среда, 22. јун 2011.



 Ambush at Tomahawk Gap (1953) ZASEDA U NAPUŠTENOM GRADU 
 Arrowhead (1953) ODMETNIK PRERIJE  
 Blowing Wild (1953) BALADA O CRNOM ZLATU
 Cangaceiro, O [aka Bandit of Brazil, The] (1953) RAZBOJNIK  
 Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953) KAPETAN DŽON SMIT I POKAHONTAS
 Devil's Canyon (1953) ĐAVOLOV KANJON
 Escape from Fort Bravo (1953) BEG IZ TVRĐAVE BRAVO 
 Gun Fury (1953) LUD ZA PIŠTOLJEM
 Gunsmoke (1953) DIM REVOLVERA
 Hondo (1953) HONDO
 Kansas Pacific (1953) KANZAS PACIFIK
 Law and Order (1953) ZAKON I RED
 Lawless Breed, The (1953) ODMETNIK
 Lone Hand, The (1953) USAMLJEN

Ambush at Tomahawk Gap (1953)

[John Hodiak ... McCord, John Derek ... Kid, David Brian ... Egan, María Elena Marqués ... Navaho Girl (as Maria Elena Marques), Ray Teal ... Doc, John Qualen ... Jonas P. Travis, Otto Hulett ... Stranton, Percy Helton ... Marlowe, Trevor Bardette ... Twin Forks Sheriff]
- An innocent cowboy convicted with three robbers, travels with them to get a share of their hidden loot. Hodiak, Brian, Derek and Teal have just been released from prison. They return to Tomahawk Gap, now a ghost town, to retrieve the money that they stole and was buried by a partner somewhere in the town. While hunting, the Indians attack, and a life and death battle ensues. [Director: Fred F. Sears] [73 min, 1.37 : 1, Action l Romance l Western, USA]

• Nevino osuđen kauboj, putuje sa još tri pljačkaša da bi došli do plena koji su sakrili. Mek Kord (J. Hodiak), Kid (J. Derek), Igan (D. Brian) i Dok (R. Teal), koji je upravo pušten iz zatvora, vraćaju se u Tomahavk Gap, sada grad duhova, da uzmu novac koji su ukrali, a koji je zakopan negde u gradu. Dok traže plen, napadaju ih Indijanci i sledi borba za život i smrt.

Arrowhead (1953)

[Charlton Heston ... Ed Bannon, Jack Palance ... Toriano, Katy Jurado ... Nita, Brian Keith ... Capt. Bill North, Mary Sinclair ... Lela Wilson, Milburn Stone ... Sandy MacKinnon, Richard Shannon ... Lt. Kirk, Lewis Martin ... Col. Weybright, Frank DeKova ... Chief Chattez (as Frank de Kova), Robert J. Wilke ... Sgt. Stone (as Robert Wilke), Peter Coe ... Spanish, James Anderson ... Jerry August (as Kyle James), John Pickard ... John Gunther (as John M. Pickard), Pat Hogan ... Jim Eagle]
- Chief of Scouts Ed Bannon works for the US Army at Fort Clark, Texas and he dreams of aiding in bringing peace to the region, despite opposition from both the Army and the Apaches. Chief of Scouts Ed Bannon narrowly avoids an Apache ambush while working with the cavalry stationed at Fort Clark, Texas. The US Army is trying to talk peace with the Apaches and move them to reservations in Florida, and they take Bannon's efforts as detrimental to their new policies, so they fire him. When the Apache chief's son Toriano returns from an Eastern education, Bannon becomes highly suspicious of his motives based run-ins with Torinada in the past. Bannon continues shadowing the proceedings to the chagrin of both the US Army and the Apache warrior. [Director: Charles Marquis Warren] [W.R. Burnett (novel)] [105 min, 1.37 : 1, Drama l Romance l Western, USA]

• Ed Banon (C. Heston), komandant Skauta, za dlaku je izbegao zasedu Apača dok je sarađivao sa konjicom stacioniranom u Ford Klarku, u Teksasu. Američka armija pokušava da pregovara o primirju sa Indijancima i da ih preseli u rezervate na Floridi. Vojsci se nisu dopali Banonovi metodi, pa su ga otpustili… Međutim, kada se sin poglavice Apača Torijano (J. Palance) vratio sa školovanja sa Istoka, Banon postaje sumnjičav i počinje da prati događaje iz senke.

Blowing Wild (1953)

[Gary Cooper ... Jeff Dawson, Barbara Stanwyck ... Marina Conway, Ruth Roman ... Sal Donnelly, Anthony Quinn ... Ward 'Paco' Conway, Ward Bond ... Dutch Peterson, Ian MacDonald ... Jackson, Richard Karlan ... Henderson, Juan García ... El Gavilan (as Juan Garcia)]
- In South America, when Jeff Dawson and Dutch Peterson's oil rigs are dynamited by local bandits, the two partners resort to risky transportation of nitroglycerin to raise money. In a hypothetical country in South America, Jeff Dawson and his partner Dutch Peterson have invested all their savings in a lease contract to explore oil. However, their expectation ruins when bandits blow the derrick of the oil well with dynamite and they get stranded in the town without any money. In despair, they accept the risky transportation of nitroglycerin to raise US$ 800.00 and Dutch is shot in the leg by road thieves; but Jeff discovers that their employer is a trickster and they area not paid for their job. When their former friend Paco Conway meets them, Jeff finds that he is a local tycoon and is married with Marina Conway, who had a past with him. Paco hires Jeff his foreman to help him with his eighteen oil wells while Dutch is recovering in the hospital. Meanwhile the criminals press Paco to pay US$ 50,000.00 otherwise they will blow his wells and Marina revives her love and desire for Jeff, leading the trio to a tragedy. [Director: Hugo Fregonese] [90 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Action l Adventure l Drama, USA-MEX]

• Džef Doson (G. Cooper) i njegov partner Dač Peterson (W. Bond) uložili su svu svoju ušteđevinu u ugovor o zakupu za istraživanje nafte u Južnoj Americi. Međutim, kada razbojnici dinamitom unište pumpe i dizalice, oni ostaju u gradu bez novca. U očaju i da bi se domogli novca, prihvataju rizični prevoz nitroglicerina kroz područje puno razbojnika i pobunjenika...





Calamity Jane (1953)

[Doris Day ... Calamity Jane, Howard Keel ... Wild Bill Hickok, Allyn Ann McLerie ... Katie Brown (as Allyn McLerie), Philip Carey ... Lieutenant Danny Gilmartin, Dick Wesson ... Francis Fryer, Paul Harvey ... Henry Miller, Chubby Johnson ... Rattlesnake, Gale Robbins ... Adelaid Adams]
- The story of Calamity Jane, her saloon, and her romance with Wild Bill Hickok. Deadwood, Dakota Territory, is largely the abode of men, where Indian scout Calamity Jane is as hard-riding, boastful, and handy with a gun as any; quite an overpowering personality. But the army lieutenant she favors doesn't really appreciate her finer qualities. One of Jane's boasts brings her to Chicago to recruit an actress for the Golden Garter stage. Arrived, the lady in question appears (at first) to be a more feminine rival for the favors of Jane's male friends...including her friendly enemy Wild Bill Hickock. [Director: David Butler] [101 min, 1.37 : 1, Comedy l Musical l Western, USA]

• Sve što može kauboj, Kalamiti Džejn (D. Day) može još bolje bilo da je reč o jahanju, pucanju ili žvakanju duvana. Vreme provodi sa najboljim prijateljem Divljim Bilom Hikokom (H. Keel) u Golden Garter hotelu i povremeno je angažuju da bude pratnja kočijama koje prolaze kroz indijansku teritoriju. Džejn je bacila oko na zgodnog poručnika Denija (P. Carey) koji stalno upada u nevolje sa Indijancima, a ona je uvek tu da bi ga spasila. Zbog novog zadatka ona odlazi u Čikago. Tamo bi trebala biti pratnja poznatoj glumici koja će nastupiti u hotelu. Ali, umesto poznate gospođice Adams (G. Robbins), Kalamiti dovodi njenu pomoćnicu Keti Braun (A.A. McLerie) koja ne zna baš previše o pozorištu. Ipak, Keti se brzo snalazi, a isto tako svojom lepotom privuče pažnju Bilu i poručniku Deniju...

Cangaceiro, O [aka Bandit of Brazil, The] (1953)

[Alberto Ruschel ... Teodoro, Marisa Prado ... Olívia, Milton Ribeiro ... Capitao Galdino Ferreira, Vanja Orico ... Maria Clódia, Adoniran Barbosa ... Mané Mole, Ricardo Campos, Neusa Veras, Zé do Norte, Jesuíno G. dos Santos ... (as Jesuíno), Maria Luiza Splendore ... (as Maria Luiza), Antonio V. Almeida, Heitor Barnabé, Lima Barreto, Dan Camara, Horácio Camargo]
- Brazilian movie inspired by American westerns (but losing none of its cultural integrity) about Cangaceiro (bandit) Teodoro who falls in love with a small town school teacher who his gang has kidnapped. [Director: Lima Barreto] [91 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Action l Drama l History, BRA]

• Brazilski film inspirisan američkim vesternima. Zapravo, mogao bi se i nazvati vesternom, ali sa jednom velikom razlikom - karakteri, folklor i istorija pripadaju području jugoistočnog Brazila. Bandit Teodoro (A. Ruschel) se zaljubljuje u učiteljicu iz malog mesta koju je kidnapovala njegova banda... Bandit je brazilski film snimljen u režiji Lime Bareta. Premijerno je prikazan 1953. godine i poznat kao prvi brazilski film koji je doživeo međunarodni uspeh, odnosno začetnik specifičnog brazilskog podžanra poznatog kao nordestern. Inspiraciju za film je pružio Lampiao, legendarni vođa brazilskih odmetnika 1920-ih i 1930-ih. Radnja je smeštena u sertaos, zabačeno sušno područje na severoistoku Brazila na kome su delovali nomadski razbojnici poznati kao cangaseirosi. Protagonista, čiji lik tumači Alberto Rušel je Teodoro, mladić koji se priključio bandi koju vodi tiranski "kapetan" Galdino Fereira (M. Ribeiro), i koji se zaljubi u mladu učiteljicu Oliviju (M. Prado) koju je banda uzela za taoca. Lima Bareto je još od početka 1940-ih pokušavao snimiti film o Lampiaou, ali mu se prilika za to pružila tek nakon što se 1950. godine priključio filmskoj kompaniji Vera Kruz. Franko Zampari, predsednik studija, ispočetka je bio skeptičan prema projektu, a i snimanje su obeležili brojni kreativni sukobi. Na kraju se film ispostavio kao pun pogodak, a što se tumači time da su se motivi i ikonografija vesterna - žanra koji je tada uživao vrhunac popularnosti u svetu - vešto "presadili" na brazilske prilike. Bandit je doživeo veliki uspeh ne samo u Brazilu, nego i u svetu, pa je, između ostalog, na Kanskom filmskom festivalu dobio nagradu za najbolji avanturistički film.

Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)

[Anthony Dexter ... Capt. John Smith, Jody Lawrance ... Pocahontas (as Jody Lawrence), Alan Hale Jr. ... Fleming, Robert Clarke ... Rolfe, Stuart Randall ... Opechanco, James Seay ... Wingfield, Philip Van Zandt ... Davis, Shepard Menken ... Nantaquas, Douglass Dumbrille ... Powhatan (as Douglas Dumbrille), Anthony Eustrel ... King James, Henry Rowland ... Turnbull, Eric Colmar ... Kemp]
- Captain John Smith overcomes the treachery of some of his men and resentment of the local Native Americans to establish the colony of Jamestown. Captain John Smith (Anthony Dexter), returned from the Jamestown colony, is telling his story before the Court of King James I (Anthony Eustral.) He tells of the unrest in the colony and how he set out to make peace with the Indians. He is captured and sentenced to death, but Pocahontas (Jody Lawrence) makes her celebrated intervention and, instead of a slaying, there is a wedding. Back at Jamestown, Smith makes efforts to keep the colony united and the Indians from attacking, in spite of the efforts of some in the colony who stir up trouble for their own gain. He exposes them and returns to England to give his report. He stays because Pocahontas, thinking he is dead, has remarried. [Director: Lew Landers] [75 min, 1.37 : 1, Drama l History l Romance, USA]

• Kapetan Džon Smit (A. Dexter) se vraća iz Džejmstaun kolonije u Englesku, na dvor kralja Džejmsa I (A. Eustrel) gde priča o nemirima u koloniji i kako je krenuo da uspostavi mir sa indijancima. Međutim, on je uhvaćen i osuđen na smrt, ali interveniše prelepa indijanka Pokahontas (J. Lawrance) i umesto pokolja dolazi do venčanja. U Džejmstaunu, Smit pokušava da održi koloniju ujedinjenu, uprkos naporima nekih kolonizatora koji podstiču nevolje zbog lične dobiti. On ih razotkriva i vraća se u Englesku da podnese izveštaj, gde i ostaje, jer se Pokahontas preudala misleći da je on mrtav...

Devil's Canyon (1953)

[Virginia Mayo ... Abby Nixon, Dale Robertson ... Billy Reynolds, Stephen McNally ... Jessie Gorman, Arthur Hunnicutt ... Frank Taggert, Robert Keith ... Warden Steve Morgan, Jay C. Flippen ... Captain Jack Wells, George J. Lewis ... Colonel Jorge Gomez, Whit Bissell ... Virgil Gates, Morris Ankrum ... Sheriff, James Bell ... Dr. Betts, William 'Bill' Phillips ... Red (as William Phillips), Earl Holliman ... Joe, Irving Bacon ... Old Guard]
- Ex-marshal Billy Reynolds, sent to state prison for killing two men in self defense, learns that killer Jessie Gorman, brother of the two men Billy shot, is in the same prison and vows revenge. Complicating matters further is the incarceration of Gorman's girlfriend Abby who helps Gorman plan an escape while at the same time is unsuccessful hiding her feelings for Reynolds. [Director: Alfred L. Werker (as Alfred Werker)] [92 min, 1.37 : 1, Action l Crime l Drama, USA]

• Arizona, 1897. godine. Civilizacija je prodrla u ovaj donedavno divlji kraj i vlasti stanovnicima zabranjuju korišćenje pištolja. Zvuči izvrsno, ali u praksi nekim poštenim građanima donosi probleme. Tako na primer bivši šerif Bili Rejnolds (D. Robertson), nakon što ga iz osvete potraže braća razbojnika kog je strpao u zatvor, nema drugog rešenja nego da se suprotstavi pištoljem, jer će u protivnom biti ubijen. Bili ih ustreli, a porota sastavljena od došljaka sa istoka, smatrajući kako je prekršio zakon, osudi ga na desetogodišnju zatvorsku kaznu. U zatvoru Bili susreće starog neprijatelja Džesija Gormana (S. McNailly). Džesi po svaku cenu želi da ubije Bilija, smatrajući ga odgovornim za bratovu smrt. Situacija se dodatno komplikuje nakon što u zatvor dospe i jedini ženski zatvorenik - lepa Ejbi Nikson (V. Mayo), kojoj se sviđaju i Bili i Džesi... "Đavolov kanjon" ne spada među najpoznatije vesterne, ali je reč je o vrlo dobrom žanrovskom ostvarenju koje vredi preporučiti. Pre svega reč je o svojevrsnoj kombinaciji vesterna i zatvorskog filma, ne naročito čestoj u istoriji žanra.



Escape from Fort Bravo (1953)

[William Holden ... Capt. Roper, Eleanor Parker ... Carla Forester, John Forsythe ... Capt. John Marsh, William Demarest ... Campbell, William Campbell ... Cabot Young, Polly Bergen ... Alice Owens, Richard Anderson ... Lt. Beecher, Carl Benton Reid ... Col. Owens, John Lupton ... Bailey]
- A ruthless Union captain is renowned throughout his prison fort as the toughest soldier in the business, capable of capturing every escaped convict under his supervision. However, when he falls in love with a visiting woman some of the prisoners seize the advantage and try to escape while he is in a more "mellow" mood. [Director: John Sturges] [99 min, 1.75 : 1, Western, USA]

• Godine 1863. usred Američkog građanskog rata u severnjačkoj tvrđavi Bravo u Arizoni zarobljeni su vojnici Konfederacije među kojima najviši čin ima kapetan Džon Marš (J. Forsythe). Tvrđava je pod zapovedništvom pukovnika Ovensa (C. Benton Reid), ali se prema zarobljenicima najstrože odnosi kapetan Roper (W. Holden) koji održava gvozdenu disciplinu. Kada jedan od južnjačkih vojnika Bejli (J. Lupton) uspe da pobegne Roper ga uhvati i natera da hoda do tvrđave. Siti Roperovog maltretiranja, Marš i njegovi najbliži saborci Kembel (W. Demarest) i Kabot (W. Campbell) odluče da pobegnu, ali im se prava prilika pruži tek kada u tvrđavu stigne lepa Karla Forester (E. Parker) čiju su kočiju napali Indijanci iz plemena Meskalero. Zagonetna Karla je deo Maršovog plana prema kom došljakinja treba da zavede Ropera i tako mu odvuče pažnju od isplaniranog bega. Iako će plan uspeti, ni Karla neće ostati ravnodušna prema Roperu...

Gun Fury (1953)

[Rock Hudson ... Ben Warren, Donna Reed ... Jennifer Ballard, Philip Carey ... Frank Slayton (as Phil Carey), Roberta Haynes ... Estella Morales, Leo Gordon ... Tom 'Jess' Burgess, Lee Marvin ... Blinky, Neville Brand ... Brazos, Ray Thomas ... Doc, Bob Herron ... Curly Jordan (as Robert Herron), Phil Rawlins ... Jim Morse, Forrest Lewis ... Weatherby]
- After a stagecoach holdup, Frank Slayton's notorious gang leave Ben Warren for dead and head off with his fiancée. Warren follows, and although none of the townspeople he comes across are prepared to help, he recruits two others who have sworn revenge on the ruthless Slayton. [Director: Raoul Walsh] [83 min, 1.75 : 1, Action l Adventure l Crime, USA]

• Nakon što se zavetovao da se neće više nikada boriti, rančer Ben Voren (R. Hudson) se iz rata vraća svojoj verenici Dženifer Balard (D. Reed). Na tom putu njegova kočija biva opljačkana. Vođa bande Frenk Slejton (P. Carey) misleći da je Voren mrtav, otima Dženifer. Ali, kada se Voren oporavi od dobijenih povreda, on odlazi u obližnji grad u kome uz pomoć Slejtonove bivše devojke, Estele Morales (R. Haynes), uspe na svoju stranu da pridobije Johaša (Pat Hogan), Indijanca koji želi da se osveti Slejtonu, ali i nezadovoljne bivše članove njegove bande.



Gunsmoke (1953)

[Audie Murphy ... Reb Kittredge, Susan Cabot ... Rita Saxon, Paul Kelly ... Dan Saxon, Charles Drake ... Johnny Lake, Mary Castle ... Cora Dufrayne, Jack Kelly ... Curly Mather, Jesse White ... Professor, Donald Randolph ... Matt Telford, William Reynolds ... Brazos, Chubby Johnson ... Doc Farrell, Philo McCullough ... Abner Sneed (scenes deleted)]
A young gun slinger tries to help a rancher and his daughter, save their land and cattle from an evil, wealthy land owner. Kittridge is hired by the villains but turns to defend the rancher Saxon after learning the true situation. Kittridge wins Saxon's ranch with a cut of the cards but Saxon has other reasons for deliberately losing the gamble. Telford and Lake try everything from bushwhacking to setting a wildfire to stop the Saxon/Kittridge herd of cattle from reaching the railhead. [Director: Nathan Juran] [Norman A. Fox (novel, as Norman A.Fox)] [79 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• Reb Kitridž (A. Murphy) pokušava da pomogne stočaru (P. Kelly) i njegovoj ćerki (S. Cabot) da spasi zemlju i stoku od pokvarenog i bogatog veleposednika...

Hondo (1953)

[John Wayne ... Hondo Lane, Geraldine Page ... Angie Lowe, Ward Bond ... Buffalo Baker, Michael Pate ... Vittorio - Chiricahua Apache Chief, James Arness ... Lennie - Army Indian Scout, Rodolfo Acosta ... Silva, Leo Gordon ... Ed Lowe, Tom Irish ... Lt. McKay, Lee Aaker ... Johnny Lowe, Paul Fix ... Maj. Sherry, Rayford Barnes ... Pete - Card Player in Saloon]
- Army despatch rider Hondo Lane discovers a woman and her son living in the midst of warring Apaches, and he becomes their protector. Hondo Lane, a despatch rider for the cavalry, encounters Angie Lowe, a woman living alone with her young son in the midst of hostile Apache territory. She presumes she is safe because the Apaches, under their chief Vittorio, have always left them alone. Later Lane has a run-in with Angie's reprobate husband and is forced to kill him, not knowing who he is. Vittorio captures Lane and to save his life, Angie tells the Apache chief that Lane is her husband, unaware that Lane has killed her real husband. In order to protect her from a forced marriage with one of the Apache, Lane reluctantly goes along with the lie, though he knows the truth must eventually come out, to Vittorio and to Angie, both. [Director: John Farrow] [83 min, 1.37 : 1, Drama l Romance l War, USA]

• Jahač konjice Hondo Lejn (J. Wayne) dolazi peške na ranč gospođe Endži Lov (G. Page). Nju je napustio suprug, pa sada živi sama sa sinom Džonom (L. Aaker). Dodatno otežavajuća okolnost je to što se njihovo imanje nalazi usred neprijateljski nastrojene teritorije indijanskog plemena Apača. Endži ipak veruje da su bezbedni, jer im pleme Apača do sada nikada nije pravilo probleme. Poglavica Vitorio (M. Pate) uspeva da zarobi Honda, a Endži da bi spasila njegov život, kaže poglavici Apača da je Hondo njen muž. Ono što ona ne zna, je da je baš Hondo taj koji je ubio njenog pravog supruga. Hondo prihvata igru, iako je svestan da će ova laž pre ili kasnije biti obelodanjena.










Kansas Pacific (1953)

[Sterling Hayden ... Capt. John Nelson, Eve Miller ... Barbara Bruce, Barton MacLane ... Cal Bruce, Harry Shannon ... Smokestack, Tom Fadden ... Gus Gustavson, Reed Hadley ... Bill Quantrill, Douglas Fowley ... Max Janus, Robert Keys ... Lt. Stanton (as Bob Keys), Irving Bacon ... Casey, Myron Healey ... Morey, James Griffith ... Joe Farley, Clayton Moore ... Henchman Stone, Jonathan Hale ... Sherman Johnson]
- With the Civil War about to begin, Southern saboteurs attack frontier railroad construction. Just before the Civil War (but after the South has seceded), Southern saboteurs try to prevent railroad construction from crossing Kansas to the frontier; army captain Nelson is sent out to oppose them. As the tracks push westward, Nelson must contend with increasingly violent sabotage, while trying to romance the foreman's pretty daughter Barbara. [Director: Ray Nazarro] [73 min, 1.37 : 1, Romance l Western, USA]

• Neposredno pred Američki građanski rat, pruga Kanzas-Pacifik treba da se produži ka zapadu, ali taj projekat sabotiraju simpatizeri Juga. Oficir severnjačke vojske, Džon Nelson (S. Hayden), dobija zadatak da spreči sabotaže pacifičke železnice u Kanzasu.





Last of the Comanches (1953)

[Broderick Crawford ... Sgt. Matt Trainor, Barbara Hale ... Julia Lanning, Johnny Stewart ... Little Knife, Lloyd Bridges ... Jim Starbuck, Mickey Shaughnessy ... Rusty Potter, George Mathews ... Romany O'Rattigan, Hugh Sanders ... Denver Kinnaird, Ric Roman ... Martinez, Chubby Johnson ... Henry Ruppert, Martin Milner ... Billy Creel, Milton Parsons ... Satterlee the Prophet, Jack Woody ... Cpl. Floyd, John War Eagle ... Black Cloud]
- The remnants of a massacred cavalry troop and ragtag group of stagecoach passengers fight for survival against fierce Comanches at a desert ruin. It's 1876 and all the Indians are at peace except the Comanches lead by Black Cloud. When Black Cloud wipes out a town, only six soldiers are left and they head for the nearest fort. In the desert they are reinforced by members of a stagecoach and find some water at a deserted mission. Pinned down by Black Cloud they send an Indian boy who was Black Cloud's prisoner on to the fort while they try to bargain with Black Cloud whom they learn is without water. [Director: André De Toth (as Andre DeToth)] [85 min, 1.37 : 1, Action l Adventure l Western, USA]

• Godina je 1876. Mir koji je zavladao između Indijanaca i belaca jedino narušava poglavica Komanča Crni Oblak (J. War Eagle), koji već treću godinu za redom seje strah i trepet među ljudima. U potrazi za Crnim Oblakom konjička patrola američke vojske zaustavlja se zbog vode u gradiću Draj Bates. Tokom noći Indijanci napadnu i spale grad. Napad prežive jedino šestorica vojnika, predvođena autoritativnim narednikom Metom Trejnorom (B. Crawford). Vojnici započnu stotinu milja dug put do najbliže vojne utvrde Fort Maklin. Ubrzo nalete na poštansku kočiju koja putuje u Draj Bates. Kočijom putuju elegantna Džulija Laning (B. Hale), svadljivi trgovac alkoholom Henri Rupert (C. Johnson) i bivši vojni skaut Saterli (M. Parsons). Narednik Trejnor odmah počne i njima zapovedati, ali lepa Džulija, inače sestra zapovednika tvrđave Maklin, ne prima to najbolje. Ipak, žele li preživeti bez dovoljno vode, daleko od civilizacije, disciplinu moraju održavati...




Law and Order (1953)

[Ronald Reagan ... Frame Johnson, Dorothy Malone ... Jeannie, Preston Foster ... Kurt Durling, Alex Nicol ... Luther 'Lute' Johnson, Ruth Hampton ... Maria Durling, Russell Johnson ... Jimmy Johnson, Barry Kelley ... Sheriff Fin Elder, Chubby Johnson ... Denver Cahoon, Jack Kelly ... Jed, Dennis Weaver ... Frank Durling, Wally Cassell ... Durango Kid, Richard Garrick ... Judge Williams]
- Frame Johnson already cleaned up Tombstone and hopes to settle down near Cottonwood. But a marshal's work is never done... Having cleaned up Tombstone, marshal Frame Johnson quits after an attempted lynching, and hopes to settle down on a ranch near Cottonwood with his sweetheart Jeannie. Before he can do so, it looks like he may have to clean up Cottonwood too. But how great a sacrifice will he make for law and order? [Director: Nathan Juran] [W.R. Burnett (novel, as William R. Burnett)] [80 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• Nakon što je očistio Tumston, maršal Frejm Džonson (R. Reagan) se ponadao da će se skrasiti na svom ranču blizu Kotonvuda sa svojom dragom Dženi (D. Malone). Ali, pre nego što će moći da se skrasi, moraće da počisti i Kotonvud. Koliko veliko žrtvovanje je potrebno za zakon i red?





Lawless Breed, The (1953)

[Rock Hudson ... John Wesley Hardin, Julie Adams ... Rosie McCoy (as Julia Adams), Mary Castle ... Jane Brown, John McIntire ... J.G. Hardin / John Clements, Hugh O'Brian ... Ike Hanley, Dennis Weaver ... Jim Clements, Forrest Lewis ... Zeke Jenkins, Lee Van Cleef ... Dirk Hanley, Tom Fadden ... Chick Noonan, Undertaker, Race Gentry ... Young John Hardin, Richard Garland ... Joe Clements, Glenn Strange ... Ben Hanley, William Pullen ... Joe Hardin]
- After being released from prison, former gun-fighter John Wesley Hardin hopes to have his autobiography published in order to rehabilitate his tarnished reputation. Released from jail, John Wesley Hardin leaves an account of his life with the local newspaper. It tells of his overly religious father, his resulting life of cards and guns, and his love for his step-sister replaced on her death during a gun fight with that for dance-hall girl Rosie. [Director: Raoul Walsh] [83 min, 1.37 : 1, Action l Biography l Western, USA]

• Nakon šesnaest godina zatvora zbog ubistva odmetnik Džon Vesli Hardin (R. Hudson) izlazi iz zatvora. U zatvoru je napisao knjigu o svom odmetničkom životu u Teksasu i rukopis predao lokalnom izdavaču. Izdavač sa zanimanjem čita Veslijevu priču. Rođen je u porodici strogog oca i propovednika (J. McIntire) koji, kad Vesli odraste, kažnjava batinama njegovu sklonost kartanju i vežbanju baratanjem revolverom. Revoltiran očevom grubošću, Vesli odluči da napusti dom i voljenu Džejn Braun (M. Castle), koja je sa njim odrasla kao usvojeno dete. Namerava kartanjem da zaradi novac kojim će sebi i Džejn obezbediti budućnost, ali u samoodbrani ubije kartaša varalicu i mora da beži. Progone ga dvojica braće ubijenog varalice i on se u početku skriva kod ujakove porodice. Namerava da se preda mesnom šerifu, ali kad ovaj krene na njega oružjem, Vesli ga ubije i ponovo beži. Njegova voljena Džejn pogine u jednom okršaju i to ga slomi...








Lone Hand, The (1953)

[Joel McCrea ... Zachary Hallock, Barbara Hale ... Sarah Jane Skaggs, Alex Nicol ... Jonah Varden, Charles Drake ... George Hadley, Jimmy Hunt ... Joshua Hallock / Narrator, James Arness ... Gus Varden (as Jim Arness), Roy Roberts ... Mr. Skaggs, Frank Ferguson ... Mr. Dunn the Banker, Wesley Morgan ... Daniel Skaggs]
- A farmer, Zachary Hallock & his son Joshua (J. Hunt) try to establish new roots on their farm near a small western town victimized by outlaws. The merchants & ranchers form a vigilante group to oppose the constant threat to their families. They also try to recruit Hallock, but he refuses & instead secretly joins the outlaw band terrorizing the community. His son & new bridge Sarah Skaggs (B. Hale) don't understand why he has seemly decided to become an outlaw & has turned his back on everything & everyone most dear to him. [Director: George Sherman] [80 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• Zakari Holok (J. McCrea) i njegov sin Džošua (J. Hunt) doselili su se na farmu u blizini gradića Timberlend kojim divljaju odmetnici i maltretiraju stanovnike. Trgovci i rančeri udružili su se da se odbrane i pozvali su Holoka da im se pridruži. Međutim, umesto njima Halok se potajno pridružio odmetnicima.

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