среда, 3. октобар 2012.


• Outlaw Stallion, The (1954) ODMETNUTI PASTUV
• Red Garters (1954) CRVENE PODVEZICE
• Ride Clear of Diablo (1954) KLONI SE DIJABLA [aka DALJE OD DIJABLA]
• Riding Shotgun (1954) JAHAČ SA SAČMAROM 
• River of No Return (1954) REKA BEZ POVRATKA 
• Saskatchewan (1954) SASKAČEVAN 
• Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) SEDAM NEVESTI ZA SEDMORO BRAĆE 
• Silver Lode (1954) SILVER LOD
• Sitting Bull (1954) BIK KOJI SEDI  
• Taza, Son of Cochise (1954) TAZA, KOČIZOV SIN
• Track of the Cat (1954) TRAG PUME
• Vera Cruz (1954) VERA KRUZ

Outlaw Stallion, The (1954)

[Philip Carey ... 'Doc' Woodrow (as Phil Carey), Dorothy Patrick ... Mary Saunders, Billy Gray ... Danny Saunders, Roy Roberts ... Hagen, Gordon Jones ... Wagner, Trevor Bardette ... Rigo,
Morris Ankrum ... Sheriff]
- Hagan is rustling horses lead by a white stallion from a Government restricted area. Young Danny Saunders captures the horse who then kills Hagen's mare. Hagen needs the white stallion and when Danny is hurt during the beaking of the horse, his mother gives the horse to Hagan. Upset, Danny runs away to be with the horse. His mother chases after him and they are both made prisoners when they see Hagan's rustling operation. I'm a big fan of a subgenre I tend to think of as "horse westerns", i.e. westerns where a single horse dominates the action and is the object of various humans' attempts to either raise it or catch it. These were usually in color (Technicolor, Cinecolor, Trucolor, etc.) and were made primarily in the 1940s and '50s, starting with 20th Century Fox's My Friend Flicka (1943) and including Wildfire (1945), The Red Stallion (1947), The Strawberry Roan (1948), The Golden Stallion (1949), Trigger Jr. (1950), The Palomino (1950), Wild Stallion (1952), The Lion and the Horse (1952) and Gypsy Colt (1954), to name a few. [Director: Fred F. Sears] [64 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 Deni (B. Gray) živi na ranču sa svojom majkom (D. Patrick) koja je udovica. Na velikom imanju živi i zaštićeno krdo divljih konja koje vodi beli pastuv. Deni se uspeo približiti tom veličanstvenom konju i sprijateljiti se sa njim. Međutim, zakonska zaštita divljih konja lukavom razbojniku Hagenu (R. Robertsu) ne znači ništa, jer namerava krdo sterati u ograđen prostor i poslati preko granice...

Red Garters (1954)

[Rosemary Clooney ... Calaveras Kate, Jack Carson ... Jason Carberry, Guy Mitchell ... Reb Randall, Pat Crowley ... Susan Martinez De La Cruz, Gene Barry ... Rafael Moreno, Cass Daley ... Minnie Redwing, Frank Faylen ... Billy Buckett, Reginald Owen ... Judge Wallace Winthrop, Buddy Ebsen ... Ginger Pete, Richard Hale ... Dr. J. Pott Troy, Joanne Gilbert ... Sheila Winthrop]
- Reb Randall rides into town seeking the murderer of his brother, Rob Randall. Jason Carberry is the Mayor of the town. A musical about a man, Reb Randall, who rides into a frontier town looking for his brother's killer, but is surprised to find everyone in the town is celebrating his kin's death and, for that matter, gunplay in general. He eventually discovers the murderer and each man swears to shoot down the other in a gunfight. However, their girlfriends team up to put an end to the bloodshed. Alfred Jingle got the wrong man! [Director: George Marshall] [91 min, 1.85 : 1, Musical l Western, USA]
 Film "Crvene podvezice" je vesela satira na standardne vestern filmove, Reb Rendal (G. Mitchell) jaši u Kaliforniju, u grad Izgubljeni raj, da se obračuna sa čovekom koji je ustrelio njegovog brata Robina, Ali, kada je došao tamo, nalazi napušteni grad. Svi su otišli da proslave Robinov pogreb, u skladu sa "zakonom zapada". Rezultat je dobra stara tradicionalna gužva. Na čelu pogrebnih svečanosti nalazi se privlačna plesačica Kalaveras Kejt (R. Clooney), koja voli snažnog šerifa Džejsona Korberija (J. Carson), ali prigovara načinu na koji on upravlja gradom. Ona je odlučila da raščisti situaciju i da se uda za Džejsona. Jedan od kolovođa u tom neobičnom veselju je zgodni Rafael Moreno (G. Barry), koji je zaljubljen u Šejlu Vintrop (J. Gilbert), lepu devojku iz Bostona, ali mu ne polazi lako za rukom da je osvoji. Ljubav sad takođe zahvata I Reba Rendala. Predmet je njegove pažnje zavodljiva senjorita Suzana Martinez de la Kruz (P. Crowley), štićenica Džejsona koji se odupire toj vezi. Reb i Rafael postaju doskora veliki prijatelji. Međutim, Reb uskoro saznaje da je Rafael čovek koji je ubio njegovog brata. Iako oni ne žele da se tuku zbog Robina, koji je ustvari bio loš čovek, Džejson insistira na njihovom dvoboju, jer je to "zakon". Međutim, usred bučnog veselja, kada je napetost bila na vrhuncu, dolaze devojke i sprečavaju krvoproliće. Pravi je ubica Robina u stvari Bili Baket i ceo se grad raduje, pripremajući venčanje mladih parova. Pesma "Brave Man" u izvedbi glumice i pevačice Rozmari Kluni bila izuzetno popularna u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Pesmu su napisali Džej Livingston (Jay Livingston) i Rej Evans (Ray Evans). Godine 1957. naš poznati kompozitor Nikica Kalođera obrađuje pesmu iz filma koju Anica Zubović peva pod nazivom "Negdje u dalekom svijetu". [Croatia film]

Ride Clear of Diablo (1954)

Ride Clear of Diablo (1954)
[Audie Murphy ... Clay O'Mara, Susan Cabot ... Laurie Kenyon, Dan Duryea ... Whitey Kincade, Abbe Lane ... Kate, Russell Johnson ... Jed Ringer, Paul Birch ... Fred Kenyon, William Pullen ... Tom Meredith, Jack Elam ... Tim Lowerie, Denver Pyle ... Reverend Moorehead]
- Railroad surveyer Murphy goes after rustlers who murdered his father and brother. Along the way, he first arrests then teams up with outlaw Duryea who helps Murphy only to see how long the tenderfoot lasts. Outwitting several attempts on his life engineered by the crooked lawyer who set up his family, Murphy and a wounded Duryea face the gang. Duryea, wanted to protect Murphy and redeem himself, goes down shooting. [Director: Jesse Hibbs] [80 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]
 Mladić je prisiljen da uzme pravdu u svoje ruke. Klej (A. Marfi) se vraća iz Denvera na porodično imanje jer su mu ubijeni otac i brat, a ne zna se ko ih je ubio. Odlučuje da krene u potragu za krivcima...





Riding Shotgun (1954) 

[Randolph Scott ... Larry Delong, Wayne Morris ... Deputy Sheriff Tub Murphy, Joan Weldon ... Orissa Flynn, Joe Sawyer ... Tom Biggert, James Millican ... Dan Marady, Charles Bronson ... Pinto (as Charles Buchinsky), James Bell ... Doc Winkler, Fritz Feld ... Fritz, Richard Garrick ... Walters, Vic Perrin ... Bar-M Rider with Lynching Rope (as Victor Perrin), John Baer ... Deputy Ross Hughes, William Johnstone ... Col. Flynn]
- When a stagecoach guard tries to warn a town of an imminent raid by a band of outlaws, the people mistake him for one of the gang. After members of his family are killed by the Maraday Gang during a stagecoach robbery, Larry Delong takes a job as stage guard in hopes that he will meet up with the outlaws. After he is captured by the bandits, his shot-up stage is returned to the town by the gang in order to draw the authorities out of town. After being left for dead, Delong escapes to warn the townspeople of an imminent raid by the outlaws. They don't believe his story and, in fact, accuse him of complicity in the stage robbery, tasking the town's remaining deputy with arresting him. A besieged Delong hides out in a local saloon before making his next move. [Director: André De Toth (as Andre de Toth)] [73 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]
• Protekle tri godine sam posvetio svoj život lovu za ubicom iz vrlo ličnih razloga. Promenio sam sve vrste posla, iz Vajominga do Oregona. Pre godinu dana pratio sam poštansku kočiju od Kanade do Meksika. Znao sam da ću osobu koju tražim sresti... Dan Maradi.  

River of No Return (1954) 

[Robert Mitchum ... Matt Calder, Marilyn Monroe ... Kay Weston, Rory Calhoun ... Harry Weston, Tommy Rettig ... Mark Calder, Murvyn Vye ... Dave Colby, Douglas Spencer ... Sam Benson]
- The title river unites a farmer recently released from prison, his young son, and an ambitious saloon singer. In order to survive, each must be purged of anger, and each must learn to understand and care for the others. Matt Calder, who lives on a remote farm with his young son Mark, helps two unexpected visitors who lose control of their raft on the nearby river. Harry Weston is a gambler by profession and he is racing to the nearest town to register a mining claim he has won in a poker game. His attractive wife Kay, a former saloon hall girl, is with him. When Calder refuses to let Weston have his only rifle and horse, he simply takes them leaving his wife behind. Unable to defend themselves against a likely Indian attack, Calder, his son and Kay Weston begin the treacherous journey down the river on the raft Weston left behind. [Directors: Otto Preminger and Jean Negulesco (uncredited)] [91 min, 2.55 : 1, Adventure l Western, USA]
• Met Kalder (R. Mitchum) dolazi u naselje rudara koji traže zlato da bi pronašao svog devetogodišnjeg sina Marka (T. Rettig). Mark je tu bio ostavljen nakon što je njegov otac osuđen na zatvor, jer je ustrelio sa leđa nekog zločinca koji mu je hteo ubiti prijatelja. Pre odlaska sa ocem na farmu Mark se pozdravi sa lepom pevačicom iz saluna, Kej Veston (M. Monroe). Kraj Metove farme teče divlja reka. Jednog dana on spase od utapanja dvoje putnika na splavu. Ona je Kej, a on je kockar Hari Veston (R. Calhoun) za koga se ona želi udati. Hari je varajući na kockanju dobio od nekog rudara parcelu sa zlatom. Sada mu se žuri da je registruje u gradu pre nego što se pojavi njen prevareni vlasnik. Na silu otme Metu jedinu pušku i jedinog konja i odjuri u grad. Iza sebe ostavi Kej po koju će se tobože vratiti. Uz reku se ne može preživeti bez oružja, pa Met, Mark i Kej zaplove na splavu bežeći pred Indijancima. Nastoje se domoći grada, ukradene puške i konja. Jedino oružje koje Met ima je lovački nož...


Saskatchewan (1954) 

[Alan Ladd ... Thomas O'Rourke, Shelley Winters ... Grace Markey, J. Carrol Naish ... Batouche, Hugh O'Brian ... Carl Smith, Robert Douglas ... Benton, George J. Lewis ... Lawson, Richard Long ... Patrick J. Scanlon, Jay Silverheels ... Cajou, Antonio Moreno ... Chief Dark Cloud, Frank Chase ... Keller, Lowell Gilmore ... Banks, Anthony Caruso ... Spotted Eagle, Henry Wills ... Merrill, Bob Herron ... Brill (as Robert D. Herron)]
- In 1877 Western Canada, a police inspector revolts against his inept commander, and takes a safer route to the US boarder to stop invading hostile Indians. O'Rourke and his Cree half brother Cajou are returning from a northern Canadian trapping trip when they encoutner a burned wagon train and sole surivor Grace. Naive Mountie commander Benton believes it to be a Cree attack. The Sioux from across the border are trying to force the Cree into being allies in their struggle with the U.S. seventh cavalry. O'Rourke must mutiny to save the men. He must also aid Grace, in whom Marshal Smith has both official and unprovoked amorous interests. [Director: Raoul Walsh] [87 min, 1.37 : 1, Adventure l Western, CAN-USA]
• Ovaj film je snimljen na lokalitetima na kojima su se zbili predmetni događaji. Događaji koji su ozbiljno ugrozili miran razvoj Zapadne Kanade. Kanada, područje reke Saskačevan, proleće 1877. godine. Tom O'Rurki, pripadnik kanadske planinsko-konjičke policije, tzv. Crvenih kaputa, i njegov polubrat Kajou iz indijanskog plemena Kri nailaze na Amerikanku Grejs koju su bili napali Sijuksi. Oni su, nakon što su porazili Džordža Kastera i njegov Sedmi konjički puk, pod vodstvom Bika Koji Sedi i Ludog Konja prešli granicu i pokušavaju da u Kanadi angažuju pleme Kri kao svoje saveznike. Poglavica Kri Indijanaca je O'Rurkijev i Kajouov otac, koji je sa Kajouom sklon da prihvati savezništvo Sijuksa, jer ih je novi zapovednik Crvenih kaputa iz predostrožnosti razoružao i tako ostavio bez vatrenog oružja za lov. O'Rurki se nada da će promeniti zapovednikovu odluku, međutim on ga pod optužbom za pobunu strpa u pritvor...


Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) 

[Howard Keel ... Adam Pontipee, Jeff Richards ... Benjamin Pontipee, Russ Tamblyn ... Gideon Pontipee, Tommy Rall ... Frank Pontipee, Marc Platt ... Daniel Pontipee, M. Mattox ... Caleb Pontipee, Jacques d'Amboise ... Ephraim Pontipee, Jane Powell ... Milly, Julie Newmar ... Dorcas (as Julie Newmeyer), Nancy Kilgas ... Alice, Betty Carr ... Sarah, Virginia Gibson ... Liza, Ruta Lee ... Ruth (as Ruta Kilmonis), Norma Doggett ... Martha, Ian Wolfe ... Rev. Elcott]
- In 1850 Oregon, when a backwoodsman brings a wife home to his farm, his six brothers decide that they want to get married too. Adam, the eldest of seven brothers, goes to town to get a wife. He convinces Milly to marry him that same day. They return to his backwoods home. Only then does she discover he has six brothers - all living in his cabin. Milly sets out to reform the uncouth siblings, who are anxious to get wives of their own. Then, after reading about the Roman capture of the Sabine women, Adam develops an inspired solution to his brothers' loneliness. [Director: Stanley Donen] [102 min, 2.20 : 1, Comedy l Drama l Musical, USA]
• Kada se jednog letnjeg dana 1850. godine iz svoje planinske brvnare spusti u zabiti brdski gradić u Oregonu, markantni Adam Pontipi (H. Keel) shvati da je krajnji trenutak da pronađe suprugu. Nakon što baci oko na nekoliko gradskih devojaka, Adam zaključi da je atraktivna Mili (J. Powell), energična kuvarica i spremačica u mesnom restoranu, idealna cura za njega. Prišavši devojci, on je bez okolišanja zapita hoće li se udati za njega, Adam se iznenadi kad mu zbunjena Mili odgovori potvrdno. Već koji sat kasnije, posle brzo obavljenog obreda venčanja kod sveštenika Elkota (I. Wolfe), Adam se u pratnji supruge i opskrbljen svim potrepštinama zaputi u svoju brvnaru. Ali, Mili ne zna da je u novom domu u planini očekuju šestorica suprugove braće, redom neurednih i neodgovornih momaka koji nisu navikli na žensko društvo. Uz naočitog Bendžamina (J. Richards) i šarmantnog Frenka (T. Rall), tu su i njihova braća Denijel (M. Platt), Kaleb (), Efraim (J. d'Amboise) i najmlađi Gideon (R. Tamblyn), sve stasiti momci crvene kose i riđe brade. Kad vrlo brzo shvati da ju je Adam zaprosio ne zbog zaljubljenosti već ponajpre iz želje da u kuću dovede kuvaricu i spremačicu, razočarana Mili isprva klone duhom. Ali ona je preduzetna žena koja će stvari ubrzo okrenuti u svoju korist, u domaćinstvu zavesti red i higijenske navike i Adamovu braću podstaknuti na pronalaženje devojaka i budućih supruga...






Siege at Red River (1954)

[Van Johnson ... Capt. James S. Simmons / Jim Farraday, Joanne Dru ... Nora Curtis, Richard Boone ... Brett Manning, Milburn Stone ... Sgt. Benjamin 'Benjy' Guderman, Jeff Morrow ... Frank Kelso, Craig Hill ... Lt. Braden, Rico Alaniz ... Chief Yellow Hawk, Robert Burton ... Sheriff, Pilar Del Rey ... Lukoa, Ferris Taylor ... Anderson Smith, John Cliff ... Sgt. Jenkins]
- Cavalry Captain Farraday attempts to prevent the delivery of Gatling Guns into the hands of hostile Indians. [Director: Rudolph Maté] [86 min, 1.66 : 1, Action l War l Western, USA]
• Ovo je priča o pojavi Gatlingove puške 1870. godine i njenom uticaju na dešavanja na Divljem zapadu. Divlja i obesna četa vojnika dobija zadatak da novo oružje prebaci do utvrđenja u pustinji. Put ih vodi kroz zemlju Apača, a nevolje počinju kad Indijanci požele da se domognu tog moćnog oružja da bi zaštitili svoju zemlju.


Silver Lode (1954)  

[John Payne ... Dan Ballard, Lizabeth Scott ... Rose Evans, Dan Duryea ... Ned McCarty, Dolores Moran ... Dolly, Emile Meyer ... Sheriff Wooley, Robert Warwick ... Judge Cranston, John Hudson ... Michael 'Mitch' Evans, Harry Carey Jr. ... Johnson, Alan Hale Jr. ... Kirk, Stuart Whitman ... Wicker, Frank Sully ... Paul Herbert, Telegrapher, Morris Ankrum ... Zachary Evans, Hugh Sanders ... Reverend Field, Florence Auer ... Mrs. Elmwood, Roy Gordon ... Dr. Elmwood]
- Dan Ballard, a respected citizen in the western town of Silver Lode, has his wedding interrupted by four men led by Ned McCarthy, an old acquaintance who, as a US Marshal, arrests Ballard for the murder of his brother and the theft of $20,000. Ballard seeks to stall McCarthy while tracking down evidence that will prove his innocence: but the townspeople's loyalty to him gradually begins to waver under McCarthy's accusations. [Director: Allan Dwan] [81 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]
• Den Balard (J. Payne) je poštovan i omiljen rančer u malom gradu u kom živi već dve godine. Tokom proslave Dana nezavisnosti, četiri stranca ujašu u grad, a vodi ih ratoboran i neugodan nasilnik (D. Duryea), koji tvrdi da je savezni šerif sa nalogom za Balardovo hapšenje zbog ubistva... Vestern je specifičan po tome što se radnja odvija u realnom vremenu. Srebrna žila je tipičan vestern. Alana Dvana (Šerif sa granice, Lepotica iz Montane, Kraljica prerije) krasi konciznost, jednostavnost, inventivnost, ironičnost i u tome svemu on nije nimalo spektakularan, ali je svakako prekrasan. Specifičan je i po kadrovima kroz prozor, dubinskim scenama koji su naglašavali situacije u kojima likovi posmatraju jedni druge, kao i veličanstvenost korišćenja arhitekture i dekora holivudskog vestern grada.

Sitting Bull (1954)

[Dale Robertson ... Major Robert 'Bob' Parrish, Mary Murphy ... Kathy Howell, J. Carrol Naish ... Sitting Bull, John Litel ... Gen. Wilford Howell, Joel Fluellen ... Sam, Iron Eyes Cody ... Crazy Horse, John Hamilton ... President Ulysses S. Grant, Douglas Kennedy ... Col. Custer, William Tannen ... O'Connor, William Hopper ... Charles Wentworth (as Bill Hopper), 
Thomas Browne Henry ... Indian Agent Webber (as Tom Brown Henry)]
- Chief Sitting Bull of the Sioux tribe is forced by the Indian-hating General Custer to react with violence, resulting in the famous Last Stand at Little Bighorn. Parrish, a friend to the Sioux, tries to prevent the bloodshed, but is court- martialed for "collaborating" with the enemy. Sitting Bull, however, manages to intercede with President Grant on Parrish's behalf. [Director: Sidney Salkow] [105 min, 2.55 : 1, Western, USA]
• Kada je general Kaster, poznat po mržnji prema Indijancima, preterao u ugnjetavanju i ponižavanju Sijuksa, poglavica Bik Koji Sedi je poveo svoje borce u pobedonosni okršaj kod Litl Big Horna. Njihova pobeda im nije donela pravdu i primorala je poglavicu na lične pregovore sa predsednikom Grantom.

Taza, Son of Cochise (1954)

[Rock Hudson ... Taza, Barbara Rush ... Oona, Gregg Palmer ... Capt. Burnett, Rex Reason ... Naiche (as Bart Roberts), Morris Ankrum ... Grey Eagle, Eugene Iglesias ... Chato (as Gene Iglesias), Richard H. Cutting ... Cy Hegan (as Richard Cutting), Ian MacDonald ... Geronimo, Robert Burton ... Gen. George Crook, Joe Sawyer ... Sgt. Hamma, Lance Fuller ... Lt. Willis, Bradford Jackson ... Lt. Richards (as Brad Jackson), James Van Horn ... Skinya, Charles Horvath ... Kocha, Robert F. Hoy ... Lobo (as Robert Hoy)]
- When peacemaking Apache chief Cochise dies, the Chiricahua Apaches are torn between following Cochise's peace loving son Taza and following the warlike renegade Apache warrior Geronimo. Three years after the end of the Apache wars, peacemaking chief Cochise dies. His elder son Taza shares his ideas, but brother Naiche yearns for war...and for Taza's betrothed, Oona. Naiche loses no time in starting trouble which, thanks to a bigoted cavalry officer, ends with the proud Chiricahua Apaches on a reservation, where they are soon joined by the captured renegade Geronimo, who is all it takes to light the firecracker's fuse... [Director: Douglas Sirk] [79 min, 2.00 : 1, Action l Drama l Romance, USA]
• Tri godine nakon što je njegovom zaslugom okončan rat između Indijanaca i belaca, apački poglavica Kočiz je umro, a njegovo mesto preuzima stariji sin Taza (R. Hudson). Poput oca i Taza zagovara mir, ali njegov mlađi brat Naiči (R. Reason) sklon je ratovanju i pokuša ubiti Tazu. Taza ga savlada i poštedi, ali Naiči i njegovi ljudi ubrzo ubiju troje belaca, inicirajući novi rat. Zahvaljujući Tazi i konjičkom kapetanu Barnetu (G. Palmer) rat je izbegnut i Apači odlaze u rezervat gde će mir među njima čuvati indijanska policija, predvođena Tazom. Međutim, opasnost za mir predstavljaju Indijanci koji se sa tim ne slažu, kao i skori dolazak večito pobunjenog Džeronima (I. MacDonald)...



Track of the Cat (1954)

[Robert Mitchum ... Curt Bridges, Teresa Wright ... Grace Bridges, Diana Lynn ... Gwen Williams, Tab Hunter ... Harold Bridges, Beulah Bondi ... Ma Bridges, Philip Tonge ... Pa Bridges, William Hopper ... Arthur Bridges, Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer ... Joe Sam (as Carl Switzer)]
- A family saga: In a stunning mountain valley ranch setting near Aspen, complex and dangerous family dynamics play out against the backdrop of the first big snowstorm of winter and an enormous panther with seemingly mythical qualities which is killing cattle. An arrogant, pitiless son (Robert Mitchum) and a rigid pharisaic mother side against a moral eldest son and and a defeated alcoholic father while the youngest son tries to lay low, hoping against hope to persuade his family to allow him to marry a girl he has brought to visit. The girl however draws venomous condemnation and the two elder brothers set out in the midst of a violent snowstorm on a dangerous mission to kill the deadly panther. [Director: William A. Wellman] [Walter Van Tilburg Clark (novel)] [102 min, 2.55 : 1, Drama l Western, USA]
• Kada ga u rano zimsko jutro otac (P. Tonge) probudi sa vešću da je velika puma opet napala njihovu stoku, energični Kurt Bridžis (R. Mitchum) zaključi da je kucnuo čas da se on i njegova braća pobrinu za opasnu zver. Kurt je po godinama srednji od trojice sinova vrlo posesivne i religiozne majke (B. Bondi), grube i ogorčene žene koja uz njega pod strogim nadzorom drži najstarijeg sina Artura (W. Hopper) i najmlađeg Harolda (T. Hunter), kao i ćerku Grejs (T. Wright). Dok je Artur zbog mira u kući spreman da pretrpi majčine napade, Harold se pod uticajem svoje devojke Gven Vilijams (D. Lynn), koju je upravo doveo na upoznavanje sa roditeljima, ponekad usudi i suprotstaviti majci. Prema njoj je najgrublja Grejs, nesrećna žena koja ne može prežaliti što u mlađim godinama nije pobegla od kuće i udala se. Uz oca koji beg od supruge i nesređenih porodičnih odnosa neprestano traži u alkoholu, jedini koji se uspeva nositi sa majčinim hirovima je Kurt, svojeglav i grub momak, donekle sadističkih sklonosti. Na porodičnom imanju živi i stari Indijanac Džo Sem (C. "Alfalfa" Switzer), ćutljiv čovek koji stoički podnosi Kurtova iživljavanja. Kada Artur odluči da krene u potragu za pumom, među članove porodice Bridžis to će uneti dodatne napetosti i trzavice...



Vera Cruz (1954) 

[Gary Cooper ... Benjamin Trane, Burt Lancaster ... Joe Erin, Denise Darcel ... Countess Marie Duvarre, Cesar Romero ... Marquis Henri de Labordere, Sara Montiel ... Nina (as Sarita Montiel), George Macready ... Emperor Maximillian, Jack Elam ... Tex, Ernest Borgnine ... Donnegan, James McCallion ... Little-Bit, Morris Ankrum ... Gen. Ramírez, James Seay ... Abilene, Henry Brandon ... Capt. Danette, Archie Savage ... Ballard, Charles Bronson ... Pittsburgh (as Charles Buchinsky), Charles Horvath ... Reno]
- During the Mexican Rebellion of 1866, an unsavory group of American adventurers are hired by the forces of Emporer Maximilian to escort a countess to Vera Cruz. After the American Civil War, mercenaries travel to Mexico to fight in their revolution for money. The former soldier and gentleman Benjamin Trane meets the gunman and killer Joe Erin and his men, and together they are hired by the Emperor Maximillian and the Marquis Henri de Labordere to escort the Countess Marie Duvarre to the harbor of Vera Cruz. Ben and Erin find that the stagecoach is transporting US$ 3,000,000.00 in gold hidden below the seat and they scheme to steal it. Along their journey, betrayals and incidents happen changing their initial intentions. [Director: Robert Aldrich] [94 min, 2.00 : 1, Adventure l Western, USA]
• Meksiko, druga polovina 19. veka. Iskusni sredovečni Ben Trejn (G. Cooper), povratnik iz američkog građanskog rata, i beskrupulozni Džo Erin (B. Lancaster) udruže se da bi za dobru novčanu naknadu pratili i štitili groficu Mari Duvar (D. Darcel) na putu za Vera Kruz. Tokom puta Ben i Džo otkriju da je u grofičinoj kočiji sakriven sanduk sa zlatnicima, namenjen caru Maksimilijanu za borbu protiv huarističkih pobunjenika odlučnih da svrgnu habsburškog cara i izbore nezavisnost Meksika. Dok Džo, u saradnji sa podjednako egoističnom groficom, želi zlato da prisvoji za sebe, Ben je sklon da ga prepusti pobunjenicima koji se bore za pravednu stvar. Pogotovo nakon što se zbliži sa mladom kradljivicom Ninom (S. Montiel), koja je zapravo saradnica huarista...








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