недеља, 29. мај 2011.


Arizona (1940) ARIZONA
• Dark Command (1940) CRNI ESKADRON
• Go West (1940) NA DIVLJEM  ZAPADU
• Kit Carson (1940) KIT KARSON
• Mark of Zorro, The (1940) U ZNAKU ZOROA
• My Little Chickadee (1940) MOJA MALA SENICE [aka DAMA I BANDIT]
North West Mounted Police (1940) JAHAČI U CRVENIM TUNIKAMA
Northwest Passage (1940) SEVEROZAPADNI PROLAZ
• Return of Frank James, The (1940) POVRATAK FRENKA DŽEJMSA
• Santa Fe Trail (1940) PRUGA ZA SANTA FE
• Westerner, The (1940) ZAPADNJAK
• When the Daltons Rode (1940) KAD SU DALTONOVI JAHALI
Young Bill Hickok (1940) MLADI BIL HIKOK

Arizona (1940)
[Jean Arthur ... Phoebe Titus, William Holden ... Peter Muncie, Warren William ... Jefferson Carteret, Porter Hall ... Lazarus Ward, Edgar Buchanan ... Judge Bogardus, Paul Harvey ... Solomon Warner, George Chandler ... Haley, Byron Foulger ... Pete Kitchen, Regis Toomey ... Grant Oury, Paul Lopez ... Estevan Ochoa, Colin Tapley ... Bart Massey, Uvaldo Varela ... Hilario Callego (as Roberto Álvarez), Earl Crawford ... Joe Briggs, Griff Barnett ... Sam Hughes (as Griff Barnette), Ludwig Hardt ... Meyer]
- Phoebe Titus is a tough, swaggering pioneer woman, but her ways become decidedly more feminine when she falls for California bound Peter Muncie. But Peter won't be distracted from his journey and Phoebe is left alone and plenty busy with villains Jefferson Carteret and Lazarus Ward plotting at every turn to destroy her freighting company. She has not seen the last of Peter, however. [Director: Wesley Ruggles] [125 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 1860. godina. Beskonačni konvoj kretao se ka zapadu. Čitave porodice, stari i mladi, ljudi sa snovima, hrlili su na zapad ka novoj zemlji. Napadi Indijanaca, planine i pustinja, glad i žeđ, nisu mogli da ih zaustave. Bili su to ljudi koji su određivali sudbinu velike nove teritorije. Žena lekar zaustavlja se u malom gradu i odlučuje da tamo započne praksu. Feb (J. Arthur), iako snažna i pionirska žena, postaje izrazito ženstvena kada se zaljubi u Pitera (W. Holden). Ipak, Piter neće odustati od plana hvatanja zlikovaca Džefersona Kartereta (W. William) i Lazarusa Vorda (P. Hall), ali će u tom slučaju morati da ostavi Feb. Da li će ga ona poslednji put videti...



Dark Command (1940) 
[Claire Trevor ... Mary McCloud, John Wayne ... Bob Seton, Walter Pidgeon ... William 'Will' Cantrell, Roy Rogers ... Fletch McCloud, George 'Gabby' Hayes ... Doc Grunch (as George Hayes), Porter Hall ... Angus McCloud, Marjorie Main ... Mrs. Cantrell / Mrs. Adams, Raymond Walburn ... Judge Buckner, Joe Sawyer ... Bushropp (as Joseph Sawyer), Helen MacKellar ... Mrs. Hale, J. Farrell MacDonald ... Dave, Trevor Bardette ... Mr. Hale]
- When transplanted Texan Bob Seton arrives in Lawrence, Kansas he finds much to like about the place, especially Mary McCloud, daughter of the local banker. Politics is in the air however. It's just prior to the civil war and there is already a sharp division in the Territory as to whether it will remain slave-free. When he gets the opportunity to run for marshal, Seton finds himself running against the respected local schoolteacher, William Cantrell. Not is what it seems however. While acting as the upstanding citizen in public, Cantrell is dangerously ambitious and is prepared to do anything to make his mark, and his fortune, on the Territory. When he loses the race for marshal, he forms a group of raiders who run guns into the territory and rob and terrorize settlers throughout the territory. Eventually donning Confederate uniforms, it is left to Seton and the good citizens of Lawrence to face Cantrell and his raiders in one final clash. [Director: Raoul Walsh] [94 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Tih godina, 1859. i kasnije, malo pre nego što je celu naciju zahvatio crveni vihor Građanskog rata, ravnice Kanzasa su već bile bojno polje. Od severa, pa sve do Kanzasa, od juga pa sve do Kanzasa dolazile su horde ljudi i svaka se trudila da proglasi tu teritoriju Unije svojom. Glavni bojni poklik tih dana, bio je: Na Kanzas! Srebrni sat i pet dolara u kraljevskim kovanicama za svakog južnjačkog naseljenika koji želi otići prema bogatstvu i plodnosti kanzaških ravnica. Jugu je potreban vaš glas! Ne želimo petodolarske naseljenike. Niti srebrnosatne glasače. U Kanzasu hoćemo dobre, vredne farmere sa Severa. Film sa Džonom Vejnom – večita borba dobra i zla. Revolveraš, bogati rančer, lepa dama i sukobi koji proizilaze iz toga. Sve u svemu, jedna uzbudljiva vestern priča o raznim događajima na Zapadu (borbi protiv bogatog rančera koji želi da sačuva svoje bogatstvo po svaku cenu, formiranju banditske grupe za pljačku i teror i borbi protiv te grupe...).



Go West (1940)
[Groucho Marx ... S. Quentin Quale, Chico Marx ... Joe Panello, Harpo Marx ... 'Rusty' Panello, John Carroll ... Terry Turner, Diana Lewis ... Eve Wilson, Walter Woolf King ... Beecher, Robert Barrat ... 'Red' Baxter, June MacCloy ... Lulubelle, George Lessey ... Railroad President]
- The Marx Brothers come to the rescue in the Wild West when a young man, trying to settle an old family feud so he can marry the girl he loves, runs afoul of crooks. Embezzler, shill, all around confidence man S. Quentin Quale is heading west to find his fortune; he meets the crafty but simple brothers Joseph and Rusty Panello in a train station, where they steal all his money. They're heading west, too, because they've heard you can just pick the gold off the ground. Once there, they befriend an old miner named Dan Wilson whose property, Dead Man's Gulch, has no gold. They loan him their last ten dollars so he can go start life anew, and for collateral, he gives them the deed to the Gulch. Unbeknownst to Wilson, the son of his longtime rival, Terry Turner (who's also in love with his daughter, Eva), has contacted the railroad to arrange for them to build through the land, making the old man rich and hopefully resolving the feud. But the evil Red Baxter, owner of a saloon, tricks the boys out of the deed, and it's up to them - as well as Quale, who naturally finds his way out west anyway - to save the day. [Director: Edward Buzzell] [80 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Film je deseta komedija Braće Marks. S. Kventin Kvejl (G. Marx) kreće na Zapad da bi pronašao bogatstvo. Na putu susreće veštu, ali jednostavnu braću Džoa (C. Marx) i Rastija Panela (H. Marx) koji ga na železničkoj stanici opljačkaju. Kvejl saznaje da su braća krenula na Zapad gde, navodno, ima zlata u izobilju. Na kraju, sva trojica odlaze i pomažu mladiću da bi rešio porodične razmirice i venčao se sa devojkom koju voli.








Kit Carson (1940)
[Jon Hall ... Kit Carson, Lynn Bari ... Dolores Murphy, Dana Andrews ... Captain John C. Fremont, Harold Huber ... Lopez, Ward Bond ... Ape, Renie Riano ... Miss Pilchard, Clayton Moore ... Paul Terry, Rowena Cook ... Alice Terry, Raymond Hatton ... Jim Bridger, Harry Strang ... Sergeant Clanahan, C. Henry Gordon ... General Castro, Lew Merrill ... General Vallejo, Stanley Andrews ... Larkin, Edwin Maxwell ... John Sutter, George Lynn ... James King (as Peter Lynn)]
- Kit Carson (Jon Hall) and his two saddle pals, Ape (Ward Bond) and Lopez (Harold Huber) are attacked by Indians. They manage to escape unscatched and make their way to Fort Bridger, where Captain John Fremont (Dana Andrews) hires Carson to guide a wagon train westward to California south along the Oregon Trail. Both Carson and Fremont fall in love with pretty Dolores Murphy (Lynn Bari), on her way to her father's hacienda in Monterey. Meanwhile, General Castro (C. Henry Gordon), the Mexican Governor General of California, arms the Shoshoni Indians in an effort to keep the Americans out of California. [Director: George B. Seitz] [97 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Traper Kit Karson (J. Hall) i njegova dva prijatelja, Ejp (W. Bond) i Lopez (H. Huber) napadnuti su od strane Indijanaca. Oni su uspeli da pobegnu nepovređeni i dođu do Fort Bridžera, gde kapetan Džon Frimont (D. Andrews) unajmljuje Karsona da obezbeđuje vagon na zapad do juga Kalifornije duž Oregonskog puta. I Karson i Frimont zaljube se u Dolores Marfi (L. Bari), na njenom putu prema očevoj hacijendi u Montereju. U međuvremenu, general Kastro, meksički guverner Kalifornije, naoružava Indijance Šošone sa ciljem da zadrži Amerikance izvan Kalifornije.

Mark of Zorro, The (1940)
[Tyrone Power ... Diego, Linda Darnell ... Lolita Quintero, Basil Rathbone ... Captain Esteban Pasquale, Gale Sondergaard ... Inez Quintero, Eugene Pallette ... Fray Felipe, J. Edward Bromberg ... Don Luis Quintero, Montagu Love ... Don Alejandro Vega, Janet Beecher ... Senora Isabella Vega, George Regas ... Sergeant Gonzales, Chris-Pin Martin ... Turnkey (as Chris - Pin Martin in opening credits), Robert Lowery ... Rodrigo, Belle Mitchell ... Maria, John Bleifer ... Pedro, Frank Puglia ... Propietor, Eugene Borden ... Officer of the Day]
- A young aristocrat must masquerade as a fop in order to maintain his secret identity of Zorro as he restores justice to early California. Around 1820 the son of a California nobleman comes home from Spain to find his native land under a villainous dictatorship. On the one hand he plays the useless fop, while on the other he is the masked avenger Zorro. The film is based on the story The Curse of Capistrano written by Johnston McCulley, originally published in 1919, which introduced the masked hero Zorro. The story is set in Southern California during the early 19th century. The plot deals with Don Diego Vega (T. Power), the apparently foppish son of wealthy ranchero Don Alejandro Vega (M. Love), who returns to California after his education in Spain. He is horrified at the way the common people are mistreated by Alcalde Luis Quintero (J. E. Bromberg). Don Diego adopts the guise of El Zorro ("the fox"), a masked outlaw who becomes the defender of the common people. Meanwhile, he romances the Alcalde's beautiful niece, Lolita (L. Darnell). He simultaneously flirts with the Alcalde's wife Inez (G. Sondergaard), filling her head with tales of Madrid fashion and culture and raising her desire to move there with her corrupt husband. In both his guises, Don Diego has to contend with the governor's ablest henchman, the malevolent Captain Esteban Pasquale (B. Rathbone). [Director: Rouben Mamoulian] [94 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Film se temelji na priči "Prokletstvo Kapistrana" Džonstona Mekalija, objavljenoj 1919. godine, koja je predstavila maskiranog junaka Zoroa. Priča je smeštena u južnu Kaliforniju tokom ranog 19. veka. Don Diego Vega (T. Power), naizgled sujetan sin bogatog rančera Don Alehandra Vege (M. Love), vraća se u Kaliforniju, nakon školovanja u Španiji. On je zgrožen zlostavljanjem običnih ljudi od strane guvernera Luisa Kvintera (J.E. Bromberg). Don Diego sa maskom El Zorro ("lisica"), uzima tajni identitet i maskiran u odmetnika postaje zaštitnik običnih ljudi. U međuvremenu, ima romansu sa Kvinterovom lepom nećakinjom, Lolitom (L. Darnell). On istovremeno koketira i sa Kvinterovom suprugom Ines (G. Sondergaard), puneći joj glavu pričama o madridskoj modi i kulturi i stvarajući u njoj želju da se preseli tamo sa svojim korumpiranim suprugom. U oba njegova lika, Don Diego se mora boriti sa guvernerovim najsposobnijim čovekom, zlim kapetanom Estebanom Paskvaleom (B. Rathbone).



My Little Chickadee [aka Lady and the Bandit, The] (1940)
[Mae West ... Flower Belle Lee, W.C. Fields ... Cuthbert J. Twillie, Joseph Calleia ... Jeff Badger, Dick Foran ... Wayne Carter, Ruth Donnelly ... Aunt Lou, Margaret Hamilton ... Mrs. Gideon, Donald Meek ... Amos Budge, Fuzzy Knight ... Cousin Zeb, Willard Robertson ... Uncle John, George Moran ... Milton, Jackie Searl ... Boy (as Jack Searl), Fay Adler   ... Mrs. 'Pygmy' Allen, Gene Austin ... Saloon Musician, Russell Hall ... Candy (as 'Candy'), Otto Heimel ... Coco (as 'Coco')]
- The story is set in the American Old West of the 1880s. Miss Flower Belle Lee (M. West) is a singer from Chicago who is on her way to visit relatives out west. While she is traveling on a stagecoach with three men and a woman named Mrs. Gideon (M. Hamilton), the town gossip and busybody, a masked bandit on horseback holds up the stage for its shipment of gold and orders the passengers to step out. The masked bandit immediately takes an interest in the saucy blonde. As he makes his getaway with the gold, he takes her with him. Upon reaching the town of Little Bend, the others report the robbery and kidnapping to the sheriff (W. B. Davidson). Flower Belle then walks into town, unharmed, and explains, "I was in a tight spot but I managed to wriggle out of it". Later that evening, at the home of her Aunt Lou (R. Donnelly) and Uncle John (W. Robertson), the masked bandit enters Flower Belle's second floor bedroom and they start kissing. However, his presence and departure is witnessed by Mrs. Gideon. She quickly reports what she has seen and Flower Belle angrily finds herself hauled up before the judge (A. Richards). Flower Belle is then run out of Little Bend. She boards a train to Greasewood City. It makes an unscheduled stop to pick up con-man Cuthbert J. Twillie (W. C. Fields). When hostile Indians attack, Flower Belle saunters to a window and mows them down with two pistols, while Twillie dodges flying arrows and fights off the Indians with a child's slingshot. Flower Belle has little use for Twillie until she sees a stash of money in his bag. Believing him to be rich, she then plays up to him and they get acquainted. They have an impromptu wedding, officiated over by a passenger, Amos Budge (D. Meek), a gambler who looks like a minister. As she has only pretended to marry Twillie for "respectability", Flower Belle gets a separate hotel room in Greasewood City. Meanwhile, Twillie is made sheriff by the saloon owner and town boss Jeff Badger (J. Calleia), who has an ulterior motive. Flower Belle attracts the attention of Badger, newspaper editor Wayne Carter (Dick Foran), and every other man in town. While keeping her troublesome "husband" out of reach and out of trouble, Flower Belle encounters the masked bandit again. One night, Twillie enters Flower Belle's room disguised as the masked bandit. He is accused of being the masked bandit, and is about to be hanged. With the noose around his neck, he makes his last request to the lynching party. "I'd like to see Paris before I die. Philadelphia will do!" However, Flower Belle saves Twillie. At one point, she and Badger had kissed, and from that, she recognizes that he is the masked bandit.[Director: Edward F. Cline] [83 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Priča je smeštena na američkom Divljem zapadu od 1880-ih. Gospođica Flauer Bel Li (M. West), pevačica iz Čikaga, na putu je da poseti rodbinu na zapadu. Dok putuje kočijom sa tri muškarca i jednom ženom napada ih maskirani razbojnik. On je uzima sa sobom...

North West Mounted Police (1940)
[Gary Cooper ... Dusty Rivers, Madeleine Carroll ... April Logan, Paulette Goddard ... Louvette Corbeau, Preston Foster ... Sergeant Jim Brett, Robert Preston ... Ronnie Logan, George Bancroft ... Jacques Corbeau, Lynne Overman ... Tod McDuff, Akim Tamiroff ... Dan Duroc, Walter Hampden ... Big Bear, Lon Chaney Jr. ... Shorty, Montagu Love ... Inspector Cabot, Francis McDonald ... Louis Riel, George E. Stone ... Johnny Pelang, Willard Robertson ... Supt. Harrington, Regis Toomey ... Constable Jerry Moore]
- Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers (G. Cooper) is sent to Canada during the 1880s in pursuit of outlaw Jacques Corbeau (G. Bancroft), arriving in the midst of the Riel Rebellion. Dusty meets nurse April Logan (M. Carroll) and quickly falls in love with her. However, she is already involved with Canadian Mountie Sergeant Jim Britt (P. Foster). Dusty and April have become involved with one another, which becomes evident to Jim, to whom April wishes to remain loyal. Meanwhile, April's brother, Ronnie Logan (R. Preston), who also is a Mountie, is in love with Corbeau's daughter, Louvette (P. Goddard). Louvette loves Ronnie intensely and is determined to protect Ronnie in the coming fight at all costs, using Ronnie's feelings for her father's benefit at times. Corbeau is eventually tracked down to his hideout. When the showdown between Dusty, the Mounties, and the supporters of Corbeau finally arrives, Louvette tricks Ronnie, and ties him to a chair to keep him safe, after he had given her information vital to the Mounties' planned attack on the outlaws. Ronnie is unable to warn his fellow Mounties and Rivers that they are riding into a trap. The lawmen are ambushed and think Ronnie is a deserter. Dusty Rivers helps to turn the tide of the battle and Sergeant Jim arrests Corbeau. Rivers tracks down Ronnie at Louvette's hideout and convinces him to turn himself in, however, he is killed in a case of mistaken identity. Afterwards, Dusty Rivers is set to return to Texas, but first gives April and Jim his blessing. [Director: Cecil B. DeMille] [126 min, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Teksaški randžer Dasti Rivers (G. Cooper) je poslat u Kanadu tokom 1880-ih godina da pronađe odmetnika Žaka Korboa (G. Bancroft). Dolazi u toku pobune i upoznaje medicinsku sestru Ejpril Logan (M. Carroll). Ubrzo se zaljubi u nju. Međutim, ona je već bila u vezi sa narednikom Džimom Britom (P. Foster). Kome će Ejpril ostati verna. U isto vreme, Ejprilin brat, Roni Logan (R. Preston), koji je takođe Maunti, zaljubljen je u Korboovu ćerku, Luvet (P. Goddard). Luvet voli Ronija, ali želi i da zaštiti oca. Kada je obračun između Dastija, Mauntija i odmetnika Korboa postao izvestan...










Northwest Passage (1940)
[Spencer Tracy ... Major Rogers, Robert Young ... Langdon Towne, Walter Brennan ... 'Hunk' Marriner, Ruth Hussey ... Elizabeth Browne, Nat Pendleton ... 'Cap' Huff, Louis Hector ... Reverend Browne, Robert Barrat ... Humphrey Towne, Lumsden Hare ... Lord Amherst, Donald MacBride ... Sergeant McNott, Isabel Jewell ... Jennie Coit, Douglas Walton ... Lieutenant Avery, Addison Richards ... Lieutenant Crofton, Hugh Sothern ... Jesse Beacham, Regis Toomey ... Webster, Montagu Love ... Wiseman Clagett]
- Langdon Towne and Hunk Marriner join Major Rogers' Rangers as they wipe out an Indian village. They set out for Fort Wentworth, but when they arrive they find no soldiers and none of the supplies they expected. Based on the Kenneth Roberts novel of the same name, this film tells the story of two friends who join Rogers' Rangers, as the legendary elite force engages the enemy during the French and Indian War. The film focuses on their famous raid at Fort St. Francis and their marches before and after the battle. [Directors: King Vidor, Jack Conway (director: additional scenes, uncredited) and W.S. Van Dyke (background shots, uncredited)] [126 min, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Avanture legendarnog borca, Roberta Rodžersa (S. Tracy), glavna su tema ove istorijske drame. Film je nastao prema istoimenom romanu američkog pisca, Keneta Robertsa. Nakon što je zbog kritikovanja studentske ishrane izbačen sa Harvarda, Lengdon Taun (R. Young) shvati da nikad neće postati protestantski sveštenik. A nakon što tu vest prenese svojoj devojci Elizabet (R. Hussey) iz njegovog rodnog grada Portsmauta, i kaže joj da želi da postane slikar, njen otac sveštenik mu odgovori da više nije dovoljno dobar za nju. Kad razočaranje i tugu odluči utopiti u alkoholu, Lengdon se u krčmi sukobi sa bogatim i uticajnim Englezom Vizemanom Kledžetom (M. Love). Da bi izbegao hapšenje, on se sa najboljim prijateljem Hankom Marinerom (W.Brennan) da u bekstvo prema Elbaniju. Planove će im poremetiti susret sa grupom neobičnih vojnika predvođenih majorom Robertom Rodžersom i njegovim rendžerima, kojima se Lengdon u Marinerovoj pratnji priključi kao crtač mapa. Rodžers je sa svojim vojnicima krenuo u osvetnički pohod protiv divljeg indijanskog plemena Abanaki čiji ratnici blizu kanadske granice učestalo napadaju ljude...







Return of Frank James, The (1940)
[Henry Fonda ... Frank James, Gene Tierney ... Eleanor Stone, Jackie Cooper ... Clem, Henry Hull ... Major Rufus Cobb, John Carradine ... Bob Ford, J. Edward Bromberg ... George Runyan, Donald Meek ... McCoy, Eddie Collins ... Station Agent, George Barbier ... Judge, Russell Hicks ... Prosecutor, Ernest Whitman ... Pinky, Charles Tannen ... Charlie Ford, Lloyd Corrigan ... Randolph Stone, Victor Kilian ... Preacher, Edward McWade ... Colonel Jackson]
- Frank James continues to avoid arrest in order to take revenge on the Ford brothers for their murder of his brother Jesse. Frank James, the brother of Jesse James, has been laying low, living as a farmer and taking care of Clem, the son of one of the members of the James gang. He gets word that Jesse was killed by Bob and Charlie Ford, he hoped that the law would deal with them but when he learns that the railroad man whom he and Jesse terrorized contracted them to kill Jesse and helped them get off, he goes after them. Clem whom he told to remain on the farm goes with him and when it's impossible for him to do so, Frank has no choice to let him tag along. Now in order to cover their tracks they start telling people that Frank James is dead and that they saw it. Eleanor Stone, a female reporter, who wants to write about it interviews them and they are both taken with each other. But eventually she learns who Frank is from the Pinkerton detective who is tracking them but doesn't turn them in. But eventually Frank learns that his farm hand, Pinky has been arrested as his accomplice and is about to be hung. [Director: Fritz Lang] [92 min, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Frenk Džejms (H. Fonda) je brat pokojnog Džesija Džejmsa, okorelog kriminalca. On pak živi mirnim životom kao farmer brinući se za Klema (J. Cooper), sina jednog preminulog pripadnika Džesijeve bande. Pročuje se da su njegovog brata ubili Bob (J. Carradine) i Čarli Ford (C. Tannen), našto je Frenk uveren da će oni za počinjeno ubistvo odgovarati pred zakonom. Međutim, uskoro saznaje da je železničar kojeg je Džesi terorisao sredio njegovo ubistvo i pomogao Fordovima da se oslobode. Frenk odluči da ga potraži i sredi. Klem takođe odluči da krene sa njim, iako Frenk želi da izbegne da mu se bilo šta dogodi. Biće teško otkriti njihov trag, pa oni odluče da kažu ljudima da je Frenk Džejms ubijen pred njihovim očima... Povratak Frenka Džejmsa je napet i zanimljiv vestern, nastavak filma Džesi Džejms iz 1939. godine koji je režirao Henri King. Ovaj film međutim potpisuje slavni Fric Lang dajući mu svoj raspoznatljivi umetnički pečat. Dobre priče, napetih scena i odličnih likova, film je uspelo ostvarenje iz holivudskih četrdesetih godina. U glavnoj ulozi nastupa slavni glumac vesterna Henri Fonda, a uz njega Džin Tirni i Džeki Kuper, nekada slavna dečija zvezda.




Santa Fe Trail (1940) 
[Errol Flynn ... Jeb Stuart, Olivia de Havilland ... 'Kit Carson' Holliday (as Olivia De Havilland), Raymond Massey ... John Brown, Ronald Reagan ... George Custer, Alan Hale ... Tex Bell, William Lundigan ... Bob Holliday, Van Heflin ... Rader, Gene Reynolds ... Jason Brown, Henry O'Neill ... Cyrus Holliday, Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams ... Windy Brody, Alan Baxter ... Oliver Brown, John Litel ... Martin, Moroni Olsen ... Robert E. Lee, David Bruce ... Phil Sheridan, Hobart Cavanaugh ... Barber Doyle]
- The story of Jeb Stuart, his romance with Kit Carson Holliday, friendship with George Custer and battles against John Brown in the days leading up to the outbreak of the American Civil War. [Director: Michael Curtiz] [110 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Džeb Stjuart (E. Flynn) je svršeni akademac prestižne vojne akademije Vest Point, neposredno uoči Američkog građanskog rata, 1854. godine. On je sin južnjačkog zemljoposednika, ali odan idejama Unije i vaspitan u strogom, oficirskom duhu. Dok je kolevka američke vojske bila još samo mali garnizon sa nekoliko kadeta, ali sa sjajnim zapovednikom po imenu Robert I. Li (M. Olsen), već se spremala odbrana novostvorene države u novom svetu. Ovo je priča o Džebu Stjuartu, njegovoj ljubavi prema Kit Karson Holidej (O. de Havilland), prijateljstvu sa Džordžom Kasterom (R. Reagan) i stalnom ratovanju sa Džonom Braunom (R. Massey), u danima koji su prethodili izbijanju Američkog građanskog rata. Zbog izgreda na Akademiji biva prekomandovan u Kanzas, Srednji Zapad, tamo gde tenzije između abolicionista i zagovornika robovlasništva doživljavaju kulminaciju. U ovom regionu hara Džon Braun, apologet radikalnog abolicionizma, ideologije koja zagovara slobodu za sve građane bez obzira na rasu, ali uz fizičku eliminaciju svih onih koji ne dele njegovo mišljenje. Ubrzo započinju krvave čarke. U pozadini borbe za jednakost svih je i ljubavna priča izmedu Kit Karson Holidej i Stjuarta. Lajt motiv ove klasične vestern sage je doba kad se moć Amerike ogleda u bogatstvu "njenog duha" kako u filmu kaže Džeferson Dejvis (Erville Alderson), doba Kita Karsona (1809-1868) i Abrahama Linkolna (1809-1865). Sve ono što Amerika predstavlja danas, vuče korene iz vremena koje film obrađuje. Simbolike radi, jednu od glavnih muških uloga nosi i bivši predsednik SAD, Ronald Regan.



Virginia City (1940)
[Errol Flynn ... Kerry Bradford, Miriam Hopkins ... Julia Hayne, Randolph Scott ... Vance Irby, Humphrey Bogart ... John Murrell, Frank McHugh ... Mr. Upjohn, Alan Hale ... Olaf Swenson, Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams ... 'Marblehead', John Litel ... Marshall, Douglass Dumbrille ... Maj. Drewery (as Douglas Dumbrille), Moroni Olsen ... Cameron, Russell Hicks ... Armistead, Dickie Jones ... Cobby, Frank Wilcox ... Union Soldier, Russell Simpson ... Gaylord, Victor Kilian ... Abraham Lincoln]
- Union officer Kerry Bradford escapes from Confederate Prison and is set to Virginia City in Nevada. Once there he finds that the former commander of his prison Vance Irby is planning to send $5 million in gold to save the Confederacy. During the American Civil War, Captain Kerry Bradford escapes from a notorious confederate prison. He and two of his men are sent to Virginia City where Confederate sympathizers are prepared to donate $5 million dollars to the cause of Southern independence. The war is going badly for the Confederacy and money may tip the war in their favor. On the stagecoach to Virginia City, Bradford meets and falls in love with Julia Hayne not realizing that she is one of the conspirators. When he gets to Virginia City, he also runs into Confederate Captain Vance Irby who has been sent to collect and safely deliver the gold. Irby manages to get out of the city but the Union cavalry is in hot pursue. When Bradfoed catches up with them, he not only has to fight Irby but also John Murrell, a bandit who has his own plans for the gold. [Director: Michael Curtiz] [121 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Tokom Američkog građanskog rata kapetan Keri Bredford (E. Flynn) beži iz zloglasnog konfederalnog zatvora. On i dvoje njegovih ljudi su poslati u Virdžiniju Siti gde su simpatizeri juga spremni da doniraju 5 miliona dolara za svoju vojsku čime bi mogli preokrenuti tok ratovanja. U kočiji koja ide prema Virdžinija Sitiju Bredford upoznaje i zaljubljuje se u Džuliju Hejn (M. Hopkins) ne shvatajući da je ona jedna od onih koja je uključena u tu akciju dopreme novca, kao i kapetan Vins Irbi (R. Scott) koji je pobegao iz zatvora... Vestern Majkla Kartica je po prvi i jedini put upario Flina i Bogarta na velikom ekranu, a prvi pik za glavnu žensku ulogu bila je Olivija de Hevilend koja je snimila čitav niz filmova sa Flinom, međutim nju je zamenila Mirijam Hopkins.

Westerner, The (1940) 
[Gary Cooper ... Cole Harden, Walter Brennan ... Judge Roy Bean, Doris Davenport ... Jane Ellen Mathews, Fred Stone ... Caliphet Mathews, Forrest Tucker ... Wade Harper, Paul Hurst ... Chickenfoot, Chill Wills ... Southeast, Lilian Bond ... Lily Langtry, Dana Andrews ... Hod Johnson, Charles Halton ... Mort Borrow, Trevor Bardette ... Shad Wilkins, Tom Tyler ... King Evans, Lucien Littlefield ... The Stranger]
- Judge Roy Bean, a self-appointed hanging judge in Vinergaroon, Texas, befriends saddle tramp Cole Harden, who opposes Bean's policy against homesteaders. Cole Harden just doesn't look like a horse thief, Jane-Ellen Matthews tells Judge Roy Bean as she steps up to the bar. Cole says he can't take it with him as he empties all of his coins on the bar to buy drinks for the jury. He notices two big pictures of Lily Langtry behind the bar. Sure, Cole has met the Jersey Lily, whom the hanging judge adores, even has a lock of her hair. Hanging is delayed for two weeks, giving Cole time to get in the middle of a range war between cattlemen and homesteaders and to still be around when Lily Langtry, former mistress of Edward VII who became an international actress, arrives in Texas. [Director: William Wyler] [100 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Lutalica Kol Harden (G. Cooper) je optužen za krađu konja i preti mu smrt vešanjem od strane samoproglašenog sudije Roja Bina (W. Brennan). Harden, međutim uspeva da se izvuče tvrdnjom da je prijatelj zvezde Lili Langtri (L. Bond), kojom je sudija opsednut, iako je nikad nije sreo. Harden čak tvrdi da ima pramen njene kose, tako da ga Bin pušta olako. Tenzije rastu kada Harden stane u odbranu grupe samopreduzetnika koje sudija Bin pokušava da otera...


When the Daltons Rode (1940)
[Randolph Scott ... Tod Jackson, Kay Francis ... Julie King, Brian Donlevy ... Grat Dalton, George Bancroft ... Caleb Winters, Broderick Crawford ... Bob Dalton, Stuart Erwin ... Ben Dalton, Andy Devine ... Ozark, Frank Albertson ... Emmett Dalton, Mary Gordon ... Ma Dalton, Harvey Stephens ... Rigby, Edgar Dearing ... Sheriff (as Edgar Deering), Quen Ramsey ... Wilson, Dorothy Granger ... Nancy (as Dorothy Grainger), Robert McKenzie ... Photographer (as Bob McKenzie), Fay McKenzie ... Hannah]
- Young lawyer Tod Jackson arrives in pioneer Kansas to visit his prosperous rancher friends the Daltons, just as the latter are in danger of losing their land to a crooked development company. When Tod tries to help them, a faked murder charge turns the Daltons into outlaws, but more victims than villains in this fictionalized version. Will Tod stay loyal to his friends despite falling in love with Bob Dalton's former fiancée Julie? [Director: George Marshall] [81 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Mladi advokat Tod Džekson (R. Scott) dolazi u Kansas da poseti uspešnog rančera, prijatelja braće Dalton. Tod nastoji da im pomogne, ali namešteno ubistvo pretvara Daltone u odmetnike. Hoće li Tod ostati veran svojim prijateljima? Pred kraj 19. veka u Americi, civilizacija se širila na zapad, a zajedno sa njom i neodvojivi par: nepravda i kriminal. U istoriji bezobzirnog nasilja koje je preplavilo Kanzas i Oklahomu, nijedno ime nije bilo strašnije od Daltonovih. Bili su čuveni odmetnici, ali niko nije bio smeliji niti očajniji od njih. Ovo je priča o braći Dalton, zasnovana u velikom obimu na pričama doseljenika koje još uvek prepričavaju o njima, izmešanim sa puno izmišljenog. Ali, neverovatno je da za Daltone niko ne zna gde prestaje istina i počinje izmišljotina. Tamo se prostiru široka prostranstva zemlje koja je prolazila kroz svoj divlji period. Niko ne zna šta je pokrenulo ljude... da se predaju dalekom putu. Ali svakoga dana prolaze kraj Misurija... i preko ravnica Kanzasa... zastajući tu i tamo tek da naprave koju prugu ili naselje... obrađuju zemlju, obave žetvu i produže dalje... sa očima uprtim ka svetlucavim planinama. Ponekad im se goniči stoke ispreče na putu. Odmetnici okreću leđa i idu svojim putem. Oni i dalje putuju na zapad... na konjima ili pešice, svaki čovek traži nešto drugačije. Neki traže novu plodnu zemlju, neki novu šansu, a neki samo traže đavola.




Young Bill Hickok (1940)
[Roy Rogers ... Wild Bill Hickok, George 'Gabby' Hayes ... Gabby Whitaker, Julie Bishop ... Louise Mason (as Jacqueline Wells), John Miljan ... Nicholas Tower, Sally Payne ... Miss Calamity Jane Canary, Archie Twitchell ... Phillip, Monte Blue ... Marshal Evans, Hal Taliaferro ... Morrell, Ethel Wales ... Mrs. Stout, Jack Ingram ... Henchman Red Burke, Monte Montague ... Charlie Majors]
- Bill Hickok, assisted by Calamity Jane, is after a foreign agent and his guerrilla band who are trying to take over some western territory just as the Civil War is coming to a close. Bill Hickok in his early pre-gunslinger years as a freight-line agent protecting a gold shipment from villains out to steal gold and land out west while America is diverted by the Civil War back east. With the help of Calamity Jane and her horse-trader uncle, Hickok battles the bad guys while trying to win the love of his life, Louise, in a formulaic B western adventure with songs. [Director: Joseph Kane] [59 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, USA]

 Bil Hikok (R. Rogers), tragač, čovek iz prerije, pionir... U ranim 60-im Sjedinjene Države su utonule u najgore dane svoje istorije. Građanski rat je pretio da uništi naciju, više stranih snaga je ljubomorno posmatralo bogatstvo Amerike, spremni da iskoriste zapadnu obalu, sa fantastičnim bogatsvom zlata. 

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