понедељак, 19. август 2013.


[•] [SW]...e venne il tempo di uccidere [aka And Then a Time for Killing] (1968) ŠERIF ZVANI ČUTURA [aka I DOĐE VREME UBIJANJA]
[•] 5 Card Stud (1968) KRVAVI POKER 
[•] [SW]Al di là della legge [aka Beyond the Law] (1968) SA ONE STRANE ZAKONA 
• [SW]Ammazzali tutti e torna solo [aka Kill Them All and Come Back Alone] (1968) UBIJ SVE I VRATI SE SAM 
• Bandolero! (1968) BANDOLERO 
• [SW]Bataille de San Sebastian, La [aka Guns for San Sebastian] (1968) BITKA ZA SAN SEBASTIJAN 
• [EW]Blue (1968) PLAVI 
• [EW]Brand of Shame (1968) ŽIG SRAMA 
• [SW]Buco in fronte, Un [aka Hole in the Forehead] (1968) METAK U ČELO 
• [SW]C'era una volta il West [aka Once Upon a Time in the West] (1968) BILO JEDNOM NA DIVLJEM ZAPADU 
• [SW]Chiedi perdono a Dio... non a me [aka May God Forgive You... But I Won't] (1968) MOJ REVOLVER - MOJA PRAVDA [aka BOG NEKA TI OPROSTI... NE JA] 
• [EW]Comanche Blanco [aka White Comanche] (1968) BELI KOMANČ [aka RIO HONDO]
• [SW]Corri uomo corri [aka Run, Man, Run] (1968) BEŽI, ČOVEČE, BEŽI  
• Day of the Evil Gun (1968) DAN OPAKOG PIŠTOLJA 
• [SW]Di più all'inferno, Uno [aka One More in Hell] (1968) JOŠ JEDAN U PAKLU 
• Firecreek (1968) UZBUNA U FAJERKRIKU 
• [SW]Grande silenzio, Il [aka Great Silence, The] (1968) VELIKI SAJLENS 
• Hang'em High (1968) OBESITE GA BEZ MILOSTI  
• [SW]Joe... cercati un posto per morire! [aka Find a Place to Die] (1968) NAĐI MESTO DA UMREŠ
• [SW]Joko invoca Dio... e muori [aka Vengeance, aka Roco's Revenge] (1968) OSVETA [aka ROKOVA OSVETA]

...e venne il tempo di uccidere [aka And Then a Time for Killing] (1968)
[Dragomir 'Gidra' Bojanic ... Joe Donnell (as Antonio Ghidra), Jean Sobieski ... Deputy Burt, Mimmo Palmara ... Rock Mulligan (as Dick Palmer), Furio Meniconi ... Manuel Trianas, Felicita Fanny ... Consuela (as Felicita Fanni), Mimo Billi ... (as Mimmo Billi), Fidel Gonzáles, Claudio Ruffini, Gilberto Galimberti, Frank Fargas, Fortunato Arena, Max Fraser, Luciano Doria, Raoul Amari, Remo Capitani]
- A young deputy tries to sober and revitalize a washed up, alcoholic sheriff to take down a pair of warring gangs of criminals in the Old West. [Director: Enzo Dell'Aquila (as Vincent Eagle)] [95 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, ITA]
- Dve suparničke bande vode konstantnu međusobnu borbu u malom gradu. Šerif alkoholičar nije dovoljno hrabar da ih zaustavi, ali njegov novi zamenik jeste. Zamenik uspeva da uhapsi većinu odmetnika, ali njihov transfer do zatvora neće biti tako lak. Markantni Bart (J. Sobieski) odlučni je zamenik šerifa koji stiže u gradić na Divljem zapadu. U gradu formalno zakon i red čuva šerif Džo Donel (D. Bojanić Gidra), nekada slavni strelac, a sada teški alkoholičar koji jedva stoji na nogama. A grad razdire sukob moćnog stočara Roka Maligana (M. Palmara) i njegovih ljudi sa grupom razbojnika predvođenih Meksikancem Manuelom Trianasom (F. Meniconi). Meštani žive u strahu, a neki od njih i ginu kao usputne žrtve u obračunima, sve dok jednog dana Trianasovi ljudi ne otmu Maliganovu ćerku Konzuelu (F. Fanny). Njen otac odluči se na konačni obračun sa suparnikom zbog čega Bart u pomoć pozove vojsku koja bi trebala obezbediti mir u gradu. Kada shvati da vojska neće stići na vreme, Bart zaključi da uz pomoć nešto pribranijeg Donela mora da krene u akciju...

5 Card Stud (1968)

[Dean Martin ... Van Morgan, Robert Mitchum ... The Rev. Jonathan Rudd, Inger Stevens ... Lily Langford, Roddy McDowall ... Nick Evers, Katherine Justice ... Nora Evers, John Anderson ... Marshal Dana, Ruth Springford ... Mama Malone, Yaphet Kotto ... Little George, Denver Pyle ... Sig Evers, Bill Fletcher ... Joe Hurley, Whit Bissell ... Dr. Cooper, Ted de Corsia ... Eldon Bates, Don Collier ... Rowan, Roy Jenson ... Mace Jones]
- The players in an ongoing poker game are being mysteriously killed off, one by one. After a card shark is caught cheating, he is taken out and lynched by the drunkards he was playing against. Soon afterwards, the men who were in the lynch mob start being murdered, one after another; all by hanging, strangling, or smothering. Who will be killed next and who is responsible? Is it one of the original party seeking to cover their accursed deed, or perhaps the mysterious Rev. Jonathan Rudd, who has recently arrived in town? [Director: Henry Hathaway] [Ray Gaulden (novel)] [103 min, 1.85 : 1, Western l Mystery, USA]
- Tokom partije pokera u gradiću Rinkonu igrači otkriju varalicu i odluče da mu sami presude. Tamnoputi Džordž (Y. Kotto) obavesti kartaša koji je ranije napustio igru, Vana Morgana (D. Martin), da ostali spremaju linč. Morgan ih pokuša zaustaviti, ali oni ga onesveste i obese nesrećnog varalicu. Nakon toga Morgan napušta grad, oprostivši se sa devojkom Norom (K. Justice) i njenim pokvarenim bratom Nikom (R. McDowall), jednim od odgovornih za linč. Dok Morgan kocka u drugim gradovima, u Rinkom stiže harizmatični propovednik Džonatan Rud (R. Mitchum), pokušavajući da uveri grešne kauboje da nedeljom dolaze na misu. Istovremeno, neko počne ubijati kartaše odgovorne za linč, zbog čega se Nik vraća u grad...

Al di la della legge [aka Beyond the Law] (1968)              

[Lee Van Cleef ... Billy Joe Cudlip, Antonio Sabato ... Ben Novack, Gordon Mitchell ... Burton, Lionel Stander ... Preacher, Bud Spencer ... James Cooper, Graziella Granata ... Sally Davis, Herbert Fux ... Eustaccio / Denholm, Carlo Gaddi ... Bandit #2, Ann Smyrner ... Lola / Betty, Enzo Fiermonte ... Sheriff John Ferguson, Hans Elwenspoek ... Mr. Davis, Adriana Facchetti ... Hotel owner, Romano Puppo ... Sam - Burton Bandit, Günther Stoll ... Burtons Right Hand, Valentina Arrigoni ... Lola]
- A thief takes the job as a town sheriff in order to rob a silver shipment before his ex-partner can grab it. [Director: Giorgio Stegani] [90 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-BRD]
- Lopov prihvata posao gradskog šerifa jer ima plan da opljačka pošiljku srebra i to brzo pre nego što je se dokopa njegov partner.

Ammazzali tutti e torna solo [aka Kill Them All and Come Back Alone] (1968)

[Chuck Connors ... Clyde Mac Kay, Frank Wolff ... Captain Lynch, Franco Citti ... Hoagy, Leo Anchóriz ... Deker, Giovanni Cianfriglia ... Blade (as Ken Wood), Alberto Dell'Acqua ... The Kid, Hércules Cortés ... Bogard, Antonio Molino Rojo ... Sergeant, Furio Meniconi ... Buddy (as Men Fury), Alfonso Rojas ... Checkpoint Sergeant, Ugo Adinolfi ... (as Ugo Adinolfi C.S.C.), John Bartha ... Prison Camp Captain]
- Spain: Mátalos y vuelve. In 1864, mercenary Clyde MacKay leads a squad of hard-case cutthroats on a mission for the Confederate high command: infiltrate an enemy fortress and steal a million dollars in gold from the Union Army. [Director: Enzo G. Castellari] [100 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-SPA]
- 1864. godine, Klajd Mek Kej predvodi plaćenike koljače u misiju za vrhovnu komandu Konfederacije: infiltrirati se u neprijateljsku tvrđavu i ukrasti milion dolara u zlatu od vojske Unije.

Bandolero! (1968)

[James Stewart ... Mace Bishop, Dean Martin ... Dee Bishop, Raquel Welch ... Maria Stoner, George Kennedy ... Sheriff July Johnson, Andrew Prine ... Deputy Sheriff Roscoe Bookbinder, Will Geer ... Pop Chaney, Clint Ritchie ... Babe Jenkins, Denver Pyle ... Muncie Carter, Tom Heaton ... Joe Chaney, Rudy Diaz ... Angel, Sean McClory ... Robbie O'Hare, Harry Carey Jr. ... Cort Hayjack (as Harry Carey), Don 'Red' Barry ... Jack Hawkins (as Donald Barry), Guy Raymond ... Ossie Grimes, Perry Lopez ... Frisco]
- Mace Bishop masquerades as a hangman in order to save his outlaw brother from the gallows, runs to Mexico chased by the sheriff's posse and fights against Mexican bandits. Posing as a hangman, Mace Bishop arrives in town with the intention of freeing a gang of outlaws, including his brother, from the gallows. Mace urges his younger brother to give up crime. The sheriff chases the brothers to Mexico. They join forces, however, against a group of Mexican bandits. [Director: Andrew V. McLaglen] [106 min, 2.35 : 1, Action l Crime l Drama, USA]
- Kada sa svojim ljudima krene u pljačku gradske banke, razbojnik Di Bišop ne sluti da će mu planove pokvariti šerif Džuli. Nakon što je tokom neuspele pljačke ubijena nevina žrtva, šerif hapsi Dija i četvoricu njegovih ljudi.

Bataille de San Sebastian, La [aka Guns for San Sebastian] (1968)

[Anthony Quinn ... Leon Alastray, Anjanette Comer ... Kinita, Charles Bronson ... Teclo, Sam Jaffe ... Father Joseph, Silvia Pinal ... Felicia, Jorge Martínez de Hoyos ... Felipe Cayetano, Jaime Fernández ... 'Golden Lance', Rosa Furman ... Agueda, Leon Askin ... Vicar General, José Chávez ... Antonito, Ivan Desny ... Col. Calleja, Fernand Gravey ... Governor, Pedro Armendáriz Jr. ... Father Lucas, Jorge Russek ... Pedro, Aurora Clavel ... Magdalena]
- Italy: I cannoni di San Sebastian. Mexico: Los canones de San Sebastián. Leon Alastray is an outlaw who has been given sanctuary by Father John, whom he then escorts to the village of San Sebastian. The village is deserted, with its cowardly residents hiding in the hills from Indians, who regularly attack the village and steal all their supplies. When Father John is murdered, the villagers mistakenly think the outlaw is the priest. Alastray at first tells them he is not a priest, but they don't believe it, and an apparent miracle seems to prove they are correct. Eventually, he assists them in regaining their confidence and defending themselves. [Director: Henri Verneuil] [William Barby Faherty (novel)] [111 min, 2.35 : 1, Action l Adventure l Drama, FRA-ITA-MEX]
- Entoni Kvin i Čarls Bronson glavne su zvezde u ovoj priči o revolverašu u bekstvu za kog stanovnici gradića San Sebastiana pogrešno pomisle da je sveštenik. Kako bi se sakrio pred zakonom, revolveraš preuzima identitet sveštenika i okuplja građane da se odbrane.

Blue (1968)

[Terence Stamp ... Blue, Joanna Pettet ... Joanne Morton, Karl Malden ... Doc Morton, Stathis Giallelis ... Manuel, Sally Kirkland ... Sarah Lambert, Robert Lipton ... Antonio, Ricardo Montalban ... Ortega, Sara Vardi ... Inez, James Westerfield ... Abe Parker, Kevin Corcoran ... Rory Calvin, Ivalou Redd ... Helen Buchanan, Dorothy Konrad ... Alma Wishoff, Helen Kleeb ... Elizabeth Parker, Michael Bell ... Jim Benton, Anthony Costello ... Jess Parker]
- A Mexican bandit, part of a gang led by his father, goes on a raid into the U.S. He falls for a beautiful woman and decides to leave his life of crime and settle down with her. Eventually his father and the gang come back for him, and he finds himself torn between his love for the woman and his loyalty to his father and his fellow gang members. [Director: Silvio Narizzano] [113 min, 2.35 : 1, Romance l Western, UK]
- Meksički bandit, član bande koju vodi njegov otac, odlazi u pljačku u SAD. Zaljubljuje se u predivnu ženu i odlučuje da napusti zločinački život i da živi sa njom. Njegov otac i banda se vraćaju po njega i on se nađe rastrgan između ljubavi prema ženi i odanosti prema svom ocu i članovima bande...

Brand of Shame (1968)

[Steve Stunning ... Steve Turner, Cara Peters ... Delilah (as Paula Pleasure), Steve Vincent ... Craig Benson (as Bart Black), Darlene Darling, Vic Sav, Dan Martin ... George (as Ronnie Runningboard), Red Rivers, Marsha Jordan ... Miss Mollie (as Vanessa Van Dyke), Samantha Scott ... Rachel Clark (as Donna Duzzit)]
- West Germany: Django Nudo und die lüsternen Mädchen von Porno Hill. A schoolteacher arrives in town with the map to a gold mine. The lesbian dance-hall owner schemes to steal the map. [Director: Byron Mabe (as B. Ron Elliott)] [73 min, Comedy l Western, USA-BRD]
- Učiteljica stiže u grad sa mapom rudnika zlata. Vlasnik plesne dvorane joj ukrade mapu...

Buco in fronte, Un [aka Hole in the Forehead] (1968)

[Dragomir 'Gidra' Bojanic ... Bill/John Blood (as Anthony Ghidra), Claudio Undari ... General Munguya (as Robert Hundar), Rosy Zichel ... Adelita, Corinne Fontaine ... Placida, Giuseppe Addobbati ... Father Blasco (as John Mac Douglas), Gianni Brezza ... Miguel (as John Bryan), Giorgio Gargiullo ... Tedder, Elsa Janet Waterston ... Encarnacion, Mario Dardanelli ... Epifan (as Mario Darnell), Luigi Marturano ... Garrincha, Giuseppe Castellano ... Red Bearded Monk, Bruno Cattaneo ... Murienda, Alberico Donadeo, Rocco Lerro ... Gangmember]
- In the days of the Alamo, a treasure was stolen by three soldiers of the army of Santa Anna and hidden in a secret place. When combined, the information written on three playing cards will reveal the location of the treasure. Those playing cards are in possession of a deserter who calls himself "general", Morienda, a drifter, and Garrincha, an outlaw. Morienda has made an appointment with the famous gunman Bill Blood in a monastery, but at his arrival he is severely wounded and can only hand over his card and utter a few words. Blood infiltrates the gang of Munguya but is exposed by the bandit and beaten up. In the meantime Garrincha sets up a trap for Munguya with the help of a double-crossing arms-dealer. The three men finally meet at the monastery where the treasure is hidden. [Director: Giuseppe Vari (as Joseph Warren)] [84 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA]
- U vreme borbe za Alamo, tri vojnika kradu blago od Santa Ane i sakrivaju na tajno mesto. Kada iskombinuju informacije napisane na tri karte otkriće lokaciju blaga. Revolveraš Bil () stiže u manastir, gde će da se sastane sa meksičkim banditom Muriendom (B. Cattaneo), da istraže načine da uđu u trag skrivenom bogatstvu u zlatu. Murienda se pojavljuje mrtav, ali Bili uzima trag sa njegovog tela - kartu za igranje, koja sadrži pisanu informaciju na pozadini. Postoje tri takve karte. Ostale dve čuvaju dva razbojnika, od kojih jedan, Monguja (R. Hundar) se krije nedaleko sa svojom bandom. Bili krade drugu karticu i kreće po treću, koja je kod bandita Garinča (L. Marturano), ali naš junak biva uhvaćen i gubi sve. Uz pomoć nekoliko žena uspeva da pobegne, i prati trag Monguje u potrazi za skrivenim blagom i konačnim obračunom.

C'era una volta il West [aka Once Upon a Time in the West] (1968)

[Claudia Cardinale ... Jill McBain, Henry Fonda ... Frank, Jason Robards ... Cheyenne, Charles Bronson ... Harmonica, Gabriele Ferzetti ... Morton - Railroad Baron, Paolo Stoppa ... Sam, Woody Strode ... Stony - Member of Frank's Gang, Jack Elam ... Snaky - Member of Frank's Gang, Keenan Wynn ... Sheriff - Auctioneer, Frank Wolff ... Brett McBain, Lionel Stander ... Barman]
- USA: Once Upon a Time in the West, Spain: Hasta que llegó su hora. Epic story of a mysterious stranger with a harmonica who joins forces with a notorious desperado to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad. Story of a young woman, Mrs. McBain, who moves from New Orleans to frontier Utah, on the very edge of the American West. She arrives to find her new husband and family slaughtered, but by whom? The prime suspect, coffee-lover Cheyenne, befriends her and offers to go after the real killer, assassin gang leader Frank, in her honor. He is accompanied by Harmonica on his quest to get even. [Director: Sergio Leone] [175 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-USA-SPA]
- Bret Mek Bejn priprema dobrodošlicu svojoj novoj ženi koja se vraća iz Nju Orleansa. Ali, njega i njegovo troje dece ubijaju desperadosi pre njenog dolaska. Kad ona stiže, pored tragedije koju zatiče, čeka je još mnogo problema… Mora da se izbori sa pokušajima da preko njenog imanja prođe pruga. Kultni vestern Serđa Leona klasična je priča o osveti na Divljem zapadu kojim vlada zakon jačeg... Morton je pohlepni vlasnik kompanije koja gradi železnicu, u stalnoj želji za dokazivanjem svoje moći. Unajmljuje Frenka (H. Fonda), plaćenog ubicu koji ne zna šta je savest, da bi ubio svakog ko stane na put njemu i njegovoj železnici. Mek Bejnova udovica (C. Cardinale) tada unajmljuje vlastite plaćenike kako bi je zaštitili i osvetili smrt supruga. Reč je o misterioznom odmetniku kog zovu Harmonika (C. Bronson) i njegovom pratiocu Manuelu 'Šajen' Gutierezu (J. Robards). Koristeći tehnike do tada ne korišćene u žanru, kultni reditelj Serđo Leone uz pomoć ništa manje poznatog kompozitora Enia Morikonea stvara jedan od najpoznatijih vesterna svih vremena.

Chiedi perdono a Dio... non a me [aka May God Forgive You... But I Won't] (1968)

[George Ardisson ... Cjamango McDonald, Dragomir 'Gidra' Bojanic ... Dick Smart (as Anthony Ghidra), Pietro Martellanza ... Jack Smart (as Pete Martell), Cristina Iosani ... Virginia Stuart, Dante Maggio ... Barista, Luigi Pavese ... Stuart, Ignazio Spalla ... Garcia Barrica Ramirez called Barrica (as Pedro Sanchez), Jean Louis ... Scott, Lilli Lembo ... Ragazza di Dick, Franco Pesce ... Undertaker, Giovanni Ivan Scratuglia ... Dick Smart henchman (as Ivan Scratuglia), Fortunato Arena ... Man carrying a corpse on his back, Esmeralda Barros ... Conchita, Remo Capitani ... Dick Smart henchman, Amerigo Castrighella ... Dick Smart henchman]
- While Cjamango is away from his ranch six bandits attack and kill all the members of his family. Disrupted by this tragedy he sets out to take his revenge. One by one he kills the bandits and learns along the way that a relative of his wife are involved in this crime. [Director: Vincenzo Musolino (as Glenn Vincent Davis)] [93 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA]
- Čamangu Mek Donaldsu (G. Ardisson) šestorica revolveraša, predvođena Džekom Smartom (P. Martellanza), hladnokrvno pobiju celu porodicu dok on bezuspešno pokušava da produži zajam kod zemljoposednika Stjuarta (L. Pavese). Čamango se zakleo na osvetu i u potrazi za ubicama namerio se na Meksikanca Garsiju Ramireza (I. Spalla), koji je video šta se dogodilo i nudi mu svoju pomoć. Kreće u potragu i ubije petoricu revolveraša i na kraju i Džeka Smarta. Čamango na sebe navuče bes njegovog starijeg brata Dika (A. Ghidra).
Comanche Blanco [aka White Comanche] (1968)

[Joseph Cotten ... Sheriff Logan, William Shatner ... Johnny Moon / Notah, Rosanna Yanni ... Kelly (as Rossana Yani), Perla Cristal ... White Fawn, Mariano Vidal Molina ... Gen. Garcia (as Vidal Molina), Luis Prendes ... Grimes, Barta Barri ... Mayor Bolker (as Bart Barry), Vicente Roca ... Ellis (as Vincent Rocca), Luis Rivera ... Kah To, Javier Maiza ... Coor (as Xavier Maza), Víctor Israel ... Carter, Fernando Lewis ... Quincy (as Ferdinand Lewis), Héctor Quiroga ... The Parson (as Hector Quiroga), Gene Reyes ... Comanche, Gian Castelli ... The Boy (as Ian Castelli)]
- William Shatner plays two roles: cowboy Johnny Moon and his ruthless Indian twin brother, Notah. Notah likes peyote and gets the crazy idea that he's the Comanche messiah sent to lead the Comanche nation against the white man but more specifically the dusty desert town of Rio Hondo. Moon, estranged from his brother, decides to stop Notah either by words or by bullets. [Director: José Briz Méndez (as Gilbert Lee Kay)] [93 min, 1.66 : 1, Western, SPA]
- Vestern o kauboju Džoniju Munu (W. Shatner) i njegovom nemilosrdnom bratu blizancu, Notahu (W. Shatner). Notah voli drogu iz pejoti kaktusa pa mu padaju lude ideje na pamet. Smatra se mesijom Komanča koje želi da povede u borbu protiv belog čoveka, konkretnije da napadne prašnjavi pustinjski grad Rio Hondo. Tamo se zatekao Mun koji je odlučio da ga zaustavi, rečima ili mecima...

Corri uomo corri [aka Run, Man, Run] (1968) 

[Tomas Milian ... Manuel Sanchez / Cuchillo, Donald O'Brien ... Nathaniel Cassidy (as Donal O'Brien), John Ireland ... Santillana, Linda Veras ... Penny Bannington, Marco Guglielmi ... Colonel Michel Sévigny, José Torres ... Ramirez, Luciano Rossi ... Jean-Paul (as Edward Ross), Nello Pazzafini ... Riza, Gianni Rizzo ... The Mayor, Dante Maggio ... Mateos Gonzalez (as Dan May), Umberto Di Grazia ... José, Noé Murayama ... Pablo, Attilio Dottesio ... Manuel Etchevaria, Orso Maria Guerrini ... Raul, Federico Boido ... Steve Wilkins]
- France: Saludos, hombre. Several competing groups and mavericks (including the lead character Cuchillo) are hunting a gold treasure of $3,000,000. The gold was reserved for the Mexican revolution. [Director: Sergio Sollima] [120 min, 2.35 : 1, Adventure l Comedy l Western, ITA-FRA]
- Nekoliko bandita i pobunjenika u lovu na zlato vredno 3.000.000 dolara namenjeno meksičkoj revoluciji.

Day of the Evil Gun (1968)

[Glenn Ford ... Lorn Warfield, Arthur Kennedy ... Owen Forbes, Dean Jagger ... Jimmy Noble, John Anderson ... Captain Jefferson Addis, Paul Fix ... Sheriff Kelso, Nico Minardos ... DeLeon, Harry Dean Stanton ... Sergeant Parker (as Dean Stanton), Pilar Pellicer ... Lydia Yearby, Parley Baer ... Willford, Royal Dano ... Dr. Eli Prather, Ross Elliott ... Reverend Yearby, Barbara Babcock ... Angie Warfield, James Griffith ... Storekeeper]
- A woman and two children are kidnapped by Apaches. The husband of the captured woman enlists the help of his neighbor to find the Apaches that seized his family; not knowing his neighbor has unknown reasons of his own for helping him. Gunfighter Lorn Warfield returns home after an absence of three years. Lorn finds his ranch in ruin.His neighbor, Owen Forbes, informs Lorn that his ranch was raided by the Apaches who kidnapped his wife and two children.Lorn decides to find the Apache camp and recuperate his wife and daughters. His neighbor, Owen, also joins Lorn in his quest. The two men don't get along because Owen courted Lorn's wife in Lorn's absence. Angie consented to Owen's courtship only because she believed her husband Lorn to be dead.Despite the tension between Lorn and Owen the two men are determined to find Angie and her daughters. Things get really hard when Lorn and Owen run into Mexican bandits, army deserters and Apaches. [Director: Jerry Thorpe] [95 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, USA]
- Revolveraš Lorn Vorfild (G. Ford) se vraća kući nakon odsustva od tri godine i svoj ranč pronalazi u ruševinama. Oven Forbs (A. Kennedy) ga obaveštava da su mu Apači napali ranč i oteli ženu i decu. Lorn odlučuje da ih pronađe i oslobodi od Apača. Njegov sused, Oven će mu se pridružiti u potrazi. Njih dvojica se ne slažu jer se Oven udvarao Lornovoj ženi u njegovom odsustvu. Endži (B. Babcock) je pristala na Ovenovo udvaranje jer je verovala da je njen suprug mrtav…

Di piu all'inferno, Uno [aka One More in Hell] (1968)

[George Hilton ... Johnny King, Paolo Gozlino ... Meredith (as Paul Stevens), Claudie Lange ... Liz, Gérard Herter ... Ernest Ward, Krista Nell, Carlo Gaddi ... Gary, Aldo Cecconi, Paul Muller ... George Wad, Ferruccio Viotti, Rex Purdom, Gilberto Galimberti ... (as Gill Rolland), Angela Ellison, Adriana Giuffre, Pietro Tordi ... Pastor Steve, Ugo Adinolfi]
- Johnny King, a rebellious drifter, sets out to avenge the death of his mentor and friend, Steve, after he has been murdered for his land by the Ward Brothers. After causing some trouble for the Wards, Johnny faces a new opponent, his outlaw friend, Meredith. [Director: Giovanni Fago] [87 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA]
- Džoni King je sin sveštenika, koji je sklon šalama, zabavi i tuđim ženama. Upliće se čak i u pljačku banke. Kad jednog dana sazna da mu je otac ubijen, postaje revolveraš od glave do pete i kreće da osveti svog oca, ali nije svestan da mu na putu osvete stoje mnoge prepreke kao i tri strašna brata Vord koji...
Firecreek (1968)

[James Stewart ... Johnny Cobb, Henry Fonda ... Larkin, Inger Stevens ... 'Evelyn' / Evelyn Pittman, Gary Lockwood ... Earl, Dean Jagger ... Whittier, Ed Begley ... Preacher Broyles, Jay C. Flippen ... Mr. Pittman, Jack Elam ... Norman, James Best ... Drew, BarBara Luna ... Meli (as Barbara Luna), Jacqueline Scott ... Henrietta Cobb, Brooke Bundy ... Leah, Robert Porter ... Arthur (as J. Robert Porter), Morgan Woodward ... Willard, John Qualen ... Hall]
- A peace-loving, part-time sheriff in the small town of Firecreek must take a stand when a gang of vicious outlaws takes over his town. Farmer and family man Johnny Cobb moonlights as a $2 a month sheriff in the quiet little town of Firecreek. When a gang of freebooters passes through, their leader Larkin, who is suffering from a minor wound, decides to spend the night. The gang members prove to be vicious, sadistic sociopaths who take advantage of the frightened townspeople, humiliating them for their own perverse amusement. Although Larkin disapproves of their behavior, his leadership role is tenuous, and he is reluctant to test it by exercising control over his men. The mild-mannered Cobb also seems hesitant to challenge the gang's antisocial behavior. Things come to a head when Meli, an Indian woman with a mixed race child, is sexually attacked by one of vicious psychopaths. Arthur, a mentally-challenged stable boy, comes to her aid and accidentally kills him. Cobb locks up Arthur pending a trial, but when the sheriff visits his pregnant wife, the gang breaks into the jail and lynches the boy. [Director: Vincent McEveety] [104 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, USA]
- Petorica odmetnika na čelu sa beskrupuloznim Larkinom (H. Fonda) dolaze u mirni gradić Fajerkrik, gde Larkin odseda u pansionu starog Pitmana (J. C. Flippen) sa namerom da se oporavi od ranije zadobijene rane. Zajedno sa Pitmanom živi njegova unuka Evelin (I. Stevens), koja će sa Larkinom ubrzo razviti odnos međusobne privlačnosti. Dok im se šef odmara u pansionu, njegovi ljudi traže zabavu u gradiću. Dvojica od njih, Erl (G. Lockwood) i Dru (J. Best), zagledaju se u prekrasnu Indijanku Meli (B. Luna) i potuku se zbog nje. Miroljubivi gradski šerif Džoni Kob (J. Stewart) interveniše, ali par dana kasnije Dru pokuša da siluje Meli u njenoj kući. Spase je maloumni konjušarski pomoćnik Artur (J. R. Porter)... Ovaj vestern pamti se kao prvi nastup Henrija Fonde u ulozi negativca (iste će godine opakog zlikovca igrati i u Leoneovom Bilo jednom na Divljem zapadu, a ujedno i kao prvi zajednički nastup Fonde i Stjuarta posle pune 32 godine. Stjuart i Fonda daju uloge na nivou svog renomea.
Grande silenzio, Il [aka Great Silence, The] (1968)

[Jean-Louis Trintignant ... Silence (as Jean Louis Trintignant), Klaus Kinski ... Loco, Frank Wolff ... Burnett, Luigi Pistilli ... Pollicut, Mario Brega ... Martin, Carlo D'Angelo ... Governor, Marisa Merlini ... Regina, Maria Mizar ... Miguel's Mother, Marisa Sally, Raf Baldassarre ... Cyclops, Spartaco Conversi ... Walter, Remo De Angelis ... Fake Sheriff, Mirella Pamphili ... Barfly, Vonetta McGee ... Pauline (as Vonetta Mc Gee)]
- France: Le grand silence. A mute gunslinger faces off against a gang of bounty hunters in the great blizzard of 1899, and a grim, tense struggle unfolds. Bounty killers led by Loco prey on outlaws hiding out in the snowbound Nevada mountains. After Pauline's husband becomes Loco's latest victim, she hires a gunman for revenge; Silence, mute since his throat was cut as a child. [Director: Sergio Corbucci] [105 min, 1.66 : 1, Western, ITA-FRA]
- Juta, zima 1899. godine. U snegom prekrivenom malom Snouhilu, lovci na ucene pod vodstvom brutalnog Loka (K. Kinski) seju strah i nemir. Bez milosti prate i ubijaju muškarce u selu koji su iz nevolje i straha oterani u kriminal. Kada nemi revolveraš Sajlens (J.-L. Trintignant) stigne u mesto sve se naizgled počne menjati. Veliki Sajlens, špageti vestern u režiji veterana Serđa Korbučija (Minesota Klej, Đango, Ringo i njegov zlatni pištolj, Navaho Džo, Veliki Sajlens, Plaćenik, Specijalisti, Kompanjerosi, Banda Džeda i Sonija, Pucaj, pitaj kasnije) po mnogo čemu je vanserijski predstavnik žanra, mnogim kritičarima i režiserima čak i najbolji, nadmašivši čak i Leoneove mnogo poznatije naslove. To je film sa definitivno najpesimističnijim završetkom ikada. Da bi film mogao biti prikazivan u nekim zemljama Korbuči je bio prisiljen da napravi alternativni kraj, ali takav nasilni happy end, (nasilan je prava reč jer se pojavljuju neke osobe koje su poginule u ranijim fazama filma, a sam konačni obračun poprimi razmere parodije) jednostavno odudara od cele radnje filma i znatno utiče na kvarenje celog filma.

Hang 'Em High (1968)  

[Clint Eastwood ... Marshal Jed Cooper, Inger Stevens ... Rachel Warren, Ed Begley ... Captain Wilson, Pat Hingle ... Judge Fenton, Ben Johnson ... Marshal Dave Bliss, Charles McGraw ... Sheriff Ray Calhoun, Ruth White ... Madame 'Peaches' Sophie, Bruce Dern ... Miller, Alan Hale Jr. ... Matt Stone (blacksmith), Arlene Golonka ... Jennifer, James Westerfield ... Prisoner, Dennis Hopper ... The Prophet, L.Q. Jones ... Loomis, Michael O'Sullivan ... Francis Elroy Duffy, Joseph Sirola ... Reno]
- When an innocent man barely survives a lynching, he returns as a lawman determined to bring the vigilantes to justice. A band of vigilantes catch Jed Cooper and, incorrectly believing him guilty of cattle rustling and murder, hang him and leave him for dead. But he doesn't die. He returns to his former profession of lawman to hunt down his lynchers and bring them to justice. [Director: Ted Post] [114 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
- Pomahnitala banda razbojnika je napravila dve greške: obesili su pogrešnog čoveka i nisu obavili posao do kraja... Osveta sledi... Dok je slučajno prelazio reku terajući stoku, bivšeg šerifa Džeda Kupera (C. Eastwood) uhvati grupa ljudi optužujući ga za ubistvo rančera. I pored dokazivanja da nema ništa sa tim, ljudi ga obese i ostave na drvetu. Džed slučajno uspe da preživi jer ga u zadnji trenutak spasi šerif Blis (B. Johnson) koji potom organizuje sudski postupak. Dokaže se da je Džed nevin pa mu potom mesni sudija predloži da preuzme položaj šerifovog zamenika. Džed pristane, priželjkujući da će tako ući u trag onima koji su ga umalo ubili. Uskoro ih pronađe...
Joe... cercati un posto per morire! [aka Find a Place to Die] (1968)

[Jeffrey Hunter ... Joe Collins, Pascale Petit ... Lisa Martin, Giovanni Pallavicino ... Gomez (as Gordon York) (as Gianni Pallavicino), Reza Fazeli ... Paco, Nello Pazzafini ... Fernando (as Ted Carter), Adolfo Lastretti ... Rev. Riley (as Peter Lastrett), Mario Dardanelli ... Chato (as Darlo Darnel), Umberto Di Grazia ... Bandit, Anthony Blod ... Bobo (as Anthony Blond), Serafino Profumo ... Miguel (as Seraphino Profumo), Daniela Giordano ... Juanita, Piero Lulli ... Paul Martin (as Peter Lull)]
- An outcast Confederate soldier redeems himself by defending a woman against bandits willing to kill for her goldmine claim. [Director: Giuliano Carnimeo (as A. Ascot)] [89 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, ITA]
- Rimejk filma iz 1954. godine, Đavolov vrt. Lepa žena zapošljava pet muškaraca da joj pomognu da spase muža zarobljenog u rudniku zlata.

Joko invoca Dio... e muori [aka Vengeance, aka Roco's Revenge] (1968)

[Richard Harrison ... Jokko (Rocco) Barret, Claudio Camaso ... Mendoza, Spela Rozin ... Jane (as Sheyla Rosin), Guido Lollobrigida ... (as Lee Burton), Werner Pochath ... Kid (as Werner Pochat), Paolo Gozlino ... Pinkerton Detective Lester (as Paul Lino), Alberto Dell'Acqua ... Richie, Ignazio Spalla ... Laredo (as Pedro Sanchez), Mariangela Giordano ... Rosita (as Marian Dana), Goffredo Unger ... Yuma (as Fredi Unger), Luciano Pigozzi ... Domingo (as Alan Collins), Lucio De Santis ... Laredo (as Louis Santis), Giovanni Ivan Scratuglia ... Manolo (as Ivan Scott), Luciano Bonanni ... Jimmy (as Larry Bona), Aldo De Carellis ... Ed (as Albert Carl)]
- West Germany: Fünf blutige Stricke. A man tracks down the five outlaws who murdered his brother, all the while being shadowed by a mysterious Pinkerton detective. [Director: Antonio Margheriti (as Anthony M. Dawson)] [81 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, ITA-BRD]

- Čovek u potrazi za pet razbojnika koji su mu ubili brata... Četvorica mladića: Roko (R. Harrison), Domingo (L. Pigozzi), Riki (A. Dell'Acqua) i Mendoza (C. Camaso) odlučuju da izvedu veliku pljačku zlata, ali neko je od njih špijun. Roko uspeva da pobegne i želi da se osveti zbog ubistva svojih prijatelja koje je toliko voleo. Roko traga za izdajicom, ali ni ne sluti do kakvog će stravičnog saznanja doći u svojoj potrazi. U trenutku kad dolazi do istine...

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