среда, 5. децембар 2012.


[•] 40 Guns to Apache Pass (1967) REVOLVERAŠI APAŠKOG KLANCA [aka 40 PUŠAKA ZA APAŠE]
[•] [SW]10,000 dollari per un massacro [aka 10,000 Dollars for a Massacre] (1967) 10.000 DOLARA ZA MASAKR
[•] Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin, The (1967) AVANTURE DIVLJEG GRIFINA 
• [SW]Ballata per un pistolero [aka Ballad for a Gunman] (1967) BALADA O REVOLVERAŠU [aka RINGO, POMOLI SE BOGU I UMRI]
• [SW]Bandidos [aka Guns of Death] (1967) BANDITI 
• [EW]Chingachgook, die grosse Schlange [aka Chingachgook - The Great Snake] (1967) VELIKA ZMIJA 
• Chuka (1967) ČUKA 
• [SW]Cjamango (1967) ČAMANGO [aka REVOLVERAŠ ČAMANGO] 
• [SW]Crudeli, I [aka Hellbenders, The] (1967) MRTVACIMA PROLAZ SLOBODAN [aka ČUVARI PAKLA] 
• [EW]Custer of the West (1967) KASTER SA ZAPADA 
• [SW]Da uomo a uomo [aka Death Rides a Horse] (1967) SASTANAK SA SMRĆU 
• [SW]Desperado, El [aka Dirty Outlaws, The] (1967) POKVARENI ODMETNICI
• [SW]Dio non paga il sabato [aka Kill the Wicked!] (1967) BOG SUBOTOM NE NAPLAĆUJE 
• [SW]Dio perdona... Io no! [aka God Forgives... I Don't!] (1967) BOG PRAŠTA, JA NE 
• [SW]Dollaro tra i denti, Un [aka Stranger in Town, A] (1967) STRANAC U GRADU 
• [SW]Dove si spara di piu [aka Fury of Johnny Kid] (1967) BES DŽONIJA KIDA 
• [SW]Due once di piombo [aka My Name is Pecos] (1967) ZOVEM SE PEKOS 
• [SW]Faccia a faccia [aka Face to Face] (1967) LICE U LICE  
• [SW]Giorni dell'ira, I [aka Day of Anger] (1967) DANI GNEVA 
• Hombre (1967) HOMBRE 
• Hour of the Gun (1967) DAN REVOLVERAŠA 
• Jackals, The (1967) ŠAKALI
• [SW]Killer calibro 32 [aka Killer Caliber .32] (1967) UBICE VELIKOG KALIBRA
• Legend of Jud Starr, The (1967) LEGENDA O DŽUDU STARU 
• [SW]Little Rita nel West [aka Rita of the West] (1967) RITA KID [aka MALA RITA NA DIVLJEM ZAPADU] 

40 Guns to Apache Pass (1967)

[Audie Murphy ... Captain Coburn, Michael Burns ... Doug, Kenneth Tobey ... Corporal Bodine, Laraine Stephens ... Ellen, Robert Brubaker ... Sergeant Walker, Michael Blodgett ... Mike, Michael Keep ... Cochise, Kay Stewart ... Kate Malone, Kenneth MacDonald ... Harry Malone, Byron Morrow ... Colonel Reed, Willard W. Willingham ... Fuller (as Willard Willingham), Ted Gehring ... Barrett, James Beck ... Higgins, Maurice Hart ... Narrator (voice)]
- The Apaches are on the warpath and the Army must defend them. Murphy's mission is to get a shipment of rifles, but it's stolen by greedy white traders with the help of mutinous soldiers. In 1868 Arizona the Apaches led by Cochise are on a warpath and U.S. Army Captain Bruce Coburn is tasked with protecting settlers on their way to Apache Wells. A group of undisciplined soldiers, led by corporal Bodine, make Coburn's task more difficult. When they're sent after a shipment of repeating rifles Bodine and four others steal the weapons and desert. Captain Coburn manages to return to Apache Wells where he vows to capture Bodine and his fellow deserters. Meanwhile, Bodine mets Cochise to negotiate the sale of the stolen repeating rifles without knowing that Captain Coburn has recovered the stolen weapons and has killed the other deserters. Cochise and Bodine chase after Captain Coburn in an attempt to recuperate the rifles which both the Apaches and the settlers need in order to prevail. A race against time ensues. [Director: William Witney] [95 min, 1.85 : 1, Western l Adventure l Romance, USA]
- Za godine nakon građanskog rata pitanje je bilo da li će Indijanci ili vojska SAD-a kontrolisati Teritoriju Arizone. Bande neprijateljskih Apača lutale su zemljom. Samo hrabrost i predanost nekoliko hrabrih ljudi zadržalo je teritoriju koja je u potpunosti bila zauzeta. U leto 1869. godine, Kočiz, bezočan poglavica Čirikava Apača, napravio je brutalan zavet da ubije svakog čoveka, žene i decu u južnoj Arizoni. Mnogi od tih naseljenika u oblasti već je osetilo bes pod Kočizovom krvavom zakletvom. Arizona u godinama nakon Građanskog rata, u vreme dok traju sukobi između belaca i Indijanaca iz plemena Apača koji su pod vođstvom temperamentnog poglavice Kočiza (M. Keep) krenuli u rat. Među ofiirima na službi u utvrđenju Apači Vels je i major Brus Koburn (A. Murphy), vođa patrola zaduženih za sklanjanje doseljenika u utvrđenje i organizaciju odbrane od indijanskih napada. Utvrđenjem zapoveda svojeglavi pukovnik Rid (B. Morrow), oficir nezadovoljan time što su mu vojnici uglavnom zezatori i propalice, kao i činjenicom da nema dovoljno oružja za odbranu. Ipak, uskoro bi u utvrđenje trebalo da stigne 40 pušaka, a zadatak obezbeđenja dopreme oružja preko indijanske teritorije pripadne upravo odlučnom Koburnu. Da bi u tome uspeo, Koburn se mora osloniti na pomoć narednika Vokera (R. Brubaker), ali i problematične braće Majka (M. Blodgett) i Daga Malonea (M. Burns) i desetara Bodina (K. Tobey), kriminalca i bivšeg vojnika Konfederacije. A tu je i privlačna Elen Malone (L. Stephens), Majkova i Dagova sestra na koju je Koburn bacio oko... Realizovan na samom kraju zlatnog doba popularnosti klasičnog vesterna, a pre nego što će žanr krenuti putem revizionizma sa naglascima na realističnost, pesimizam, nemoral i "prljavštinu", atraktivan i zabavan vestern reditelja Vilijama Vitnija poslednji je film ovog žanra u kojem je nastupio Odi Marfi, ratni junak i najodlikovaniji američki vojnik u Drugom svetskom ratu. Marfi je nastupio u čak 33 vesterna.

10,000 dollari per un massacro [aka 10,000 Dollars for a Massacre] (1967)

[Gianni Garko ... Django (as Gary Hudson), Fidel Gonzáles ... Fidelio, Loredana Nusciak ... Mijanou, Adriana Ambesi ... Dolores Mendoza, Pinuccio Ardia ... Sette Dollari, Fernando Sancho ... Vásquez, Claudio Camaso ... Manuel Vasqiez, Franco Lantieri ... Juan, Massimo Sarchielli ... Cisco, Ermelinda De Felice ... Rosita LaPola, Dada Gallotti ... Prostitute, Franco Bettella, Aldo Cecconi ... Scarface, Renato Montalbano, Peggy Nathan ... Shopkeeper]
- Django has become a bounty hunter who is asked to chase a villain who has kidnapped a young girl, but because he is not offered enough money, he decides to join forces with the bandit. But he’s double-crossed by the ruthless villain, who also kills the woman he was about to marry. Once again Django will have to take revenge... [Director: Romolo Guerrieri] [100 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA]
- Manuel otima Dolores ćerku izvesnog bogataša, koji angažuje lovca na ucenjene glave Đanga, za 10.000 dolara. Nakon čega potera i lov na glavu Manuela počinje...

Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin, The (1967)

[Roddy McDowall ... Bullwhip Griffin, Suzanne Pleshette ... Arabella Flagg, Karl Malden ... Judge Higgins, Harry Guardino ... Sam Trimble, Richard Haydn ... Quentin Bartlett, Hermione Baddeley ... Miss Irene Chesney, Bryan Russell ... Jack Flagg, Liam Redmond ... Captain Swain, Cecil Kellaway ... Mr. Pemberton, Joby Baker ... Bandido Leader, Mike Mazurki ... Mountain Ox, Alan Carney ... Joe Turner, Parley Baer ... Chief Executioner, Arthur Hunnicutt ... Referee, Dub Taylor ... Timekeeper]
- A young man from Boston heads west to join the California gold rush with the hopes of restoring his family fortune, but his dedicated butler sets out to find him and bring him home. In 1840s Boston when old man Flagg dies he leaves only debts behind. His grandson, Jack Flagg, dreamy and adventurous plans to run away from home and sneak aboard a sailing ship bound for gold-rich California. When his absence is discovered by his sister Arabella a frantic search ensues. Jack manages to board a California-bound ship where he meets crooked Judge Higgins and other characters. Fortunately for Jack his trusted and loyal butler, Bullwhip Griffin, has followed him on the ship. The two finally disembark in San Francisco and immerse themselves into the crazy world of California's gold rush. Jack Flagg's sister Arabella worries about her brother and decides to go to California herself to find Jack and their butler. [Director: James Neilson] [Albert Sidney Fleischman (novel) (as Sid Fleischman)] [108 min, 1.66 : 1, Action l Adventure l Comedy, USA]
- Kako bi obnovio porodično bogatstvo, mladić iz Bostona odlazi na zapad u Kaliforniju u potragu za zlatom. Njegov odani batler kreće za njim da ga vrati kući.

Ballata per un pistolero [aka Ballad for a Gunman] (1967)

[Dragomir 'Gidra' Bojanic ... Rocco / Hud (as Antony Guidra), Angelo Infanti ... Blackie, Mario Novelli ... Chiuchi (as Antony Freeman), Alfio Caltabiano ... El Bedoja (as Al Northon), Dante Maggio ... Explosion / Esplotion / 'Knallfrosch' (as Dan May), Monica Teuber ... Maruja, Giovanni Ivan Scratuglia ... Martinez (as Ivan Scratuglia), Ellen Schwiers ... Maruja's Mother, Pietro Ceccarelli ... Toro (as Peter Jacob), Hermann Nehlsen, Stole Arandjelovic ... A Gunslinger, Nicola Balini, Giovanni Cianfriglia ... Gambler, Ranko Gucevac, Zlatko Madunic ... The Sherriff]
- West Germany: Rocco - der Einzelgänger von Alamo. Instead of fighting over newly gained money from a coach-robbery, two gangster-brothers (El Bedoja and Chiuchi) decide to rob a bank together. But Martinez, a gangster-coward, is successfully questioned by Nigros (a clad-in-black gangster-killer who collects the money) and Rocco (a righteous ex-sheriff who doesn't and shows off even more skill in using his pistol) on their plans. After having robbed the bank and needlessly shot several town-inhabitants, the gangsters hide out in a mine, taking beautiful Maruja with them as hostage. Although Rocco and Nigros follow different paths (Nigros the money, Rocco justice), they unite to get the money. They hire Esplotion for the explosives. Because Rocco is out of ammunition, he impales one of the gangsters with a wooden stake. A second showdown plays in a barn. [Director: Alfio Caltabiano] [98 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-BRD]
- Umesto da se svađaju oko para od pljačke kočije, dva brata razbojnika (El Bedoja i Čiuči) odlučuju da zajedno opljačkaju banku. Ali Martinez, razbojnik-kukavica, odaje njihov plan Nigrosu, lovcu na ucenjene glave u crnom i Rokou, poštenom bivšem šerifu čije su veštine u baratanju pištoljima beskonačne. Nakon što su opljačkali banku, i nepotrebno ubili nekoliko stanovnika grada, razbojnici se kriju u rudniku vodeći sa sobom prelepu Maruju kao taoca. Iako Roko i Nigros poštuju različite principe (Nigros novac, Roko pravdu), ujedinjuju se da povrate novac. Unajmljuju Esplotion za eksplozive. Kada Roko ostane bez municije, obračunava se sa jednim od razbojnika drvenom palicom. Drugi obračun se odigrava u ambaru.

Bandidos [aka Guns of Death] (1967)

[Terry Jenkins ... Ricky Shot, Enrico Maria Salerno ... Richard Martin, Cris Huerta ... Vigonza, Marco Guglielmi ... Kramer, Víctor Israel ... Conductor #2 (the smaller one), Venantino Venantini ... Billy Kane, Roberto Messina ... 7, Antonio Pica ... 7, Valentino Macchi, María Martín ... Betty Starr, Arthur Chase, Gino Barbacane, Giancarlo Bastianoni ... Sam, Guglielmo Bogliani ... Alberico Donadeo]
- Spain: Bandidos. Renowned gunman Richard Martin is traveling on a train, held up by Billy Kane, a former student of Martin's. Kane spares Martin, but only after shooting his hands. Years later, Martin meets an escaped convict, wrongly convicted for the train robbery. Martin trains his new student and both men seek out Billy Kane. [Director: Massimo Dallamano (as Max Dillman)] [90 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-SPA]
- "Stranstvovaše težačkim životom. Sad usnuše sanak večni, optočen tišine krasotom. Dok je voz ka zapadu jezdio, dok su vatre nade plamtele, zbi se njihove sudbe dan, jer ovo je voz u nepovrat. Sindi je imala jasnu viziju. Beše plesačica za kratku priliku. Sad je sa anđelima rasplesana, jer ubiše je bez pardona. Dok je voz ka zapadu jezdio, dok su vatre nade plamtele, zbi se njihove sudbe dan, jer ovo je voz u nepovrat. Otisnuše se u život novi, zajedno u putešestviju. Sad se odluči njihova sudba, da u večnom putešestviju budu družba." Poznati revolveraš Ričard Martin (E.M. Salerno) biva žrtva pljačkaškog napada na voz od strane svog bivšeg učenika Bilija Kejna (V. Venantini). U znak poštovanja prema svom učitelju Bili ga ne ubija, već mu puca u ruke. Mnogo godina kasnije Martin sreće odbeglog zatvorenika, pogrešno optuženog za pljačku voza. Martin odlučuje da ga obuči da bi se suprotstavio Biliju Kejnu.

Chingachgook - Die grosse Schlange [aka Chingachgook - The Great Snake] (1967)

[Gojko Mitic ... Chingachgook, die Große Schlange, Rolf Römer ... Wildtöter / Deerslayer, Helmut Schreiber ... Tom Hutter, Jürgen Frohriep ... Harry Hurry, Lilo Grahn ... Judith Hutter, die Tochter, Andrea Drahota ... Wahtawa, Johannes Knittel ... Gespaltene Eiche, Adolf Peter Hoffmann ... Delewaren-Häuptling (as A.P. Hoffmann), Heinz Klevenow Jr. ... Pfeilspitze - Hurone (as Heinz Klevenow), Milan Jablonsky ... Flinker Elch / Quick Elk, Horst Preusker ... Hauptmann Warley, engl. Offizier, Rudolf Ulrich ... Englischer Corporal, Karl Zugowski ... Thornton, engl. Fähnrich]
- North America around 1740 serves as the backdrop for this film in which a bitter tribal fued rages between the Hurons and the Delawares. The legendary Chingachgook, the last of the Mohicans, is part of the Delaware tribe. On his wedding day his bride is kidnapped by the Hurons. Chingachgook, the Great Snake, is also in danger of his life. Luckily, his white friend Deerhunter is in the right place at the right time once more. [Director: Richard Groschopp] [James Fenimore Cooper (novel "Wildtöter") (as J.F. Cooper)] [92 min, 2.35 : 1, Adventure l Drama l Romance, DDR]
- Film temeljen na "politički prihvatljivom" romanu Lovac na jelene Džejmsa Fenimora Kupera, u suštini je politički korektan, odnosno, da budemo precizniji, balansiran, kao što je to slučaj i sa ostalim najboljim crvenim vesternima. Radnja se odvija u doba otkrivanja Divljeg zapada, a prikazuje crvenokošce u borbi protiv osvajača sa drugog kontinenta. U tom smislu, lokalni belci nisu tako loši momci, a domoroci su još uvek ponosni, neiskvareni ljudi u neiskvarenoj zemlji. Nevini su, ali ne i naivni. Pate od engleske i francuske ruke, ali i od međuplemenskih sukoba. 

Chuka (1967) 

[Rod Taylor ... Chuka, Ernest Borgnine ... Sgt. Otto Hahnsbach, John Mills ... Colonel Stuart Valois, Luciana Paluzzi ... Senora Veronica Kleitz, James Whitmore ... Lou Trent, Victoria Vetri ... Senorita Helena Chavez (as Angela Dorian), Louis Hayward ... Major Benson, Michael Cole ... Spivey, Hugh Reilly ... Captain Carrol, Barry O'Hara ... Slim - Cook, Joseph Sirola ... Jake Baldwin, Marco López ... Hanu (as Marco Antonio), Gerald York ... Lieutenant Daly, Herlinda Del Carmen ... Indian Girl, Lucky Carson ... Stage Driver]
- While Indians besiege a U.S. Army fort in 1876, residents of the fort a gunfighter, a stagecoach driver, two Mexican women, and a motley company of soldiers try to come to terms with their pasts. [Director: Gordon Douglas] [Richard Jessup (novel)] [105 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
- Tvrđava Klendenon, 1876. godine. "Sa poštovanjem podnosim izveštaj da je uništenje usled napada 17. i 18. novembra, na tvrđavu Klendenon kojim je komandovao pukovnik Stjuart Valois koji je prethodno komandovao Petom konjičkom brigadom, Britanske vojske u Indiji, bio toliko kompletan da je čak i voda u bunaru zatrovana, mesto napušteno niti će se pokušati sa ponovnom izgradnjom i snabdevanjem vojnicima tvrđave Klendenon. Informacija je potekla od Hanu, ratnog poglavice plemena Arapaho koji je kada je zarobljen sa svojim pratiocima 23. novembra 1876. otkrio da su planovi za napad bili mesecima razmatrani i da su bili motivisani nedostatkom hrane i nedovoljnom opremom i zalihama neophodnih Arapaho plemenu. Hanuova priča je potkrepljena činjenicama da su sva hrana i rezerve u tvrđavi nestali kao i oružje i municija. Jedini izuzetak je bio pištolj koji je pronađen ispod stepeništa. Hanu dalje navodi, da je taj pištolj pripadao jednom civilu. Prema Hanuovim rečima, čudnom, usamljenom čoveku koji je dojahao sa severa.

Cjamango (1967)

[Ivan Rassimov ... Cjamango (as Sean Todd), Mickey Hargitay ... Clinton, Hélene Chanel ... Pearl Hernandez, Livio Lorenzon ... Don Pablo, Ignazio Spalla ... Paco (as Pedro Sanchez), Piero Lulli ... El Tigre, Federico Boido ... El Tigre henchman (as Rick Boyd), Nino Musco ... Sancho, Giorgio Sabbatini ... Hernandez, Valerio Fioravanti ... Manuel Hernandez (as Gilda Fioravanti), Gino Buzzanca ... (as Bill Jackson), Amerigo Castrighella ... El Tigre henchman, Fred Coplan ... Ramon, Aysanoa Runachagua ... Don Pablo henchman, Sergio Sagnotti]
- Just when Cjamango has won a bag of gold in a poker game, he is attacked by the gangs of El Tigre and Don Pablo. As he recovers from the injuries caused by the attack, Cjamango becomes attached to a Mexican boy, Manuel, and to a beautiful girl, Perla. El Tigre and Pablo are meanwhile at odds with one another about the gold, and Cjamango tries to play them against themselves. But there is also a mysterious stranger whose aims are unclear. [Director: Edoardo Mulargia] [90 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA]
- Usamljenik i vrhunski revolveraš Čamango dobio je na pokeru veliku količinu zlata. Plaćenici velikog Don Pabla će mu je oteti. Čamango je ranjen, ali kreće u potragu za zlatom, u čemu mu pomaže dečak Manuel i atraktivna Perl.

Crudeli, I [aka Hellbenders, The] (1967)

[Joseph Cotten ... Col. Jonas, Norma Bengell ... Claire aka Mrs. Ambrose Allen, Al Mulock ... The Beggar, Aldo Sambrell ... Pedro, Julián Mateos ... Ben, Ángel Aranda ... Nat, Gino Pernice ... Jeff, Julio Pena ... Sgt. Tolt, Claudio Gora ... Rev. Pierce, Ennio Girolami ... Lt. Soublette (Fort Brent commander) (as Enio Girolami), José Nieto ... The Sheriff, María Martín ... Kitty aka Mrs. Ambrose Allen, Giovanni Ivan Scratuglia ... Gambler in Denton Saloon (as Ivan Scratuglia), Rafael Vaquero ... Mexican bandit, Simón Arriaga ... Mexican bandit]
- An ex-Confederate and his sons plan to use stolen money as a way to revive the Confederacy. The Civil War has ended, but not for Jonas, a ruthless Confederate officer who wants to continue the fight by reorganizing Confederate troops in the Southwest with the support of a large sum of stolen money. He devises an elaborate ruse to allow his small party to travel with minimal scrutiny through hostile territory, for the money is hidden in a coffin said to contain the body of his dead son. Jonas' other sons travel with him along with a hired "widow", as they proceed to what they hope to be a new start to the War between the States. However, while en route, they face severe, ongoing strife among themselves and successive threats from Union soldiers, a posse of cowboys, and an Indian war party. [Director: Sergio Corbucci] [90 min, 1.85 : 1, Action | Adventure | Drama, ITA-SPA]
- Građanski rat se završio, ali ne i za Džonasa, nemilosrdnog bivšeg generala Konfederacije koji namerava da nastavi borbu reorganizovanjem konfederalne vojske, napadom na Uniju i ponovnim osvajanjem Juga. Da bi obezbedio potrebna sredstva za takav poduhvat on i njegovi sinovi napadaju vojni transport novca, masakriraju vojnike i ukradeni novac dalje transportuju u mrtvačkom kovčegu, kroz njima sada neprijateljsku teritoriju. Da sve bude uverljivije i da bi bilo što manje neprilika na tom putovanju angažovana je i "ćerka" generala Džonasa, tj. "plaćena udovica" pokojnog kapetana Ambroza Alena koji je herojski pao u bici kod Nešvila, a čije navodno telo nose da sahrane na svom ranču. Međutim, iako sve izgleda savršeno na putu se suočavaju sa ozbiljnim problemima, uzastopnim pretnjama vojnika Unije, šerifovom poterom, indijancima i razdorom između sebe.


Custer of the West (1967)

[Robert Shaw ... Gen. George Armstrong Custer, Mary Ure ... Elizabeth Custer, Ty Hardin ... Maj. Marcus Reno, Jeffrey Hunter ... Capt. Benteen, Lawrence Tierney ... Gen. Philip Sheridan, Marc Lawrence ... The gold miner, Kieron Moore ... Chief Dull Knife, Charles Stalmaker ... Lt. Howells (as Charles Stalnaker), Robert Hall ... Sgt. Buckley, Jack Gaskins, Jack Taylor, John Clark, Fred Kohler Jr. ... (as Fred Kohler), Bill Christmas ... Luis Rivera]
- France: Custer, l'homme de l'Ouest, Spain: La última aventura del general Custer, USA: Custer. George Armstrong Custer's love of the heroic traditions of the Calvary and his distaste with the coming of industrialization leads him to his destiny at the Little Big Horn. The story of U.S. Army commander George Armstrong Custer, a flamboyant hero of the Civil War who later fought and was exterminated with his entire command by warring Sioux and Cheyenne tribes at the battle of Little Big Horn in 1876. [Director: Robert Siodmak] [143 min, 2.20 : 1, Biography l Drama l History, UK-FRA-SPA-USA]
- Nakog završenog građanskog rata, generala Kastera ponovo pozivaju, jer imaju zadatak za njega...

Da uomo a uomo [aka Death Rides a Horse] (1967)

[Lee Van Cleef ... Ryan, John Phillip Law ... Bill Meceita, Mario Brega ... Walcott's Henchman in Waistcoat, Luigi Pistilli ... Walcott, Anthony Dawson ... Burt Cavanaugh, José Torres ... Pedro (as Jose Torres), Franco Balducci ... Sceriffo, Bruno Corazzari ... Walcott's Bartender, Felicita Fanny ... Martita, Ignazio Leone ... Ex-pastore, Carlo Pisacane ... Capostazione, Angelo Susani ... Paco, Guglielmo Spoletini ... Manuel, Vivienne Bocca ... Sorella di Bill, Walter Giulangeli ... Sr. Meceita]
- In the Old West a little boy witnesses the murder of his family by gunmen and grows up with plans to track them all down, and kill them. As a child, Bill witnesses the murder of his family by four robbers. Fifteen years later, he embarks on his revenge. During his quest, he crosses paths with Ryan, an ex-con who wants the money the robbers owe him. [Director: Giulio Petroni] [114 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA]
- Revolveraši ubijaju porodicu, ali greškom ostavljaju jednog malog dečaka živog. Petnaest godina kasnije, taj mali dečak postaje revolveraš koji želi da osveti svoju porodicu. Li Van Klif u ovom filmu glumi još jednog "opasnog" revolveraša koji je direktno povezan sa ubistvom porodice tog dečaka.

Desperado, El [aka Dirty Outlaws, The] (1967)

[Andrea Giordana ... Steve (as Chip Gorman), Rosemary Dexter ... Katy, Franco Giornelli ... Asher, Dana Ghia ... Lucy, Aldo Berti ... Gionata, Giovanni Petrucci ... Rico, John Bartha ... Wallace, Giuseppe Castellano, Giorgio Gruden, Gianluigi Crescenzi ... (as Gian Luigi Crescenzi), Sandro Serafini, Piero Lulli ... Sam]
- In this spaghetti western, set during the last days of the Civil War, an outlaw finds a dying Confederate officer. As the officer expires, he tells the outlaw about a cache of gold hidden in his blind father's home. The enterprising thief takes the dead man's clothes and tricks the father and his housekeeper into believing that he is the son. He is just about ready to begin looking for the gold when an outlaw gang comes to town and forces him to help them rob an army payroll wagon. [Director: Franco Rossetti] [103 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA]
- Stiv nailazi na vojnika konfederacije koji mu govori o njegovom zlatu. Da bi pronašao zlato, Stiv odlazi kod oca tog vojnika i ubeđuje ga da je on njegov sin, obzirom da je otac tog vojnika slep. Međutim, u gradu se pojavljuje banda odmetnika...

Dio non paga il sabato [aka Kill the Wicked!] (1967)

[Larry Ward ... Benny Hudson, Rod Dana ... Randall (as Robert Mark), Furio Meniconi ... Braddock (as Men Fury), Massimo Righi ... Laglan (as Max Dean), María Silva ... Shelley, Daniela Igliozzi ... Judy, Vivi Gioi ... Molly Verner, José Bastida, Luis Ferrín, Benito Stefanelli]
- Spain: Il prezo del oro. Good Samaritan drifter, Benny Hudson and a stranded woman, Jenny finds themselves being torture; when they accidentally walk into an gang's hideout in a ghost town. [Director: Tanio Boccia (as Amerigo Anton)] [95 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-SPA]
- Dok meštani jednog grada na Divljem zapadu vešanjem žele da kazne pljačkaša Bredoka (F. Meniconi), u poslednji trenutak u pomoć mu priskoče kompanjoni, Rendal (R. Dana) i Laglen (M. Righi). Oslobodivši svog šefa, Rendal i Laglen zajedno sa njim pobiju ostale pripadnike njihove bande, nakon čega se sa opljačkanim novcem u pratnji Bredokove devojke Šeli (D. Igliozzi) odluče da sklone u naizgled sasvim napušteni gradić. Dok u plastu sena skrivaju svoj plen, Bredoka i ostale posmatraju budne oči starice Moli Vorner (V. Gioi), jedine preostale stanovnice gradića. Sve će se dodatno zakomplikovati kada u gradić stignu Beni Hadson (L. Ward) i Džudi Meri (M. Silva) kojoj je Beni pomogao u pustinji...

Dio perdona... Io no! [aka God Forgives... I Don't!] (1967)

[Terence Hill ... Cat Stevens, Bud Spencer ... Hutch Bessy, Frank Wolff ... Bill San Antonio, Gina Rovere ... Rose, José Manuel Martín ... Bud, Luis Barboo ... Full-bearded henchman, Joaquín Blanco, Tito García ... Tam-Tam, Frank Brana ... Smoking poker player with moustache, Antonietta Fiorito, Francisco Sanz ... Full-bearded, fawning informant with glasses (as Paco Sanz), Franco Gula ... Gravedigger, Clockmaker, José Canalejas ... Mexican henchman, Bruno Arié ... Older poker Player with no moustache, Remo Capitani ... Publican in saloon]
- Spain: Dios perdona... !Yo no!. In this violent spaghetti western a murderous robber hijacks a payroll train, murders everyone aboard and then stashes his loot. A gunslinger learns about it and decides he wants the money for himself and so hatches an elaborate plot to get at it. He lures the crook into a rigged poker game, and afterward a gunfight ensues. The quick-drawing gunman makes short work of the robber, then teams up with an insurance agent to look for the hidden fortune. Unbeknownst to them, the robber had an ace up his sleeve... [Director: Giuseppe Colizzi] [109 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-SPA] 
- Robijaš i pljačkaš otimaju voz sa novcem, ubijaju sve u vozu i sakrivaju novac. Revolveraš saznaje za skriveni plen i odluči da ga želi za sebe, pa smišlja plan. Namami pljačkaša u nameštenu partiju pokera koja završava pucnjavom. Revolveraš ubija pljačkaša i udružuje se sa agentom za osiguranja kako bi pronašli skriveni plen. Ali ne znaju da pljačkaš još uvek ima asa u rukavu...

Dollaro tra i denti, Un [aka Dollar Between the Teeth, A] (1967)

[Tony Anthony ... The Stranger, Frank Wolff ... Aguilar (as Frank Wolf), Jolanda Modio ... Chica, Gia Sandri ... Maruca, Raf Baldassarre ... Corgo, Aldo Berti ... Marinero, Lars Bloch ... Captain George Stafford / Ted Harrison, Enrico Capoleoni, Arturo Corso, Antonio Marsina, Salvatore Puntillo, Fortunato Arena ... The real Captain Cordoba, Rossella Bergamonti ... (as Rosella Bergamonti), Ugo Carboni ... (as Ugo Carbone), Giovanni Ivan Scratuglia ... Aguilar henchman (as Ivan Scratt)]
- USA: A Stranger in Town. Unknown to anybody else but himself The Stranger arrives in an abandoned town where he witnesses the slaughter of Mexican soldiers by a gang led by Aguila. The Stranger threatens Aguila to denounce him if he does not accept to let him take part in the theft of a shipment of gold. The plan is a success but when The Stranger claims his due, he gets a good beating instead. However The Stranger manages to escape with the gold. The bandits, who want his skin, pursue him. But The Stranger is not the kind to get caught so easily... [Director: Luigi Vanzi (as Vance Lewis)] [86 min, 1.85 : 1, Action l Drama l Western, ITA-USA]
- Stranac dolazi u naizgled napušteni grad gde ga nimalo prijatno ne dočekuju. Banditi smešteni u gradu, terorišu grad i ubijaju predstavnike meksičke vlade koji trebaju da preuzmu pošiljku zlata. Nakon toga, prerušeni u vojnike meksičke armije preuzimaju zlato, ali čine fatalnu grešku i stupaju u konflikt sa strancem koji je došao u grad...

Dove si spara di piu [aka Fury of Johnny Kid] (1967)

[Peter Lee Lawrence ... Johnny Monter (as Arthur Grant), Cristina Galbó ... Giulietta Campos, María Cuadra ... Lezerind, Andrés Mejuto ... Lefty, Piero Lulli           ... Sheriff, Pietro Martellanza ... Lodorigo Campos (as Peter Martell), Luis Induni ... Father Monter, Ana María Noé ... Mother Monter, Ángel Álvarez ... Padre, Pepe Rubio ... (as José Rubio), Rufino Inglés, Eulalia Tenorio ... Giulietta's Maid, Javier de Rivera ... (as Javier Rivera), Sandalio Hernández, Paolo Magalotti ... Monter henchman]
- Spain: La furia de Johnny Kid. Two family clans have always been enemies; they spend their time hating and killing each other. The daughter of the Campos family and the son of the Mounter family fall in love, thus causing further hatred and deaths. [Director: Gianni Puccini] [84 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-SPA]
- Rat između dve porodice, zasede, ubistva iz osvete, ljubav, ljubomora, osuda. Dve neprijateljski raspoložene porodice provode vreme u mržnji i ubijanju jedni drugih. Ćerka porodice Kampos i sin Monterovih zaljubljuju se, uzrokujući time dalju mržnju i smrt.

Due once di piombo [aka My Name is Pecos] (1967)

[Robert Woods ... Pecos Martinez, Pier Paolo Capponi ... Joe Kline (as Norman Clark), Lucia Modugno ... Mary, Peter Carsten ... Steve, Luigi Casellato ... Tedder (as Louis Cassel), Cristina Iosani ... Ester (as Christina Josani), Giuliano Raffaelli ... Dr. Berton, Maurizio Boni ... Ned (as Morris Boone), Umberto Raho ... Morton (as Umi Raho), Massimo Righi ... (as Max Dean), George Eastman ... (as Gigi Montefiori), Dario De Grassi, Pietro Martellanza ... (as Peter Martell)]
- Everyone wants to know who the Mexican is. He always answer slowly, "my name is Pecos". Pecos Martinez (R. Woods) to be exact, and he's returned to his hometown of Houston to settle up with Clain (N. Clarke), the leader of a gang of cut-throats. Clain is busy looking for the money from a recent robbery that's been stolen from him. Soon the stolen cash in Pecos' vengeance entwine and all hell breaks loose. Behind the scenes a Bible touting Undertaker (U. Raho), a cowardly saloon owner, & a helpful saloon girl (C. Iosani) become part of the story. This film made Woods as internationally known as Pecos in the third world countries as Franco Nero was known for Django. A Mexican hero against a gang and a town full of gringos- what more could you ask for? [Director: Maurizio Lucidi (as Maurice A. Bright)] [83 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA]
- Pekos Martinez (R. Woods) se vratio u svoj rodni grad Hjuston da bi se osvetio Džou Klajnu (N. Clarke). Klajn, koji ima ceo grad pod sobom, sada je je zauzet potragom za novcem od nedavne pljačke, koji je bio ukraden od njega...

Faccia a faccia [aka Face to Face] (1967)

[Tomas Milian ... Solomon 'Beauregard' Bennet, Gian Maria Volonté ... Professor Brett Fletcher, William Berger ... Charley Siringo, Jolanda Modio ... Maria, Gianni Rizzo ... Williams, Carole André ... Cattle Annie, Ángel del Pozo ... Maximilian de Winton, Aldo Sambrell ... Zachary Chase (as Aldo Sanbrell), Nello Pazzafini ... Vance, José Torres ... Aaron Chase, Federico Boido ... The Sheriff of Purgatory City (as Rick Boyd), Guy Heron, Linda Veras ... Fair Woman with Fletcher, Antonio Casas ... Wild Bunch Member, Frank Brana ... Jason]
- Spain: Cara a cara. History Professor Brad Fletcher heads west for his health, but falls in with Soloman Bennett's outlaw gang. Fascinated by their way of life, Fletcher finally takes over the gang, leading with a new 'efficient' ruthlessness. [Director: Sergio Sollima] [107 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-SPA]
- Profesor istorije sa istoka, Bred Flečer, zbog bolesti spas traži na Divljem zapadu. Tamo upoznaje divljeg odmetnika Beneta, što mu menja život iz korena. Mnogo revolveraških obračuna, pucnjave i prevrata.

Giorni dell'ira, I [aka Day of Anger] (1967)

[Lee Van Cleef ... Frank Talby, Giuliano Gemma ... Scott Mary, Walter Rilla ... Murph Allan Short, Christa Linder ... Gwen, Yvonne Sanson ... Vivien Skill, Lukas Ammann ... Judge Cutchell, Andrea Bosic ... Abel Murray, Ennio Balbo ... Turner - the banker, José Calvo ... Blind Bill (as Pepe Calvo), Giorgio Gargiullo ... Killer, Anna Orso ... Eileen (Judge Cutchell's daughter), Karl-Otto Alberty ... Sam Corbitt (as Hans Otto Alberty), Nino Nini ... Marshall / Sheriff Nigel, Virgilio Gazzolo ... Mr. Barton - Owner of Arms Shop, Eleonora Morana ... Mrs. Barton - Woman sending a letter]
- West Germany: Der Tod ritt dienstags. Amiable, unassertive Scott Mary picks up the trash, cleans the toilets, sweeps the floors in the town of Clifton. Then a gunfighter comes to town. He offers advice and guidance to Scott who quickly begins to toughen and mature, thus upsetting the balance of power in the town.
[Director: Tonino Valerii] [Ron Barker (based on the novel "Der tod Ritt Dienstags" by)] [95 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-BRD]
- U nastojanju da povrati svoju reputaciju strahopoštovanja, Frenk Talbi (L. Van Cleef) ubija lokalnog šerifa. Tada otkriva da mora da se sukobi sa njegovim mladim štićenikom Skotom Merijem (G. Gemma), koji je inače bio šerifov najbolji prijatelj. Na kraju će njih dvojica morati da se suoče u finalnom dvoboju, a gde svako od njih dvojice zna svaki potez i svaku misao onog drugog.
Hombre (1967)

[Paul Newman ... John Russell, Fredric March ... Favor, Richard Boone ... Grimes, Diane Cilento ... Jessie, Cameron Mitchell ... Braden, Barbara Rush ... Audra Favor, Peter Lazer ... Billy Lee, Margaret Blye ... Doris, Martin Balsam ... Mendez, Skip Ward ... Steve Early, Frank Silvera ... Mexican Bandit, David Canary ... Lamar Dean, Val Avery ... Delgado, Larry Ward ... Soldier]
- John Russell, disdained by his "respectable" fellow stagecoach passengers because he was raised by Indians, becomes their only hope for survival when they are set upon by outlaws. John 'Hombre' Russell is a white man raised by the Apaches on an Indian reservation and later by a white man in town. As an adult he prefers to live on the reservation. He is informed that he has inherited a lodging-house in the town. He goes to the town and decides to trade the place for a herd. He has to go to another city. The only stagecoach is one being hired for a special trip paid by Faver and his wife Audra. As there are several seats others join the stagecoach making seven very different passengers in all. During the journey they are robbed. With the leadership of John Russell they escape with little water and the money that the bandits want. They are pursued by the bandits. As they try to evade the bandits they reveal their true nature in a life threatening situation. [Director: Martin Ritt] [111 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, USA]
- Džona Rasela čiji je nadimak Hombre, odgajili su Apači u Arizoni. Jednoga dana će saznati da je nasledio stambenu zgradu u obližnjem gradu. Odlučuje da je proda za krdo konja. Zbog toga, moraće kočijama da ode u veći grad. Nakon izlaska iz grada on i saputnici su opljačkani, a zahvaljujući okretnom Raselu, uspevaju da izvuku živu glavu i pobegnu sa malo vode, novca i municije...
Hour of the Gun (1967)

[James Garner ... Wyatt Earp, Jason Robards ... Doc Holliday, Robert Ryan ... Ike Clanton, Albert Salmi ... Octavius Roy, Charles Aidman ... Horace Sullivan, Steve Ihnat ... Andy Warshaw, Michael Tolan ... Pete Spence, William Windom ... Texas Jack Vermillion, Lonny Chapman ... Turkey Creek Johnson, Larry Gates ... John P. Clum, William Schallert ... Judge Herman Spicer, Bill Fletcher ... County Sheriff Jimmy Bryan, Karl Swenson ... Dr. Charles Goodfellow, Austin Willis ... Anson Safford, Monte Markham ... Tucson Sheriff Sherman McMasters]
- Marshal Wyatt Earp kills a couple of men of the Clanton-gang in a fight. In revenge Clanton's thugs kill the marshal's brother. Thus, Wyatt Earp starts to chase the killers together with his friend Doc Holliday. [Director: John Sturges] [100 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, USA]
- Nakon što u obračunu kod O. K. Korala ubiju nekoliko ljudi zloglasnog Ajka Klentona, šerif Vajat Erp, njegova braća Morgan i Virdžil, i prijatelj Dok Holidej moraju pred sudom da dokažu da nisu hladnokrvne ubice već sprovodioci zakona. Sud Erpove i Holideja oslobađa krivice, ali moćni Klenton, čiji je cilj potpuna kontrola nad Arizonom, odmah potom nastavlja da progoni porodicu Erp. Njegovi plaćenici raniće Virdžila i ubiti Morgana Erpa. Kako suđenje za ubistva propada, jer se jedini svedok boji da se pojavi na sudu, Vajat Erp odlučuje da uzme zakon u svoje ruke...

Jackals, The (1967)

[Vincent Price ... Oupa Decker, Diana Ivarson ... Wilhemina Adelaide 'Willie' Decker, Robert Gunner ... Roger 'Stretch' Hawkins, Bob Courtney ... Dandy, Patrick Mynhardt ... Gotz, Bill Brewer ... Stoffel, John Whiteley ... Marico]
- Bad bank robber falls in love with granddaughter of miner he and his men planned to of of gold, has change of heart. Bandits target a gold miner and his granddaughter in 19th century South Africa. Robert Gunnar is the bandit with a heart of gold, who is after Price's cache of gold, but falls in love with Diana Ivarson, who has hair of gold (bleach). [Director: Robert D. Webb] [96 min, 1.85 : 1, Adventure l Western, SAF]
- U Južnoj Africi 19. veka, loš pljačkaš banaka se zaljubljuje u ćerku rudara kog su on i njegova banda planirali da opljačkaju, ali menja plan...

Killer calibro 32 [aka Killer Caliber .32] (1967)

[Peter Lee Lawrence ... Silver, Hélene Chanel ... Dolly (as Sherill Morgan), Agnes Spaak ... Betty (as Agnes Spaak), Alberto Dell'Acqua ... Spot (as Cole Kitosch), Lucy Scay ... Janet (as Lucy Skay), Andrea Bosic ... Averel (as Andrey Bosic), Mirko Ellis ... Sheriff Bear, Massimo Righi ... Judel (as Max Dean), John Bartha ... Parker, Roberto Dell'Acqua ... Young man in coach (as Robert Steevenson), Nello Pazzafini ... Fitch (as Red Carter), Stephen Wilde ... Old Man, Michael Bolt ... Carruthers (as Mike Bolt), Gregory West ... Ramirez, Joseph Holls ... Doctor]
- Super cool Silver kills the seven members of a masked gang, one by one. Saloon girls and poker games enliven this action-packed movie which culminates in the unmasking of the evil gang's boss. [Director: Alfonso Brescia (as Al Bradley)] [94 min, 2.35 : 1, Action l Romance l Western, ITA]
- Plaćeni revolveraš zvani Mister Silver (P. Lee Lawrence) elegantan je mladić koji se u poslu vodi vlastitim moralnim kodeksom. Koristi isključivo srebrne metke i radi za različite klijente, od siromašnih meksičkih radnika kojima smeta sadistički poslodavac do vlasnika saluna koji se žele osloboditi bandita. U revolveraškim obračunima Mister Silver uvek čeka da protivnik prvi potegne kolt, tako da se uvek može opravdati samoodbranom. Uglednom gospodinu Averelu (A. Basic), vlasniku banke iz jednog malog grada, već duže vremena probleme zadaje banda predvođena nemilosrdnim Fičem (N. Pozzafini), koja učestalo pljačka poštanske kočije. Nakon što banda tokom poslednje akcije pobije sve putnike jedne kočije, bankar Averel odluči da upravo Mister Silvera angažuju za eliminaciju razbojnika. Mister Silveru će u akciji pomoći i okretni Spot (A. Dell'Acqua), a tu je i privlačna Doli (H. Chanel), ćerka jedne od žrtava iz poslednje pljačke.
Legend of Jud Starr, The (1967)

[Stuart Whitman ... Marshal Jim Crown, Percy Herbert ... MacGregor, Randy Boone ... Francis, Jill Townsend ... Dulcey, Darren McGavin ... Jud Starr, BarBara Luna ... Roseanne Todd (as Barbara Luna), Beau Bridges ... Billy Joe Shaw, Roy Jenson ... Bloody Bob Agnew, Kelly Thordsen ... Moose O'Hare, Percy Helton ... Ezra Jones, Ford Rainey ... Marshal Tillman, Warren Vanders ... Ham Kaylor, Rex Holman ... Snake Cobbs, Allen Jaffe ... Luke Barfoot, Ken Renard ... Chief Henry Youngblood]
- Cimarron Strip: Season 1, Episode 2 The Legend of Jud Starr (1967). Notorious outlaw Jud Star is rescued by his gang. Under Jud's leadership the outlaws raid the Cimarron Strip and use the Cherokee land as a haven. Marshal Crown captures Star on the eve of wedding to an Indian woman and must take his prisoner back to Cimarron with Star's gang in hot pursuit. Jud Starr, an outlaw made infamous by the newspapers for robbing an Army payroll of $80,000, is to be hung, but his gang rescues him and they disappear into the Cherokee Outlet. With the Army's refusal to act because of a possible Indian uprising, Crown heads to the outlet with MacGregor and Francis. Starr is protected by the Cherokees, who want a share of the money he hid on their land, but Crown finds help from an unexpected source. The episode guest stars Darren McGavin and Beau Bridges. [Director: Vincent McEveety] [1.33 : 1, 75 min, Western, USA]
- Druga epizoda američke vestern serije, prikazivana i kao film, Simeron Strip iz 1960 godine, koja prati avanture maršala Džima Krauna (S. Whitman). Kada Simeron bude terorisan od strane ozloglašenog odmetnika Džuda Stara (D. McGavin) i njegove bande, maršal Kraun je suočen sa zadatkom da pokuša da ih pronađe i povrati vladavinu zakona.

Little Rita nel West [aka Rita of the West] (1967)

[Rita Pavone ... Little Rita, Terence Hill ... Black Star, Lucio Dalla ... Francis, Nina Larker ... The Orphan, Teddy Reno ... The Sheriff, Kirk Morris ... Ringo, Pinuccio Ardia ... The Barman, Gordon Mitchell ... Bisonte Seduto / Sitting Bison, Fernando Sancho ... Sancho, Nini Rosso ... Mexican Trumpet Player, Gino Pernice ... Tribunal President Joseph (as Luigi Pernice), Romano Puppo, Mirella Pamphili ... (as Mirella Pamfili), Franco Gula ... Old lawyer, Enzo Di Natale]
- Little Rita has a dream: she dreams of a better world and she believes that all the evil in the world originates from gold. So she has decided to blow up all the gold she can put her hands on. In her mission she is assisted by the Indian Chief Bisonte Seduto and by her friend Francis. Little Rita kills Ringo and Django, but she is taken prisoner by the Mexican bandit Sancho who wants to steal her gold. Black Star rescues her and seems determined to help her, but does he? [Director: Ferdinando Baldi] [90 min, 2.35 : 1, Musical | Western, ITA]

- Revolverašica zvana Rita Kid ima san: ona sanja o boljem svetu, a ona veruje da svo zlo u svetu potiče od zlata. Ona je odlučila da oduzme i uništi svo zlato koga se dokopa. Ona je u misiji da pomaže indijanskom poglavici Sedećem Bizonu i njenom prijatelju Frensisu. Rita ubija Ringa i Đanga, ali je zarobljena od strane meksičkog bandita Sanča koji joj želi ukrasti zlato. Revolveraš Blek Star je spašava...

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