уторак, 10. септембар 2013.


[•] [WS]American Experience, The (1988) AMERIČKO ISKUSTVO [SERIJA, 2 EPIZODE]
[•] [WW]Ghost Town (1988) GRAD DUHOVA
[•] [AW]Man from Snowy River II, The [aka Return to Snowy River] (1988) ČOVEK SA SNEŽNE REKE 2 
[•] Once Upon a Texas Train (1988) BILO JEDNOM U VOZU ZA TEKSAS 
[•] Tracker [aka Dead or Alive] (1988) TRAGAČ [aka ŽIV ILI MRTAV] 
[•] Where the Hell's That Gold?!!? (1988) GDE JE TO VRAŽJE ZLATO?!!? 
[•] Young Guns (1988) MLADI REVOLVERAŠI 

American Experience, The (1988) 

Serija dokumentarnih filmova o važnim ili interesantnim događajima i ljudima u američkoj istoriji.

American Experience (1988) S05E03 Donner Party, The (1992)
[David McCullough ... Narrator (voice), J.D. Cannon ... (voice), Timothy Hutton ... (voice), Gene Jones ... (voice), Amy Madigan ... (voice), Donal McCann ... (voice), George Plimpton ... (voice), Paul Roebling ... (voice), Lois Smith ... (voice), Frances Sternhagen ... (voice), Eli Wallach ... George McKinstry (voice)]
- Doomed attempt to get to California in 1846. More than just a riveting tale of death, endurance and survival. The Donner Party's nightmarish journey penetrated to the very heart of the American Dream at a crucial phase of the nation's manifest destiny. Touching some of the most powerful social, economic and political currents of the time, this extraordinary narrative remains one of the most compelling and enduring episodes to come out of the West. [Director: Ric Burns] [TV Episode, Season 5, Episode 3, 82 min, 1.33 : 1, Documentary | History, USA]
- "Čudno je gledati sa kakvom grozničavom željom Amerikanci tragaju za blagostanjem. Uvek progonjeni senovitom sumnjom, da možda nisu izabrali najbrži put da ga dobiju. Odnose se prema stvarima ovoga sveta kao da su sigurni da nikada neće umreti. A ipak jure da zgrabe sve što im dođe na dohvat, kao da očekuju da će prestati da žive pre nego što se nauživaju. Smrt se pojavljuje na kraju i zaustavlja ih pre nego što se umore od te uzaludne potrage za potpunom ispunjenošću koja im uvek beži." - Aleksis Totopfil. Počelo je 1840-ih, podstaknuto finansijskom panikom na istoku, epidemijama kolere i malarije i neutaživom američkom težnjom o pomeranju na zapad. Kada je pionirsko kretanje započelo, manje od 20.000 belih amerikanaca živelo je zapadno od reke Misisipi. 10 godina kasnije useljavanje je preraslo u bujicu. I pre nego što je završilo, više od pola miliona muškaraca, žena i dece zakoračilo je u divljinu na mestima kao Independens u Misuriju i zaputilo se na daleki put do Oregona i Kalifornije. Na pojedinim mestima, točkovi njihovih kola urezali su trag, do ramena dubok, u kameniti put. I sami naseljenici, znali su da stvaraju istoriju. Biće to primljeno, zapisao je jedan useljenik, kao legenda na granici sa mitom. Ali od svih priča koje su proizašle sa zapada, ni jedna se nije urezala dublje u maštu američkog naroda od priče o Donerovom karavanu, visoko u Sijera Nevadi, u zimi 1846. godine. Ljudski napor i neuspeh, posrtanja, greške, ambicija i pohlepa, svi elementi. I ako to zovete spasavanjem preživelih - srećan kraj je srećan kraj. Ali šta je sa onima koji nisu preživeli? Užasno, užasno. Mislim da smo znatiželjni o ljudima koji su iskusili teškoće, prošli kroz strašna iskušenja. A u Donerovom karavanu, 87 ljudi, prošli su kroz krizu sa kakvom je malo ljudi bilo ikad suočeno. 

American Experience (1988) S22E02 Wyatt Earp (2010)
[Michael Murphy ... Narrator, Bob Boze Bell ... Himself - Writer, Katherine Benton-Cohen ... Herself - Historian, Anne M. Butler ... Herself - Historian, Jim Dunham ... Himself - Historian, Paul A. Hutton ... Himself - Historian, Andrew C. Isenberg ... Himself - Historian (as Andrew Isenberg), Gary L. Roberts ... Himself - Historian, William B. Shillingberg ... Himself - Writer, Casey Tefertiller ... Himself - Writer]
- Wyatt Earp has been portrayed in countless movies and television shows but these popular fictions belie the complexities and flaws of a man whose life is a lens on politics, justice and economic opportunity on the American frontier. He was a caricature of the Western lawman, and after his death in 1929, distressed Americans transformed him into a folk hero: a central figure in how the west was won, a man who took control of his own destiny. [Director: Rob Rapley] [TV Episode, Season 22, Episode 2, 53 min, 16:9 HD, Documentary | History, USA]
- Vajat Erp predstavlja pravdu, a ta pravda je izvršna. Kroz zakon, ponekad i izvan njega, ako je neophodno. On predstavlja anđela osvete u koga svi želimo da verujemo. Trideset sekundi njegovog života je osnova tog mita. Obračun kod "O.K. Korala" je među najpoznatijim događajima u američkoj istoriji. Revolveraški obračun je događaj koji će ga stalno pratiti. Definiše ono što je Divlji Zapad bio. Vajat Erp je voleo kaubojske filmove. 1920-tih je putovao sa jednog na drugi kraj Los Anđelesa samo da bi pogledao najnovije ostvarenje. Vajat je uvek tražio izlaz iz monotonije svog tesnog bungalova. Obožavao je filmove u kojima se mogao poistovetiti sa filmskim junacima. Četrdeset godina ranije, u rudarskom gradiću u Arizoni, Vajat i njegova braća uvučeni su u okršaj koji će odjeknuti Zapadom. Tumston i "O.K. Koral" ga od tada proganjaju. Jedan njegov brat je osakaćen, drugi ubijen. Otišao je i našao krivce. Nije sumnjao. Verovao je da postupa ispravno. Ali će mu se to uvek vraćati. Vajat Erp je dugo tražio odgovore na pitanja. Pitao se, ko su ti stranci koji žele da se rukuju sa ubicom. Sanjario je o filmovima koji će stvari postaviti na svoje mesto. Glumio bi ga najbolji holivudski glumac u to vreme, Vilijem S. Hart. "Ako biste vi ispričali tu priču", pisao je Hartu, "javnost se više ne bi hranila lažima o meni." Hart nikad nije snimio film o Vajatu, a Vajat nije dočekao da vidi svoje iskupljenje. Ali nekoliko godina nakon njegove smrti, pisci i režiseri su Vajata Erpa pretvorili u novu vrstu junaka Divljeg Zapada. Ovo je priča o čoveku koji je uzeo zakon u svoje ruke. 

Ghost Town (1988)

[Franc Luz ... Langley, Catherine Hickland ... Kate, Jimmie F. Skaggs ... Devlin, Penelope Windust ... Grace, Bruce Glover ... Dealer, Zitto Kazann ... Blacksmith, Blake Conway ... Harper, Laura Schaefer ... Etta, Michael Alldredge ... Bubba, Ken Kolb ... Ned, Will Hannah ... Billy, Henry Max Kendrick ... Weasel, James Oscar Lee ... Jake, Charles Robert Harden ... Tomas, Edward Gabel ... Cletus]
- A modern-day deputy tracks an abducted girl to a ghost town, and the spirits of the past who took her. Deputy Langley tracks a kidnapped girl to an abandoned ghost town. However, the town is not abandoned, but haunted by the spirits of an outlaw, Devlin, and his gang, who hold the equally deceased townspeople hostage until the outlaws can be killed by a lawman. [Directors: Richard Governor and Mac Ahlberg (uncredited)] [85 min, 1.85 : 1, Horror l Western, USA]
- Zamenik šerifa Lengli (F. Luz) prati kidnapovanu devojku (C. Hickland) u napušteni grad. Međutim, grad nije napušten, već je zaposednut duhovima odmetnika Devlina (J.F. Skaggs) i njegove bande, koji za taoce drže jednako mrtve meštane. Sve dok Lengli ne reši stvar...

Man from Snowy River II, The [aka Return to Snowy River] (1988)

[Tom Burlinson ... Jim Craig, Sigrid Thornton ... Jessica Harrison, Brian Dennehy ... Harrison, Nicholas Eadie ... Alistair Patton, Mark Hembrow ... Seb, Bryan Marshall ... Hawker, Rhys McConnochie ... Patton Snr., Peter Cummins ... Jake, Cornelia Frances ... Mrs. Darcy, Tony Barry ... Jacko, Wyn Roberts ... Priest (as Wynn Roberts), Alec Wilson ... Patton's Croney, Peter Browne ... Reilly, Alan Hopgood ... Simmons, Mark Pennell ... Collins]
- Young Jim Craig returns to his home in the Australian high country. He finds that things are not as he left them - his girlfriend is being pursued by another man, and her father doesn't want Jim back into her life. Young Jim Craig returns to the Australian high country, after being away herding the horses he caught and sold, in order to provide a stake for his future. He finds things quite different than when he left: his girlfriend, Jessica Harrison, is being pursued by a rich suitor, Jessica's father wants him out of her life, and the residents of the high country are being driven out by the wealthier low country ranchers. Jim definitely has his work cut out for him. [Director: Geoff Burrowes] [99 min, 2.35 : 1, Adventure l Drama l Western, AUS]
- Mladi Džim Krejg (T. Burlinson) se vraća u svoj dom u australijskoj visokoj zemlji. Pronalazi stvari kako ih nije ostavio - njegova devojka Džesika Harrison (S. Thornton) se provodi sa drugim čovekom, a njen otac ne želi da joj se Džim vrati. Stanovnici visoke zemlje su proterani od strane bogatijih rančera niske zemlje i Džim definitivno mora da pronađe izlaz.

Once Upon a Texas Train (1988)

[Willie Nelson ... John Henry Lee, Richard Widmark ... Captain Owen Hayes, Shaun Cassidy ... Cotton, Chuck Connors ... Nash Crawford, Ken Curtis ... Kelly Sutton, Royal Dano ... Nitro Jones, Jack Elam ... Jason Fitch, Gene Evans ... Fargo Parker, Kevin McCarthy ... The Govenor, Dub Taylor ... Charlie Lee, Stuart Whitman ... George Asque, Angie Dickinson ... Maggie Hayes, Jeb Stuart Adams ... Billy Bates, Clare Carey ... Meg Boley, Harry Carey Jr. ... Herald Fitch (as Harry Carey)]
- Captain Hayes of the mighty law enforcement squad named the Texas Rangers reached the pinnacle of his career when he captured the notorious John Henry, an outlaw cowboy, and put him behind bars. Twenty years later, upon his release, Henry is older but unrepentant. Within six hours after leaving his jail cell, he evens the score with Hayes by holding up the Bank of Texas for $20,000 in gold. Hayes, in his fury, gets himself out of retirement to take up the chase once more. [Director: Burt Kennedy] [96 min, 1.33 : 1, Action l Comedy l Romance, USA]
- Hejs se vraća iz penzije i prihvata izazov... Kapetan Hejs (R. Widmark) je pripadnik Teksaških rendžera. Na vrhuncu je karijere jer je iza rešetaka bacio zloglasnog kauboja odmetnika, Džona Henrija (W. Nelson). Dvadeset godina kasnije, Henri izlazi iz zatvora, stariji je, ali ne pokazuje ni malo kajanja. Šest godina nakon izlaska, u želji da privuče Hejsa i izravna račune sa njim, opljačkaće 20.000 dolara u zlatu iz banke. Hejs će se vratiti iz penzije i prihvatiti izazov...

Tracker, The [aka Dead or Alive] (1988)

[Kris Kristofferson ... Noble Adams, Scott Wilson ... John 'Red Jack' Stillwell, Mark Moses ... Tom Adams, David Huddleston ... Lane Crawford, John Quade ... Lomax, Don Swayze ... Brewer,
Geoffrey Blake ... Miller, Leon Rippy ... Chub Dumont, Ernie Lively ... Bob, Karen Kopins ... Sarah Bolton, Celia Xavier ... Inez, Jeff Celentano ... Lon (as Jeff Weston), Jennifer Snyder ... Mary Bolton, Brynn Thayer ... Lottie Adams, Jose Rey Toledo ... Redondo]
- After a series of vicious crimes by a renegade group of cowboys, led by "Red Jack" Stilwell, a legendary tracker, Noble Adams is pulled out of retirement to capture Stilwell, dead or alive. Reluctantly, needing more men, he allows his son, Tom to tag along, revealing to Tom a whole brutal side of ruthlessness Noble thought he left behind. [Director: John Guillermin] [98 min, 1.33 : 1, Western, USA]
- Posle niza teških zločina od strane odmetničke grupe kauboja, na čelu sa "Red Džek" Stilvelom (S. Wilson), legendarni tragač koji se povukao, Nobl Adams (K. Kristofferson) vraća se da bi uhvatio Stilvela, živog ili mrtvog.  

Where the Hell's That Gold?!!? (1988)

[Willie Nelson ... Cross, Delta Burke ... Germany, Jack Elam ... Boone, Alfonso Arau ... Indio, Gregory Sierra ... General, Michael Wren ... Lieutenant, Gerald McRaney ... Jones, Jaime Lyn Bauer ... Brandy, Annabelle Gurwitch ... Jesse, J.D. Garfield ... Young Fargo Man (as John David Garfield), Sheila Foster ... Lilly, Deborah Carpenter ... Pearl, Pamela Moore ... Durango, Adan Sanchez ... Firing Squad Officer]
- In 1895, outlaws Cross and Boone are forced to take Mexican authorities to their loot. They travel there on a train full of dynamite with a group of prostitutes. Mexican rebels, Indians and Wells Fargo agents are all after them. [Director: Burt Kennedy] [91 min, 1.33 : 1, Western, USA]
- Razbojnici mekog srca, meksički revolucionari, plaćenici, snabdevači vojske, Indijanci i agenti Vels Farga...: svi zajedno, kreću u potragu za zakopanim tovarom blaga. Godine 1895., odmetnici Kros (W. Nelson) i Bun (J. Elam) su prisiljeni da od meksičkih vlasti otmu plen. Oni putuju na vozu punom dinamita sa grupom prostitutki.

Young Guns (1988)

[Emilio Estevez ... William H. 'Billy the Kid' Bonney, Kiefer Sutherland ... Josiah Gordon 'Doc' Scurlock, Lou Diamond Phillips ... 'Jose' Chavez y Chavez, Charlie Sheen ... Richard 'Dick' Brewer,
Dermot Mulroney ... Dirty Steve Stephens, Casey Siemaszko ... Charles 'Charley' Bowdre, Terence Stamp ... John Tunstall, Jack Palance ... Lawrence G. Murphy, Terry O'Quinn ... Alex McSween, Sharon Thomas Cain ... Susan McSween (as Sharon Thomas), Geoffrey Blake ... J. McCloskey, Alice Carter ... Yen Sun, Brian Keith ... Buckshot Roberts, Thomas Callaway ... Texas Joe Grant (as Tom Callaway), Patrick Wayne ... Patrick Floyd 'Pat' Garrett]
- A group of young gunmen, led by Billy the Kid, become deputies to avenge the murder of the rancher who became their benefactor. But when Billy takes their authority too far, they become the hunted. 1878 in New Mexico: John Tunstall picks up young gun men from the road to have them work on his ranch, but also to teach them reading and to civilize them. However he's a thorn in the side of the rich rancher Murphy, as he's a competitor in selling cattle. One day he's shot by Murphy's men. Judge Wilson can't do anything, since Sheriff Brady is one of Murphy's men. But attorney Alex persuades him to constitute Tunstall's young friends to Deputies and give them warrants of arrest for the murderers. Instead of arresting them, William Bonney just shoots them down. Soon the 5 guys become famous and William gets the name "Billie the Kid" - but they're also chased by dozens of Murphy's men and the army. The people however honor him as fighter for justice. [Director: Christopher Cain] [107 min, 1.85 : 1, Action l Crime l Drama, USA]
- Film Mladi revolveraši krajem osamdesetih godina prošlog vega proslavio je čitavu generaciju nadolazećih holivudskih zvezda, među kojima su Emilio Estevez, Čarli Šin, Kifer Saterlend, Lu Dajmond Filips... Čuveni odmetnih sa Divljeg zapada, Vilijem H. Boni, poznatiji kao Bili Kid (E. Estevez) - zajedno sa svojim ljudima radi kao obezbeđenje na ranču bogatog Engleza Džona Tanstola (T. Stamp). Za uzvrat Tanstol ih uči da čitaju i pišu i generalno da budu bolji ljudi. Ali, njegov posao odgajanja i trgovine stokom, zapada za oči biznismenu i kriminalcu Lorensu Marfiju (J. Palance). On pritiska Tanstola da mu daje procenat svoje zarade, a kada ovaj to odbije, postavlja mu zasedu i ubija ga. Nakon toga, Bili Kid i njegovih pet revolveraša odlučuju da se osvete Marfiju i preuzmu sve njegove poslove. Ali, Marfi ih dočekuje spremen i zajedno sa svojim ubicama i lovcima na glave, započinje pravi rat protiv Bilijevih momaka. Predvođeni Bili Kidom, postaju šerifovi pomoćnici da bi osvetili smrt rančera koji je bio njihov dobročinitelj. Ali kada Bili prekorači svoja ovlašćenja, oni postaju lovina.

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