петак, 5. октобар 2012.


• Man Alone, A (1955) USAMLJENI ČOVEK 
• Man from Bitter Ridge, The (1955) ČOVEK IZ BITER RIDŽA [aka ČOVEK SA OŠTROG GREBENA]
• Man from Laramie, The (1955) ČOVEK IZ LARAMIJA 
• Man with the Gun (1955) ČOVEK SA PIŠTOLJEM
• Man Without a Star (1955) ČOVEK BEZ ZVEZDE  
• Many Rivers to Cross (1955) MNOGE REKE TREBA PREĆI 
• Oklahoma! (1955) OKLAHOMA 
• Rage at Dawn (1955) BES U ZORU 
• Robbers' Roost (1955) PLJAČKAŠKO SKROVIŠTE
• Run for Cover (1955) U SENCI VEŠALA 
• Smoke Signal (1955) DIMNI SIGNAL 
• Spoilers, The (1955) PLJAČKAŠI
• Strange Lady in Town (1955) NEOBIČNA ŽENA U GRADU
• Tall Man Riding (1955) VISOKI JAHAČ
• Tall Men, The (1955) VISOKI LJUDI  
• Treasure of Pancho Villa, The (1955) BLAGO PANČA VILJE
• Violent Men, The (1955) DOLINA NASILJA 
• White Feather (1955) BELO PERO 
• Wichita (1955) VIČITA 
• Yellowneck (1955) IZDAJICA  

Man Alone, A (1955)

[Ray Milland ... Wes Steele, Mary Murphy ... Nadine Corrigan, Ward Bond ... Sheriff Gil Corrigan, Raymond Burr ... Stanley, Arthur Space ... Doctor Mason, Lee Van Cleef ... Clanton, Alan Hale Jr. ... Jim Anderson (as Alan Hale), Douglas Spencer ... Henry Slocum, Thomas Browne Henry ... Maybanks (as Thomas B. Henry), Grandon Rhodes ... Luke Joiner, Martin Garralaga ... Ortega, Kim Spalding ... Sam Hall, Howard Negley ... Wilson (as Howard J. Negley)]
- A gunfighter's main hope lies in the trust of a beautiful woman who hides him out when he is wrongly suspected of a stagecoach massacre. A gunfighter, stranded in the desert, comes across the aftermath of a stage robbery, in which all the passengers were killed. He takes one of the horses to ride to town to report the massacre, but finds himself accused of it. He also finds himself accused of the murder of the local banker, and winds up hiding in the basement of a house where the local sheriff, who is very sick, lives with his daughter. [Director: Ray Milland (as R. Milland)] [96 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]
 Revolveraš koji je ostao bez konja u pustinji, pronalazi kočiju u kojoj su ubijeni svi putnici posle pljačke. Uzima jednog od konja i odjaše u grad da prijavi masakr, ali ga optuže za zločin. Optuže ga i za ubistvo lokalnog bankara. Skriva se u podrumu kuće lokalnog šerifa, koji je jako bolestan i koji živi sa svojom ćerkom.

Man from Bitter Ridge, The (1955)

[Lex Barker ... Jeff Carr, Mara Corday ... Holly Kenton, Stephen McNally ... Alec Black, John Dehner ... Ranse Jackman, Trevor Bardette ... Walter Dunham, Ray Teal ... Shep Bascom, Warren Stevens ... Linc Jackman, Myron Healey ... Clem Jackman, John Harmon ... Norman Roberts, John Cliff ... Wolf Landers, Richard Garland ... Jace Gordon]
- Jeff Carr, a special investigator, arrives in Tomahawk. His assignment is to discover who has been holding up the local stagecoach and is guilty for a series of killings that terrorize the town. Sheepman Alec Black is suspected by the local population but it is not long before Jeff realizes the man is innocent. Alec even becomes a good friend although he is in love with the same woman as him, Holly. Jeff will manage to arrest the real culprits but not before the latter try to compromise him down. [Director: Jack Arnold] [80 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 Specijalni istražitelj Džef Kar stiže u Tomahavk da otkrije ko stoji iza pljački lokalne kočije i serije ubistava. Lokalno stanovništvo sumnjiči ovčara Aleka Bleka, ali Džef brzo otkriva da je čovek nevin i oni postaju dobri prijatelji iako su zaljubljeni u istu ženu, Holi. Džef će uspeti da uhapsi prave krivce, ali oni će pre toga pokušati da ga kompromituju.

Man from Laramie, The (1955) 

[James Stewart ... Will Lockhart, Arthur Kennedy ... Vic Hansbro, Donald Crisp ... Alec Waggoman, Cathy O'Donnell ... Barbara Waggoman, Alex Nicol ... Dave Waggoman, Aline MacMahon ... Kate Canaday, Wallace Ford ... Charley O'Leary, Jack Elam ... Chris Boldt, John War Eagle ... Frank Darrah, James Millican ... Tom Quigby, Gregg Barton ... Fritz, Boyd Stockman ... Spud Oxton, Frank DeKova ... Padre]
- A stranger defies the local cattle baron and his sadistic son by working for one of his oldest rivals. Mysterious Will Lockhart delivers supplies to storekeeper Barbara Waggoman at Coronado, an isolated town in Apache country. Before long, he's tangled with Dave Waggoman, vicious son of autocratic rancher Alec and cousin of sweet Barbara. But he sticks around town, his presence a catalyst for changes in people's lives, searching for someone he doesn't know... who's been selling rifles to the Apaches. [Director: Anthony Mann] [104 min, 2.55 : 1, Drama l Western, USA]
 Tajanstveni Vil Lokart snabdeva potrebnom robom vlasnicu prodavnice Barbaru Vejgoman koja se nalazi u Koronadu, gradu izolovanom usred teritorije Apača. Vil ima neraščišćene račune sa Barbarinim rođakom Dejvom, sinom moćnog rančera Aleka. Njegovo prisustvo izaziva lavinu događaja, dok on traži osobu koja prodaje puške Apačima. Poslednji zajednički vestern posebne serije vestern tandema Stjuart/Man. Ostali su (Vinčesterka 73, Na okuci reke, Gola mamuza, Daleka zemlja), sličnih tematika kao i vesterni tandema Botičer/Skot, govore o asocijalnim usamljenim i uznemirenim kaubojima koji su uvek na nekom raskršću između ličnih osvetničkih motiva i normalnog života sa osobom koja mu ne retko pomrsi račune na putu ka osveti. I Entoni Man kao i drugi vrhunski režiser vesterna Bad Botičer kalili su svoje znanje u Noir filmovima, pa otuda postoji uticaj na zaplet, kompleksne likove, prirodu koja predstavlja opasnost i naglašava njihova psihološka stanja kao i smisao da se pokaže kako su ljudi očajni i spremni na sve da izvuku živu glavu i pre svega dobit. Na kraju muškost i odlučnost pobeđuje zlobu i gramzivost, a moralna vertikala i čestitost predstavlja snagu protiv prirodnih nepogoda...

Man with the Gun (1955)

[Robert Mitchum ... Clint Tollinger, Jan Sterling ... Nelly Bain, Karen Sharpe ... Stella Atkins, Henry Hull ... Marshal Lee Sims, Emile Meyer ... Saul Atkins, John Lupton ... Jeff Castle, Barbara Lawrence ... Ann Wakefield, Ted de Corsia ... 'Frenchy' Lescaux (as Ted DeCorsia), Leo Gordon ... Ed Pinchot, James Westerfield ... Mr. Zender (drummer)]
- When a notorious tough 'town tamer' is hired by the citizenry to rid of the gunmen driving them off their land, he finds the local saloon madam to be an old friend. A stranger comes to town looking for his estranged wife. He finds her running the local girls. He also finds a town and sheriff afraid of their own shadow, scared of a landowner they never see who rules through his rowdy sidekicks. The stranger is a town tamer by trade, and he accepts a $500 commission to sort things out. [Director: Richard Wilson] [83 min, Black and White, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 Stranac dolazi u grad u potrazi za svojom otuđenom ženu. Pronalazi je sa lokalnim devojkama kao salunsku damu. On pronalazi i grad i šerifa koji se boji vlastite senke, iz straha od zemljoposednika... Građani ga umajmljuju da zameni šerifa...

Man Without a Star (1955) 

[Kirk Douglas ... Dempsey Rae, Jeanne Crain ... Reed Bowman, Claire Trevor ... Idonee, William Campbell ... Jeff Jimson, Richard Boone ... Steve Miles, Jay C. Flippen ... Strap Davis, Myrna Hansen ... Tess Cassidy, Mara Corday ... Moccasin Mary, Eddy Waller ... Tom Cassidy (as Eddy C. Waller), Sheb Wooley ... Latigo, George Wallace ... Tom Carter, Frank Chase ... Little Waco, Paul Birch ... Mark Toliver, Roy Barcroft ... Sheriff Olson, William 'Bill' Phillips ... Cookie (as Wm. "Bill" Phillips)]
- Dempsey Rae, a cowboy with no clear aim in life, winds up working on a spread with a hard lady owner just arrived from the East. She needs a tough new top hand and uses all her means of persuasion to get Rae to take the job. But he doesn't like the way the other settlers are getting treated and starts to side with them, despite their introduction of the barbed wire he loathes. [Director: King Vidor] [89 min, 2.00 : 1, Western, USA]
 Dok se skriven vozi u stočnom vagonu iz Kanzas Sitija na Zapad, Dempsi Rej (Kirk Douglas) se sprijatelji sa mladim i neiskusnim Džefom Džimsonom (W. Campbell). Stignu u malo mesto na Zapadu gde šerif optuži Džefa da je ubio pratioca voza, ali Dempsi otkrije pravog ubicu i za to dobije novčanu nagradu. Dempsi i Džef ostanu u gradu gde Dempsi ima prijateljicu Ajdoni (C. Trevor), zabavljačicu u salunu. Predradnik sa jednog velikog ranča ponudi Dempsiju i Džefu da čuvaju stoku čija će vlasnica upravo stići sa Istoka Sjedinjenih Država. To je lepa i samosvesna Rid Bouman (J. Crain). Za nju su već dopremili deset hiljada krava iz Teksasa, a stići će još pet hiljada grla koje će dopremiti Stiv Majls (R. Bone). Rid ponudi mesto predradnika Dempsiju, ali on ne želi to mesto oduzeti čoveku koji ga je zaposlio na ranču. Rid se sviđa Dempsiju, a i on njoj, i ona mu tada ponudi da preuzme mesto koje je u "hijerarhiji" odmah nakon predradničkog. Ali, biće problema jer vlasnik obližnjeg ranča ne želi da dopusti da tuđa stoka ima ispašu na njegovim livadama pa ih ogradi bodljikavom žicom. To Dempsi ne podnosi jer je već u životu stradao od bodljikave žice. A ima loše iskustvo i sa Stivom Majlsom koji je doveo stoku iz Teksasa. Ovaj izvrstan vestern režirao je klasik američkog filma King Vidor (1894-1982, Teksaški rendžeri, Severozapadni prolaz, Dvoboj na suncu). Bio mu je to 54. film u karijeri koja je započela još u doba nemog filma. U "Čoveku bez zvezde" Kirk Daglas je odigrao jednu od svojih najboljih i najpopularnijih uloga.



Many Rivers to Cross (1955)

[Robert Taylor ... Bushrod Gentry, Eleanor Parker ... Mary Stuart Cherne, Victor McLaglen ... Cadmus Cherne, Jeff Richards ... Fremont, Russ Tamblyn ... Shields, James Arness ... Esau Hamilton, Alan Hale Jr. ... Luke Radford, John Hudson ... Hugh, Rhys Williams ... Lige Blake, Josephine Hutchinson ... Mrs. Cherne, Sig Ruman ... Spectacle Man, Rosemary DeCamp ... Lucy Hamilton, Russell Johnson ... Banks, Ralph Moody ... Sandak, Abel Fernandez ... Slangoh]
- Robert Taylor and Eleanor Parker star as a Kentucky backwoodsman and the woman who will NOT let anything interfere with her plans to marry him in this humorous romantic adventure through the American Frontier of 1798. During 1798, Bushrod Gentry is a Kentucky trapper who travels from place to place, sometimes staying with settler families for a night or two before moving on. Being a handsome man he often breaks the hearts of the unmarried young daughters of his hosts and it always leads to proposals of marriage from the girls' part. This causes Bushrod to quickly pack his gear, give the smitten girl his standard speech about why he cannot marry or settle down and depart in a hurry, leaving the girl in tears. But one day, after being saved from an Indian attack by young Scotish woman, Mary Stuart Cherne, he takes shelter with her family until his broken arm can heal. Invariably, the girl falls for his charm and asks him to marry her. Bushrod gives her his standard speech and thinks he's off the hook but stubborn Mary Stuart is not so easily dissuaded. This leads to lies, insinuations, evasive actions, hilarity, fist fights with her brothers, a shooting contest, broken promises and a shotgun wedding. [Director: Roy Rowland] [94 min, 2.55 : 1, Comedy l Romance l Western, USA]
 Sa poštovanjem posvećujemo ovu priču ženama američkih granica koje su pomogle svojim ljudima da se nasele u području divljeg Kentakija. One su bile hrabre i odvažne, i bez njihove pomoći danas neki ne bi bili ovde, kako bi videli ovaj film.

Oklahoma! (1955)

[Gordon MacRae ... Curly, Gloria Grahame ... Ado Annie, Gene Nelson ... Will Parker, Charlotte Greenwood ... Aunt Eller, Shirley Jones ... Laurey, Eddie Albert ... Ali Hakim, James Whitmore ... Mr. Carnes, Rod Steiger ... Jud Fry, Barbara Lawrence ... Gertie, Jay C. Flippen ... Skidmore, Roy Barcroft ... Marshal, James Mitchell ... Dream Curly / Dancer, Bambi Linn ... Dream Laurey / Dancer, Jennie Workman ... Dancer, Virginia Bosler ... Dancer]
- In the Oklahoma territory at the turn of the twentieth century, two young cowboys vie with an evil ranch hand and a traveling peddler for the hearts of the women they love. [Director: Fred Zinnemann] [145 min, 2.20 : 1, Musical l Romance l Western, USA]
 Oklahoma! je američki filmski mjuzikl snimljen 1955. godine u režiji Freda Cinemana. Predstavlja adaptaciju popularnog istoimenog mjuzikla Rodžersa i Hamerstajna. Radnja se događa u Oklahomi 1906. godine i prikazuje kako se mlada devojka Lori (S. Jones) zaljubi u kauboja Karlija (G. MacRae), iako se za njenu naklonost bori nasilni napoličar Džad (R. Steiger). Rodžers i Hamerstajn su nadzirali produkciju, pa je, zahvaljujući delom i tome, Oklahoma! prilično verno preuzela sadržaj originalne predstave, za razliku od drugih holivudskih mjuzikala koji su ga tada obično izbacivali ili dodavali nove pesme. 

Rage at Dawn (1955) 

[Randolph Scott ... James Barlow, Forrest Tucker ... Frank Reno, Mala Powers ... Laura Reno, J. Carrol Naish ... Simeon 'Sim' Reno, Edgar Buchanan ... Judge, Myron Healey ... John Reno, Howard Petrie ... Lattimore - Prosecuting Attorney, Ray Teal ... Sheriff of Seymour, William Forrest ... William Peterson, Denver Pyle ... Clint Reno, Trevor Bardette ... Fisher, Kenneth Tobey ... Monk Claxton]
- A special agent from Chicago is sent out west to bring in the notorious Reno brothers. Terrorizing 1866 Indiana, the Reno brothers gang uses the town of Seymour as a safe haven, paying off three crooked town officials. Sent in to clean up the gang is Peterson Detective Agency operative James Barlow, who poses as an outlaw to gain the confidence of the officials and the thick-headed brothers. Complicating matters are Barlow's feelings for the Reno sister, Laura, who reluctantly keeps house for the boys out of family loyalty. Events heat up and rage surfaces as Barlow sets up the gang in a dawn train robbery. [Director: Tim Whelan] [87 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 Godina je 1866. U američkoj državi Indijani pod vodstvom braće Rino, započela je era velikih pljačkaša vozova. Otimanje, teror, krađa i ubijanje bili su njihov način života. Ovaj film, inspirisan stvarnim događajima, prati pljačkaške pohode prve velike bande koja je harala središnjim delom države oslobodivši put ostalima koje će se tek pojaviti. Rendolf Skot, velikan vestern filmova, igra vladinog agenta koji ima izuzetno težak zadatak da uhvati ozloglašenu braću Rino.

Rawhide Years, The (1955)

[Tony Curtis ... Ben Matthews, Colleen Miller ... Zoe Fontaine, Arthur Kennedy ... Rick Harper, William Demarest ... Brand Comfort, William Gargan ... Marshal Sommers, Peter van Eyck ... Andre Boucher, Minor Watson ... Matt Comfort, Donald Randolph ... Carrico, Robert J. Wilke ... Neal (as Robert Wilke), Trevor Bardette ... Captain, James Anderson ... Deputy Wade, Robert Foulk ... Mate, Chubby Johnson ... Gif Lessing, Leigh Snowden ... Miss Vanilla Bissell, Don Beddoe ... Frank Porter]
- Dishonest riverboat gambler Ben Matthews is blamed for a murder he didn't commit and must find the real killer before the lynch mob finds him. Ben Matthews gives up the flashy life of a riverboat gambler, hoping to settle down in Galena with his girlfriend, luscious entertainer Zoe. But Galena's leading citizen is murdered on the boat; Ben, on arrival, finds a lynch mob after his neck, and flees. Three years of wandering later, Zoe's letters stop coming and Ben returns to find her and attempt the hopeless task of clearing himself. [Director: Rudolph Maté] [85 min, 2.00 : 1, Western, USA]
 Ben Metjuz (T. Curtis) ne želi više da živi kao kockar na brodu nego se namerava skrasiti sa svojom devojkom Zoe (C. Miller) u Galenu. Međutim, na brodu je ubijen ugledni građanin Galena, a na kopnu je rulja spremna na linč...

Robbers' Roost (1955)

[George Montgomery ... Jim 'Tex' Wall, Richard Boone ... Hank Hays, Sylvia Findley ... Helen Herrick, Bruce Bennett ... 'Bull' Herrick, Peter Graves ... Heesman, Tony Romano ... Happy Jack, Warren Stevens ... Smokey, William Hopper ... Robert Bell, Stanley Clements ... Chuck, Leo Gordon ... Jeff]
- Jim Tex Wall is searching for three men who killed his wife and stole his horses and finds them working for a gang of cattle rustlers engaged in a turf war with a rival gang of outlaws. Jim "Tex" Wall (George Montgomery), searching for the last of the three men who raped and killed his wife, joins a gang of cattle rustlers led by Hank Hays (Richard Boone). Both Hays' outlaws and a rival gang headed by Heesman (Peter Graves), have been hired as ranch hands by "Bull" Herrick (Bruce Bennett), a cripple who owns a large cattle ranch and wants to get his large herd to market. He theorizes that the two gangs will be kept busy watching each other and neither will rustle his cattle. Helen (Sylvia Findley) has little faith in her brother's contrived plan, and hates and distrusts both groups. She begins to soften toward Jim, but abruptly changes when she sees a reward poster which says he has killed two men.
[Director: Sidney Salkow] [Zane Grey (novel)] [83 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 Džim "Teks" Vol (G. Montgomery), u potrazi za poslednja tri čoveka koji su silovali i ubili njegovu ženu, pridružuje se bandi kradljivaca goveda koju vodi Henk Hejs (R. Boone)...

Run for Cover (1955)

[James Cagney ... Matt Dow, Viveca Lindfors ... Helga Swenson, John Derek ... Davey Bishop, Jean Hersholt ... Mr. Swenson, Grant Withers ... Gentry, Jack Lambert ... Larsen, Ernest Borgnine ... Morgan, Ray Teal ... Sheriff, Irving Bacon ... Scotty, Trevor Bardette ... Paulsen, John Miljan ... Mayor Walsh, Gus Schilling ... Doc Ridgeway]
- Mistaken for train robbers, Matt Dow and Davey Bishop are shot at by the sheriff and his posse but they are cleared and hired as lawmen. Odd little Western that gets off to a snappy start when a man (Matt Dow) is mistaken as a train robber. After the town's sheriff shoots the kid he's riding with, Dow clears his name and ends up as the new sheriff. He romances a Swedish woman and settles in to a peaceful life only to find that the boy has a few secrets of his own. [Director: Nicholas Ray] [93 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 Kauboj koji pokušava da dokaže svoju nevinost nakon što ga zamene za pljačkaša Meta Doua (J. Cagney) i mladi Dejv Bišop (J. Derek) slučajno se sretnu i nastave put zajedno. Pucajući na pticu u letu, prestraše putnike voza, koji im bace vreću sa novcem misleći da je reč o pljačkašima. Zbunjeni dvojac požuri u grad da vrati novac, ali tamo ih ne dočekaju baš gostoljubivo. Odmah posumnjavši da je reč o pljačkašima koji su na prepad uzeli vreću novca, šerif iz zasede ustreli Dejva. Ali prekasno su shvatili da se radi o zabuni. Dejvu će trebati puno volje, a naročito Metove pomoći, da ikad više ustane i prohoda. Neguje ga lepa Šveđanka Helga (V. Lindfors), u koju se Met vrlo brzo zaljubi. Vestern u kojem sarađuju dva velikana holivudskog filma - reditelj Nikolas Rej (Džoni gitara, U senci vešala, Istinita priča o Džesiju Džejmsu, Vetrovi močvare Everglejds) i glumac Džejms Kegni (Oklahoma Kid, U senci vešala).

Smoke Signal (1955)

[Dana Andrews ... Brett Halliday, Piper Laurie ... Laura Evans, Rex Reason ... Lt. Wayne Ford, William Talman ... Capt. Harper, Milburn Stone ... Sgt. Miles, Douglas Spencer ... Garode, Gordon Jones ... Cpl. Rogers, William Schallert ... Pvt. Livingston, Robert J. Wilke ... 1st Sgt. Daly (as Robert Wilke), William Phipps ... Pvt. Porter (as Bill Phipps), Pat Hogan ... Delche, Peter Coe ... Ute Prisoner]
- A suspected cavalry deserter proves to be resourceful in helping the surviving members of a fort, flee Indians along a dangerous river. Capt. Harper's cavalry patrol returns to the fort to find it besieged by Ute Indians. The apparent cause is the recapture of Army traitor Brett Halliday, who deserted to the Utes in a previous war; but Brett has a different story. With capture imminent, the only chance for the surviving men (and one woman) is to boat down a wild, uncharted river, where Harper and Halliday must pull together, like it or not. [Director: Jerry Hopper] [88 min, 2.00 : 1, Action l Drama l Western, USA]
 Patrola se vraća u utvrđenje i zatekne ga pod indijanskom opsadom. Razlog je očito zatočeni Bret Halidej koji je u prethodnom sukobu prebegao na stranu Indijanaca. Međutim, Bret ima drugačiju priču...

Spoilers, The (1955)

[Anne Baxter ... Cherry Malotte, Jeff Chandler ... Roy Glennister, Rory Calhoun ... Alex McNamara, Ray Danton ... Blackie, Barbara Britton ... Helen Chester, John McIntire ... Dextry, Wallace Ford ... Flapjack Simms, Forrest Lewis ... Banty Jones, Carl Benton Reid ... Judge Stillman, Raymond Walburn ... Mr. Skinner, Ruth Donnelly ... Duchess, Dayton Lummis ... Wheaton, Willis Bouchey ... Jonathan Struve, Roy Barcroft ... The Marshal, Byron Foulger ... Montrose]
- In 1899 Alaska, miners have to protect themselves from a phony legal team trying to steal their gold claims. During the 1898 gold rush in Nome, Alaska, many miners are faced with claim jumpers bent on stealing their legitimate gold claims. The new gold commissioner, Alex McNamara, assures the miners that judge Stillman is on his way to Nome to review all legal matters concerning the mines. However, the miners grow impatient and want to settle matters the old fashioned way: with a gun. Finally, a ship arrives bringing judge Stillman and his daughter to Nome. On the same boat, local mine owner, Roy Glennister, returns to Nome and is greeted by girlfriend Cherry Malotte who's the owner of the local saloon and gambling house. But Roy is full of gallantry toward fellow boat passenger, Helen Chester, which causes a jealousy scene between Roy and girlfriend Cherry. Following their lovers' quarrel Roy and Cherry discover that judge Stillman and his legal team are phony, the gold commissioner, Alex McNamara, is corrupt and that Roy and his mining partner, Dextry, are about to lose their mine to phony claimants. Rex Beach's immortal saga of the Yukon! [Director: Jesse Hibbs] [84 min, 2.00 : 1, Western, USA]
 U Nomu u Aljasci, za vreme Zlatne groznice, mnogo rudara suočeno je sa krađom njihovog zakonito stečenog zlata. Novi poverenik za zlato Aleks Mek Namara (R. Calhoun) uverava rudare da je sudija Stilman (C. Benton Reid) na putu za Nom kako bi razmotrio sve pravne poslove vezane za zlato. Međutim, rudari su sve nestrpljiviji i žele da probleme reše staromodnim načinom: oružjem.

Strange Lady in Town (1955)

[Greer Garson ... Dr. Julia Winslow Garth, Dana Andrews ... Dr. Rourke O'Brien, Cameron Mitchell ... Lt. David Garth, Lois Smith ... Spurs O'Brien, Walter Hampden ... Father Gabriel Mendoza, Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez ... Trooper Martinez-Martinez, Joan Camden ... Norah Muldoon, Anthony Numkena ... Tomascito Diaz, José Torvay ... Bartolo Diaz, Adele Jergens ... Bella Brown, Robert J. Wilke ... Karg, Frank DeKova ... Anse Hatlo, Russell Johnson ... Shadduck, Gregory Walcott ... Scanlon, Douglas Kennedy ... Slade Wickstrom]
- She plays a female doctor who plans to introduce modern techniques of medicine to old Santa Fe in 1880, but is opposed by an established doctor. [Director: Mervyn LeRoy] [112 min, 2.55 : 1, Western, USA]
 Lekarka (G. Garson) iz 19. veka nailazi na otpor javnosti i postojećeg lekara (D. Andrews) kada pokuša da uspostavi medicinsku praksu i uvede moderne medicinske tehnike u Santa Feu.

Tall Man Riding (1955)

[Randolph Scott ... Larry Madden, Dorothy Malone ... Corinna Ordway, Peggie Castle ... Reva, William Ching ... Rex Willard (as Bill Ching), John Baragrey ... Cibo Pearlo, Robert Barrat ... Tucker Ordway, John Dehner ... Ames Luddington, Paul Richards ... The Peso Kid, Lane Chandler ... Hap Sutton, Mickey Simpson ... Deputy Jeff Barclay, Joe Bassett ... Will, Charles Watts ... Al - Pearlo's Palace Bartender, Russ Conway ... Marshal Jim Feathergill (as Russell Conway), Mike Ragan ... Tom]
- Larry Madden returns after several years still vowing to avenge himself against the humiliating whipping he received at the hands of cattle baron Tucker Ordway. Still seeking revenge against ranch owner Tuck Ordway for publicly whipping him years earlier and breaking up his relationship with Ordway's daughter, cowboy Larry Madden plans to oust Ordway from his ranch by having his claim to the land declared invalid. Ordway's daughter Corinna, believing Madden to be the cause of the family's recent misfortunes, is unaware that the local saloon owner also has designs upon the Ordway holdings. [Director: Lesley Selander] [Norman A. Fox (novel)] [83 min, 1.66 : 1, Western, USA]
 Lari Mejden se vraća posle nekoliko godina da se osveti veleposedniku Takeru Ordveju.


Tall Men, The (1955) 

[Clark Gable ... Colonel Ben Allison, Jane Russell ... Nella Turner, Robert Ryan ... Nathan Stark, Cameron Mitchell ... Clint Allison, Juan García ... Luis (as Juan Garcia), Harry Shannon ... Sam, Emile Meyer ... Chickasaw Charlie, Steve Darrell ... Colonel Norris (as Stevan Darrell)]
- Two brothers, Ben and Clint, join a cattle drive from Texas to Montana. While heading for Texas they save Nella from the Indians, and she decides to ride with them. Ben and Nella start to get romantic, but Ben isn't ambitious enough for her, and she soon meets up with the boss of the cattle drive. Will she make the right choice, and, more importantly, will the cattle make it to Montana! [Director: Raoul Walsh] [122 min, 2.55 : 1, Action l Adventure l Drama, USA]
 Dva brata, Ben (C. Gable) i Klint (C. Mitchell), krenuli su prema Montani u potrazi za zlatom. Na putu susretnu bogatog biznismena Starka (R. Ryan) koji ih, posle početnog sukoba, pozove da zajedno sa njim odu u Teksas, kupe stoku i pridruže se njegovoj grupi ljudi koja će goniti goveda iz Teksasa u Montanu. Na putu za Teksas naleteće na grupu Sijuksa koji planiraju da ih napadnu, ali, uspeju da se izvuku i spasavaju aktraktivnu belkinju Nelu (J. Russell) koja odluči da im se pridruži. Između Bena i Nel počinje da se razvija romansa, iako on u početku nije dovoljno zainteresovan za nju. Nju će privući i Stark, što će dovesti do sukoba između njega i Bena? "Visoki ljudi" je jako dobar i atraktivan vestern slavnog reditelja Raula Volša (Veliki put, Crni eskadron, Umrli su u čizmama, San Antonio, Prognani, Srebrna reka, Teritorija Kolorada, Između života i smrti, Doživljaji kapetana Vajta, Besni pištolj, Odmetnik, Saskačevan, Visoki ljudi, Kralj i četiri kraljice, Banda anđela, Englez na Divljem zapadu, Udaljena truba), snimljen u raskošnom tehnikoloru, dobre priče i izvrsno profilisanih likova. Film je usredotočen na prikaz zamršenih međuljudskih odnosa koji se dogode na putu grupe koja tera stoku iz jedne u drugu američku državu, zajedno sa njihovim pridošlicama. Uz sjajnu razradu njihovih osobina, veliki adut filma su izvrsno režirani prizori putovanja, ostvareni predivnim totalima teranja stoke i napredovanja grupe prema severnom delu teritorija. 

Ten Wanted Men (1955)

[Randolph Scott ... John Stewart, Jocelyn Brando ... Corinne Michaels, Richard Boone ... Wick Campbell, Alfonso Bedoya ... Hermando, Donna Martell ... Maria Segura, Skip Homeier ... Howie Stewart, Clem Bevans ... Tod Grinnel, Leo Gordon ... Frank Scavo, Minor Watson ... Jason Carr, Lester Matthews ... Adam Stewart, Tom Powers ... Henry Green, Dennis Weaver ... Sheriff Clyde Gibbons, Lee Van Cleef ... Al Drucker]
- When his ward seeks protection with rival cattleman John Stewart, embittered, jealous rancher Wick Campbell hires ten outlaws to help him seize power in the territory. When John Stewart gives refuge to Wick Campbell's girl friend, Campbell turns against him. He rustles Stewart's cattle, murders his brother, and brings in hired guns. Then he and his men pin Stewart and a few others down in a house apparently killing them. But Stewart has escaped and returns alone to rid the town of Campbell and his men. [Director: H. Bruce Humberstone (as Bruce Humberstone)] [80 min, 1.85 : 1, Action l Drama l Romance, USA]
 Kada Džon Stjuart bude pružio utočište devojci Vika Kembela, Kembel će se okrenuti protiv njega. Razjuriće njegovu stoku, ubiće mu brata, i dovešće plaćene revolveraše. On i njegovi plaćenici jure Stjuarta kao i nekolicinu drugih i sve ih žele mrtve. Stjuart uspeva da se izvuče i pobegne. Vratiće se sam da oslobodi grad od Kembela i njegovih napasnika i osveti brata. 

Treasure of Pancho Villa, The (1955) 

[Rory Calhoun ... Tom Bryan, Shelley Winters ... Ruth Harris, Gilbert Roland ... Colonel Juan Castro, Joseph Calleia ... Pablo Morales, Fanny Schiller ... Laria Morales, Carlos Múzquiz ... Commandant (as Carlos Mosquiz), Tony Carbajal ... Farolito (as Tony Carvajal), Pasquel Pena ... Ricardo (as Pasquel Pená)]
- In 1915, an American adventurer joins the supporters of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa. Mexico, 1915. US bank robber Tom Bryan hopes to retire to Mexico, where the ever popular ex-revolutionary dictator, Pancho Villa, has been deposed and driven to his home province by another tyrant. Colonel Castro's band of loyal Villa-supporters hope to get him back in power so rob a gold train. Aboard is Bryan, who was secretly paid to help. Delivering the gold to Pancho by Yaqui country proves harder, as the Indians help with the federales (government troops) in pursuit. More dangers lurk. [Director: George Sherman] [92 min, 2.00 : 1, Romance l Western, USA]
 Pančo Vilja je meksički seljački vođa i revolucionar. Meksikanci ga smatraju nacionalnim junakom. Postao je odmetnik u 16. godini, ubivši sina zemljoposednika koji mu je silovao mlađu sestru. Ukrao je konja i pobegao u planine Meksika na severu zemlje. Pridružio se bandi koju je vodio Francisko Vilja, a posle njegove smrti, preuzeo je njegov identitet. 1911. potukao je vojsku Porfirija Diaza, u korist Franciska Madera. General Viktoriano Huerta osudio ga je na smrt. Dva puta je zauzimao glavni grad Meksika. Iako su kolale glasine da će on postati novi predsednik Meksika, to se nije dogodilo. Kada je vlada SAD-a, priznala legitimnost režima na čelu kojeg je bio diktator Venustiano Karanca, skupio je 1.500 ljudi i napao grad Kolumbus u Novom Meksiku. Meksiko, 1915. godine. Postoje vremena kada čovek postavlja samom sebi pitanje. Da li sam pobedio ili izgubio? Da li moj život ima smisla? Bio sam najbogatiji čovek na svetu, ali sve to nisam mogao poneti sa sobom. I nemam naslednika da mu ostavim. Sve se to događalo u danima kada se Meksiko borio za slobodu. Tu su bila dva oslobodioca, ali jedan se okrenuo u diktatora. To je navika oslobodilaca da kada dobiju, zbune narod koji je oslobođen. Neki od onih oslobođenih su ponovo porobljeni, krv je tekla, neprijatelj je uzeo surovu osvetu. Jurili su ga nazad u Severni Meksiko, gde je znao svaki pedalj terena i mogao briljantno da se bori, pod uslovom da je imao municiju, oružje i konje ili novac da to kupi. Novac je bio njegov glavni problem, a bilo je previše neobično kako ga je dobio...

Violent Men, The (1955) 

[Glenn Ford ... John Parrish, Barbara Stanwyck ... Martha Wilkison, Edward G. Robinson ... Lew Wilkison, Dianne Foster ... Judith Wilkison, Brian Keith ... Cole Wilkison, May Wynn ... Caroline Vail, Warner Anderson ... Jim McCloud, Basil Ruysdael ... Tex Hinkleman, Lita Milan ... Elena, Richard Jaeckel ... Wade Matlock, James Westerfield ... Sheriff Magruder, Jack Kelly ... DeRosa, Willis Bouchey ... Sheriff Martin Kenner, Harry Shannon ... Purdue]
- A Union ex-officer plans to sell up to Anchor Ranch and move east with his fiancee, but the low price offered by Anchor's crippled owner and the outfit's bully-boy tactics make him think again. When one of his hands is murdered he decides to stay and fight, utilising his war experience. Not all is well at Anchor with the owner's wife carrying on with his brother who anyway has a Mexican moll in town. [Director: Rudolph Maté] [Donald Hamilton (based upon a novel by)] [96 min, 2.55 : 1, Western, USA]
 Džon Pariš (G. Ford) je bivši oficir koji se borio na strani Severa. Želi da proda svoju zemlju i krene na istok. Zainteresovan je vlasnik Ankor ranča, Vilkison (E. G. Robinson), koji bi rado otkupio zemlju od svih malih vlasnika i postao gospodar cele doline. Međutim, cena koju nudi je vrlo niska, a ne preže ni od nasilništva. I kad je jednog dana nađen mrtav Parišov radnik, on odluči da uzvrati Vilkisonu primenjujući svoje znanje stečeno u vojsci. A za oko mu je zapela i Vilkisonova ćerka Džudit (D. Foster)...

White Feather (1955) 

[Robert Wagner ... Josh Tanner, John Lund ... Col. Lindsay, Debra Paget ... Appearing Day, Jeffrey Hunter ... Little Dog, Eduard Franz ... Chief Broken Hand, Noah Beery Jr. ... Lt. Ferguson (as Noah Beery), Virginia Leith ... Ann Magruder, Emile Meyer ... Magruder, Hugh O'Brian ... American Horse, Milburn Stone ... Commissioner Trenton]
- The story of the peace mission from the US cavalry to the Cheyenne Indians in Wyoming during the 1870s. The mission is threatened when a civilian surveyor befriends the chief's son and falls for the chief's daughter. [Director: Robert D. Webb (as Robert Webb)] [102 min, 2.55 : 1, History l Western, USA]
 Teritorija severnog Vajominga 1877. godine, u doba kada su tamo uglavnom živeli Indijanci iz plemena Čejena. Dok putuje prema utvrđenju Larami, odvažni Džoš Taner (R. Wagner) u reci ugleda mrtvo telo belca kog su ubili Indijanci. Odluči da se pobrine za leš i shvati da je to test kojem ga podvrgavaju mladi ratnici Čejeni. Posmatraju ga Mali Pas (J. Hunter), mladi Indijanac i sin mudrog čejenskog poglavice Slomljena Ruka (E. Franz), i njegov neobuzdani prijatelj Američki Konj (H. O'Brian). Zaključe da je Džoš oprezan i razborit belac i odluče da mu poštede život. Stigavši u utvrđenje kojim zapoveda pukovnik Lindzi (J. Lund), Džoš se smesti u skladištu trgovca Magrudera (E. Meyer) koji mrzi Indijance, za raziku od njegove privlačne ćerke En (V. Leith). Džoš uskoro u preriji ponovo naleti na Malog Psa, a nakon što mu Džoš pokloni češalj, Mali Pas ga u znak poverenja upozna sa svojom sestrom Zorom (D. Paget), te mu pokloni vredno krzno. U međuvremenu, pukovnik Lindzi odluči da Džošovu bliskost sa Čejenima iskoristiti za preseljenje Indijanaca na jug...

Wichita (1955) 
[Joel McCrea ... Wyatt Earp, Vera Miles ... Laurie McCoy, Lloyd Bridges ... Gyp Clements, Wallace Ford ... Arthur Whiteside, Edgar Buchanan ... Doc Black, Peter Graves ... Morgan, Keith Larsen ... Bat Masterson, Carl Benton Reid ... Mayor Andrew Hope, John Smith ... Jim, Walter Coy ... Sam McCoy, Robert J. Wilke ... Ben Thompson (as Robert Wilke), Jack Elam ... Al, Mae Clarke ... Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McCoy, Walter Sande ... Clint Wallace]
- Former buffalo hunter and entrepreneur Wyatt Earp arrives in the lawless cattle town of Wichita Kansas. His skill as a gun-fighter make him a perfect candidate for Marshal but he refuses the job until he feels morally obligated to bring law and order to this wild town. [Director: Jacques Tourneur] [81 min, 2.35 : 1, Romance l Western, USA]
 Markantni Vajat Erp (J. McCrea), bivši lovac na bizone i preduzetnik, izuzetno vešt u rukovanju revolverom, godine 1874. stiže u stočarski grad Vičitu u Kanzasu. Nakon što osujeti pokušaj pljačke banke, uticajni bankar Sem MekKoj (W. Coy) nagovori gradonačelnika Endrjua Houpa (C. Benton Reide) da Vajatu ponudi posao šerifa. On odbija dužnost čuvara zakona, ali se predomisli kada grupa pijanih i razuzdanih goniča stoke u gradu izazove nered i pritom slučajno ubije jednog dečaka. Odlučan da kazni počinitelje, Vajat kauboja sa ranča Veliko W, moćnog Klinta Valasa (W. Sande) uhapsi uz pomoć novinara Bata Mastersona (K. Larsen) i idealima vođenog novinskog izdavača Artura Vajtsajda (W. Ford), pa ih do početka suđenja smesti u zatvor. Ali, bankar MekKoy i vlasnik saluna "Dok" Blek (E. Buchanan) na to zaključe da je Vajat preterao, pa mu počnu okretati leđa. A kad Blek pokuša da organizuje njegovo ubistvo, Vajat će shvatiti da je kucnuo trenutak da uz pomoć braće Džima (J. Smith) i Morgana (P. Graves) i MekKojeve ćerke Lori (V. Miles) u gradu zavede red i zakon.

Yellowneck (1955) 

[Lin McCarthy ... The Sergeant, Stephen Courtleigh ... The Colonel, Berry Kroeger ... Plunkett, Harold Gordon ... Cockney, Bill Mason ... The Kid, Al Tamez ... Seminole, Jose Billie ... Dead body, Roy Nash Osceola ... Seminole]
- 5 Confederate soldiers desert, make their way through the Everglades and try to make it to Cuba. A disgraced Confederate Colonel who has deserted his command flees to the Everglades where he encounters a disparate group of four other Southern deserters. Togethher they struggle to find their way out of the swamp and resolve their own personal demons under the eyes of hostile Seminoles as they battle to survive the elements and each other. [Director: R. John Hugh] [83 min, 1.37 : 1, Adventure l Drama l War, USA]
 Ovo je priča o petorici ljudi, na koje je uticao dug i krvav rat. Petorici ljudi, koji su okrenuli leđa vojsci Unije i pobegli. Istorija ima naziv za čoveka, koji pobegne usred borbe. Dezerter. Ali, među vojnicima Unije takvog bi nazivali... Izdajica. Florida, 1863. godine.

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