понедељак, 30. мај 2011.



 Flame of New Orleans, The (1941) LEPOTICA IZ NJU ORLEANSA
 Shepherd of the Hills, The (1941) PASTIR SA BRDA
 Swamp Water (1941) MOČVARA
 Texas (1941) TEKSAS
 They Died with Their Boots On (1941) UMRLI SU U ČIZMAMA 
 Western Union (1941) WESTERN UNION [aka NA DIVLJEM ZAPADU]

Belle Starr (1941)

[Randolph Scott ... Sam Starr, Gene Tierney ... Miss Belle / Belle Starr, Dana Andrews ... Maj. Thomas Crail, Shepperd Strudwick ... Ed Shirley (as John Shepperd), Elizabeth Patterson ... Sarah, Chill Wills ... Blue Duck, Louise Beavers ... Mammy Lou, Olin Howland ... Jasper Trench, Paul E. Burns ... Sergeant (as Paul Burns), Joe Sawyer ... John Cole (as Joseph Sawyer), Joe Downing ... Jim Cole (as Joseph Downing), Howard C. Hickman ... Col. Thornton (as Howard Hickman), Charles Trowbridge ... Col. Bright, James Flavin ... Sergeant, Charles Middleton ... Carpetbagger]
- The setting is the Civil War and its aftermath. Belle's family has lost their land to Yankees. She marries Confederate guerilla leader Sam Starr and they continue activities against exploiters until she is shot riding to alert Sam to a trap. Highly romanticized and little connection with history. [Director: Irving Cummings] [87 min, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Misuri, neposredno posle Američkog građanskog rata. Dok se njen brat Ed (S. Strudwick) borio na strani Juga, prelepa i prkosna Bel Širli (G. Tierney) vodila je brigu o velikom porodičnom imanju. Ed se vraća iz rata svestan da je Jug poražen, ali Bel ne želi da prihvati poraz. Ed i Bel na imanju organizuju svečanu večeru na koju je pozvan i major Tomas Krejl (D. Andrews), zaljubljen u Bel. Usred večere u kuću pristiže zloglasni južnjački odmetnik, kapetan Sem Star (R. Scott). Između njega i Bel odmah plane privlačnost. Majorovi ljudi ga uhapse, ali odmetnici ga odmah oslobađaju. U gužvi koja nastane Star je ranjen i njegov ga pomagač dovede nazad na Belino imanje. Majorovi ljudi pretresu imanje, pronalaze Stara i za kaznu zbog skrivanja odmetnika Širlijevima zapale kuću. Nakon što imanje proguta plamen, Bel i sama postaje odmetnica... Vestern/drama "Belle Starr" tematizuje lik i delo stvarne osobe, čuvene južnjačke odmetnice Bel Star (1848-1889), ali autori filma nisu bili toliko zagledani u stvarnu biografiju Bel Star koliko u legendarni spektakl "Prohujalo sa vihorom", snimljen dve godine ranije. "Bel Star" liči na pomenuti film u brojnim aspektima: vizuelnim stilom, motivima, karakterizacijom nekih likova, pa čak i načinom glume glavne glumice Džin Tirni, koja je pokušala 'skinuti' stil Vivien Li. Iako se film reditelja Irvinga Kamingsa kvalitetom ne može meriti sa "Prohujalo sa vihorom", reč je o zanimljivom i vrednom ostvarenju koje valja preporučiti svim ljubiteljima filma, posebno ljubiteljima klasičnog Holivuda. Partner prelepe Tirni, kojoj je ovo jedan od prvih filmskih nastupa, legendarni je Rendolf Skot, glavni protagonista klasičnih vesterna Bada Botičera.

Flame of New Orleans, The (1941)

[Marlene Dietrich ... Claire Ledeux, Bruce Cabot ... Robert LaTour, Roland Young ... Charles Giraud, Mischa Auer ... Zolotov, Andy Devine ... 1st Sailor, Frank Jenks ... 2nd Sailor, Eddie Quillan ... 3rd Sailor, Laura Hope Crews ... Auntie, Franklin Pangborn ... Bellows, Theresa Harris ... Clementine, Clarence Muse ... Samuel, Melville Cooper ... Brother-in-Law, Anne Revere ... Sister, Bob Evans ... William, Emily Fitzroy ... Cousin]
- In old New Orleans, a beautiful adventuress juggles the attentions of a rich banker and a dashing sea captain. French farce comes to the New World in 1840 as Claire Ledeux convinces the middle-aged banker who is her fiance that she is two different women - a deception made necessary by the arrival of a man acquainted with the swath she cut across Europe. Giraud has been about to foreclose on a $150 loan made to a sea captain who needed the funds to court Claire. Get Claire's "cousin" out of New Orleans before the wedding, Giraud tells the sea captain and the debt will be paid. [Director: René Clair (as Rene Clair)] [79 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Adventure l Comedy | Romance, USA]

Koliko se samo stvari dogodilo između obala reke Misisipi... Recimo, da li je iko ikad video venčanicu kako pluta rekom? Koliko god bilo čudno, tako je. Pitate se otkud venčanica usred reke Misisipi? Venčanica, ali gde je nevesta? I tako se rodila legenda o kontesi Nju Orleansa. Nju Orleans, 1841. godina. Prelepa avanturistkinja, Kler (M. Dietrich), planira da se uda za bankara, ali deluje kao da ne vidi ništa loše u tome da se povremeno ljubaka sa siromašnim, ali zgodnim kapetanom Robertom (B. Cabot). Njena zavera ima uspone i padove, postaje smelija, ali ima i posledice...

Shepherd of the Hills, The (1941)

[John Wayne ... Young Matt Matthews, Betty Field ... Sammy Lane, Harry Carey ... Daniel Howitt, Beulah Bondi ... Aunt Mollie Matthews, James Barton ... Old Matt Matthews, Samuel S. Hinds ... Andy Beeler, Marjorie Main ... Granny Becky, Ward Bond ... Wash Gibbs, Marc Lawrence ... Pete Matthews, John Qualen ... Coot Royal, Fuzzy Knight ... Mr. Palestrom,
Tom Fadden ... Jim Lane, Olin Howland ... Corky, Dorothy Adams ... Elvy, Virita Campbell ... Baby]
- A mysterious stranger arrives in the Missouri hills and befriends a young backwoods girl. Much to the dislike of her moonshiner fiancé who has vowed to find and kill his own father. Young Matt Masters, an Ozark Mountains moonshiner, hates the father he has never seen, who apparently deserted Matt's mother and left her to die. His obsession contributes to the hatred rampant in the mountains. However, the arrival of a stranger, Daniel Howitt, begins to positively affect the mountain people, who learn to shed their hatred under his gentle influence. Still, Matt does not quite trust Howitt... [Director: Henry Hathaway] [Harold Bell Wright (novel)] [98 min, 1.37 : 1, USA]

• Tajanstveni stranac dolazi u zabita brda Misurija u planine Ozark, i sprijatelji se da mladom devojkom. Krijumčar viskija, njen zaručnik, obećao je da će pronaći i ubiti svog oca. Mladi Met Masters (J. Wayne), mrzi oca koga nikada nije video, koji je navodno napustio njegovu majku i ostavio je da umre. Njegova opsesija stvara mržnju. Međutim, dolazak stranca, Danijela Hovita (H. Carey), počinje pozitivno uticati na planinske ljude koji uče da prevaziđu svoju mržnju. Ipak, Met nema poverenja u Hovita...


Swamp Water (1941)

[Walter Brennan ... Tom Keefer, Walter Huston ... Thursday Ragan, Anne Baxter ... Julie, Dana Andrews ... Ben, Virginia Gilmore ... Mabel MacKenzie, John Carradine ... Jesse Wick, Mary Howard ... Hannah, Eugene Pallette ... Sheriff Jeb McKane, Ward Bond ... Tim Dorson, Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams ... Bud Dorson (as Guinn Williams), Russell Simpson ... Marty McCord, Joe Sawyer ... Hardy Ragan (as Joseph Sawyer), Paul E. Burns ... Tulle McKenzie (as Paul Burns), Dave Morris ... Barber, Frank Austin ... Fred Ulm]
- A hunter happens upon a fugitive and his daughter living in a Georgia swamp. He falls in love with the girl and persuades the fugitive to return to town. [Directors: Jean Renoir, Irving Pichel (uncredited)] [Vereen Bell (novel)] [88 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

• Renoarov prvi film snimljen u Americi priča je o pogrešno optuženom čoveku. Tom Kifer (W. Brennan), iako nedužan, osuđen je zbog ubistva na vešanje. Uspeva pobeći i započne novi život skrivajući se u močvari. Tamo ga igrom slučaja susretne lovac Ben (D. Andrews), a nakon što mu Tom ispriča svoju priču Ben mu poveruje i njih dvojica postaju partneri. Zajedno love životinje čije krzno Ben daje svom ocu koji ih prodaje, a Tom zatraži da svoj deo zarađenog novca pošalje ćerki Džuli (A. Baxter).

Texas (1941)

[William Holden ... Dan Thomas, Glenn Ford ... Tod Ramsey, Claire Trevor ... 'Mike' King, George Bancroft ... Windy Miller, Edgar Buchanan ... Buford 'Doc' Thorpe, Don Beddoe ... Sheriff, Andrew Tombes ... Tennessee, Addison Richards ... Matt Lashan, Edmund MacDonald ... Comstock, Joseph Crehan ... Rancher Dusty King, Willard Robertson ... Rancher Wilson, Pat Moriarity ... Rancher Matthews (as Patrick Moriarty), Edmund Cobb ... Rancher Blaire]
- Two young men head west in search of fortune and adventure. Two Virginians are heading for a new life in Texas when they witness a stagecoach being held up. They decide to rob the robbers and make off with the loot. To escape a posse, they split up and don't see each other again for a long time. When they do meet up again, they find themselves on different sides of the law. This leads to the increasing estrangement of the two men, who once thought of themselves as brothers. [Director: George Marshall] [93 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

• Završetkom građanskog rata, započeo je jedan veći i nemilosrdniji rat... borba za hranu... Glad se nadvila i nad Severom i Jugom i mada je bezbroj grla lutalo ogromnim prostranstvima Teksasa, stoka je propadala... Nije bilo transporta, železnice... Putevi do tržišta bili su natopljeni krvlju od napada Indijanaca, razbojnika i kradljivaca stoke... Na avanturistima sa granice iz tog vremena je da pronađu odgovor... 

They Died with Their Boots On (1941)

[Errol Flynn ... George Armstrong Custer, Olivia de Havilland ... Elizabeth Bacon, Arthur Kennedy ... Ned Sharp, Charley Grapewin ... California Joe, Gene Lockhart ... Samuel Bacon, Esq., Anthony Quinn ... Crazy Horse, Stanley Ridges ... Major Romulus Taipe, John Litel ... General Phil Sheridan, Walter Hampden ... William Sharp, Sydney Greenstreet ... Lt. General Winfield Scott, Regis Toomey ... Fitzhugh Lee, Hattie McDaniel ... Callie, G.P. Huntley ... Lt. 'Queen's Own' Butler (as George P. Huntley Jr.), Frank Wilcox ... Captaib Webb,
Joe Sawyer ... Sergeant Doolittle (as Joseph Sawyer)]
- Highly fictionalized account (see the IMDB 'goofs' for examples) of the life of George Armstrong Custer from his arrival at West Point in 1857 to his death at the battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876. He has little discipline at the academy but is prepared to stand up to the senior cadet, Ned Sharp, who makes his life miserable. While there he catches the eye of the commandant, Col. (later General) Phil Sheridan and also meets his future bride, Elizabeth Bacon. Graduating early due to the Civil War, it is only through a chance meeting with General Winfield Scott that he finally gets assigned to a cavalry regiment. He served with distinction during the war and when he is promoted to Brigadier General in error, he leads his troops in a decisive victory. He has little to do after the war turning down lucrative positions in private industry and it's his wife who arranges with Gen. Scott for him to be appointed a Lt. Colonel and given command of the 7th Cavalry. He is depicted as a friend... [Director: Raoul Walsh] [140 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

• Film o životu Džordža Armstronga Kastera (E. Flynn) od njegovog dolaska na Vest Point 1857. godine, pa do njegove smrti na Litl Big Hornu 1876. Vestern "Umrli su u čizmama" jedan je od najboljih filmova američkog klasika Raula Volša. Iako film u mnogim delovima odstupa od istorijskih činjenica, to nimalo ne umanjuje njegovu vrednost, najviše zbog Volšovog ličnog stila i tretmana junaka. Volšova opsesija pustolovinom kao načinom života daje njegovom junaku romantičnu auru, a humor i duhovita glumačka interpretacija Erola Flina daju toj romantičnoj auri privid životne stvarnosti. Iako načelno glorifikuje jednog američkog istorijskog junaka, Volš uspeva da dâ kritički okvir njegove sudbine i tako pokaže dvoličnost i pogubnost američke politike prema Indijancima u 19. veku.

Western Union (1941)

[Robert Young ... Richard Blake, Randolph Scott ... Vance Shaw, Dean Jagger ... Edward Creighton, Virginia Gilmore ... Sue Creighton, John Carradine ... Doc Murdoch, Slim Summerville ... Herman, Chill Wills ... Homer, Barton MacLane ... Jack Slade, Russell Hicks ... Governor, Victor Kilian ... Charlie, Minor Watson ... Pat Grogan, George Chandler ... Herb, Chief John Big Tree ... Chief Spotted Horse (as Chief Big Tree), Chief Thundercloud ... Indian Leader, Dick Rich ... Porky]
- When Edward Creighton leads the construction of the Western Union to unite East with West, he hires a Western reformed outlaw and a tenderfoot Eastern surveyor. Vance Shaw gives up outlawing and goes to work for the telegraph company; his brother Jack Slade leads outlaws trying to prevent the company connecting the line between Omaha and Salt Lake City. Lots of Indian fighting and gunplay. [Director: Fritz Lang] [Zane Grey (novel)] [95 min, 1.37 : 1, USA]

• Bežeći na konju od potere, kauboj Vens Šo (R. Scott) naiđe na ranjenog Edvarda Krejtona (D. Jagger), spasi mu život, odvede ga do grada i potom pobegne. Mnogo kasnije, Krejton je radnik kompanije Western Union i zapošljava živopisne karaktere za rad na postavljanju telegrafa. Tako zaposli i Vensa Šoa, dajući mu priliku da se popravi. Vens ubrzo baca oko na zgodnu Krejtonovu sestru Sju (V. Gilmore), ali na nju će baciti oko i mladi došljak sa istoka Ričard Blejk (R. Young). Stvari se komplikuju nakon što se u kraju u kojem postavljaju telegraf pojavi banda Vensovog brata... Legendarni nemačko-američki reditelj austrijskog porekla Fric Lang (1890-1976) jedan je od najvećih umetnika u istoriji kinematografije. Reditelj niza nemačkih klasika, Lang je 1930-ih godina, bežeći pred nacistima, otišao u Holivud. Tamo je ostavio traga u brojnim klasičnim američkim žanrovima pa tako i najklasičnijem od svih - vesternu. Lang je režirao tri klasična vesterna: "Povratak Frenka Džejmsa", "Western Union" i "Ranč prokletih". U svima njima Lang je klasični američki žanr nadopunio svojim tipičnim autorskim opsesijama - pesimizmom i fatalizmom. To vredi i za "Western Union", izvrstan film snimljen prema romanu čuvenog Zejna Greja. Osim zbog zanimljivije priče, intrigantnih likova i izvrsne režije, "Western Union" vredi preporučiti i zbog briljantnog nastupa R. Skota, jednog od najistaknutijih glumaca klasičnog vesterna.

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