среда, 3. октобар 2012.



 Man from the Alamo, The (1953) ČOVEK IZ ALAMA 
 Naked Spur, The (1953) GOLA MAMUZA   
 Ride, Vaquero! (1953) JAŠI, VAKUERO
 Seminole (1953) SEMINOLE 
 Shane (1953) ŠEJN 
 Stand at Apache River, The (1953) STANICA NA RECI APAČI 
 Stranger Wore a Gun, The (1953) STRANAC SA PIŠTOLJEM [aka TRAGOVI PROŠLOSTI]
 Sun Shines Bright, The (1953) SUNCE ŽARKO SJA
 Take Me to Town (1953) POVEDI ME U GRAD
 Thunder Over the Plains (1953) POBUNA U TEKSASU
 War Arrow (1953) RATNA STRELA 
 War Paint (1953) RATNE BOJE
 Wings of the Hawk (1953) KRILA SOKOLA

Man from the Alamo, The (1953)

[Glenn Ford ... John Stroud, Julie Adams ... Beth Anders (as Julia Adams), Chill Wills ... John Gage, Hugh O'Brian ... Lt. Lamar, Victor Jory ... Jess Wade, Neville Brand ... Dawes, John Daheim ... Cavish (as John Day), Myra Marsh ... Ma Anders, Jeanne Cooper ... Kate Lamar, Marc Cavell ... Carlos (as Mark Cavell), Edward Norris ... Mapes, Guy Williams ... Sergeant]
- During the war for Texas independence, one man leaves the Alamo before the end (chosen by lot to help others' families) but is too late to accomplish his mission, and is branded a coward. Since he cannot now expose a gang of turncoats, he infiltrates them instead. Can he save a wagon train of refugees from Wade's Guerillas? [Director: Budd Boetticher] [79 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• U poslednjim danima bitke za Alamo grupa branitelja donosi odluku da jedan od njih napusti utvrđenje da bi se pobrinuo za njihove porodice kojima prete meksički vojnici i američki odmetnici. Kocka pada na Džona Strouda (G. Ford) koji napušta utvrđenu misiju, čemu svedoči poručnik Lamar (H. O'Brian), ne znajući zbog čega Stroud odlazi, pa zaključuje da je reč o kukavici. Kako se Lamar spasio, jer je izvršavao naredbu zapovednika Alama, pukovnika Trevisa, da odnese poruku generalu Semu Hjustonu koji okuplja vojsku za odlučujuću bitku protiv snaga meksičkog diktatora Santa Ane, on pronosi glas da je jedan jedini čovek koji je napustio Alamo Džon Stroud. Stroud nije uspeo da spasi ni svoju ni porodicu svojih prijatelja, jer su ih ubili američki odmetnici predvođeni Vejdom (V. Jory). A sada mu o glavi rade i stanovnici Frenklina, kojima je general Hjuston naredio evakuaciju kako bi izbegli nalet meksičkih trupa. Spasivši se linča, Stroud se pridružuje Vejdovim razbojnicima, ali samo zato da bi im se osvetio...


Naked Spur, The (1953)

[James Stewart ... Howard Kemp, Janet Leigh ... Lina Patch, Robert Ryan ... Ben Vandergroat, Ralph Meeker ... Roy Anderson, Millard Mitchell ... Jesse Tate]
- A bounty hunter trying to bring a murderer to justice is forced to accept the help of two less-than-trustworthy strangers. Howard Kemp is a bounty hunter who's been after killer Ben Vandergroat for a long time. Along the way, Kemp is forced to take on a couple of partners, an old prospector named Jesse Tate and a dishonorably discharged Union soldier, Roy Anderson. When they learn that Vandergroat has a $5000 reward on his head, greed starts to take the better of them. Vandergroat takes every advantage of the situation sowing doubt between the two men at every opportunity finally convincing one of them to help him escape. [Director: Anthony Mann] [91 min, 1.37 : 1, Thriller l Western, USA]

• Hauard Kemp (J. Stewart) je lovac na glave koji se već duže vreme nalazi u lovu na opasnog ubicu, Bena Vandergrouta (R. Ryan). Tokom svojih putovanja prisiljen je da unajmi dva partnera, starog tragača za zlatom, Džesija Tejta (M. Mitchell) i bivšeg vojnika, Roja Andersona (R. Meeker). Kada saznaju da je za Benom raspisana nagrada od 5.000 $ pohlepa počne razarati ovu malu grupu. Naravno, Vandergrout je spreman da iskoristi svaku prednost kako bi umakao lovcima.


Redhead from Wyoming, The (1953)

[Maureen O'Hara ... Kate Maxwell, Alex Nicol ... Sheriff Stan Blaine, William Bishop ... Jim Averell, Robert Strauss ... 'Knuckles' Hogan, Alexander Scourby ... Reece Duncan, Gregg Palmer ... Hal Jessup (as Palmer Lee), Jack Kelly ... Sandy, Jeanne Cooper ... Myra, Dennis Weaver ... Matt Jessup, Stacy Harris ... Chet Jones]
- In Wyoming Territory, a range war is brewing between entrenched cattle barons and new settlers. Cattle king Reece Duncan is opposed by ambitious gambler Jim Averell, who imports his old flame, shapely saloon queen Kate Maxwell, and sets her up as an alternative cattle buyer. As matters build toward violence, Kate finds she's being taken advantage of. But her only potential ally in staving off carnage is seemingly mild-mannered sheriff Stan Blaine... who distrusts her. [Director: Lee Sholem] [77 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• Na teritoriji Vajominga počinje rat između starog stočnog barona i došljaka. Kralju goveda Risu Dankanu (A. Scourby) se suprotstavlja ambiociozni kockar Džim Averel (W. Bishop), koji u trku ubacuje Kejt Maksvel (M. O'Hara), salonsku kraljicu, kao trećeg kupca. Kako stvari budu naginjale ka nasilju, Kejt će shvatiti da je iskorišćena, a njen jedini saveznik u pokušajima da se izbegne krvoproliće biće šerif Sten Blejn (A. Nicol)...


Ride, Vaquero! (1953) 

[Robert Taylor ... Rio, Ava Gardner ... Cordelia Cameron, Howard Keel ... King Cameron, Anthony Quinn ... José Constantino Esqueda, Kurt Kasznar ... Father Antonio, Ted de Corsia ... Sheriff Parker, Charlita ... Singer, Jack Elam ... Barton, Walter Baldwin ... Adam Smith, Joe Dominguez ... Vincente, Frank McGrath ... Pete, Charles Stevens ... Vaquero, Rex Lease ... Deputy, Tom Greenway ... Deputy]
- Esqueda, an outlaw, attempts to force settlers King and Cordelia Cameron out of his territory. Esqueda's mother raised Rio as her own. Rio has loyalty to Esqueda but also feels the settlers should be able to stay. A showdown between the two raised as brothers is unavoidable. [Director: John Farrow] [90 min, 1.37 : 1, Western l Action l Drama, USA]

• "Građanski rat se završio. Amerikanci su prestali ubijati jedni druge. Sada će napasti Indijance i bandite. Na putu su. Dolaze da prisvoje našu zemlju i našu stoku. Uz njih dolaze zakon i vojska. Oni su izgradili rančeve. Pa, idemo ih sve spaliti!" Nasilni meksički odmetnik Hoze Eskueda (A. Quinn) živi od onoga što sam naziva zakon metka, teroriše rančere u periodu posle Američkog građanskog rata u Teksasu. Uz njega je njegov dugogodišnji prijatelj, napadač, revolveraš i usvojeni brat Rio (R. Taylor). Ali, Riova odanost Eskuedi se počinje kolebati na dobro nakon što stignu rančer King Kameron (H. Keel) i njegova nevesta Kordelija (A. Gardner) koja mu se svidela...

Seminole (1953)

[Rock Hudson ... Lance Caldwell, Barbara Hale ... Revere, Anthony Quinn ... Osceola, Richard Carlson ... Major Degan, Hugh O'Brian ... Kajeck, Russell Johnson ... Lt. Hamilton, Lee Marvin ... Sgt. Magruder, Ralph Moody ... Kulak, Fay Roope ... Zachary Taylor, James Best ... Corp. Gerad, John Daheim ... Scott (as John Day)]
- A calvary Lt. on trial for murder, recounts his efforts make peace with the Siminole Indian tribe, under an evil major. [Director: Budd Boetticher] [87 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• Florida, 1835. godine, utvrda King. Poručnik Lens Koldvel (R. Hudson) izveden je pred vojni sud i optužen za ubistvo i izdaju. Koldvel priča vlastitu priču o tome šta se dogodilo. On se po završetku akademije na Vest Pointu vratio na rodnu Floridu, gde je upravo počeo sukob između belih doseljenika i domorodačkog indijanskog stanovništva, ponosnih Seminola predvođenih poglavicom Osceolom (A. Quinn). Osceola je indijansko-belačkog porekla, a njegovo belačko ime je Džon Pauel. On i Koldvel su prijatelji iz mladosti, a tu je i mladenačka poručnikova ljubav Revere (B. Hale), koja se u međuvremenu zaljubila u Osceolu. Koldvel shvati da je za sukob Seminola i doseljenika najodgovorniji zapovednik utvrde King, major Degan (R. Carlson)... Seminole idu u red najneobičnijih severnoameričkih Indijanaca. Nastali su odvajanjem od južne grane naroda Krik, a u svoje su redove primali i pobunjene crne robove, koji su postali tzv. Crne Seminole. Specifične ikonografije, silno ponosni i ratnički sposobni, dugo i uspešno odupirali su se nasrtajima američke vlade i vojske da ih skloni sa njihove zemlje. Veći deo seminolskih plemena pristao je na preseljenja sa Floride na teritoriju zapadno od Misisipija, ali odlučna manjina, unutar koje se istakao poglavica Osceola, po nekim istraživanjima dominantno belačkih korena (nazivali su ga i Osceola - beli Indijanac), to je odbila. Rat između Seminola i Amerikanaca trajao je godinama, a formalni mirovni sporazum nikad nije potpisan. Tako su Seminole ostale jedini Indijanci u istoriji na tlu Sjedinjenih Država koji službeno nisu kapitulirali. Štaviše, njihov slučaj je nakon Drugog svetskog rata došao i pred Ujedinjene nacije, a aktima sa kraja 1950-ih i početkom 1960-ih američka vlada priznala je Seminolama suverenitet nad njihovom plemenskom teritorijom. Ugledni američki reditelj vesterna klasičnog perioda, Bad Botičer, već je 1953. godine realizovao film "Seminole", u kome se afirmativno odnosi prema borbi floridskih domorodaca za slobodu i suverenitet, prikazujući Osceolu kao miroljubivog i mudrog poglavicu, dakle, u skladu sa slikom koja se tokom decenija formirala o njemu, iako neki istorijski podaci upućuju i na drugačiju karakterizaciju. Botičerov film odlikuje se raskošnom vizuelnošću, jer je sjajno iskoristio autentične, egzotične floridske lokacije snimane u blistavom tehnikoloru, ali aduti su mu i vrlo kompaktna, pregledno izložena priča sa nizom uzbudljivih situacija, i glumačke zvezde. Mladi Rok Hadson izvrstan je u svojoj prvoj glavnoj ulozi, a još bolji je Entoni Kvin kao Osceola. Spomenimo i malu, ali izražajnu epizodnu ulogu buduće zvezde Lija Marvina.


Shane (1953)

[Alan Ladd ... Shane, Jean Arthur ... Marian Starrett, Van Heflin ... Joe Starrett, Brandon De Wilde ... Joey Starrett, Jack Palance ... Jack Wilson (as Walter Jack Palance), Ben Johnson ... Chris Calloway, Edgar Buchanan ... Fred Lewis, Emile Meyer ... Rufus Ryker, Elisha Cook Jr. ... Stonewall Torrey, Douglas Spencer ... Axel 'Swede' Shipstead, John Dierkes ... Morgan Ryker, Ellen Corby ... Mrs. Liz Torrey, Paul McVey ... Sam Grafton, John Miller ... Will Atkey - Bartender, Edith Evanson ... Mrs. Shipstead]
- A weary gunfighter attempts to settle down with a homestead family, but a smoldering settler/rancher conflict forces him to act. Shane rides into a conflict between cattleman Ryker and a bunch of settlers, like the Starretts, whose land Ryker wants. When Shane beats up Ryker's man Chris, Ryker tries to buy him. Then Shane and Joe take on the whole Ryker crew. Ryker sends to Cheyenne for truly evil gunslinger Wilson. We wonder about Shane's relation to Joe's wife Marian. Shane must clear out all the guns from the valley before he can ride off with Joey hollering "Shane... Shane... Come Back!" [Director: George Stevens] [118 min, 1.37 : 1, Drama l Romance l Western, USA]

• Vajoming, osamdesetih godina pretprošlog veka. Tajanstveni kauboj Šejn (A. Ladd) dolazi na mali porodični ranč, prihvata gostoprimstvo farmera i zaposli se kao njihov pomoćnik. Porodica ne zna da je on nekadašnji revolveraš koji se skriva jer želi da raskine sa svojom prošlošću. Otac porodice, Džo Staret (V. Heflin), zadivljen je Šejnovom okretnošću i načinom kako se obračunao sa neprijateljski nastrojenim ljudima, ali još uvek nema u njega potpuno poverenje. Takođe, ubrzo primeti da je došljak postao idol njegovom sinu Džoju (B. de Wilde), a shvata i da se njegova supruga Marijan (J. Arthur) zagrejala za njega. Lokalni stočari, braća Rajker, žele da oteraju porodicu Staret i unajme opasnog revolveraša Vilsona (J. Palance). Nakon obračuna sa njegovim ljudima, Šejn će shvatiti da je obračun sa Vilsonom neminovan... "Šejn" slavnog filmskog reditelja Džordža Stivensa vrhunsko je ostvarenje i, po mnogim filmskim stručnjacima, jedan od najboljih vesterna svih vremena. Izvrsnih likova (naročito nimalo stereotipnog prikaza usamljenog revolveraša), sjajne priče, precizno režiran, film donosi priču o čovekovoj samoći, njegovim moralnim dilemama i pitanjima ideala i životnim uzorima.  


Stand at Apache River, The (1953)

[Stephen McNally ... Lane Dakota, Julie Adams ... Valerie Kendrick (as Julia Adams), Hugh Marlowe ... Colonel Morsby, Jaclynne Greene ... Ann Kenyon, Hugh O'Brian ... Tom Kenyon, Russell Johnson ... Greiner, Jack Kelly ... Hatcher, Edgar Barrier ... Cara Blanca, Forrest Lewis ... Deadhorse]
- Sheriff Lane Dakota captures robbery-murder suspect Greiner just as the latter is wounded in an Apache ambush. At remote outpost Apache River, Lane and his prisoner spend the night with other travelers, including 2 women with a surprising number of fancy dresses. In the morning, who should appear but a band of ostensibly peaceful Apaches strayed from the reservation. And bigoted Colonel Morsby is strongly inclined to shoot first and ask questions afterward... [Director: Lee Sholem] [Robert J. Hogan (novel)] [77 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]

• Šerif Lejn Dakota (S. McNally) hvata Grejnera (R. Johnson), osumnjičenog za pljačku i ubistvo. Grejnera su ranili Apači iz zasede. U udaljenoj predstraži Apači River, Lejn i njegov zarobljenik provode noć sa drugim putnicima, među kojima su i dve žene, Valeri Kendrik (J. Adams) i En Kenjon (J. Greene) sa iznenađujućim brojem modernih haljina. Naravno, ujutro se pojavljuje grupa navodno mirnih Apača iz obližnjeg rezervata, ali netrpeljivi pukovnik Morzbi (H. Marlowe) je sklon tome da prvo puca, pa onda postavlja pitanja...

Stranger Wore a Gun, The (1953)

[Randolph Scott ... Jeff Travis, Claire Trevor ... Josie Sullivan, Joan Weldon ... Shelby Conroy, George Macready ... Jules Mourret, Alfonso Bedoya ... Degas, Lee Marvin ... Dan Kurth, Ernest Borgnine ... Bull Slager,  Pierre Watkin ... Jason Conroy, Joseph Vitale ... Shorty, Clem Bevans ... Jim Martin]
- A former spy moves to Arizona to join a gold robbery, but when he gets there decides that it's not for him and tries to change his life. Having been a spy for Quantrill's raiders during the Civil War, Jeff Travis thinking himself a wanted man, flees to Prescott Arizona where he runs into Jules Mourret who knows of his past. He takes a job on the stage line that Mourret is trying to steal gold from. When Mourret's men kill a friend of his he sets out to get Mourret and his men. When his plan to have another gang get Mourret fails, he has to go after them himself. [Director: André De Toth (as Andre De Toth)] [John W. Cunningham (based upon "Yankee Gold" by) (as John M. Cunningham)] [83 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]

• Bivši špijun se seli u Arizonu da bi se pridružio kopačima zlata, ali kada stigne na odredište, shvatiće da to ipak nije posao za njega, pa će pokušati da promeni svoj život. Amerika, tokom Građanskog rata između Severa i Juga. Južnjak Džef Trevis (R. Scott) radi kao špijun za južnjačkog odmetnika Vilijama Klarka Kvantrila. Nakon što Kvantrilovi vojnici osvoje gradić Lorens i tamo pobiju brojne civile, zadržavši za sebe sav plen, Trevis napušta Kvantrila i prijavi se u regularnu vojsku. Ipak, od prošlosti ne može lako pobeći. Nakon rata na jednom brodu na kome kocka sa svojom partnerkom Džozi Saliven (C. Trevor), Trevisa prepozna prijatelj čoveka koji je u Lorensu stradao zbog njegove izdaje. U gužvi koja nastane Trevis uspe da pobegne i odlazi u Arizonu, u gradić Preskot. Tamo ratuju dve bande - jedna koju vodi Meksikanac Degas (A. Bedoya) i druga, opasnija, na čijem je čelu Žil Moret (G. Macready). Moret je pomogao Trevisu da pobegne sa broda i sad mu nudi posao špijuna koji će za njega pribavljati informacije o tome gde je sakriveno zlato u poštanskim kočijama koje organizuju Džejson Konroj (P. Watkin) i njegova ćerka Šelbi (J. Weldon). Trevis se odmah zaposli kod njih kao čuvar konvoja...


Sun Shines Bright, The (1953)

[Charles Winninger ... Judge William Pittman Priest, Arleen Whelan ... Lucy Lee Lake, John Russell ... Ashby Corwin, Stepin Fetchit ... Jeff Poindexter, Russell Simpson ... Dr. Lewt Lake, Ludwig Stössel ... Herman Felsburg (as Ludwig Stossel), Francis Ford ... Feeney (Old Backwoodsman), Paul Hurst ... Army Sgt. Jimmy Bagby, Mitchell Lewis ... Sheriff Andy Redcliffe, Grant Withers ... Buck Ramsey, Milburn Stone ... Horace K. Maydew, Dorothy Jordan ... Lucy Lee's Mother, Elzie Emanuel ... U.S. Grant 'You Ess' Woodford, Henry O'Neill ... Joe D. Habersham, Slim Pickens ... Sterling, Lanky Backwoodsman]
- John Ford weaves three "Judge Priest" stories together to form a good- natured exploration of honour and small-town politics in the South around the turn of the century. Judge William Priest is involved variously in revealing the real identity of Lucy Lake, reliving his Civil War memories, preventing the lynching of a youth and contesting the elections with Yankee Horace K. Maydew. [Director: John Ford] [Irvin S. Cobb (short stories "The Sun Shines Bright", "The Mob from Massac" and "The Lord Provides")] [90 min, Black and White, 1.37 : 1, Comedy l Drama l Western, USA]

• Džon Ford isprepliće tri priče o sudiji Pristu kako bi stvorio dobronamerno istraživanje časti i malograđanske politike na američkom jugu na prelazu veka. Sudija Vilijem Prist (C. Winninger) je na razne načine uključen u razotkrivanje identiteta Lusi Li Lejk (A. Whelan), oživljavanje sećanja na Građanski rat, sprečavanje linčovanja i učestvovanje u izborima sa Jenkijem Horasom K. Mejdjuom (M. Stone).

Take Me to Town (1953)  

[Ann Sheridan ... Vermilion O'Toole aka Mae Madison, Sterling Hayden ... Will Hall, Phillip Reed ... Newton Cole, Lee Patrick ... Rose, Lee Aaker ... Corney Hall, Harvey Grant ... Petey, Dusty Henley ... Bucket, Larry Gates ... Marshal Ed Daggett, Forrest Lewis ... Ed Higgins, Storekeeper, Phyllis Stanley ... Mrs. Edna Stoffer, Dorothy Neumann ... Felice Pickett, Ann Tyrrell ... Louise Pickett]
- A pretty saloon entertainer escapes the marshal's custody and hides in a small town where she unexpectedly becomes surrogate mother to three motherless boys who wish to see their father re-married. Saloon entertainer Vermilion O'Toole and her former partner in crime Newt Cole escape from a train ride to prison and hide out in logging town Timberline. Meanwhile, the three 'cute' sons of widower Will Hall come to town in search of a wife for their dad, and pick our heroine. Vermilion needs to lay low to escape the marshal, so she accepts the boys' offer to visit pioneer community Pine Grove. Once there, she annoys local Mrs. Grundys but eventually starts to fit in. But what is that blackhearted villain Newt Cole up to? [Director: Douglas Sirk] [Richard Morris (story "Flame of the Timberline")] [81 min, 1.37 : 1, Adventure | Comedy | Western, USA]

• Privlačna zabavljačica (A. Sheridan) sa mutnom prošlošću pobegla je posle pljačke sa partnerom Kolom (P. Reed) u gradić gde namerava da se sakrije i promeni ime. Tamo je zapela za oko trojici dečaka u potrazi za ženom svom nedavno obudovelom ocu (S. Hayden), jer im se čini dobra prilika...

Thunder Over the Plains (1953)  

[Randolph Scott ... Captain David Porter, Lex Barker ... Captain Bill Hodges, Phyllis Kirk ... Norah Porter, Charles McGraw ... Ben Westman, Henry Hull ... Lt. Col. Chandler, Elisha Cook Jr. ... Joseph Standish, Hugh Sanders ... H.L. Balfour, Lane Chandler ... Mike Faraday, James Brown ... Conrad, Fess Parker ... Kirby, Mark Dana ... Lt. Williams]
- In Post-Bellum Texas, an army captain tries to keep the peace between overtaxed, impoverished farmers and greedy carpetbaggers. It's 1869, Texas has not yet been readmitted to the Union, and carpetbaggers have taken over the state. Federal Captain Porter, a Texan, has to carry out orders against his own people. He brings in the rebel leader whom he knows is innocent of the murder for which he is charged. But in trying to prove his innocence, Porter now finds he is a wanted man. [Director: André De Toth] [82 min, 1.37 : 1, Romance l War l Western, USA]

• U godinama, koje su usledile nakon Američkog građanskog rata, države Konfederacije su ponovo primljene, jedna po jedna, u Uniju, osim dve koje su naknadno primljene. Jedna od njih je bila Teksas. Sa svojim velikim prostranstvima pašnjaka i poljoprivrednog zemljišta, Teksas je nudio zlatna obećanja nebrojenih bogatstava. Ali Teksašani osiromašeni, četvorogodišnjim ratom, bili su žrtve svih vrsta avanturista i profitera. Ovi špekulanti su kupovali zemlju, pamuk i stoku po niskim cenama, jer Teksašani nisu mogli priuštiti da plaćaju poreze zelenašima koje su zahtevali, neki korumpirani poverenici. Većina se pomirila sa svojom sudbinom u gorkoj tišini. Ostali su se pobunili protiv nepravde, rizikujući svoje bogatstvo i živote. Postali su odmetnici, a zbog uzroka su smatrani pošteni. Oni su postali vođe, a ne bande razbojnika. Ljudi koji su to činili šta su mogli sa opustošenom zemljom, osim vratiti od trgovaca nazad, ono što su oni opljačkali od stanovnika. Jedan od tih ljudi je bio Ben Vestman (C. McGraw), koji je postao svojevrsni Robin Hud. Istinski heroj Teksašana. Federalne jedinice su razmeštene širom države kao okupatorska vojska. Njihov zadatak je bio da sprovedu vojni zakon i pravdu, što je Teksašane uvredilo.

War Arrow (1953)

[Maureen O'Hara ... Elaine Corwin, Jeff Chandler ... Major Howell Brady, John McIntire ... Col. Jackson Meade, Suzan Ball ... Avis, Noah Beery Jr. ... Sgt. Augustus Wilks (as Noah Beery), Charles Drake ... Sgt. Luke Schermerhorn, Henry Brandon ... Maygro, Dennis Weaver ... Pino, Jay Silverheels ... Satanta, Jim Bannon ... Capt. Roger Corwin (as James Bannon), Stephen Wyman ... Captain Neil (as Steve Wyman), Bradford Jackson ... Lieutenant (as Brad Jackson)]
- Major Howell Brady arrives in Indian Territory in hopes of recruiting peaceful, relocated Seminoles to help the army fight rampaging Kiowas. Major Howell Brady and two non-coms are assigned to go to Indian territory and recruit peaceful Seminoles relocated from Florida to aid the army in fighting the larger, rampaging Kiowa tribe. Brady promises them better land than the subsistence reservation they have been assigned to. Maygro, their chief, although initially reluctant, finally agrees for the good of his people. However, Brady's superior, Col. Jackson Meade, is hostile to the idea and distrusts having Indians as allies. Beautiful widow Elaine Corwin, proves a pleasant distraction for Brady although her husband, a unrepentant Confederate whose body was never found, may still be alive and leading the savage Kiowas against the hated Yankees. [Director: George Sherman] [78 min, 1.37 : 1, War l Western, USA]

• Konjaničkog oficira, majora Hauela Brejdija (J. Chandler), šalju iz Vašingtona u Fort Klark u Teksasu na pregovore sa Indijancima. On bi trebao da nagovori pleme miroljubivih Seminola da pomognu vojsci u borbi protiv drugog plemena...


War Paint (1953)

[Robert Stack ... Lt. Billings, Joan Taylor ... Wanima, Charles McGraw ... Sgt. Clarke, Keith Larsen ... Taslik, Peter Graves ... Trooper Tolson, Robert J. Wilke ... Trooper Grady (as Robert Wilke), Walter Reed ... Trooper Allison, John Doucette ... Trooper Charnofsky, Douglas Kennedy ... Trooper Clancy, Charles Nolte ... Cpl. Hamilton, James Parnell ... Trooper Martin, Paul Richards ... Trooper Perkins, William Pullen ... Jeb, Richard H. Cutting ... Commissioner Kirby (as Richard Cutting)]
- An Indian and his beautiful sister attempt to destroy a cavalry patrol trying to deliver a peace treaty to their chief. The pre-credit sequence of the film starts out with Bureau of Indian Affairs Commissioner Kirby and the last survivor of his US Cavalry escort shot and scalped by Taslik and his squaw Wanima. The film proper begins with Lt. Billings leading his patrol that has escorted Cpl Hamilton, a cartographer who has been making maps of the area. On the way back to the fort they are met by a messenger who brings orders that they are to meet Commissioner Kirby and his party at a trading post in order to deliver a recently signed Indian treaty from Washington to the Chief of the local tribe. The messenger gives the treaty to the Lieutenant who commandeers the messenger to join his patrol. The patrol, who are unaware of the fate of Kirby and his party have nine days to get the treaty to the Chief lest a new uprising start. At the trading post is Taslik, who offers to lead the patrol to the Chief. Taslik is wearing war paint that he explains is from his killing members of a rival tribe who have trespassed on his tribe's land. Unknown to the patrol, Taslik and Wanima, who is shadowing the patrol, are strongly against the peace treaty. The two sabotage the patrol's supplies at every turn in various undetected ways. On their journey the patrol discovers the remains of Commissioner Kirby's escort. The patrol finally get wise to Taslik when they discover he has led them in a giant circle looking for water. With time rapidly vanishing Lt. Billings collects all the remaining water of the rapidly diminishing patrol to fill one water bottle. This is given to one of the troopers who intends to make his way overland to the Indian village whilst the rest of the men conserve their strength by only travelling at night. Wanima ambushes the trooper and kills him but is wounded herself and becomes unconscious. At night the patrol discovers what happens, but Billings refuses to kill Wanima. This causes discontent amongst the patrol who have lost other members through drinking poisoned water and suicide. Wanima agrees to lead the patrol to water but leads them to an abandoned gold mine that sets the patrol to killing each other off to satisfy their greed. [Director: Lesley Selander] [89 min, 1.37 : 1, Adventure l War l Western, USA]

• Indijanac (K. Larsen) i njegova lepa sestra (J. Taylor) pokušavaju da unište vojnu patrolu koja treba da sklopi mirovni sporazum sa njihovim poglavicom.

Wings of the Hawk (1953)

[Van Heflin ... Irish Gallager, Julie Adams ... Raquel Noriega (as Julia Adams), Abbe Lane ... Elena Noriega, George Dolenz ... Col. Paco Ruiz, Noah Beery Jr. ... Pascual Orozco (as Noah Beery), Rodolfo Acosta ... Arturo Torres, Antonio Moreno ... Father Perez, Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez ... Tomas, Paul Fierro ... Carlos, Mario Siletti ... Marco, Rico Alaniz ... Capt. Gomez]
- Gringo miner Gallager is caught up in the Mexican revolution of 1910-11 when corrupt administrator Ruiz appropriates his mine. Gallager saves the life of guerilla leader Raquel, then finds there's a price on his head; he becomes romantically involved with her in the course of a series of rescues and ambushes, leading up to Orozco's march on Ciudad Juarez. [Director: Budd Boetticher] [Gerald Drayson Adams (novel)] [81 min, 1.85 : 1, Romance l Western, USA]

• Irski rudar, Galager (V. Heflin), zatekao se usred Meksičke revolucije (1910-1911), a korumpirani meksički pukovnik Pako Ruiz (G. Dolenz) prisvaja njegov rudnik. Galager spasava život vođi pobunjeničke grupe – Rakel (J. Adams). Kroz niz peripetija i zaseda zaljubljuju se jedno u drugo, vlasti ucenjuju njegovu glavu, pobunjenici marširaju na glavni grad...

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