среда, 3. октобар 2012.


• Apache (1954) APAČ 
• Arrow in the Dust (1954) STRELA U PRAŠINI
• Black Dakotas, The (1954) POBUNA U DAKOTI 
• Bounty Hunter, The (1954) LOVAC NA UCENE
• Broken Lance (1954) SLOMLJENO KOPLJE 
• Cattle Queen of Montana (1954) KRALJICA PRERIJE 
• Dawn at Socorro (1954) ZORA U SOKORU
• Destry (1954) DESTRI
• Drum Beat (1954) UDAR BUBNJA 
• Drums Across the River (1954) BUBNJEVI PREKO REKE 
• Far Country, The (1954) DALEKA ZEMLJA 
• Gambler from Natchez, The (1954) KOCKAR IZ NAČESA
• Garden of Evil (1954) ĐAVOLOV VRT 
• Johnny Guitar (1954) DŽONI GITARA 

Apache (1954)

[Burt Lancaster ... Massai, Jean Peters ... Nalinle, John McIntire ... Al Sieber, Charles Bronson ... Hondo (as Charles Buchinsky), John Dehner ... Weddle, Paul Guilfoyle ... Santos, Ian MacDonald ... Clagg, Walter Sande ... Lt. Col. Beck, Morris Ankrum ... Dawson, Monte Blue ... Geronimo]
- Refusing to let himself be re-settled on a Florida reservation,Massai,an Apache warrior,escapes his captors and returns to his homeland to become a peaceful farmer. Following the surrender of Geronimo, Massai, the last Apache warrior is captured and scheduled for transportation to a Florida reservation. Instead, he manages to escape and heads for his homeland to win back his girl and settle down to grow crops. His pursuers have other ideas though. [Director: Robert Aldrich] [Paul Wellman (novel, as Paul I. Wellman)] [91 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 Novi Meksiko, 1886. godine. Džeronimo (M. Blue), poglavica Čirikahua Apača prisiljen je da se preda američkoj konjici. Mladi apački ratnik Masai (B. Lancaster) odbija predaju i odlučuje da se bori potpuno sam, ali je uhvaćen i vezan u lance. Uhvatio ga je konjički indijanski skaut Al Siber (J. McIntire) i uverava ga da su dani ratničkog života završeni i da je on samo običan pokoreni Indijanac. Masai, Džeronimo i ostali apački ratnici odvojeni su od žena i dece, zatvoreni u železnički vagon i kreću na put do Floride, u rezervat St. Augustin. Kada se voz zaustavi u St. Luisu gde, zahvaljujući pokvarenom indijanskom agentu Vedlu (J. Dehner), postaju novinska senzacija, Masai koristi gužvu i beži iz voza. Uspe da dođe u Oklahomu i predahne na farmi jednog Čiroki Indijanca Dosona (M. Ankrum) koji je prihvatio način života belog čoveka. Kada Masai krene Čiroki mu daje seme kukuruza, savetujući mu da ga ne pojede već, kad bude imao farmu, posadi i uzgaja. Masai isprva ne veruje da je moguće promeniti način života i postati poput Čirokija, ali kad dođe na apačku teritoriju u Novom Meksiku, to mu se čini mogućim. Upozna Nalinle (J. Peters), ćerku novog apačkog poglavice Santosa (P. Guilfoyle), koji izda Masaija skautu Siberu. Misleći da ga je izdala i Nalinle i da je zaljubljena u Apača Honda (C. Bronson), Masai se želi osvetiti i njoj i njenom ocu... Film "Apač" velikog američkog reditelja Roberta Oldriča (Vera Kruz, Poslednji zalazak, Četvoro za Teksas, Ulzanina osveta, Jedan voz za dve bitange) jedan je od tzv. "liberalnih" vesterna - kakvi su "Slomljena strela" Delmera Dejvisa, "Belo pero" Roberta D. Veba, "Nepomirljivi" Džona Hjustona i dr. - koji na kritički način oslikavaju rasistički odnos američkih belaca prema Indijancima. Temelji se na istorijskim činjenicama i romanu "Bronko Apač" Pola I. Velmana, a scenario je pisao Džejms R. Veb koji je tačno deset godina kasnije napisao scenario još jednog slavnog "liberalnog" indijanskog vesterna - "Jesen Čejena" Džona Forda. Film je snimljen na lokacijama u Novom Meksiku i u holivudskim studijima na Floridi, za samo 34 dana. Reditelj Oldrič, producent Herold Hekt i glavni glumac Bert Lankaster želeli su da film beskompromisno sledi istorijske činjenice. Oldrič je snimio svoj završetak, za njega jedini pravi i uverljivi kraj filma o nepravdi, zločinu i rasizmu, onako kako se sve zaista dogodilo: kad Masai odluči da prestane da se bori i prihvati život farmera, američka ga konjica dočeka i podmuklo ubije. Robert Oldrič ceo život je radio filmove u kojima je osuđivao Ameriku i američki način života, bio je intelektualac, levičar i anarhista. "Apač" je 1954. godine bio jedan od najvećih hitova u američkim bioskopima i najgledaniji vestern te godine, a bilo je to doba kada je žanr bio na vrhuncu popularnosti. Osamnaest godina kasnije Oldrič režira još jedan vestern sa Bertom Lankasterom u glavnoj ulozi, "Ulzanina osveta", pravo remek-delo i jedan od desetak najboljih američkih filmova sedamdesetih.


Arrow in the Dust (1954)

[Sterling Hayden ... Bart Laish, Coleen Gray ... Christella Burke, Keith Larsen ... Lt. Steve King, Tom Tully ... Crowshaw, Jimmy Wakely ... Pvt. Carqueville, Tudor Owen ... Tillotson, Lee Van Cleef ... Tillotson Henchman, John Pickard ... Sgt. Lybarger, Carleton Young ... Maj. Andy Pepperis]
- A calvary deserter risks his life to warn and protect a wagon train from an impending Indian attack. Army deserter Bart Laish decides that the best way for him to get away is to join a wagon train headed for Oregon. They're about a week ahead of him and on the trail Bart comes across an old friend, Major Andy Pepperis who is dying from wounds received in an Indian attack. He warns Bart that the Indians will next attack the wagon train and afterward finds the army station, Camp Taylor, destroyed. He assumes Pepperis' identity and catches up to the wagon train taking command of the soldiers escorting it. He proves to be a capable leader and quickly gains everyone's respect. As they get closer to their destination, Bart is closer to being caught and has to decide if and when he will leave them. [Director: Lesley Selander] [L.L. Foreman (novel)] [79 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 Nakon što je dezertirao iz svoje jedinice oficir američke konjice Bart Leiš nailazi na uništen zaostali vagon voza na pruzi za Oregon i otkriva da su putnike masakrirali Indijanci. Jedini preživeli je major Endi Peperis koji na samrti apeluje na Leišov osećaj časti i moli ga da pronađe voz i da se postara da bezbedno stigne u Fort Larami...



Black Dakotas, The (1954)

[Gary Merrill ... Brock Marsh posing as Zachary Paige, Wanda Hendrix ... Ruth Lawrence, John Bromfield ... Mike Daugherty, Noah Beery Jr. ... Gimpy Joe Woods, Fay Roope ... John Lawrence, Howard Wendell ... Judge Horatio Baker, Robert F. Simon ... U.S. Marshal Whit Collins (as Robert Simon), James Griffith ... Warren, Richard Webb ... Frank Gibbs, Peter Whitney ... Grimes, John War Eagle ... Chief War Cloud, Jay Silverheels ... Black Buffalo]
- During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln sends an emissary with a peace treaty to the Sioux Indians. He also sends a gift of $130,000 in gold. This attracts the attention of Brock Marsh, the secret leader of a Confederate spy ring, who wants to keep the treaty from being signed and to also get his hands on the gold. Ruth Lawrence and Mike Daugherty work together against the machinations of Marsh. [Director: Ray Nazarro] [65 min, 1.37 : 1, Action l War l Western, USA]
  Tokom Građanskog rata, simpatizeri juga ulagali su očajničke napore da pomognu konfederaciji, podstičući Indijance u borbi protiv gradova ostavljenih bez odbrane, duž zapadne granice. Cilj je bio da nateraju na značajna povlačenja severnjačke trupe sa glavnih bojišta, ostavljaući ih nemoćnim za južnjačke napade. Ovo je priča o jednom takvom pokušaju, preduzetom na teritoriji Dakote, 1864. godine... Predsednik Abraham Linkoln šalje izaslanika sa mirovnim ugovorom za Sijuks Indijance. Takođe šalje dar od 130.000 dolara u zlatu. To privlači pažnju Broka Marša (G. Merrill), tajnog lidera konfederacijskog špijunskog kruga, koji želi da omete potpisivanje ugovora i otme zlato.

Bounty Hunter, The (1954)

[Randolph Scott ... Jim Kipp, Dolores Dorn ... Julie Spencer, Marie Windsor ... Alice Williams, Howard Petrie ... Sheriff Brand, Harry Antrim ... Dr. R.L. Spencer, Robert Keys ... George Williams, Ernest Borgnine ... Bill Rachin, Dub Taylor ... Eli Danvers (as Dubb Taylor), Tyler MacDuff ... Vance Edwards, Archie Twitchell ... Harrison, Paul Picerni ... Jud, Phil Chambers ... Ed, Mary Lou Holloway ... Mrs. Harrison]
- A bounty hunter, hired by Pinkerton, trails 3 unknown murderous train robbers to a town and finds a host of suspects. A year after a violent train robbery the Pinkerton detective agency hires a bounty hunter to find the three remaining killers. He tracks them to Twin Forks but has no clue to their identity. Tensions surface as just his presence in town acts as a catalyst. [Director: André De Toth (as Andre de Toth)] [79 min, 1.75 : 1, Western, USA]
 Lovac na glave (R. Scott) angažovan je da uhvati trojicu preživelih pljačkaša voza. Odlazi u grad Tvin Forks, gde izaziva sumnjičavost i napetost kod stanovnika, jer svako ima tajnu koju želi da sakrije, a on ne zna ko su krivci...


Broken Lance (1954)

[Spencer Tracy ... Matt Devereaux, Robert Wagner ... Joe Devereaux, Jean Peters ... Barbara, Richard Widmark ... Ben Devereaux, Katy Jurado ... Senora Devereaux, Hugh O'Brian ... Mike Devereaux, Eduard Franz ... Two Moons, Earl Holliman ... Denny Devereaux, E.G. Marshall ... Horace - The Governor, Carl Benton Reid ... Clem Lawton, Philip Ober ... Van Cleve, Robert Burton ... Mac Andrews]
- The saga of the Devereaux rancher family, set in 1880's Arizona. Cattle baron Matt Devereaux raids a copper smelter that is polluting his water, then divides his property among his sons. Son Joe takes responsibility for the raid and gets three years in prison. Matt dies from a stroke partly caused by his rebellious sons and when Joe gets out he plans revenge. [Director: Edward Dmytryk] [96 min, 2.55 : 1, Western, USA]
 U ovom vesternu sa dozom šekspirovskih zapleta, Met Devere (S. Tracy) je vlasnik ranča koji je pokušao da odgaji svoje sinove tako da ne prekidaju tradiciju bespoštednog održavanja zemlje. Međutim, posledica ovakvog odnosa je činjenica da im nikada nije pokazao naklonost i tretirao ih je gotovo jednako kao najamne radnike. Džo (R. Wagner) je Metov sin iz braka sa Senjorom (K. Jurado). Zbog toga što je dete iz mešovitog braka, on ima problema - najviše sa trojicom polubraće: Benom (R. Widmark), Majkom (H. O'Brian) i Denijem (E. Holliman), Metovim sinovima iz prvog braka. Džo voli svog oca i uradio bi gotovo sve za njega, ali njegova braća negoduju zbog očeve emotivne distance. Met će organizovati pobunu uznemiren činjenicom da obližnji rudnik bakra zagađuje izvor na kome napaja stoku. Međutim, policajci posećuju ranč sa nalogom da uhapse odgovornog za napad na rudnik. Da bi poštedeo svog oca agonije života iza rešetaka, Džo će preuzeti odgovornost i provesti nekoliko godina u zatvoru. Kada konačno bude na slobodi on otkriva da su se braća pobunila protiv oca koji je zbog toga dobio srčani napad sa fatalnim ishodom. Dok Senjora ubeđuje svog sina da ne kreće u osvetu, Ben je voljan da uđe u konflikt sa polubratom koji je bio na očevoj strani...


Cattle Queen of Montana (1954)

[Barbara Stanwyck ... Sierra Nevada Jones, Ronald Reagan ... Farrell, Gene Evans ... Tom McCord, Lance Fuller ... Colorados, Anthony Caruso ... Natchakoa, Jack Elam ... Yost, Yvette Duguay ... Starfire (as Yvette Dugay), Morris Ankrum ... J.I. 'Pop' Jones, Chubby Johnson ... Nat Collins, Myron Healey ... Hank, Rodd Redwing ... Powhani (as Rod Redwing), Paul Birch ... Col. Carrington, Byron Foulger ... Land Office Clerk, Burt Mustin ... Dan]
- Sierra Nevada Jones must fight a villainous rancher to regain the land that is rightfully hers. The Jones family, about to prove claim to prime Montana land, is raided by renegade Indians in league with villainous neighbor McCord, who gets most of the stolen cattle. Two survivors are helped by college-educated chief's son Colorados. Now Sierra Nevada Jones must fight for her land against legal technicalities and assorted villains. Can she gain the help of McCord's hired gun, Farrell? [Director: Allan Dwan] [88 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 Goneći stoku od zore do sumraka duž celog Teksasa nikada nismo prestajali, dok ne kročimo na tlo Montane. Tata je kupio imanje u Dolini Bizona, prošlog leta. Imali smo samo dva dana da sredimo papire i preuzmemo naš novi dom. Sijera. Poslednja slobodna teritorija...


Dawn at Socorro (1954)

[Rory Calhoun ... Brett Wade, Piper Laurie ... Rannah Hayes, David Brian ... Dick Braden, Kathleen Hughes ... Clare, Alex Nicol ... Jimmy Rapp, Edgar Buchanan ... Sheriff Cauthen, Mara Corday ... Letty Diamond, Roy Roberts ... Doc Jameson, Skip Homeier ... Buddy Ferris, James Millican ... Marshal Harry McNair, Lee Van Cleef ... Earl Ferris, Stanley Andrews ... Old Man Ferris, Richard Garland ... Tom Ferris, Scott Lee ... Deputy Vince McNair, Paul Brinegar ... Desk Clerk]
- Gunfighter Brett Wade, diagnosed with tuberculosis, tries to get out of his former life while helping a young woman. Brett Wade, gambler, gunslinger, and classical pianist, is wounded in a gunfight with the Ferris clan; the doctor finds signs of tuberculosis. En route to Colorado for his health, Brett stops in Socorro, New Mexico along with Ferris gunfighter Jimmy Rapp. Sheriff Couthen fears another shootout, but what Brett has in mind is saving waif-with-a-past Rannah Hayes from a life as one of Dick Braden's saloon girls. [Director: George Sherman] [80 min, 2.00 : 1, Western, USA]
 Kockar, revolveraš i pijanista Bret Vejd (R. Calhoun) ranjen je u sukobu sa klanom Feris. Zbog rana je otišao kod lekara i tamo saznao da ima tuberkulozu. Saznanje o teškoj bolesti navelo ga je na odluku da promeni svoj dosadašnji život, pa je krenuo prema Koloradu...

Destry (1954)

[Audie Murphy ... Tom Destry, Mari Blanchard ... Brandy, Lyle Bettger ... Phil Decker, Thomas Mitchell ... Reginald T. 'Rags' Barnaby, Edgar Buchanan ... The Honorable Hiram J. Sellers, Mayor, Lori Nelson ... Martha Phillips, Wallace Ford ... Doc Curtis, Mary Wickes ... Bessie Mae Curtis, Alan Hale Jr. ... Jack Larson, George Wallace ... Curly Adams, Richard Reeves ... Mac, Walter Baldwin ... Henry Skinner, Lee Aaker ... Eli Skinner, Anthony Lawrence ... The Professor (as Mitchell Lawrence), Frank Richards ... Dummy]
- In the old West, a small frontier town is being controlled by ruthless mob boss Decker and his cronies. After the local sheriff dies under mysterious circumstances, Decker arranges to have the town drunk appointed sheriff, thinking he will be ineffectual. But the new sheriff sends for Tom Destry, son of a famous two-fisted lawman, to be his deputy. When Tom arrives, he isn't exactly the swaggering he-man the sheriff had in mind. In fact, Destry doesn't even carry a gun. But the new deputy's mild exterior masks a fierce determination to see justice done, as Decker and the other locals soon discover. [Director: George Marshall] [95 min, 2.00 : 1, Western, USA]
 Kada u gradiću na zapadu umre šerif pod sumnjivim okolnostima, na njegovo mesto lokalni moćnik Deker (L. Bettger) postavi pijanca kog ima pod kontrolom. Šerif pozove za svog pomoćnika Toma Destrija (A. Murphy), sina poznatog borca za pravdu. Ali, stigavši u kočiji i nenaoružan, Destrijev dolazak sve iznenadi...

Drum Beat (1954) 

[Alan Ladd ... Johnny MacKay, Audrey Dalton ... Nancy Meek, Marisa Pavan ... Toby, Robert Keith ... Bill Satterwhite, Rodolfo Acosta ... Scarface Charlie, Charles Bronson ... Kintpuash, aka Captain Jack, Warner Anderson ... Gen. Canby, Elisha Cook Jr. ... Blaine Crackel, Anthony Caruso ... Manok, Richard Gaines ... Dr. Thomas, Hayden Rorke ... President Ulysses S. Grant, Frank DeKova ... Modoc Jim, Perry Lopez ... Bogus Charlie, Isabel Jewell ... Lily White, Peggy Converse ... Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant]
- President Grant orders Indian fighter MacKay to negotiate with the Modocs of northern California and southern Oregon. On the way he must escort Nancy Meek to the home of her aunt and uncle. After Modoc renegade Captain Jack engages in ambush and other atrocities, MacKay must fight him one-on-one with guns, knives and fists. [Director: Delmer Daves] [111 min, 2.55 : 1, Western l Adventure, USA]
 Tako je završio pokolj u zemlji Modok. A naši su ljudi živeli u miru zauvek. Mir je postignut ne samo zato što se tako htelo, već zato što je koštao mnogo života i ostavio je mnoge ožiljke. Ali, ova zemlja je naučila vrednu lekciju da je nikada neće zaboraviti među Indijancima i među našim ljudima, dobri ljudi uvek nadmaše loše i žrtvuju se da bi to dokazali.



Drums Across the River (1954) 

[Audie Murphy ... Gary Brannon, Walter Brennan ... Sam Brannon, Lyle Bettger ... Frank Walker, Lisa Gaye ... Jennie Marlowe, Hugh O'Brian ... Morgan, Mara Corday ... Sue Randolph, Jay Silverheels ... Taos, Emile Meyer ... Nathan Marlowe, Regis Toomey ... Sheriff Jim Beal, Morris Ankrum ... Chief Ouray, Bob Steele ... Billy Costa, James Anderson ... Jed Walker, George Wallace ... Les Walker, Lane Bradford ... Ralph Costa, Howard McNear ... Stilwell]
- When whites hunger after the gold on Ute Indian land, a bigoted young man finds himself forced into a peacekeeping role. Crown City, Colorado, may become a ghost town; the only gold left is in Ute Indian land. Gary Brannon, an honest man who hates Indians, joins a mission to try for mining concessions; but crooked Frank Walker, more realistically, plans to start an Indian war. Gary and his wiser father Sam have their hands full keeping the peace, and Walker has lots more schemes up his sleeve. More plot twists than the average Western. [Director: Nathan Juran] [78 min, 2.00 : 1, Western, USA]
 Kraun Siti u državi Kolorado nekada je bio meka tragača za zlatom i vrlo bogat gradić, ali sada bi mogao postati napušteno mesto: naime, jedino zlato koje je preostalo u rukama je tamošnjih Indijanaca, nastanjenih preko reke. Geri Brenon (A. Murphy), pošteni građanin koji ne voli Indijance zbog moguće krivice za ubistvo majke, pokuša mirnim putem sa poglavicom dogovoriti dobijanje koncesije na rudnik, ali pokvareni Frenk Voker (L. Bettger) planira da započne rat sa Indijancima da bi oni napustili svoju teritoriju. Geriju je, kao i njegovom ocu Semu, stalo da očuva mir, dok Voker istovremeno razrađuje svoje podmukle namere. On će verovatno hteti što pre da se domogne rudnika... "Bubnjevi preko reke" američkog reditelja Nejtana Džurana (Zakon i red, Dan za vešanje, Neprijatelj Apača, poznatog kao i izvrsnog fimskog scenografa) zanimljiv je i napet vestern vrlo složene fabule i vrlo zanimljivih likova. To je priča o složenom odnosu dvoje poštenih građana sa Indijancima koji su zauzeli rudnik zlata koga se želi domoći i njihov podmukli, a uticajni sugrađanin.  


Far Country, The (1954) 

[James Stewart ... Jeff Webster, Ruth Roman ... Ronda Castle, Corinne Calvet ... Renee Vallon, Walter Brennan ... Ben Tatum, John McIntire ... Gannon, Jay C. Flippen ... Rube, Harry Morgan ... Ketchum (as Henry Morgan), Steve Brodie ... Ives, Connie Gilchrist ... Hominy, Robert J. Wilke ... Madden (as Robert Wilke), Chubby Johnson ... Dusty, Royal Dano ... Luke, Jack Elam ... Frank Newberry, Kathleen Freeman ... Grits, Connie Van ... Molasses]
- A self-minded adventurer (Jeff Webster) locks horns with a crooked lawman (Mr. Gannon) while driving cattle to Dawson. In 1896, Jeff Webster sees the start of the Klondike gold rush as a golden opportunity to make a fortune in beef... and woe betide anyone standing in his way! He drives a cattle herd from Wyoming to Seattle, by ship to Skagway, and (after a delay caused by larcenous town boss Gannon) through the mountains to Dawson. There, he and his partner Ben Tatum get into the gold business themselves. Two lovely women fall for misanthropic Jeff, but he believes in every-man-for-himself, turning his back on growing lawlessness... until it finally strikes home. [Director: Anthony Mann] [97 min, 2.00 : 1, Adventure l Drama l Romance, USA]
 Godina je 1896. Džefu Vebsteru (J. Stewart) se učini da je zlatna groznica koja je upravo u toku sjajna mogućnost da se obogati, zahvaljujući trgovanju stokom sa ljudima koji traže zlato. Tako on tera svoju stoku iz Vajominga u Sijetl, pa potom teretnim brodom do Skagveja i u planine do grada Dosona. Tamo, sa svojim poslovnim partnerom Benom Tejtumom (W. Brennan), i sam uđe u posao sa zlatom. Istovremeno, dve će se žene pomamiti za zgodnim, iako naoko antipatičnim Džefom...




Gambler from Natchez, The (1954)

[Dale Robertson ... Capt. Vance Colby, Debra Paget ... Melanie Barbee, Thomas Gomez ... Capt. Antoine Barbee, Lisa Daniels ... Ivette Rivage, Kevin McCarthy ... André Rivage, Douglas Dick ... Claude St. Germaine, John Wengraf ... Nicholas Cadiz, Donald Randolph ... Pierre Bonet, Henri Letondal ... Robert Renard, Jay Novello ... René Garonne, Woody Strode ... Josh]
- Returning to New Orleans, following four years of army service in Texas in the 1840s, Captain Vance Colby finds his father, a professional gambler, has been killed. The police tell him his father was killed while caught cheating in a card game by Andre Rivage, an arrogant young dilettante. Vance protests that his father was an honest gambler and never used marked cards, but the police inspector tells him there were witnesses. Aided by a riverboat owner, Captain Barbee, and his daughter, Melanie, Vance sets out to clear his father's name and avenge his death. [Director: Henry Levin] [88 min, 1.66 : 1, Action l Adventure l Mystery, USA]
 Kapetan Vens Kolbi (D. Robertson) vraća se nakon godina vojne službe iz Teksasa u Nju Orleans. Putujući brodom, Vens upozna privlačnu i skromnu devojku Melani (D. Paget), ćerku brodskog kapetana Antoana Barbea (T. Gomez). Nestrpljiv da napokon ponovo vidi oca, poznatog kockara, Vens sazna da mu je otac ubijen zbog varanja na kartama. Lokalne vlasti uveravaju ga da postoje svedoci koji su videli oca kako vara, ali Vens im ne veruje i odluči da otkrije istinu i vrati očevu izgubljenu čast... 



Garden of Evil (1954) 

[Gary Cooper ... Hooker, Susan Hayward ... Leah Fuller, Richard Widmark ... Fiske, Hugh Marlowe ... John Fuller, Cameron Mitchell ... Luke Daly, Rita Moreno ... Cantina Singer, Víctor Manuel Mendoza ... Vicente Madariaga (as Victor Manuel Mendoza)]
- A trio of American adventurers marooned in rural Mexico are recruited by a beautiful woman to rescue her husband trapped in cave in Apache territory. Three Americans are headed by ship around the cape to the California gold fields when they are put ashore for several weeks in a sleepy little Mexican village. While there, they are offered the job of following a lady deep into the indian infested mountains of Mexico to rescue the ladies husband trapped by a cave-in at their gold mine. For the job they are promised two thousand dollars each. While each contemplates their own chances for getting the lady and /or the gold mine, if they can survive to enjoy it. [Director: Henry Hathaway] [100 min, 2.55 : 1, Action l Adventure l Drama, USA]
 Na putu za Kaliforniju, u potrazi za zlatom, troje Amerikanaca - Huker (G. Cooper), Fisk (R. Widmark) i Luk (C. Mitchell) - usidre se blizu malog meksičkog sela. Njih troje, kao i jednog meštana, unajmi očajna belkinja Lea (S. Heyward) nudeći svakom po dve hiljade dolara ako spasu njenog muža zaglavljenog u rudniku na neprijateljskoj indijanskoj teritoriji. Tokom napornog putovanja članovi grupe su na rubu snaga, a postane im i dodatno teže kada shvate da im se nesrećna žena sviđa. Oni stižu do rudnika (koji se zove Đavolov vrt zbog domorodačkog verovanja da u njemu postoje zli duhovi), pronalaze Leinog supruga, ali sami će biti uhvaćeni u zasedu... Đavolov vrt je solidan i dobro režiran vestern poznatog i vrlo posebnog reditelja Henrija Hadaveja (Put Usamljenog bora, Pastir sa brda, Napad na poštansku stanicu, Od pakla do Teksasa, Na severu Aljaske, Kako je osvojen Divlji zapad, Svet cirkusa, Sinovi Keti Elder, Nevada Smit, Krvavi poker, Čovek zvani hrabrost, Pucanj). To je priča o ljudima koji se, iako krenuvši u potragu za zlatom, upuste u spasavanje čoveka na neprijateljskoj teritoriji, znajući da taj čin može proći sa teškim posledicama. Uz vrlo dobro razrađenu radnju i prikaz njihovih postupaka film razvija i snažan ljubavni motiv i takođe i drugi motiv koji povezuje sva tri lika - želja za pronalaskom zlata.  


Johnny Guitar (1954) 

[Joan Crawford ... Vienna, Sterling Hayden ... Johnny 'Guitar' Logan, Mercedes McCambridge ... Emma Small, Scott Brady ... Dancin' Kid, Ward Bond ... John McIvers, Ben Cooper ... Turkey Ralston, Ernest Borgnine ... Bart Lonergan, John Carradine ... Old Tom, Royal Dano ... Corey, Frank Ferguson ... Marshal Williams, Paul Fix ... Eddie, Rhys Williams ... Mr. Andrews, Ian MacDonald ... Pete]
- A strong willed female saloon owner is wrongly suspected of murder and bank robbery by a lynch mob, when she helps a wounded gang member. Vienna has built a saloon outside of town, and she hopes to build her own town once the railroad is put through, but the townsfolk want her gone. When four men hold up a stagecoach and kill a man the town officials, led by Emma Small, come to the saloon to grab four of Vienna's friends, the Dancin' Kid and his men. Vienna stands strong against them, and is aided by the presence of an old acquaintance of hers, Johnny Guitar, who is not what he seems. [Director: Nicholas Ray] [Roy Chanslor (novel)] [110 min, 1.66 : 1, Drama l Western, USA]
 Viena (J. Crawford) je vlasnica uspešnog kazina u predgrađu pored kog bi uskoro trebala proći železnica što znači i nove mušterije sa istoka. Očekujući povećani posao, Viena kao zaštitnika unajmljuje svog bivšeg ljubavnika, Džonija Logana (S. Hayden). Po dolasku Džoni nailazi na pljačku kočije, ali se ne zaustavlja da bi pomogao. U toj je pljački ubijen brat još jedne vrlo uticajne žene, rančerke Eme (M. McCambridge), koja odmah sa šerifom i gomilom ljudi dolazi u kazino i za napad optužuje Vieninog ljubavnika, Densing Kida. Iako Densing Kid (S. Brady) nije kriv, prisiljen je da sa svojim momcima napusti grad. Džoni i Viena shvataju da se još uvek vole i odluče da odu nakon što podignu novac iz banke... Reditelj Nikolas Rej (U senci vešala, Istinita priča o Džesiju Džejmsu, Vetrovi močvare Everglejds) u ovom netipičnom stilski vrlo rafinisanom vesternu poigrava se konvencijama i zamenjuje uloge polova: slabim muškarcima upravljaju dominantne žene čiji postupci menjaju tok događaja. 



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