среда, 11. септембар 2013.


[•] [CW]Glory (1989) SLAVA 
[•] [WS]Lonesome Dove (1989) USAMLJENA GOLUBICA [SERIJA, 4 EPIZODE] 
[•] [RM]Old Gringo (1989) STARI GRINGO

Glory (1989) 

[Matthew Broderick ... Col. Robert Gould Shaw, Denzel Washington ... Pvt. Trip, Cary Elwes ... Maj. Cabot Forbes, Morgan Freeman ... Sgt. Maj. John Rawlins, Jihmi Kennedy ... Pvt. Jupiter Sharts, Andre Braugher ... Cpl. Thomas Searles, John Finn ... Sgt. Maj. Mulcahy, Donovan Leitch Jr. ... Capt. Charles Fessenden Morse (as Donovan Leitch), JD Cullum ... Henry Sturgis Russell (as John David Cullum), Alan North ... Gov. John Albion Andrew, Bob Gunton ... Gen. Charles Garrison Harker, Cliff De Young ... Col. James M. Montgomery (as Cliff DeYoung), Christian Baskous ... Edward L. Pierce, RonReaco Lee ... Mute Drummer Boy, Jay O. Sanders ... Gen. George Crockett Strong]
- Robert Gould Shaw leads the US Civil War's first all-black volunteer company, fighting prejudices of both his own Union army and the Confederates. Shaw was an officer in the Federal Army during the American Civil War who volunteered to lead the first company of black soldiers. Shaw was forced to deal with the prejudices of both the enemy (who had orders to kill commanding officers of blacks), and of his own fellow officers. [Director: Edward Zwick] [Lincoln Kirstein (book)] [122 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama l History l War, USA]
- U Američkom građanskom ratu, 54. dobrovoljačka pešačka regimenta Masačuseca bila je sastavljena isključivo od ljudi crne boje kože. Neki od njih bili su slobodni severnjaci, a drugi pobegli južnjački robovi, a predvodili su ih belci, među kojima i Robert Guld Šo (M. Broderick). Odred se protiv rasizma nije borio samo na bojištu, na kome su se suprotstavili robovlasnicima, nego i na svojoj strani, jer su i mnogi severnjaci smatrali da nije prilično da se crni vojnici bore pod njihovom zastavom. Praćeni sumnjama i predrasudama, pripadnici 54. regimente iskazali su se u gotovo samoubilačkom napadu na Fort Vagner u Čarlstonu, svojom odvažnošću otvorivši vrata za daljnjih 180 hiljada vojnika crne kože. 

Lonesome Dove (1989) 

Film nas vraća u vreme posle Građanskog rata u Americi. Za američki Zapad, ovo je bio najzanimljiviji period u kome su carevali Vajat Erp, Bili Kid, Bik Koji Sedi… Bile su to zlatne godine ovog područja. Ovaj film je snimljen prema istoimenom romanu Lerija Mekmartrija, za koji je dobio Pulicerovu nagradu. Gas (Robert Dival) i Vudrou (Tomi Li Džons), bivši teksaški rendžeri, su partneri i prijatelji koji su uvek delili sve teškoće i opasnosti. Nezadovoljan činjenicom da su uzbudljivi dani za njim, Vudrou je sve nemirniji, dok Gas provodi dane u salunu kod izvesne Lorene (Dajen Lejn). Nekoliko godina kasnije, u gradić dolazi njihov nekadašnji prijatelj, koji je takođe bivši rendžer, Džejk Spun (Robert Jurih), koji počinje da ih muči uzbudljivim pričama o svojim navodnim pustolovinama. On će ih nagovoriti da svi zajedno krenu put Montane čija bogata prostranstva očekuju rančere i stočare. Ali, Džejkov pravi razlog ipak nije avantura...

Lonesome Dove: E01 Leaving (1989)

[Robert Duvall ... Captain Augustus "Gus" McCrae, Tommy Lee Jones ... Captain Woodrow F. Call, Danny Glover ... Joshua Deets, Diane Lane ... Lorena Wood, Robert Urich ... Jake Spoon, Frederic Forrest ... Blue Duck (credit only), D.B. Sweeney ... Dishwater "Dish" Boggett, Ricky Schroder ... Newt Dobbs, Anjelica Huston ... Clara Allen (credit only), Chris Cooper ... July Johnson, Timothy Scott ... Pea Eye Parker (as Tim Scott), Glenne Headly ... Elmira Boot Johnson, Barry Corbin ... Roscoe Brown, William Sanderson ... Lippy Jones, Barry Tubb ... Jasper Fant]
- In Lonesome Dove, Texas former Texas Rangers Augustus 'Gus' McCrae and Woodrow F. Call are spending their time not doing much of anything. They have something of a reunion when old friends Jake Spoon and Joshua Deets arrive. They've not seen each other for something going on 10 years. Jake has an idea: they should round up a herd of cattle and drive them north where they could make their fortune. McCrae is a bit slow to come around the idea but they're soon crossing the border rustling horses and cattle that have been stolen by a Mexican bandit. By the time they're ready to set out, Jake Spoon has had a change of heart. He's been carrying on with Lonesome Dove's only saloon girl, Lorena Wood, and he's promised to take her to San Francisco. They're traveling more or less in the same direction so they're all going to be seeing each other quite a bit. The men on the cattle drive face long days and bad weather. One of them will not survive the first river crossing. [Director: Simon Wincer] [Larry McMurtry (novel)] [TV Episode, 1 of 4 Episodes, 94 min, 1.33 : 1, Adventure, Drama, Western, USA]
- Priča počinje u malom teksaškom gradiću Usamljenoj Golubici u Južnom Teksasu na obali Rio Grande, gde bivši teksaški rendžeri kapetan Augustus "Gas" Mek Kri (R. Duvall) i kapetan Vudro Kol (T.L. Jones) troše vreme ne radeći gotovo ništa. Oni očekuju dolazak svojih starih prijatelja, bivših teksaških rendžera, Džejka Spuna (R. Urich) i Džošue Ditsa (D. Glover) sa kojima se nisu videli 10 godina. Džejk je sada čovek u bekstvu, jer je slučajno prilikom jednog obračuna ubio stomatologa i gradonačelnika Fort Smita iz Arkanzasa. Dogodilo se da je ubijeni stomatolog i gradonačelnik brat šerifa, Džulaja Džonsona (C. Cooper). Džejk je došao sa idejom da sakupe slobodna krda stoke i povedu je na sever na pašnjake Montane, gde bi se mogli obogatiti. Sjajan opis Montane sve ih nadahnjuje, ali Gas je malo lenj u prihvatanju te ideje jer smatra da su stari i da rendžeri ne treba da budu kauboji i gone stoku. Šerif Džonson na insistiranje udovice svog brata kreće u poteru za Spunom. U međuvremenu, ljudi iz Usamljene Golubice pripremaju se za avanturu na sever, što podrazumeva da prvo "sakupe" 2.500 slobodnih konja i goveda koji lutaju Meksikom. Pridružuju im se gotovo svi muški građani grada. Džejk Spun odluči da ne putuje sa stadom i obećava prostitutki Loreni Vud (D. Lane) da će je odvesti u San Francisko preko Denvera. Pred njima su dugi dani i loše vreme. Jedan od njih, Irac Šon O'Brajen (B. Gregg), neće preživeti prvi rečni prelaz. Njega je prilikom prelaska reke ugrizla vodena zmija mokasinka posle čega umire.

Lonesome Dove: E02 On the Trail (1989)

[Robert Duvall ... Captain Augustus "Gus" McCrae, Tommy Lee Jones ... Captain Woodrow F. Call, Danny Glover ... Joshua Deets, Diane Lane ... Lorena Wood, Robert Urich ... Jake Spoon, Frederic Forrest ... Blue Duck, D.B. Sweeney ... Dishwater "Dish" Boggett, Ricky Schroder ... Newt Dobbs, Anjelica Huston ... Clara Allen (credit only), Chris Cooper ... July Johnson, Timothy Scott ... Pea Eye Parker (as Tim Scott), Glenne Headly ... Elmira Boot Johnson, Barry Corbin ... Roscoe Brown, William Sanderson ... Lippy Jones, Barry Tubb ... Jasper Fant]
- With the loss of Sean O'Brien, the cook refuses to cross the river and Woodrow and Gus find themselves in their old stomping grounds of San Antonio looking for someone to prepare their meals. On the trail, Jake Spoon abandons Lorena temporarily to go off gambling. Gus visits her but is far more concerned when an old foe, Blue Duck, appears. Blue Duck rides off but later returns and takes Lorena hostage. She has a very hard time of it. Meanwhile, Roscoe Brown is trying to catch up with July Johnson in Texas. He finds him but not before being joined by a young woman and coming face to face with two bandits. They all meet up with Gus and July helps Gus locate Lorena. It's not so good for those July's left behind at his own camp however. [Director: Simon Wincer] [Larry McMurtry (novel)] [TV Episode, 2 of 4 Episodes, 90 min, 1.33 : 1, Adventure, Drama, Western, USA]
- Na putu, Džejk Spun (R. Urich) privremeno ostavlja Lorenu (D. Lane) i odlazi na kockanje. Gas (R. Duvall) je posećuje jer je zabrinut kada se u blizini pojavi njihov stari neprijatelj Plava Patka (F. Forrest). Dok putuje kroz šume u istočnom Teksasu, Rosku (B. Corbin), zameniku šerifa Džonsona, pridružuje se Dženi (N. Siemaszko), mlada devojka koja je u bekstvu od starog "vlasnika". U međuvremenu, Rosko Braun sustigne šerifa Džulaja Džonsona (C. Cooper). Blu Dak ili Plava Patka, zloglasni meksičko-indijanski bandit se vraća i uzima Lorenu kao taoca. Pokušava da je proda bandi razbojnika Komančera koji su se utaborili u Ljanu Estakadu. Znajući da je Gas u poteri, Plava Patka, koji sa njim ima nepodmirene račune, bandi Komančerosa nudi Lorenu kao nagradu ako ubiju Gasa. Gasu se u obračunu sa Plavom Patkom i Komančerosima pridružuje šerif Džonson i spasavaju Lorenu.

Lonesome Dove: E03 Plains, The (1989)

[Robert Duvall ... Captain Augustus "Gus" McCrae, Tommy Lee Jones ... Captain Woodrow F. Call, Danny Glover ... Joshua Deets, Diane Lane ... Lorena Wood, Robert Urich ... Jake Spoon, Frederic Forrest ... Blue Duck, D.B. Sweeney ... Dishwater "Dish" Boggett, Ricky Schroder ... Newt Dobbs, Anjelica Huston ... Clara Allen, Chris Cooper ... July Johnson, Timothy Scott ... Pea Eye Parker (as Tim Scott), Glenne Headly ... Elmira Boot Johnson, Barry Corbin ... Roscoe Brown, William Sanderson ... Lippy Jones, Barry Tubb ... Jasper Fant]
- Gus and Lorena rejoin the cattle drive. Elmira makes her way to Ogallala, with July close on her heels. Jake's new partnership doesn't turn out as planned. Gus returns to the cattle drive with Lorena who is still recovering from her ordeal. Jake Spoon has joined up with Dan Suggs and his gang supposedly to rob banks. They rustled horses however shooting several men in the process. When they come across farmers, Suggs shoots them in cold blood. When Joshua Deets finds one of the murdered men Call, Gus several others from the cattle drive head off to find the horse thieves. When they catch up to them, frontier justice is dispensed swiftly and dispassionately. July Johnson writes home to tell them about the deaths and goes on to look for his wife Elmira who is approaching her destination in her search for her first husband. She doesn't get good news. Everyone soon arrives at Clara Allen's horse ranch. Gus is reunited with is love and Lorena finds a new home for herself. [Director: Simon Wincer] [Larry McMurtry (novel)] [TV Episode, 3 of 4 Episodes, 94 min, 1.33 : 1, Adventure, Drama, Western, USA]
- Gas (R. Duvall) i Lorena (D. Lane) se vraćaju krdu. Džejk Spun (R. Urich) se pridružuje Denu Sagsu (G. O'Herlihy) i njegovoj bandi da bi opljačkali banku. U kriminalnom pohodu, prilikom pljačke konja, Sags hladnokrvno ubija farmere. Kada Džošua Dits (D. Glover) pronađe jednog od ubijenih muškaraca poziva Gasa i nekoliko drugih koji gone krdo da pronađu konjokradice. Kada su uhvaćeni pravda je brzo zadovoljena, vešanjem. Džulaj Džonson (C. Cooper) piše kući da im kaže o smrti i ide da potraži svoju suprugu Elmiru (G. Headly). Uskoro svi stižu na ranč Klare Alen (A. Huston) u blizini reke Plate u Nebraski. Gus se susreće sa svojom starom ljubavi, a Lorena pronalazi svoj novi dom.

Lonesome Dove: E04 Return (1989)

[Robert Duvall ... Captain Augustus "Gus" McCrae, Tommy Lee Jones ... Captain Woodrow F. Call, Danny Glover ... Joshua Deets, Diane Lane ... Lorena Wood, Robert Urich ... Jake Spoon (credit only), Frederic Forrest ... Blue Duck, D.B. Sweeney ... Dishwater "Dish" Boggett, Ricky Schroder ... Newt Dobbs, Anjelica Huston ... Clara Allen, Chris Cooper ... July Johnson, Timothy Scott ... Pea Eye Parker (as Tim Scott), Glenne Headly ... Elmira Boot Johnson (credit only), Barry Corbin ... Roscoe Brown (credit only), William Sanderson ... Lippy Jones, Barry Tubb ... Jasper Fant]
- Still on the trail, the men face ever increasing danger. They have an 80 mile stretch without water and the weather has turned with the onset of winter. Joshua Deets' encounter with a group of young Indians leads to tragedy. Similarly, Gus is severely wounded in an encounter with Indian warriors. He is rescued by mountain man but has to have his right leg amputated. By the time Call catches up with him, it's too late as Gus refused to let the doctor amputate his other infected leg. His dying wish is to be buried in Texas and Call promises to take him home. Newt knows that Call is his father but that's something Call has never acknowledged. He does began to test the boy and leaves him in charge after he proves his mettle. In the spring, Call begins his 3,000 mile journey home, keeping his promise to his friend. [Director: Simon Wincer] [Larry McMurtry (novel)] [TV Episode, 4 of 4 Episodes, 94 min, 1.33 : 1, Adventure, Drama, Western, USA]
- Na putu do odredišta opasnosti se povećavaju. Moraju da pređu 80 milja bez vode, a vreme je početka zime. Susret Džošue Ditsa (D. Glover) sa grupom mladih Indijanaca dovodi do tragedije. Slično tome, Gas (R. Duvall) je teško ranjen u susretu sa indijanskim ratnicima. Njega spasava planinski čovek, ali zbog zadobijenih povreda njegova desna noga mora biti amputirana. Vudro Kol (T.L. Jones) stiže prekasno. Gas odbija da dozvoli lekaru da amputirati i drugu zaraženu nogu. Njegova poslednja želja je da bude pokopan u Teksasu i Kol obećava da će ga odvesti kući. Njut (R. Schroder) zna da je Kol njegov otac, ali to Kol nikada nije priznao. U proleće, kapetan Kol kreće na 3.000 milja dug put kući, ispunjavajući obećanje dato svom prijatelju kapetanu Gasu.

In Chronological Order: 1. Dead Man's Walk (1996), 2. Comanche Moon (2008), 3. Lonesome Dove (1989), 4. Return to Lonesome Dove (1993) and 5. Streets of Laredo (1995).


Old Gringo (1989)

[Jane Fonda ... Harriet Winslow, Gregory Peck ... Ambrose Bierce, Jimmy Smits ... Gen. Tomas Arroyo, Patricio Contreras ... Col. Frutos Garcia, Jenny Gago ... La Garduna, Gabriela Roel ... La Luna, Sergio Calderón ... Zacarias (as Sergio Calderon), Guillermo Ríos ... Monsalvo (as Guillermo Rios), Jim Metzler ... Ron, Samuel Valadez De La Torre ... Consul Saunders, Anne Pitoniak ... Mrs. Winslow, Pedro Armendáriz Jr. ... Pancho Villa (as Pedro Armendariz Jr.), Stanley Grover ... Gen. Saunders, Josefina Echánove ... Clementina (as Josefina Echanove), Pedro Damián ... Capt. Ovando (as Pedro Damian)]
- When school teacher Harriet Winslow goes to Mexico to teach, she is kidnapped by Gen. Tomas Arroyo and his revolutionaries. An aging American, Ambrose "Old Gringo" Bierce also in Mexico, befriends Gen. Arroyo and meets Harriet. Bierce is a famous writer, who knowing that he is dying, wishes to keep his identity secret so he can determine his own fate. Though he likes Arroyo, Bierce tries to provoke the General's anger whenever possible in an attempt to get himself killed, thus avoiding suffering through his illness. Winslow is intrigued by both Bierce and Arroyo, and the men are in turn attracted to her. She becomes romantically involved with Arroyo. When Winslow learns of Bierce's true identity (a writer whose work she has loved and respected for years), she is singlemindedly determined to fulfill his dying wish. [Director: Luis Puenzo] [Carlos Fuentes (novel)] [119 min, 1.85 : 1, Adventure l History l Romance, USA]
- Za vreme građanskog rata, mlada Amerikanka Herijet (J. Fonda) stiže u Meksiko da radi kao učiteljica. Ubrzo nakon dolaska, kidnapuje je revolucionarni general Arojo (J. Smits). Između njih se rasplamsava strast, međutim njenu pažnju sve više privlači generalov...

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