понедељак, 6. јун 2011.



 Across the Wide Missouri (1951) KROZ VELIKI MISURI [aka KROZ DIVLJINU MISURIJA] 
 Along the Great Divide (1951) IZMEĐU ŽIVOTA I SMRTI  
 Apache Drums (1951) BUBNJEVI APAČA
 Cattle Drive (1951) SA GONIČIMA STADA [aka NA STOČNOM PUTU]
 Drums in the Deep South (1951) BUBNJEVI U SRCU JUGA 
 Fort Worth (1951) FORT VORT
 Last Outpost, The [aka Cavalry Charge] POSLEDNJA PREDSTRAŽA

Across the Wide Missouri (1951)

[Clark Gable ... Flint Mitchell, Ricardo Montalban ... Ironshirt, John Hodiak ... Brecan, Adolphe Menjou ... Pierre, J. Carrol Naish ... Looking Glass, Jack Holt ... Bear Ghost, Alan Napier ... Capt. Humberstone Lyon, George Chandler ... Gowie, Richard Anderson ... Dick Richardson, María Elena Marqués ... Kamiah]
- Trapper Flint Mitchell and other mountain men from the Rendezvous join forces to enter virgin trapping territory but must contend with a resentful Blackfoot chief. In the 1830's beaver trapper Flint Mitchell and other white men hunt and trap in the then unnamed territories of Montana and Idaho. Flint marries a Blackfoot woman as a way to gain entrance into her people's rich lands, but finds she means more to him than a ticket to good beaver habitat. [Director: William A. Wellman] [78 min, 1.37 : 1, Adventure l Romance l Western, USA]

• Američke države Montana i Ajdaho tokom 30-ih godina 19. veka. Među traperima i lovcima koji se kreću tim područjem je i Flint Mičel (C. Gable), lovac na dabrove koji bez dozvole Indijanaca iz plemena Crne Noge boravi na njihovoj teritoriji. Da bi izbegao probleme i obezbedio nesmetan boravak, Flint i pored protivljenja svog prijatelja Brekana (J. Hodiak) od poglavice Luking Glasa (J. Carrol Naish), vođe plemena Nez Pirsa, za par konja otkupi privlačnu Kamiju (M.E. Marqués). Ona je unuka mudrog Medveđeg Duha (J. Holt), poglavice Crnih Nogu, i tako Flint grupi od 150 trapera omogući nesmetan lov na njihovoj teritoriji. Ali sve će se zakomplikovati kada Roj DuNord (L. Nicoletti), traper žedan osvete svog brata kojeg su ubili pripadnici plemena Crne Noge, ustreli Medveđeg Duha. Ubijenog poglavicu zameni Ironširt (R. Montalban), stari Flintov neprijatelj koji želi da svi belci smesta napuste teritoriju njegovog plemena...

Along the Great Divide (1951)

[Kirk Douglas ... Marshal Len Merrick, Virginia Mayo ... Ann Keith, John Agar ... Billy Shear, Walter Brennan ... Timothy 'Pop' Keith, Ray Teal ... Deputy Lou Gray, Hugh Sanders ... Frank Newcombe, Morris Ankrum ... Ed Roden, James Anderson ... Dan Roden, Charles Meredith ... Judge Marlowe]
- A U.S. Marshall and two deputies rescue a cattle rustler from a lynch mob led by a local cattle baron convinced that the rustler also killed his son. New Federal marshal Len Merrick saves Tim Keith from lynching at the hands of the Roden clan, and hopes to get him to Santa Loma for trial. Vindictive Ned Roden, whose son Ed was killed, still wants personal revenge, and Tim would like to escape before Ned catches up with him again. Can the marshal make it across the desert with Tim and his daughter? Even if he makes it, will justice be served? [Director: Raoul Walsh] [88 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Adventure l Romance l Western, USA]

• Američki šerif i dva zamenika spasavaju kradljivca stoke od linča rulje pod vodstvom lokalnog barona goveda koji je uveren da je kradljivac ubio i njegovog sina.

Apache Drums (1951)

[Stephen McNally ... Sam Leeds, Coleen Gray ... Sally, Willard Parker ... Mayor Joe Madden, Arthur Shields ... Rev. Griffin, James Griffith ... Lt. Glidden, Armando Silvestre ... Pedro-Peter, Georgia Backus ... Mrs. Keon, Clarence Muse ... Jehu, Ruthelma Stevens ... Betty Careless, James Best ... Bert Keon, Chinto Guzman ... Chacho, Ray Bennett ... Mr. Keon]
- A gambler is thrown out of a western town, but returns when the town is suddenly threatened by a band of marauding Apaches. [Director: Hugo Fregonese] [75 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• Okoreli kockar prognan je iz malog grada na zapadu, ali kada taj isti grad napadnu Apači on se vraća jer ga jedini može spasiti!


Best of the Badmen (1951)

[Robert Ryan ... Jeff Clanton, Claire Trevor ... Lily, Jack Buetel ... Bob Younger, Robert Preston ... Matthew Fowler, Walter Brennan ... 'Doc' Butcher, Bruce Cabot ... Cole Younger, John Archer ... Curley Ringo, Lawrence Tierney ... Jesse James, Barton MacLane ... Joad, Tom Tyler ... Frank James, Robert J. Wilke ... Jim Younger (as Bob Wilke), John Cliff ... John Younger, Lee MacGregor ... Lieutenant, Emmett Lynn ... Oscar, Carleton Young ... Wilson]
- The outlaws of the Clanton and Younger gangs are the heroes of this fictionalized biography. After the Civil War, Union Major Clanton captures survivors of Quantrill's Raiders, and gets them clemency at the cost of shooting a mob member. Convicted of murder by a kangaroo court, Clanton escapes and joins the former raiders in a gang devoted to robbing everything protected by the corrupt detective agency of his enemy Fowler; culminating in a personal showdown. [Director: William D. Russell] [84 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• Neposredno nakon okončanja Američkog građanskog rata između Severa i Juga, major Džef Klenton (R. Ryan), inače rodom južnjak, progoni poslednje južnjačke odmetnike iz redova čuvenih Kvantrilovih jahača. Stigavši ih sa svojom jedinicom, pravdoljubivi Klenton im nudi amnestiju ukoliko se predaju, iako su među njima i zloglasni banditi poput braće Janger i braće Džejms. Nakon što ih privede u grad, u dogovor se umeša Metju Foler (R. Preston), šef detektivske agencije, zapravo pokvarenjak koji političkim vezama želi da ospori Klentonov dogovor sa pobunjenicima, da bi došao do visokih nagrada koje su za njih raspisane. U gužvi koja nastane, Klenton u samoodbrani ustreli jednog Folerovog čoveka, nakon čega mu Foler smesti montirani proces. Po hitnom postupku osuđen na smrtnu kaznu, Klenton uz pomoć nezadovoljne Folerove supruge Lili (C. Trevor) uspe da pobegne iz zatvora, nakon čega se i sam priključuje odmetnicima...


Cattle Drive (1951)

[Joel McCrea ... Dan Mathews, Dean Stockwell ... Chester Graham, Jr., Chill Wills ... Dallas, Leon Ames ... Chester Graham Sr., Henry Brandon ... Jim Currie, Howard Petrie ... Cap, Bob Steele ... Charlie Morgan aka Careless, Griff Barnett ... Conductor O'Hara]
- A cowboy finds the spoiled son of a railroad magnate lost in the deserted hills and teaches him survival skills and hard work values. The spoilt young son of a wealthy railroad owner manages to get himself lost in the middle of nowhere. He is found by a cowboy on a cattle drive and the lad must start learning the hard lessons of working in a team if he wants to make it to San Diego. [Director: Kurt Neumann] [77 min, 1.37 : 1, Action l Western, USA]

 Vestern o kaubojima koji su razmaženog bogataškog sina podučili životnim vrednostima. Mladi Čester (D. Stockwell) slučajno je ostao usred pustoši kada je voz otišao. Našli su ga kauboji koji teraju stoku i poveli sa sobom pod uslovom da zaradi za put do San Dijega. I tako se Čester našao u situaciji da mora teško da radi i sarađuje sa ostalima...

Distant Drums (1951)

[Gary Cooper ... Capt. Quincy Wyatt, Mari Aldon ... Judy Beckett, Richard Webb ... Lt. Richard Tufts, Ray Teal ... Pvt. Mohair, Arthur Hunnicutt ... Monk, Robert Barrat ... Gen. Zachary Taylor]
- After destroying a Seminole fort, American soldiers and their rescued companions must face the dangerous Everglades and hostile Indians in order to reach safety. Navy Lieutenant Tufts accompanies scout Quincy Wyatt into the Everglades to rout the Seminole Indians who are threatening the early settlers in Florida. When the command is forced to run, Wyatt and Seminole Chief Oscala square off in an exciting climax. [Director: Raoul Walsh] [101 min, 1.37 : 1, Action l Western, USA]

• Vestern o sukobu indijanskog plemena Seminole i doseljenika na Floridu predvođenih kapetanom Vajatom. Teritorija Floride, 1840. godine. Poručnik Ričard Tafts (R. Webb) predvodi jedinicu američke mornarice koja treba da obezbedi sigurnost doseljenika u bogatu, ali krajnje negostoljubivu Floridu. Floridskim poluostrvom, naime, vlada indijansko pleme Seminole predvođeno poglavicom Osceolom koji se oštro protivi doseljavanju belaca na indijansku zemlju. Istovremeno, poručnik Tafts sarađuje sa mesnim izvidnikom i kapetanom Kvinsijem Vajatom (G. Cooper) da bi dospeli do vojnog utvrđenja u unutrašnjosti na čijem je čelu general Zakari Tejlor (R. Barrat). U nastavku misije Vajat i Tafts će oslobodili zarobljenike koje Indijanci drže kao taoce. Među zarobljenicima je i lepa Džudi Beket (M. Aldon).

Drums in the Deep South (1951)

[James Craig ... Maj. Clay Clayburn, Barbara Payton ... Kathy Summers, Guy Madison ... Maj. Will Denning, Barton MacLane ... Sgt. Mac McCardle, Robert Osterloh ... Sgt. Harper, Tom Fadden ... Purdy, Robert Easton ... Jerry, Louis Jean Heydt ... Col. House, Craig Stevens ... Col. Braxton Summers, Taylor Holmes ... Albert Monroe, Lewis Martin ... Gen. Johnston, Peter Brocco ... Union Corporal, Dan White ... Corp. Jennings]
- Two old friends find themselves on opposite sides during the Civil War in a desperate battle atop an impregnable mountain. Best friends Clay Clayburn and Will Denning graduate from West Point only to soon find themselves fighting on opposite sides of the Civil War. When the two men meet each other in combat, neither knows it as each is in an artillery position hundreds of yards from the other. However, the love of Clay's life, Kathy Summers, does know and tries desperately to save her two good friends from killing each other. [Director: William Cameron Menzies] [87 min, 1.37 : 1, Action l Drama l History, USA]

• Major konfederalnih snaga (J. Craig) dobija zadatak da ode na teritoriju koju kontrolišu vojnici Unije i prekine snabdevanja napadom na prugu. Zauzimaju položaj visoko u planinama i uspešno odolevaju napadima. Nedaleko odatle živi Keti (B. Payton), žena koju je voleo, a koja se udala za drugog. Njen muž je u ratu, a farmu su joj zauzele snage Unije. Ona tu živi kao njihov zarobljenik. Kada se major i Keti ponovo sretnu, njihova stara strast se ponovo budi. Ona otkriva plan vojnika Unije da postave eksploziv u podnožje planine što bi dovelo do smrti svih vojnika konfederacije. Rešena da spase život svog voljenog, ona se očajnički trudi da pokvari plan Unije i tako spreči pokolj.



Fort Worth (1951)

[Randolph Scott ... Ned Britt, David Brian ... Blair Lunsford, Phyllis Thaxter ... Flora Talbot, Helena Carter ... Amy Brooks, Dickie Jones ... Luther Wicks (as Dick Jones), Ray Teal ... Gabe Clevenger, Michael Tolan ... Mort Springer (as Lawrence Tolan), Paul Picerni ... Joe Castro, Emerson Treacy ... Ben Garvin, Bob Steele ... Shorty, Walter Sande ... Deputy Waller, Chubby Johnson ... Sheriff]
- Civil War veteran and former newspaper man Ned Britt returns back to Fort Worth after the war is over and finds himself fighting an old friend who's grown ambitious. Southern veteran Ned Britt returns home to Fort Worth after the Civil War with his mentor, newspaperman Ben Garvin, along with his young apprentice, in hopes of building the town into a modern metropolis. However, the area is terrorized by the ruthless Gabe Clevenger and his gang of hired guns. Britt wonders whose side his old friend Blair Lunsford is on. Lunsford has used the unrest to buy up parcels of land on the cheap and hopes to profit from this speculation after the territory is cleaned up and ultimately become governor. Britt sees through his friend's ambition, and they are alternately allies and antagonists. Britt is also distracted by girl-next-door Flora Talbott and and seductive Amy Brooks. [Director: Edwin L. Marin] [80 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• Veteran Američkog građanskog rata Ned Brit (R. Scott) vraća se u rodni grad sa svojim mentorom, novinarem Benom Garvinom (E. Treacy) i željom da od Fort Vorta naprave metropolu. Ben će naleteti na prepreke u vidu starih poznanika kojima su se tokom rata vizije budućnosti promenile, a ambicije porasle...

Last Outpost, The [aka Cavalry Charge] (1951)

[Ronald Reagan ... Capt. Vance Britton, Rhonda Fleming ... Julie McQuade, Bruce Bennett ... Col. Jeb Britton, Bill Williams ... Sgt. Tucker, Noah Beery Jr. ... Sgt. Calhoun (as Noah Beery), Peter Hansen ... Lt. Crosby, Hugh Beaumont ... Lt. Fenton, Lloyd Corrigan ... Mr. Delacourt, John Ridgely ... Sam McQuade]
- Despite their fighting on opposite sides during the Civil War, brothers Vance and Jeb Britton have to set their differences aside in order to survive an Indian attack. Two brothers who are not the best friends because they were fighting on different sides during the Civil War have to cooperate in order to defend themselves against an attack of indians. [Director: Lewis R. Foster] [89 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• Za vreme Američkog građanskog rata na jednoj graničnoj stanici sretnu se dva brata. Vens Briton (R. Reagan) je kapetan vojske Unije, a Džeb Briton (B. Bennett) je poručnik neprijateljske konfederacijske vojske. Nakon što stanicu opkole krvožedni Apači, braća su prisiljena da sarađuju.


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