уторак, 9. октобар 2012.


• No Name on the Bullet (1959) NEMA IMENA NA METKU 
• Oregon Trail, The (1959) PUT U OREGON
• Rawhide - Season 1 (1959) SIROVA KOŽA - S01 [SERIJA, 1 EPIZODA]
• Ride Lonesome (1959) JAHAČ OSVETNIK
• Rio Bravo (1959) RIO BRAVO  
• These Thousand Hills (1959) KROZ PLANINE DIVLJEG ZAPADA [aka DVOBOJ U BRDIMA] 
• They Came to Cordura (1959) DOŠLI SU U KORDURU 
• Thunder in the Sun (1959) GRMLJAVINA NA SUNCU 
• Westbound (1959) NA ZAPAD 
• Wonderful Country, The (1959) DIVNA ZEMLJA 
• Yellowstone Kelly (1959) TRAPER KELI  
• Young Land, The (1959) MLADA ZEMLJA

No Name on the Bullet (1959) 

[Audie Murphy ... John Gant, Charles Drake ... Luke Canfield, Joan Evans ... Anne Benson, Virginia Grey ... Roseanne Fraden, Warren Stevens ... Lou Fraden, R.G. Armstrong ... Asa Canfield, Willis Bouchey ... Buck Hastings, Edgar Stehli ... Judge Benson, Simon Scott ... Reeger, Karl Swenson ... Stricker, Whit Bissell ... Pierce, Charles Watts ... Sid, John Alderson ... Chaffee, Jerry Paris ... Harold Miller, Russ Bender ... Storekeeper]
- Cool, cultured John Gant rides into Lordsburg. Gant is a professional killer, and although no one knows who he is there to kill, they are all worried. Everyone has enemies, and maybe Gant is in town for them. While they wait for him to make his move, paranoia starts taking over... [Director: Jack Arnold] [77 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, USA]
 Profesionalni ubica Džon Gant (A. Murphy) je čovek vrlo otmenog ponašanja, besprekorno pristojan i iznad svega miran i povučen. Ali on je poznat i kao savršeni ubica. Kad stigne u neki grad na Divljem zapadu, svakog ko ima nečistu savest obuzme strah i potom panika, jer očekuje da je Gant došao u grad da ubije upravo njega, a Gant samo čeka da žrtva pred svedocima izgubi živce i prva potegne oružje. Tada ubija - naoko u samoodbrani. Dolaskom u gradić Lordsburg Gant izaziva strah među bankarima i vlasnicima rudnika koji nagađaju da je profesionalni ubica došao da likvidira nekog od njih. Dok Gant provodi vreme igrajući šah sa doktorom Lukom Kenfildom (C. Drake) i pijući bezbroj kafa u salunu hotela gde je odseo, jedan bankar gubi prisebnost i od straha počini samoubistvo, a grupa bogataša pokušava da organizuje linč i ubije Ganta. Gant sve to podnosi stoički i sa prezirom prema dvoličnosti uglednika koji "zaslužuju smrt". Dr. Kenfild pokušava da sprečiti raspad grada, ali Gant ne odustaje od posla za koji je plaćen i mirno čeka trenutak kada će izvršiti ono zbog čega je došao...

Oregon Trail, The (1959) 

[Fred MacMurray ... Neal Harris, William Bishop ... Capt. George Wayne, Nina Shipman ... Prudence Cooper, Gloria Talbott ... Shona Hastings, Henry Hull ... George Seton, John Carradine ... Zachariah Garrison, John Dierkes ... Gabe Hastings, Roxene Wells ... Flossie Shoemaker, Elizabeth Patterson ... Maria Cooper, Gene N. Fowler ... Richard Cooper, James Bell ... Jeremiah Cooper, John Slosser ... Johnny, Ralph Sanford ... John Decker, Sherry Spalding ... Lucy, Tex Terry ... Brizzard]
- In 1846, a reporter for the New York Herald joins a wagon train bound for the Oregon Territory. He hopes to confirm a rumor that President Polk is sending in soldiers disguised as settlers in order to strengthen American claims to the Territory. [Director: Gene Fowler Jr.] [86 min, 2.35 : 1, Western, USA]
 Godine 1846., novinar New York Heralda vozom kreće na put za Oregonsku teritoriju. On se nada da će potvrditi glasine da je predsednik Polk poslao vojnike prikrivene kao doseljenike u cilju jačanja američke vlasti na toj teritoriji.

Rawhide – Season 1 (1959)

 Sirova koža je američka vestern serija koja se originalno emitovala na programu mreže CBS od 1959. do 1965. godine. Poznata je po tome što se u njoj Klint Istvud prvi put etablirao kao ozbiljan vestern glumac. Radnja je pratila avanture grupe od 20-ak kauboja koji vode krdo stoke iz Teksasa u Misuri. Prikazano je 217 epizoda u 8 sezona.

Rawhide (1959) S01E01 Incident of the Tumbleweed (1959) 

[Eric Fleming ... Gil Favor, Clint Eastwood ... Rowdy Yates, Terry Moore ... Dallas, Sheb Wooley ... Pete Nolan, Paul Brinegar ... Wishbone, James Murdock ... Mushy, Steve Raines ... Jim Quince, Rocky Shahan ... Joe Scarlet, John Larch ... Lennie Dawson, Tom Conway ... Sinclair, Frank Wilcox ... Wilt Jackson, Maurice Manson ... Matt Hays, Val Dufour ... Luke Storm, David Whorf ... Norm Morton, Bob Steele ... Art Gray]
- After a marshal and deputy are wounded and killed, Gil and Rowdy volunteer to finish the delivery of the prison wagon with seven dangerous prisoners to Ft Craig for trial, while the outlaw husband of one prisoner is in pursuit to free her. The drovers setup camp and food is served when a tumbleweed wagon pulls up. The drovers want nothing to do with it until they notice beautiful Dallas Storm is one of the prisoners. That evening Dallas and two members of the Storm gang try to escape. As Dallas and one of the escapees go for the remuda horses, Favor and Rowdy stop them. Favor and Yates take charge of the tumbleweed wagon with the six prisoners left en route to Fort Craig where they will drop off the prisoners for trial. They bury the deputy and take the wounded marshal with them in the wagon. Since a member of the Storm gang escaped, they are worried about the Storm gang coming after them. Favor takes a route up a river and a shortcut hoping to avoid them. Dallas tries to set a fire to escape but is taken prisoner herself by Sinclair who has a history of killing women. The prisoner Norm stops Sinclair. At a deep river Favor and Rowdy try to pull the wagon across the river with horses using a block and tackle. [Director: Richard Whorf] [TV Episode, 1 of 217 Episodes, 51 min, Black and White, 1.33 : 1, Western, USA]
 Pošto je šerif ranjen, a njegov zamenik ubijen, Džil (E. Fleming) and Roudi (C. Eastwood) dobrovoljno dovršavaju zatvorski transport sedam opasnih zatvorenika do Fort Krejga na suđenje. Među opasnim zatvorenicima je i Dalas Storm (T. Moore), žena odmetnika koji namerava da je oslobodi...

Ride Lonesome (1959)

[Randolph Scott ... Ben Brigade, Karen Steele ... Mrs. Carrie Lane, Pernell Roberts ... Sam Boone, James Best ... Billy John, Lee Van Cleef ... Frank, James Coburn ... Whit]
- A bounty hunter escorts a killer to town to be hanged, but is allowing the man's outlaw brother to catch up with him, for a showdown over a shocking previous murder. A wanted murderer, Billy John, is captured by Ben Brigade, a bounty hunter, who intends to take him to Santa Cruz to be hanged. Brigade stops at a staging post, where he saves the manager's wife from an Indian attack, and enlists the help of two outlaws to continue his journey more safely. However, the Indian attacks persist, the outlaws plan to take Billy for themselves, tempted by the offer of amnesty for his captor, and Billy's brother Frank is in hot pursuit to rescue him. But Brigade has plans of his own... [Director: Budd Boetticher] [73 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama l Western, USA]
 Tražen zbog ubistva, Bili Džon, uhvaćen je od lovca na glave Bena Brigejda koji namerava da ga odvede u Santa Kruz na vešanje. Brigejd se zaustavlja na poštanskoj stanici odakle spasava ženu upravnika od Indijanskog napada. Radnja prikazuje kako ga put vodi kroz niz opasnosti, a pomažu mu i dva revolveraša (P. Roberts i J. Coburn), dok istovremeno ubicu, ne birajući sredstva, nastoji da oslobodi njegov brat (L. Van Cleef).

Rio Bravo (1959) 

[John Wayne ... Sheriff John T. Chance, Dean Martin ... Dude ('Borachón'), Ricky Nelson ... Colorado Ryan, Angie Dickinson ... Feathers, Walter Brennan ... Stumpy, Ward Bond ... Pat Wheeler, John Russell ... Nathan Burdette, Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez ... Carlos Robante (as Pedro Gonzalez-Gonzalez), Estelita Rodriguez ... Consuela Robante, Claude Akins ... Joe Burdette, Malcolm Atterbury ... Jake (Stage Driver) (scenes deleted), Harry Carey Jr. ... Harold (scenes deleted), Sheb Wooley ... Cowboy (scenes deleted)]
- A small-town sheriff in the American West enlists the help of a cripple, a drunk, and a young gunfighter in his efforts to hold in jail the brother of the local bad guy. The sheriff of a small town in southwest Texas must keep custody of a murderer whose brother, a powerful rancher, is trying to help him escape. After a friend is killed trying to muster support for him, he and his deputies - a disgraced drunk and a cantankerous old cripple - must find a way to hold out against the rancher's hired guns until the marshal arrives. In the meantime, matters are complicated by the presence of a young gunslinger - and a mysterious beauty who just came in on the last stagecoach. [Director: Howard Hawks] [141 min, 1.85 : 1, Drama l Music l Romance, USA]
 Okrug Prezidio u Teksasu kasnih 1860-ih godina. Nakon što jedne večeri zbog ubistva nenaoružanog čoveka u salunu uhapsi kauboja Džoa Bardeta (C. Akins), šerif Džon T. Čens (J. Wayne) shvati da se našao u neprilici. Naime, Džo je brat zemljoposednika Natana Bardeta (J. Russell), najbogatijeg i najmoćnijeg čoveka u okrugu, koji će sa svojih 40 plaćenika sigurno pokušati da izvuče brata iz zatvora. Jedina pomoć na koju Džon može da računa je ona od njegovih pomoćnika, notornog pijanca Duda (D. Martin) i brbljivog i zajedljivog bogalja Stampija (W. Brennan). Kada u grad stigne gonič stoke Pet Viler (W. Bond) sa svojim ljudima, Džon upozna njegovog pomoćnika, mladog i vrlo sposobnog revolveraša Rajana zvanog Kolorado (R. Nelson). Istog dana, na putu za Fort Vort u grad stigne i poštanska kočija, među čijim je putnicima i atraktivna Feders (A. Dickinson), iskusna varalica za kojom je zbog kartaških prevara raspisana poternica. Nakon što sledeće večeri neko sa leđa ustreli Vilera, Džon će shvatiti da je obračun počeo i da su svi postali Bardetove mete...

These Thousand Hills (1959) 

[Don Murray ... Albert Gallatin 'Lat' Evans, Richard Egan ... Jehu, Lee Remick ... Callie, Patricia Owens ... Joyce, Stuart Whitman ... Tom Ping, Albert Dekker ... Marshal Conrad, Harold J. Stone ... Ram Butler, Royal Dano ... Ike Carmichael, Jean Willes ... Jen]
- An ambitious cowboy will stop at nothing to get what he wants, including using the affections of two women. [Director: Richard Fleischer] [A.B. Guthrie Jr. (novel)] [96 min, 2.35 : 1, Drama l Western, USA]
  Godine 1880. kauboj Lat Evans (D. Murray) pridružuje se goničima goveda u Montanu. Da zaradi što više, on kroti i divlje konje. Postaje prijatelj sa Tomom Pingom (S. Whitman) i udruži se sa njim za lov na vučja krzna, što se unosno prodaje. U Fort Broku kauboji upoznaju rančera-kockara Jehua (R. Egan) koji nudi opkladu za trku konja. Jehuov jahač prevarom želi da pobedi Leta Evansa, ali prvi građanin grada, bankar Konrad proglašava Leta pobednikom. Let se upoznao i sa Jehuovom devojkom, barskom pevačicom Kali (L. Remick), pa se među njima razvije i ljubav. U lovu na vukove Lat i Tom dolaze u sukob sa Indijancima. U borbi Lat bude ranjen, ali ga Tom spasi i prebaci u Fort Brok. Kad se oporavio, Lat pokuša da posudi novce od bankara Konrada, ali kako nema nikakvo jamstvo da pruži, bankar odbije. Kali uzajmi Latu svu svoju ušteđevinu da može da kupi ranč. Na taj ranč, sve gonjen željom da se što pre obogati, Lat uzajmi od bankara novce da kupi stoku. Ranč napreduje, Lat postaje sve bogatiji i sad se već stidi svoje veze sa običnom barskom zabavljačicom. I Tom je prekinuo prijateljstvo sa njim, jer je Lat odbio da dođe na Tomovo venčanje sa prijateljicom Kali. Lat se upoznao sa bankarevom nećakinjom Džojs i zaljubio se u nju. Kali mu zamera, ali vidi da ga više ne može držati, jer se suviše uzdigao i vraća se Jehu. Lat se oženi sa Džojs (P. Owens), njihovo se bogatstvo povećava i Lat već kupuje zemlju manjih farmera, među kojima je i Jehu. Ali kad rančeri traže Latovu pomoć protiv konjokradica, on okleva da se stavi na čelo progonitelja. Ipak pristane, ali među uhvaćenim konjokradicama prepozna svog prijatelja - Toma! Rančeri obese Toma, i pored svog ranijeg obećanja i Latovog protesta. Kod kuće Lat zatiče Kalino pismo u kojem ga moli za pomoć. On prizna ženi svoju bivšu vezu sa tom devojkom na lošem glasu i odjaši do nje, iako mu Džojs preti da će ga ostaviti. Kali je sva isprebijana. Istukao ju je Jehu jer nije verovala da je Lat kriv za Tomovo vešanje. Lat ide u krčmu da se obračuna sa Jehuom. Nakon teške borbe šakama Jehu dohvati i pušku i u času kad Latu nema spasa, jedan hitac obori Jehua. Kali stoji po strani sa puškom koja se još dimi. Lat obeća da će braniti Kali zbog ubistva Jehua i vraća se ženi, koja sad pokazuje razumevanje za ovu veliku i neostvarenu ljubav u surovim planinama Divljeg Zapada. Klasični vestern snimljen u zlatno doba ovoga žanra. Reč je o vrlo dobrom filmu naizgled jednostavne, ali vrlo slojevite priče, koja tematizuje klasične motive u vesternima kao što su prijateljstvo, odanost i odnos između civilizacije i divljine.

They Came to Cordura (1959) 

[Gary Cooper ... Major Thomas Thorn, Rita Hayworth ... Adelaide Geary, Van Heflin ... Sgt. John Chawk, Tab Hunter ... Lt. William Fowler, Richard Conte ... Cpl. Milo Trubee, Michael Callan ... Pvt. Andrew Hetherington, Dick York ... Pvt. Renziehausen, Robert Keith ... Colonel Rogers, Carlos Romero ... Arreaga, Jim Bannon ... Capt. Paltz (as James Bannon), Edward Platt ... Colonel DeRose, Maurice Jara ... Mexican Federale, Sam Buffington ... 1st Correspondent, Arthur Hanson ... 2nd Correspondent]
- An army major, himself guilty of cowardice, is asked to recommended soldiers for the Congressional Medal of Honor during the Mexican Border Incursion of 1916. After a cavalry charge during the 1916 U.S. "war against Pancho Villa", unheroic awards officer Tom Thorn (who is obsessed with the nature of courage) recommends 4 men for the Medal of Honor. He is ordered back to Cordura with them...and prisoner Adelaide Geary, gringo who sheltered the enemy. On the arduous journey, Thorn's heroes show a different face, and Thorn may have one last chance to prove he's no coward. [Director: Robert Rossen] [123 min, 2.35 : 1, Adventure l Drama l History, USA]
 Vestern sa elementima drame koji se odigrava u Meksiku 1916. godine, u toku rata sa Pančom Viljom. Gari Kuper glumi oficira optuženog za kukavičluk koji je u potrazi za petoricom vojnika koji zaslužuju odlikovanje za hrabrost. U svojoj potrazi upoznaje ženu sumnjivog zvanja optuženu za izdaju (R. Hayworth). Tomas Torn, vojni oficir za regrutaciju dobija ponižavajući zadatak da odvede pet kandidata za odlikovanje za hrabrost u vojnu bazu u Korduru u Teksasu. Torn, kog smatraju kukavicom, pokušava da otkrije šta svaki od tih pet ljudi ima, a što njemu nedostaje da bi se hrabro borio pod paljbom, ali tokom putovanja pustinjom borba za opstanak otkriva njihova prava lica - petorica se heroja uspaniče, pokušavaju ubiti jedan drugoga, pobeći i silovati sedmu članicu grupe. 

Thunder in the Sun (1959) 

[Susan Hayward ... Gabrielle Dauphin, Jeff Chandler ... Lon Bennett, Jacques Bergerac ... Pepe Dauphin, Blanche Yurka ... Louise Dauphin, Carl Esmond ... Andre Dauphin, Fortunio Bonanova ... Fernando Christophe, Bertrand Castelli ... Edmond Duquette, Felix Locher ... Danielle, Albert Carrier, Michele Marly, Alberto Villa ... (as Albert Villasainte)]
- 1850 adventure story of the Basque immigrants on their way to California, their struggle with the Indians, and the development of a complicated love triangle. [Director: Russell Rouse] [81 min, 1.85 : 1, Western, USA]
 1850. godine, avanturistička priča o baskijskim imigrantima na putu za Kaliforniju, njihovoj borbi sa Indijancima i razvoj komplikovanog ljubavnog trougla.

Warlock (1959) 

[Richard Widmark ... Johnny Gannon, Henry Fonda ... Clay Blaisedell, Anthony Quinn ... Tom Morgan, Dorothy Malone ... Lily Dollar, Dolores Michaels ... Jessie Marlow, Wallace Ford ... Judge Holloway, Tom Drake ... Abe McQuown, Richard Arlen ... Bacon, DeForest Kelley ... Curley Burne (as De Forest Kelley), Regis Toomey ... Skinner, Vaughn Taylor ... Henry Richardson, Don Beddoe ... Dr. Wagner, Whit Bissell ... Petrix, Bartlett Robinson ... Buck Slavin]
- The town of Warlock is plagued by a gang of thugs, leading the inhabitants to hire Clay Blaisdell, a famous gunman, to act as marshal. When Blaisdell appears, he is accompanied by his friend Tom Morgan, a club-footed gambler who is unusually protective of Blaisdell's life and reputation. However, Johnny Gannon, one of the thugs who has reformed, volunteered to accept the post of official sheriff in rivalry to Blaisdell; and a woman arrives in town accusing Blaisdell and Morgan of having murdered her fiance. The stage is set for a complex set of moral and personal conflicts. [Director: Edward Dmytryk] [Oakley Hall (novel)] [122 min, 2.35 : 1, Romance l Western, USA]
 U gradiću Vorloku u američkoj državi Juta naselila se banda koja izaziva nerede, a ne preže ni od upotrebe revolvera. Zbog toga stanovnici odluče da unajme Kleja Blejsdela (H. Fonda), slavnog revolveraša, da pred njima odglumi novog šerifa. On se uskoro pojavi sa prijateljem, kockarom Tomom Morganom (A. Quinn). Stanovnici gradića, svesni lažnog Blejzdelovog položaja, predlože Džoniju Ganonu (R. Widmark), jednom od bandita koji se pokajao, da prihvati mesto pravog šerifa. U gradu se pojavi žena i optuži Blejza i Morgana da su joj ubili verenika...

Westbound (1959)

[Randolph Scott ... Capt. John Hayes, Virginia Mayo ... Norma Putnam, Karen Steele ... Jeanie Miller, Michael Dante ... Rod Miller, Andrew Duggan ... Clay Putnam, Michael Pate ... Mace, Wally Brown ... Stubby, John Daheim ... Russ (as John Day), Walter Barnes ... Willis - Stage Depot Cook]
- In 1864 Cavalry Captain John Hayes reluctantly follows orders to become the civilian boss of the Overland Stage Line, which keeps the flow of Western gold to the Union and will help it win the Civil War. Headquarters for the stage line is a small Colorado town with Southern sympathizers who will do anything they can to sabotage his mission. Resistance to his efforts is led by former friend ad colleague Clay Putnam, who has taken advantage of Hayes' absence and married his former sweetheart. [Director: Budd Boetticher] [72 min, 1.85 : 1, Action l Drama l Romance, USA]
 Godine 1864. rat između država bio je u pat poziciji. Zlata, od životne važnosti za obe vojske, bilo je sve manje. Zlata za kupovinu oružja, municije i opreme. Sever je hteo da poveća donos zlatnih poluga iz Kalifornije putem dugim 5.000 km preko neprijateljskog područja. Jug je po svaku cenu nastojao da zaustavi te pošiljke. Ishod rata bio je neizvestan.

Wonderful Country, The (1959)

[Robert Mitchum ... Martin Brady, Julie London ... Helen Colton, Gary Merrill ... Maj. Stark Colton, Albert Dekker ... Texas Ranger Capt. Rucker, Jack Oakie ... Travis Hyte, Charles McGraw ... Dr. Herbert J. Stovall, Leroy 'Satchel' Paige ... Sgt. Tobe Sutton (as 'Satchel' Paige), Anthony Caruso ... Santiago Santos, Mike Kellin ... Pancho Gil, Víctor Manuel Mendoza ... Gen. Marcos Castro (as Victor Mendoza), Jay Novello ... Diego Casas, John Banner ... Ben Sterner, Max Slaten ... Ludwig 'Chico' Sterner, Margarito Luna ... (as Marguerito Luna), Joe Haworth ... Stoker, Pedro Armendáriz ... Cipriano Castro (as Pedro Armendariz)]
- Having fled to Mexico from the U.S. many years ago for killing his father's murderer, Martin Brady travels to Texas to broker an arms deal for his Mexican boss, strongman Governor Cipriano Castro. Brady breaks a leg and while recuperating in Texas the gun shipment is stolen. Complicating matters further the wife of local army major Colton has designs on him, and the local Texas Ranger captain makes him a generous offer to come back to the states and join his outfit. After killing a man in self defense, Brady slips back over the border and confronts Castro who is not only unhappy that Brady has lost his gun shipment but is about to join forces with Colton to battle the local raiding Apache Indians. [Director: Robert Parrish] [Tom Lea (novel)] [98 min, 1.66 : 1, Romance l Western, USA]
 Nakon što je pre mnogo godina pobegao u Meksiko jer je ubio očevog ubicu, Martin Brejdi (R. Mitchum) se zaposlio kod imućnog komandanta Siprijana Kastra (P. Armendariz). Zbog preuzimanja pošiljke oružja Brejdi putuje u Teksas. Na putu slomi nogu i prisiljen je da se zaustavi u obližnjem mestašcu. Sazna da je pošiljka oružja ukradena...  

Yellowstone Kelly (1959) 

[Clint Walker ... Luther 'Yellowstone' Kelly, Edd Byrnes ... Anse Harper (as Edward Byrnes), John Russell ... Gall, Ray Danton ... Sayapi, Gall's Nephew, Claude Akins ... Sergeant, Rhodes Reason ... Major Towns, Andra Martin ... Wahleeah, Sayapi's Arapaho Captive, Gary Vinson ... Lieutenant, Warren Oates ... Corporal]
- In 1870s, in the Sioux territory south of the Missouri, trapper and Indian scout Luther Yellowstone Kelly is hired by the army at Fort Buford but runs into trouble with the Sioux. A fur-trapper named Kelly, who once saved the life of a Sioux chief, is allowed to set his traps in Sioux territory during the late 1870s. Reluctantly he takes on a tenderfoot assistant named Anse and together they give shelter to a runaway Arapaho woman. Tensions develop when Anse falls in love with this woman and when the Sioux chief arrives with his warriors to re-claim her. [Director: Gordon Douglas] [Heck Allen (from the book by) (as Clay Fisher)] [91 min, 1.37 : 1, Western, USA]
 Zapad je kolonizovan od strane hrabrih pionira poput Luisa, Klarka i Lutera zvanog "Jelouston" Keli, lovca, istraživača i prijatelja Indijanaca. On je loveći prvi prešao velike doline Jeloustona. To je teritorija Sijuksa. Ako želite da pregovarate o dobrim kožama... morate da idete tamo gde je lovina. Naći ćete lovinu, i indijance takođe...

Young Land, The (1959) 

[Patrick Wayne ... Sheriff Jim Ellison, Yvonne Craig ... Elena de la Madrid, Dennis Hopper ... Hatfield Carnes, Dan O'Herlihy ... Judge Millard Isham, Roberto De La Madrid ... Don Roberto de la Madrid, Cliff Ketchum ... Deputy Marshal Ben Stroud, Ken Curtis ... Lee Hearn, Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez ... Deputy Santiago, Ed Sweeny ... Sully / Kelly (as Edward Sweeny), John Quijada ... Vaquero, Miguel Camacho ... Miguel, Tom Tiner ... Charlie Higgins, Court Clerk, Carlos Romero ... Francisco Quiroga, Eddie Juaregui ... Drifter (as Edward Juaregui), The Mariachis Los Reyes De Chapala ... Mariachis]
- An American gunslinger kills a Mexican man in California immediately after the Mexican-American war. The killer is arrested and put on trial for murder with the Hispanic population waiting to learn of American justice. [Director: Ted Tetzlaff] [89 min, Western, USA]
 Američki revolveraš ubija Meksikanca u Kaliforniji, odmah nakon Meksičko-američkog rata. Ubica je uhapšen i čeka na suđenje za ubistvo. Kalifornija, 1948. godine. San Bart je jedini grad u ovom delu Kalifornije koji ima i crkvu i zatvor. Lepo i mirno malo mesto. Ali, ovde treba zatvor veliki kao Kalifornija. Ovde je puno prestupnika, a zakon je stigao...



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