недеља, 29. мај 2016.


• 17 Miracles (2011) 17 ČUDA 
• Blackthorn (2011) BLEKTORN 
• Cold Day in Hell, A (2011) HLADAN DAN U PAKLU
• Cowboys & Aliens (2011) KAUBOJI I VANZEMALJCI
• Dead and the Damned, The [aka Cowboys & Zombies] (2011) ŽIV ILI MRTAV: KAUBOJI I ZOMBIJI
• Gettysburg (2011) GETIZBURG
• Good for Nothing (2011) PROPALICA

17 ČUDA 
17 Miracles (2011)
[Jasen Wade ... Levi Savage, Emily Wadley ... Elizabeth Panting, Jason Celaya ... George Padley, Natalie Blackman ... Sarah Franks, Travis Eberhard ... Albert (as Robert Pearce), Bruce Newbold ... Traveler, Nathan Mitchell ... James G. Willie, Bailee Michelle Johnson ... Mary Hurren (as Bailee Johnson), Savanna Kylie Lewis ... Bodil Mortensen, Tomas Kofod ... Jens Nielson, Chandra Allen ... Elsie Nielson, Kimball Stinger ... Niels Nielson, David Nibley ... John Linford, Melinda Renee ... Maria Linford (as Renee Casati), Kaleb Stinger ... Joseph Linford]
- The pioneer trek across the plains of the Mormon pioneers. The pioneer trek across the plains of the Mormon pioneers. Based on the reported experiences of members of the Willie Handcart Company of Mormon pioneers following their late-season start and subsequent winter journey to Salt Lake City in 1856, the film emphasizes perceived miracles experienced by individual participants during the journey. When Levi Savage, a former Mormon Battalion member and missionary to Asia, agrees to assist the Willie Handcart Company as they journey to Salt Lake City in 1856, the late start and onset of a bitter winter leaves the pioneers unprepared and suffering as they cross the plains of the Midwestern United States. Elizabeth Panting, a woman who has converted to the LDS Church, escapes her drunken husband with her two little children, joining the handcart company. With the threat of winter starvation, illness, wolves, freezing river crossings, and death following them throughout their journey, Levi and others also witness the occurrences of divine miracles that enable them to complete their journey and arrive in Salt Lake City. [Director: T.C. Christensen] [113 min, 1.85 : 1, Adventure l History, USA]
- Film prati putovanje grupe mormona ka Solt Lejk dolini u pozno doba godine. Oni putuju na jedan nov, ekonomičan način, koji omogućava i najsiromašnijem mogućnost putovanja, ručnim kolicima. Ali, ledena zima se bliži i družina će se naći pred velikim teškoćama i nedaćama. Međutim, usput će im se dogoditi velika čuda koja će obeležiti put i omogućiti im da stignu na odredište i pomoći im u najtežim trenucima.

Blackthorn (2011)
[Sam Shepard ... James Blackthorn alias Butch Cassidy, Eduardo Noriega ... Ing. Eduardo Apodaca, Stephen Rea ... Mackinley, Magaly Solier ... Yana, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau ... James Joven, Padraic Delaney ... Sundance, Dominique McElligott ... Etta, Luis Bredow ... Doctor, Cristian Mercado ... General of the Bolivian Army, Daniel Aguirre ... Iván, Martin Proctor ... Caballero inglés, María Luque ... Tabernera, Raúl Beltrán ... Jefe indígena, Luis Aduviri ... Lugarteniente indígena, Claudia Coronel ... Indígena perseguidora 1]
- In Bolivia, Butch Cassidy (now calling himself James Blackthorn) pines for one last sight of home, an adventure that aligns him with a young robber and makes the duo a target for gangs and lawmen alike. [Director: Mateo Gil] [102 min, 2.35 : 1, Action l Adventure l Western, SPA-FRA-BOL-UK]
- Rečeno je, ali nije dokazano, da su Buč Kasidi i Sandens Kid ubijeni u zasedi Bolivijske vojske 1908. godine u Blektornu. Ispostavilo se da je Buč Kasidi preživeo i povukao u zabačeno bolivijsko selo, gde je živeo mirnim životom kao Džejms Blektorn (S. Shepard). Umoran od svog dugog izgnanstva iz SAD i nadajući se da će moći da vidi svoju porodicu pre smrti kreće na daleki put. Ali, neočekivani susret sa mladim i ambicioznim zločincem remeti njegove planove i on biva bačen u avanturu ravnu onima koje je iskusio u svojim slavnim danima sa Sandens Kidom.

Cold Day in Hell, A (2011)  
[Jim Hilton ... William Drayton, Michael Madsen ... U.S. Marshal Stallings, Heather Clark ... Elizabeth Drayton, Karyn Belenke ... Co-owner of Country Store, Ronald Bumgardner ... Tether, Kathryn Campbell ... Elizabeth Age 10, Kimberly Campbell ... Savannah, Debra Carlsen ... Miss Sophie, Tripp Courtney ... Chancellor, Stan Fink ... Sheriff Thomas Kincaid, Stephen Gilliam ... Patch, Amanda Hilton ... Amanda, Hunter Hilton ... Hunter, Justin Hilton ... Justin, Michael Hilton ... Wade Miller, Tomme Hilton ... Olivia]
- Sierra Nevada Mountains, 1887: William Drayton, once a crack sharpshooter in the Civil War, has lost his wife and home. He has ascended to the high country, wanting never to be heard from again. [Director: Christopher Forbes] [95 min, 16:9 HD, Western, USA]
- Planinski venac Sijera Nevada, 1887. godine: Vilijem Drejton (J. Hilton), nekadašnji snajperista u građanskom ratu, izgubio je ženu i dom. Odbegao je u planine, želeći da zauvek nestane bez traga i glasa. Mislio je da je njegova ćerka Elizabet (H. Clark) mrtva, međutim kada ga ona pronađe započeće nov život iznova. Ipak, na putu sreće preprečiće im se bivši bankar koji želi da se obogati. Kada niko ne bude smeo da se suprotstavi njegovim plaćenicima, Drejton shvata da je iz jednog rata zakoračio u drugi.

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
[Daniel Craig ... Jake Lonergan, Abigail Spencer ... Alice, Buck Taylor ... Wes Claiborne, Matthew Taylor ... Luke Claiborne (as Matt Taylor), Cooper Taylor ... Mose Claiborne, Clancy Brown ... Meacham, Paul Dano ... Percy Dolarhyde, Chris Browning ... Jed Parker, Adam Beach ... Nat Colorado, Sam Rockwell ... Doc, Ana de la Reguera ... Maria, Noah Ringer ... Emmett Taggart, Brian Duffy ... Deputy, Olivia Wilde ... Ella Swenson, Keith Carradine ... Sheriff John Taggart]
- A spaceship arrives in Arizona, 1873, to take over the Earth, starting with the Wild West region. A posse of cowboys and natives are all that stand in their way. The Old West.. where a lone cowboy leads an uprising against a terror from beyond our world. 1873. New Mexico Territory. A stranger with no memory of his past stumbles into the hard desert town of Absolution. The only hint to his history is a mysterious shackle that encircles one wrist. What he discovers is that the people of Absolution don't welcome strangers, and nobody makes a move on its streets unless ordered to do so by the iron-fisted Colonel Dolarhyde (Ford). It's a town that lives in fear. But Absolution is about to experience fear it can scarcely comprehend as the desolate city is attacked by marauders from the sky. Screaming down with breathtaking velocity and blinding lights to abduct the helpless one by one, these monsters challenge everything the residents have ever known. Now, the stranger they rejected is their only hope for salvation. As this gunslinger slowly starts to remember who he is and where he's been, he realizes he holds a secret that could give the town a... [Director: Jon Favreau] [119 min,  2.35 : 1, Action l Sci-Fi l Thriller, USA]
- Danijel Krejg, Olivija Vild i Harison Ford su zvezde filma koji spaja klasični vestern i SF film na originalan način. U vreme Divljeg zapada 1800 i neke, nakon što se svemirski brod sruši u blizini zabačenog pionirskog gradića u Arizoni, vanzemaljci imaju nameru da zavladaju Divljim zapadom. Stanovnici gradića moraju udružiti snage sa Indijancima da bi se oduprli nadmoćnim vanzemaljcima. Film je baziran na stripu koji je objavljen 2006. godine. i koji govori o sukobu kauboja i Indijanaca sa vanzemaljcima. 

Dead and the Damned, The [aka Cowboys & Zombies] (2011)

[David A. Lockhart ... Mortimer, Camille Montgomery ... Rhiannon, Rick Mora ... Indian / Brother Wolf, Robert Amstler ... The German, George Anderson ... Mutant, Jeffery Babineau ... Outlaw #3, Timothy Bartgis ... The Zombie Horde, Carol S. Bayers ... Townsfolk, Harry Bruce ... Miner #1, Douglas Carranza ... Townsfolk, Hilary Castaneda ... The Zombie Horde, Randall Marshall Dillon ... Jebediah, Meghan D. Hall ... Townsfolk, Autumn Harrison ... Lucinda (as Autumn J.D. Harrison), Colin Hussey ... Salesman]
- A meteor lands in Jamestown California in 1849 during the gold rush. It is found by miners who accidentally release it's spores which turn the population into bloodthirsty mutants.
[Director: Rene Perez] [82 min, Horror l Sci-Fi l Thriller, USA]
- 1849. godina. Jedan nepoznati meteorit je pao u okolinu jednog malog gradića tragača za blagom. Lokalno stanovništvo nadajući se blagu nose kamen u grad i pokušavaju ga otvoriti. Međutim, oslobađaju se toksične spore, zaražavaju čitavo stanovništvo i ljudi postaju zombiji. Stari neprijatelji belac i indijanac se udružuju da bi zajedničkim snagama pobedili zombije...

Gettysburg (2011)

[Sam Rockwell ... Himself - Narrator (voice), George Wunderlich ... Himself - Executive Director, Museum of Civil War Medicine, Peter Carmichael ... Himself - Director, Civil War Institute (as Dr. Peter Carmichael), Garry E. Adelman ... Himself - Historian, Civil War Trust (as Garry Adelman), Steven Knott ... Himself - Instructor, U.S. Army War College (as Captain Steven Knott), Edward L. Ayers ... Himself - Author, The Crucible of the Civil War (as Dr. Edward Ayers), Hari Jones ... Himself - Curator, African American Civil War Museum, James M. McPherson ... Himself - Author, Battle Cry of Freedom (as James McPherson), Sean Rich ... Himself - 19th Century Weaponry Expert]
- An examination of the Battle of Gettysberg on both the personal and strategic level. [Director: Adrian Moat] [120 min, Documentary l History l War, UK-USA]
- Bitka kod Getizburga je bila jedna od najvećih, najznačajnijih i najkrvavijih bitaka Američkog građanskog rata. Odvijala se od 1. do 3. jula 1863. godine u okolini grada Getizburga između snaga Juga pod komandom generala Roberta Lija (eng. Robert Edward Lee) i snaga Severa pod komandom generala Džordža Gordona Mida (eng. George Gordon Meade). Ukupni gubici obe strane iznose oko 50.000 vojnika poginulih, ranjenih, nestalih i zarobljenih i najveći su od svih bitaka građanskog rata. Bitka se završila neuspehom snaga Juga pod komandom generala Lija, i smatra se prekretnicom rata. Vrhunac bitke je bio napad 12.500 vojnika Juga na dobro utvrđene položaje Severa, poznat pod imenom Piketov juriš. Posle uspeha u bici kod Čanselorsvila u maju 1863. godine, Li je poveo vojsku kroz dolinu Šenandoa (eng. Shenandoah Valley) u svom drugom napadu na Sever. Nadao se da će dubokim prodorom i ugrožavanjem Vašingtona uspeti da ubedi političare Severa da potpišu mir sa Jugom. Na drugoj strani, pod pritiskom predsednika Abrahama Linkolna, general Džozef Huker je pokrenuo svoju vojsku u gonjenje Lija, ali je zamenjen sa generalom Midom tri dana pred bitku. Vojske su se susrele kod mesta Getizburg. Sukob dve vojske je počeo 1. jula kod Getizburga. Prvi sukob snaga Juga sa raspršenim snagama Severa je doveo do povlačenja jedinica Severa na brdoviti teren južno od grada. Drugog dana bitke, veći deo obe vojske se prikupio. Odbrambena linija Severa je položena u obliku potkovice, a Li je počeo napad na levi bok protivnika. Razvila se teška borba oko lokacija Litl Raund Top (eng. Little Round Top), Vitfild (eng. Wheatfield), Devils Den (eng. Devil's Den), i Pič Orčard (eng. Peach Orchard). Na desnom krilu snaga Severa, borbe su se vodile na lokacijama Kalps Hil (eng. Culp's Hill) i Semeteri Hil (eng. Cemetery Hill). Na celoj liniji fronta, i pored velikih gubitaka, snage Severa su održale svoje linije. Trećeg dana bitke, borbe su se nastavile na lokaciji Kalps Hil, a konjičke bitke i na istoku i jugu pozicija. Međutim, vrhunac dana i čitave bitke je bio juriš 12.500 vojnika Juga na centar pozicija Severa na lokaciji Semeteri Ridž (eng. Cemetery Ridge). Ovaj juriš, poznat kao Piketov juriš (eng. Pickett's Charge) je odbijen direktnom pešadijskom i artiljerijskom vatrom snaga Severa.

Good for Nothing (2011)

[Cohen Holloway ... The Man, Inge Rademeyer ... Isabella Montgomery, Jon Pheloung ... The Sheriff, Richard Thompson ... Will, Toa Waaka ... Native American Medicine Man, Charles Lum ... Chinese Medicine Man, Tao Jrang ... Chinese Interpreter, Toby Leach ... The Doc, Mark Norrie ... Mexican, Barnie Duncan ... Mexican Tracker, Tony Wyeth ... The Texan, Sean McChesney ... Drifter, Steve Cronin ... Slim, Pana Hema Taylor ... Young Native American, Norman Chieng ... Chinese Rockstacker]
- A young English woman is immigrating to her uncle's ranch - but is kidnapped on the way by a rugged outlaw who discovers a problem he never knew he had - leading them on a wild ride across the West. [Director: Mike Wallis] [92 min, 2.35 : 1, Comedy l Thriller l Western, NZE]
- Novozelandski film, inpirisan špageti vesternom, o grešnoj romansi između odmetnika od zakona i otmene Engleskinje. Mlada engleska dama odlazi na Divlji zapad na ujakov ranč, ali divlji odmetnik je otima i pokušava obeščastiti... Pustolovina, drama i komedija sačinjavaju ovaj originalni vestern.

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