недеља, 29. мај 2016.


• 800 balas [aka 800 Bullets(2002) 800 METAKA
• Johnson County War (2002) RAT OKRUGA DŽONSON 
• King of Texas (2002) KRALJ TEKSASA
• Outsider, The (2002) STRANAC [aka ULJEZ] 

800 balas [aka 800 Bullets] (2002)
[Sancho Gracia ... Julián, Ángel de Andrés López ... Cheyenne (as Angel de Andres), Carmen Maura ... Laura, Eusebio Poncela ... Scott, Luis Castro ... Carlos, Manuel Tallafé ... Manuel (as Manuel Tallafe), Enrique Martínez ... Arrastrado (as Enrique Martinez), Luciano Federico ... Enterrador, Eduardo Gómez ... Ahorcado (as Eduardo Gomez), Terele Pávez ... Rocío (as Terele Pavez), Ramón Barea ... Don Mariano (as Ramon Barea), Cesáreo Estébanez ... Andrés (as Cesareo Estebanez), Eduardo Antuna ... Taxista, Gracia Olayo ... Juli, Berta Ojea ... Ángeles]
- Julián Torralba is a former movie stuntman in Almeria, Spain. He and several of his colleagues, who once made a living in American Westerns shot in Spain, now are reduced to doing stunt shows for minuscule audiences on the decaying set built for those old Westerns. Julián wrestles with dark memories of the death of his son, also a stuntman, and with estrangement from his daughter-in-law Laura and her son Carlos. Carlos, a young boy, becomes intrigued with his late father's life and runs away to join Julián and his band of has-beens. There Carlos is initiated into the rambunctious life of these hard-drinking faux cowboys. But when Laura, a powerful executive looking for a new site for a tourist resort, learns that Carlos has joined the hated Julián, she moves to destroy even this remnant of Julián's once-proud career. Julián and the cowboys decide to fight back the only way they know how. [Director: Álex de la Iglesia (as Alex de la Iglesia)] [124 min, 2.35 : 1, Action l Comedy l Drama, SPA-ENG-ITA]
- Period kada se vestern žanr filmova zagasio, nema više velikih idola već samo sećanja i uspomena. Nestašni dečak pronalazi na tavanu slike svog dede i preminulog oca i postaje mu jako zanimljivo kada sazna da su bili kaskaderi u vestern filmovima, pa samim tim dobija želju da krene na put i upozna svog dedu. Na prevaru kreće u jedini grad kulisa u Španiji, gde deda još uvek izvodi predstave, dok majka misli da je na ekskurziji... Sledi zanimljiv splet događaja...

Johnson County War (2002)
[Tom Berenger ... Cain Hammett, Luke Perry ... Harry Hammett, Burt Reynolds ... Hunt Lawton, Rachel Ward ... Queenie, Michelle Forbes ... Rory Hammett, Adam Storke ... Dale Hammett, Christopher Cazenove ... Lord Peter, Jack Conley ... Jesse Jacklin, Silas Weir Mitchell ... Mitch Slaughter, Fay Masterson ... Clara Jager, Ken Pogue ... Wally Tascot, Blu Mankuma ... Hambone, William Samples ... Arthur, Stephen Bridgewater ... Dencil Jager, Adrien Dorval ... Timberline (as P. Adrien Dorval)]
- The Johnson County War, also known as the War on Powder River and the Wyoming Range War, was a series of range conflicts that took place in Johnson, Wyoming between 1889 and 1893. The conflicts started when cattle companies ruthlessly persecuted supposed rustlers throughout the grazing lands of Wyoming. As tensions swelled between the large established ranchers and the smaller settlers in the state, violence finally culminated in Powder River Country, when the former hired armed gunmen to invade the county and wipe out the competition. When word came out of the gunmen's initial incursion in the territory, the small-time farmers and ranchers, as well as the state lawmen, formed a posse of 200 men to fight them back which led to a grueling stand-off. The war ended when the United States Cavalry, on the orders of President Benjamin Harrison, relieved the two forces. The events have since become a highly mythologized and symbolic story of the Wild West, and over the years variations of the storyline have come to include some of its most famous historical figures. Its themes and elements of class warfare have served as a classical basis for numerous popular novels, films, and television shows of the Western genre, as well as being one of the most well-known range wars of the American frontier. [Director: David S. Cass Sr.] [Frederick Manfred (novel)] [240 min | 171 min (3 parts), Western, GER-USA]

- Godina je 1891. i Vajoming je u prvoj godini samostalnosti. Tri brata: Hamet, Kejn (T. Berenger), Hari (L. Perry) i Dejl (A. Storke) naći će se u središtu krvavog građanskog rata između starih kraljeva stoke i došljaka koji su naselili plodna zemljišta. Vladari tržišta stoke, udruženi u društvo Cheyenne Social Club, podstaknuti huškačkim tiradama Lorda Pitera (C. Cazenove), odlučuju da unajme revolveraša Hanta Lotona (B. Reynolds) kao šerifa. Naravno, on dobija instrukcije kako zastrašiti i oterati male zemljoposednike. Međutim, braća Hamet, svaki iz svojih razloga, odbijaju da napuste svoje posede. Iznervirani takvim razvojem situacije, bogataši započinju pravi rat, dovodeći dvadesetak teksaških plaćenika koji bi trebali da otvoreno napadnu gradić Antelop. Hari Hamet, do tada zaposlen kod jednog od trgovaca stokom, prisiljen je da izabere pravu stranu - oko sebe okuplja grupu malih rančera i sugrađana, koji su spremni da brane svoja prava pred napadima plaćenika Lorda Pitera. 

King of Texas (2002)
[Patrick Stewart ... John Lear, Marcia Gay Harden ... Mrs. Susannah Lear Tumlinson, Lauren Holly ... Mrs. Rebecca Lear Highsmith, Roy Scheider ... Henry Westover, David Alan Grier ... Rip, Colm Meaney ... Mr. Tumlinson, Patrick Bergin ... Mr. Highsmith, Matt Letscher ... Emmett Westover, Liam Waite ... Thomas Westover, Steven Bauer ... Menchaca, Julie Cox ... Claudia Lear, Richard Lineback ... Warnell, Lynne Goulet ... Dancer, Memo Escobedo ... Cowboy, Clint Allen ... Cowboy]
In this adaptation of Shakespeare's King Lear, self-made ranch tycoon John Lear divides his holdings among his daughters but finds that once they have his property, they reject him. An updated version of William Shakespeare's King Lear, by way of Ran (1985), with Lear as a magnate in the Old West whose decision to divide his empire among his three daughters results in disaster. [Director: Uli Edel] [William Shakespeare (play)] [95 min, 1.33 : 1, Drama l Western, USA]
- Bogati zemljoposednik nađe se sam i napušten nakon što ga prevare njegova deca. Film "Kralj Teksasa" je adaptacija Šekspirove tragedije. Džon Lir (P. Stewart), bogati teksaški veleposednik, odluči da ćerkama podeli svoje bogatstvo, i to tako što će najviše dobiti ona koja ga najviše voli. Prva svoju ljubav uzvišenim rečima opisuje najstarija, Suzana (M.G. Harden), a posle nje srednja, Rebeka (L. Holly). Najmlađa i najmilija, Klaudija (J. Cox), odbija da meri svoju ljubav prema ocu kako bi time stekla posed, ali otac, povređen, ne razume njen razlog i otera je od kuće. Imanje je podelio Suzani i Rebeki i odlučio da će pola godine živeti sa jednom, a drugu polovinu godine sa drugom ćerkom. Nakon nekog vremena Suzana se osili i počne pokazivati ocu i njegovim ljudima da je ona, a ne više on, pravi gazda imanja, ona ih može otpustiti ili im dati plate. Poniženi starac odlazi kod druge ćerke. Sa njim je samo njegov verni sluga Rip (D.A. Grier). Jašući kroz nepregledni posed, Lir izgubi orijentaciju i ne zna naći put do Rebekine kuće. Tada prvi put posumnja da gubi razum i kaže Ripu neka ne dopusti da poludi, neka ga pre ubije. Pohlepna Suzana kuje plan da napadnu Menčaku, nešto što njen otac nikada ne bi učinio. Time je u opasnosti i Klaudija, koja je kod Menčake (S. Bauer) našla utočište...

Outsider, The (2002)  
[Tim Daly ... Johnny Gault, Naomi Watts ... Rebecca Yoder, Keith Carradine ... Noah Weaver, David Carradine ... Doctor Lucas Henry, Thomas Curtis ... Benjo Yoder, Brett Tucker ... Ben Yoder, 
John Noble ... Fergus Hunter, Grant Piro ... Woodrow Wharton, Peter McCauley ... Isaiah Miller, Jason Clarke ... Ray Childress, Todd Leigh ... Mose, Aaron James Cash ... Samuel Miller (as Aaron Cash), Simon Watts ... Abram Miller, Eamon Farren ... Levi Miller, Kim Knuckey ... Sheriff Getts]
- A western love story revolving around the forbidden love between a young widow from a Mennonite-like religious group and a cold-blooded gunslinger whom she takes into her home after he is wounded. [Director: Randa Haines] [Penelope Williamson (book] [119 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama l Romance l Western, USA]
- Ranjeni revolveraš se zaljubljuje u svoju negovateljicu, mladu udovicu. Vestern ljubavna priča koja govori o zabranjenoj ljubavi između mlade udovice i hladnokrvnog revolveraša. Nakon što revolveraš biva ranjen, mlada udovica ga odvodi u svoju kuću i pomaže mu da se oporavi.

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