Victor Francen ... Legare, Florence Bates ... Henrietta, John Litel ... Charlie Bell, Paul Kelly ... Roy Stuart, Robert Shayne ... Captain Morgan, John Alvin ... Pony Smith, Monte Blue ... Cleve Andrews, Robert Barrat ... Colonel Johnson, Pedro de Cordoba ... Ricardo Torreon (as Pedro De Cordoba), Tom Tyler ... Lafe McWilliams]
- Tough dance hall girl working for the local villain falls for a cowboy trying to clean up the town. Clay Hardin is a San Antonio rancher who has been run off his land by cattle rustlers. There's a range war going on and Hardin is determined to get the man behind it all, Roy Stuart. Hardin has been hiding out in Mexico, biding his time and decides the time has come for him to return. He's managed to get hold of one of Stuart's tally books that clearly shows he was selling cattle that didn't belong to him. Stuart and his partner Legare will go to any lengths to stop Hardin before he can put the evidence before a court. Beautiful dance hall performer Jeanne Starr arrives in San Antonio under contract to Stuart and Legare but she is clearly smitten with the handsome Hardin. When the army is called away, Hardin and his supporters are left on their own to defend themselves. [Directors: David Butler, Robert Florey (uncredited) and Raoul Walsh (uncredited)] [109 min, 1.37 : 1, Romance l Western, USA]

 Bivši konjokradica, promenjenih shvatanja, prati grupu kradljivaca stoke i usput pokušava da promeni pogled na svet i salonske devojke.










Southerner, The (1945)

[Zachary Scott ... Sam Tucker, Betty Field ... Nona Tucker, J. Carrol Naish ... Devers, Beulah Bondi ... Granny Tucker, Percy Kilbride ... Harmie, Charles Kemper ... Tim, Blanche Yurka ... Mama Tucker, Norman Lloyd ... Finlay, Estelle Taylor ... Lizzie, Paul Harvey ... Ruston, Noreen Nash ... Becky Devers, Jack Norworth ... Dr. White, Nestor Paiva ... Bartender, Paul E. Burns ... Uncle Pete Tucker (as Paul Burns), Jay Gilpin ... Jot Tucker]
- The life of the poor Tucker family, that worked as cotton pluggers and decided to get their own ground, but nature is against them. Sam Tucker, a cotton picker, in search of a better future for his family, decides to grow his own cotton crop. In the first year, the Tuckers battle disease, a flood, and a jealous neighbor. Can they make it as farmers? [Director: Jean Renoir] [George Sessions Perry (novel)] [92 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Drama, USA]

 Radnja je smeštena u Teksas. Protagonista, koga tumači Zakari Skot je siromašni napoličar i berač pamuka koji sa ušteđenim novcem kupuje vlastitu farmu da bi osigurao život za suprugu (koju glumi Beti Fild) i dvoje dece. U potrazi za boljim životom, za sebe i svoju porodicu, odlučuje da zasadi sopstveno polje pamuka, ali se nakon toga suočava sa bolešću, vremenskim neprilikama, zavidnim i zlobnim susedima. Oporost i realistički pristup su prilično impresionirali tadašnje kritičare.

Valley of Decision, The (1945)

[Greer Garson ... Mary Rafferty, Gregory Peck ... Paul Scott, Donald Crisp ... William Scott, Lionel Barrymore ... Pat Rafferty, Preston Foster ... Jim Brennan, Marsha Hunt ... Constance Scott, Gladys Cooper ... Clarissa Scott, Reginald Owen ... McCready, Dan Duryea ... William Scott Jr., Jessica Tandy ... Louise Kane, Barbara Everest ... Delia, Marshall Thompson ... Ted Scott, Geraldine Wall ... Kate Shannon, Evelyn Dockson ... Mrs. Callahan, John Warburton ... Giles]
- Mary Rafferty comes from a poor family of steel mill workers in 19th Century Pittsburgh. Her family objects when she goes to work as a maid for the wealthy Scott family which controls the mill. Mary catches the attention of handsome scion Paul Scott, but their romance is complicated by Paul's engagement to someone else and a bitter strike among the mill workers. [Director: Tay Garnett] [119 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Drama, USA]

 Meri Raferti (G. Garson) potiče iz siromašne porodice metalskih radnika u Pitsburgu 19. veka. Njena porodica se buni kada ona ode da radi kao sluškinja u bogatoj porodici Skot koja je vlasnik čeličane. Meri privlači pažnju zgodnog potomka porodice, Pola Skota (G. Peck), ali njihova romansa je zakomplikovana Polovom veridbom sa drugom devojkom i ogorčenim štrajkom radnika čeličane. "Ovo je bio Pitsburg, 1873. godine. Ovde na brdu živeli su vlasnici velikih fabrika. Ovde sam ja rođen. U kući moga oca Vilijema Skota (D. Crisp). Ispod mesta gde se Monongahela i Alegeni reke spajaju... i formiraju reku Ohajo... čelik je kovan u šine i točkove... da prate staze doseljenika u budućnost nove Amerike." "Iza je bilo naselje gde su radnici živeli. Stotine porodica sa farmi iz Irske, koji su našli novi dom u gradu čelika. I tu ja živim, sa mojom sestrom, udovicom, i sa mojim ocem, Patrikom Rafertijem (L. Barrymore)."

Wanderer of the Wasteland (1945)

[James Warren ... Adam Larey, Richard Martin ... Chito Rafferty, Audrey Long ... Jeanie Collinshaw, Robert Barrat ... Uncle Jim Collinshaw, Robert Clarke ... Jay Collinshaw, Harry Woods ... Guerd Eliott, Minerva Urecal ... Mama Rafferty, Harry D. Brown ... Papa Mike Rafferty, Tommy Cook ... Chito as a Boy, Harry McKim ... Adam as a Boy, Jason Robards Sr. ... Crooked Dealer (as Jason Robards)]
- Adam Larey is looking for the killer of his father when he was a boy. His only clue is a brand and he finds it when he runs into the Collinshaws. When he learns that Jim Collinshaw, now an old man and an invalid is the one, he is unable to kill him and leaves. But Eliot then kills Collinshaw and blames Adam and Adam finds himself in jail charged with the murder. [Directors: Wallace Grissell and Edward Killy] [67 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

 Adam Leri (J. Warren) u potrazi je za ubicom svog oca, a sve se dogodilo kad je on bio dečak. Trag ga je doveo do Džima Kolinšoa (R. Barrat), starca i invalida, u kog Adam ne može pucati. Ali, pucao je neko drugi i optužio Adama... Priča se zasniva na likovima iz romana Zejna Greja.

West of the Pecos (1945)

[Robert Mitchum ... Pecos Smith, Barbara Hale ... Rill Lambeth, Richard Martin ... Chito Rafferty, Thurston Hall ... Colonel Lambeth, Rita Corday ... Suzanne, Rill's French Maid, Russell Hopton ... Henchman Jeff Slinger, Bill Williams ... Tex Evans, Bruce Edwards ... Clyde Corbin, Harry Woods ... Brad Sawtelle, Perc Launders ... Sam Sawtelle, Bryant Washburn ... Doc Howard, Philip Morris ... U.S. Marshal, Martin Garralaga ... Don Manuel]
- Heading west for his health, Colonel Lambeth takes his daughter Rill along. Lost on the desert they are saved by Pecos and Chito. The Colonel hires the two and the Lambeths soon find themselves mixed up in Pecos' trouble. Pecos has killed Sawtelle's brother and Sawtelle as head of the vigilantes is after him. [Director: Edward Killy] [Zane Grey (novel)] [66 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

 U trećoj filmskoj adaptaciji istoimenog romana Zejna Greja troje bogataša napuštaju urbanu sredinu i putuju na Divlji zapad gde vladaju druga pravila. Pukovniku Lambetu (T. Hall) doktor preporuči više kretanja i vazduha pa njegova ćerka Ril (B. Hale) odluči da napuste Čikago i otputuju u Teksas gde imaju ranč. Već pri dolasku poštanska kočija u kojoj putuju Ril, njen otac pukovnik Lambet i Rilina francuska kućna pomoćnica Suzan (R. Corday) bude opljačkana, a jedan od vozača ubijen. Kada stignu, za početak troje došljaka odsednu u gradskom hotelu, a potom se zapute prema svom posedu. Kako bi tamo i stigli, putem im pomognu Pekos Smit (R. Mitchum) i njegov prijatelj Čito Raferti (R. Martin) koje pukovnik i zaposli da mu pomognu da oporave ranč. Ali, na Divljem zapadu stvari su nešto drugačije, nego u Čikagu...

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